Fates A B****

By vanban13

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Han Jisung has been alive for 358 years and counting. Of all the years to find a mate it has to be 2020. Not... More

Chapter One-WTF Do You Mean HuMaN?
Chapter Three-Buckle Up Human Were Going On A Road-trip
Chapter Four-The Hills Are Alive
Chapter Five-Welcome To The Farm, Don't Eat The Animals
Chapter Six-Mermaids Can Be Dudes?
Chapter Seven-An Off Switch For Feelings
Chapter Eight-Minho's Feeling Some Kind Of Way
Chapter Nine-The Grand Goddess Of Fate
Chapter Ten-You're A God Chan
Thanks and the Socials
Sneak Peek :)

Chapter Two-Fates A Bitch But Minho's A Bigger One

546 33 18
By vanban13

Lee Minho was going insane. First, a werewolf than a vampire. Then being a vampire's mate! It was unreal, when he got back to his house he cleaned his hand and then went to take a shower. From there stuff got bad. The shower was cold and he cut his leg shaving. He got shampoo in his eye then his conditioner was out. All in all, a really bad day.

The next day was worse, more bad things until he ended up here, watching from the sidewalk as a hooded figure paced outside his door.


When Jisung woke up the morning after the incident the first thing he did was drink blood. He wanted his skills as good as he could get them because he needed to find his mate and fast.

"Jisung, slow down, we will leave as soon as Changbin is dressed," Chan said, rubbing the boy's head comfortingly.

"I'm sorry, it's bad to be away from your mate after you meet, lots of bad luck," Jisung explained, jumping up when Changbin emerged from his room dressed and ready.

"Yay, let's go," Jisung cheered, grabbing his two friends and dragging them out of the house.

"Jisung, we have no plan, how are we supposed to find this guy?" Changbin asked. Jisung faltered, he hadn't thought this far.

"Look everywhere, he was walking home so he has to work somewhere nearby," Jisung commanded before taking off in a direction.


No luck. Nothing about Lee Minho except fangirls yelling about an actor. The three had stopped for a brief lunch at some diner. It was good but Jisung didn't care. He wanted to find his mate.

Being a vampire was hard, he lived forever and never really had someone. Mate's were rare but they happened so Jisung wanted to hold onto this opportunity.

"There is an apartment complex I am going to look at then I will be home," Jisung said as dawn was growing near and he could tell his friends wanted to be home.

"Ji..." Chan spoke softly, gently placing a hand on the vamp's shoulder.

"I'm fine, I just, really want to find him. I need to find him," Jisung said, shrugging the hand off and starting down the path to a large complex.

Arriving at the first apartment on the bottom floor he knocked and crossed his fingers. A few seconds later and an older lady opened the door, she smiled.

"Hello, I'm looking for a Lee Minho?" He asked, hoping the lady wouldn't find him creepy. The lady gave him a suspicious look and Jisung felt his hope plummet.

"What's your relation to Mr. Lee?" she asked her nice grandma aura fading away. Jisung panicked, he couldn't just tell someone they were mates, that was weird.

"He's my boyfriend, asked me to pick up something before his practice but I forgot the number," Jisung lied smoothly. The lady nodded, still suspicious but more at ease as Jisung continued to smile.

"Apartment number 15 bