Fix You (DabixOC)

By nikkidijock

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Yui Homura was born with a quirk that people saw as a blessing though in her own view, she saw it as more of... More

Author's Note & OC Information
Chapter I: Routine
Chapter II: What am I?
Chapter IV: Debut
Chapter V: Mixed Messages
Chapter VI: You're Not Weak
Chapter VII: A Promise
Chapter VIII: Eri's Hero
Chapter IX: Villains Can Be Nice Too
Chapter X: Sweet Revenge
Chapter XI: Just a Hookup?
Chapter XII: Fuck Me, Right?
Chapter XIII: Why?
Chapter XIV: Addiction
Chapter XV: Things Are Not Looking Up
Chapter XVI: Empty Threats
Chapter XVII: Mind Your Business
Chapter XVIII: Not So Different After All
Chapter XIX: Drunken Thoughts
Chapter XX: Whiskey and Wings
Chapter XXI: Desire
Chapter XXII: Only You
Chapter XXIII: An Unexpected Secret
Chapter XXIV: Regrets
Chapter XXV: More Similar Than I Thought
Chapter XXVI: Time for Some Fun
Chapter XXVII: Tetsuya vs Yui, Clashing Swords
Chapter XXVIII: Old Scars
Chapter XXIX: Memories
Chapter XXX: Yui Homura

Chapter III: Traitors

337 15 14
By nikkidijock

"You acted like you cared about me and you know what's the worst part? I actually fucking believed you."

   (Yui Homura)

"I'm sorry Yui honey... but we need the money. Go off and become a good hero, okay?"

"Mom, wait! I don't want to leave you and dad....please-- please don't make me go!"

Feeling a cold hand grab me by the shoulder, I was met with the lifeless eyes of my new caretaker, the smile on her face evil as she pulled me away from the only family I had ever known.

"Come this way now, Yui Homura. I'll make you into a special hero-- a hero that Japan can truly rely on."

Despite the evil smirk on her face, my eyes lit up at her words, words that gave me hope for the future. Was this a chance to make my dream come true?

"I can become... a special hero?"

My eyes shot open as I swung my feet over the side of the bed, leaning on my arms for support as I attempted to calm my heart rate. It's been this way since the day I realized all the pain, torture, mind games-- everything I went through had been pointless. The Commission had never intended on making me a hero, but I was too young to draw the line between truth and fiction. Memories like these haunted my dreams every night, which was why I groaned in annoyance as I glanced at the clock on the wall-- 5:00am. 

I wasn't given directions on what my exact role would be in The League nor was I given a time to be ready. So for the first time in forever I was planning on trying to go back to sleep-- to give my body the rest that it deserved.

That was until I heard two familiar voices whispering outside of my door.

"Hey come on Dabi buddy! I just wanted to check in to see how the little chicky was adjusting. From what I gathered, she hasn't really been outside of that facility before so I'm sure a familiar face would--"

"Get the fuck out of here, I'm not in the mood right now Hawks. I told you we'd be meeting at 9am to discuss your next task, not fucking five in the morning. Besides, I don't think she'll even want to see your ugly face after--"

"You fucking stupid pigeonshit traitor!"

Was that me screaming as I burst through the door heading straight towards Hawks with a look that could kill on my face? You bet it was. 

Hawks didn't give me any resistance as I punched him right in the jaw like Dabi had done to me, ignoring the pain in my knuckles as I pushed him up against the wall. 

Despite the position I had him in, Hawks raised his hands up in defense, his playful gaze meeting mine as he tried to calm me down with that charismatic charm of his.

"Woah woah woah chicky. Let's just calm down for a second alright? Let me explain--"

Slamming him against the wall once more I ignored the look in his gaze that was telling me to calm down and hear him out. He obviously wasn't going to fight back so I took the opportunity to let my anger out-- all the anger that I've been building up against heros like him for the last fifteen years. I had thought he was different, but clearly-- he wasn't any better than the rest.  

"You're a fucking traitor! I healed you, I trusted you-- I thought I had finally found a hero worth believing in and you sell me out to the fucking League of Villains! They say villains are the bad ones, but after living as a dog of the Commission and meeting heros who will do anything they need to in order to get their way, including you-- I see that the heros are even worse than the villains. At least people like Dabi will give it to you straight-- he'll tell you he's gonna kill you and then he'll do it. He won't fucking pretend he's going to save you just to fuck you over in the end. You call yourself the #2 hero Hawks? All I see is nothing more than a joke-- a lying piece of shit."

"Just hold on a second chicky--"

"You acted like you cared about me and you know what's the worst part? I actually fucking believed you."

My words seemed to hit home with Hawks as I felt his body go limp in my hold, the vermillion wings that decorated his back dropping ever so slightly. Despite his body language, the expression on his face told a different story as blank eyes stared back at me, a evil smirk starting to appear on the #2 hero's face. 

He didn't give me any time to voice my confusion as I felt his apologetic body language immediately tense under my touch, turning into a confident posture. He still didn't resist in my hold, but as I saw his eyes darken into a sinister look I knew that any semblance of the #2 hero was gone-- replaced with the villainous traitor I never would've expected Hawks of all people to become.

"Well sorry to tell ya sweet cheeks, but you should never believe a single word that comes from my mouth. I've always wanted to break free of this cage that we call hero society, and The League is giving me a chance to prove myself to them so that I can help to make my dream a reality, a world where we can all fly freely. And sure I betrayed you-- but I got you out of the Commission didn't I? You were obviously crying for help back there when you were healing my wound so I figured why not kill two birds with one stone? Help The League and help..."

Hawks fingers suddenly digging into my sides startled me, his next words coming out even more sinister than the rest.

"...a poor little damsel in distress-- maybe even earning myself a kiss of gratitude in return? Or maybe even something a little more?"

I stared at Hawks for a moment, emotions blank on my face as I tried to make sense of the situation. His emotions and his actions had taken a complete 180 since the last time I spoke with him, but his grip on my hip was deathly tight as if he was trying to tell me something. 

After fifteen years of the Commission's training, I had become adept at reading others emotions-- especially when it comes to body language. And right now, Hawks's body language was trying to convey something more to me, but as to what it was? I had no fucking idea.

"Get your hands off of me before I fucking kill you, you damn chicken shit."

Hawks's death grip immediately released me at my words, his casual and cocky persona coming back in full force as he ignored me and directed his gaze towards Dabi who was casually leaning against the wall observing our interaction.

"Just as I told ya, a real spitfire right Dabi? She'd fit right in with the others in The League."

"She already has birdbrain. Shigaraki has taken a real liking to her."

Pushing off from his spot on the wall, Dabi walked towards us, casually swinging his arm around my shoulders and pulling me away from Hawks so that I was no longer pinning him up against the wall.

"You're looking at our newest member of The League Hawks. So you better show Yui some respect, cause as of today she ranks above hero trash like you."

The subtle twitch in Hawks's wings was the only sign that I saw that indicated that Dabi's statement had surprised him, his avian eyes still just as sinister as before as he continued talking to Dabi.

"Wow, she's accepted with open arms in less than twenty four hours and with everything I've done for you so far I'm still not to be trusted? Come on Dabi man, I thought we were buddies!"

"Like I'd be buddies with the likes of you. I still don't trust you one bit Hawks-- isn't that what you just told Yui? You should never believe a single word that comes from my mouth. Well I can agree with you on that because I don't. You still have a long way to go to prove yourself loyal to The League, hero."

Feeling Dabi's arm tighten around my shoulders, I let him pull me in the opposite direction of Hawks, his gruff voice ringing out as he gave Hawks new orders.

"Yui and I have some important business to take care of with the others so go back to where you came from bird. I'm changing the meeting time, meet me at our usual spot later today at 2pm for your next assignment-- and don't be late."

Hearing Hawks shuffle behind us to leave I attempted to turn around, but Dabi's tight grip kept me looking forward. All I could hear were Hawks's last words before he flew away--his voice coming out obedient and clear.

"I wouldn't dream of it, Dabi. Everything I do-- I do for The League."


I wasn't given much time to think deeper into Hawks's mixed signals as Dabi took me into the same room as before, this time receiving welcoming looks compared to the death glares I had received prior. 

"Oh Yui-chan! Come sit next to me!"

Feeling the warmth of Dabi next to me disappear as he walked towards what seemed to be his normal spot in the corner, I found myself walking towards Toga who was excitedly tapping the empty barstool next to her.

"It's your first ever mission with us! Aren't you excited?"

Seeing that everyone looked geared up and ready to go, I felt slight nerves rush through me as the realization of the situation hit me. Not only was I an official member of the dangerous League of Villains, but now I was about to carry out a mission with them-- one that I'm sure will include a lot of blood. 

"A mission huh? What kind of missions does The League normally carry out Toga-chan?"

At my use of the friendly suffix Toga's smile grew, her hands wrapping around my right arm in excitement as she spoke.

"Normally ones that have a lot of blood, they're my favorite!"

Before I had time to touch on that semi-disturbing statement, all attention was drawn to Shigaraki as he entered the room, the smirk on his face widening as he noticed my presence.

"Good, everyone is here. Here's the deal, there's been a new group of villains roaming around the streets recently-- a group that has been undermining us and calling us nothing more than a bunch of wannabe villains. Let's go show them what we're made of. If we can, get them to swear their loyalty to The League, if not-- kill them."

Looking around the room, Shigaraki began assigning roles, his eyes narrowing in thought when he got to me.

"Spinner, Magne, Mr. Compress-- you'll take the front end of things. Get to the front of their base, see if they'll happen to cooperate. Kurogiri and I will wait for a good moment to appear whether that be if they cooperate or after we beat them to a pulp if they don't. Toga, Twice, Dabi-- you'll go around the back and surprise them if fighting breaks out. And Yui... can you fight?"

All eyes landed on me at his question, my mind immediately wandering to the multiple times I was forced to fight during trainings at the Commission. My quirk wasn't offensive, but that didn't mean I couldn't fend for myself. 

"Toga-chan, can I borrow one of those?"

Looking at the array of knives on the table next to her and then back to me, Toga smiled eagerly, throwing me a dagger. Examining the dagger in my hands, I made my way to the center of the room, Shigaraki nodding at me approvingly as he moved out of my way.

Knowing that they were gonna want a demonstration of my skills to prove myself yet again, I motioned to Toga to attack me, her bright eyes lighting up with excitement as she came at me with surprising speed.

"This is so fun Yui-chan! Give me some of that delicious blood!"

Using my training I focused on Toga's movements, the voice of the Commission President ringing through my head as I parried away Toga's advances.

"Focus on their movements."

"Think ahead."

"Use your senses, outsmart them."


I widened my eyes in surprise as I felt a warm hand tug me backward, groaning slightly in pain as I landed on my ass on the floor.

I hadn't even noticed it, but at some point I must have pinned Toga down, the fresh blood slowly running from the new cut on her throat telling me that I got lost in the moment. The Commission had trained me to kill if I ever needed to, forcing me to become numb to the feeling of killing. I had taken countless lives of people who they had told me were villains and I almost added Toga to the list-- my new teammate. 

My heart rate began to spike as cerulean eyes met mine, Dabi staring down at me after being the one to pry me off of Toga. His eyes studied me with a mix of emotions, with a look of what seemed to be pity or maybe understanding? I didn't have time to decipher his expression however as it quickly darkened-- icy blue eyes staring me down intensely. 

Ah fuck-- I'm dead aren't I?

Stupid Commission brainwashing. It's ironic that the techniques they taught me to stay alive are gonna get me killed in the--

"That was amazing Yui! You almost got me there! Can you teach me how to fight like that?"

"Yeah wow Yui! Your eyes went all blank and you kept up with Toga's speed like it was nothing! That was amazing-- if you do that again I'll kill you!"

Toga's and Twice's words brought me out of my thoughts, my eyes widening even more in surprise as I stared at the two villains dumbfoundedly. 

"That was pretty impressive, doll. If only you fought like that when I kidnapped you-- that would've made the night a whole lot more fun."

At Dabi's teasing words I felt my body relax, noticing that no one was trying to kill me and that his look had changed from one of a murderer to a smirk of amusement. 

I can't keep up with these bipolar emotions-- he's so damn confusing. 

Rolling my eyes at Dabi's remark in an attempt to ignore the confusion I was feeling from his multiple mood swings, I pushed myself off of the ground and made my way towards Toga. She didn't flinch, eyes staring at me in amazement as I laid my hand on her wound, transferring her wound onto myself.

The memory that flashed through my mind was the image of my blank eyes as I ruthlessly threw Toga to the ground, pinning her down and shoving the dagger with dangerous force against her neck. 

Bowing my head towards Toga I kicked myself mentally at my display, disappointed in myself for letting the Commission's brainwashing get to me and cause me to almost kill my new teammate. 

I guess the Commission will always have a hold on me somehow-- I will never be able to get away no matter how hard I try.

"Toga-chan, I'm sorry. I lost control of myself and--"

"It's no big deal Yui-chan! That was actually so much fun so let's do it again sometime soon, okay?"

"No fair Toga! I wanna fight Yui next-- no I don't, she's scary!"

Before I had time to even think about a response to Toga and Twice, Shigaraki's voice interrupted us as he addressed me, his red eyes staring me down intently.

"You're even better than I expected Yui. This is great."

I forced my body to stay still as Shigaraki approached me, calming my heart rate as he extended his hand dangerously close to my face. 

Five fingers was all he needed and I'd disintegrate into nothing-- thank god we're teammates now.

"With you on our side, we'll trample all over those who stand in our way. Your presence will bring about fear to our enemies, they'll be even more intimidated by us-- they'll have no choice but to bow down or die."

Shigaraki's red eyes glowed with excitement as he moved his hand away from my face, grabbing one of the severed hands that littered his body and placing it over his face.

"Are you ready for your first debut as a member of The League of Villains Yui? Your first mission as a traitor to the heros? Once you get blood on your hands, there's no going back."

Was I ready?

Was I ready to abandon all I've known and become a traitor-- become a member of the notorious group of villains that the heros have been trying to hunt down? 

Was I ready to get my hands dirty, to kill those The League deems unworthy to the cause?

After fifteen years of psychological torture, fifteen years of being told I was weak and could never be a hero on my own, fifteen years of seeing the same four walls every morning, of healing heros until my body couldn't take any more pain-- I was more than ready.

I'll make the Commission regret treating me the way they did-- I'll prove that I'm more than the weak girl they thought they could take advantage of.

For the first time in fifteen years, I'm excited for what's to come.

I'm excited to use my quirk.

I'm excited to fight.

I'm excited to live. 

Bowing towards Shigaraki I smiled, the adrenaline rushed through my body as I said the words I never imagined I would ever say-- words that brought a smile to my new teammates' faces.

"I'm more than ready Tomura. Everything I do from here on out-- I do for The League. 

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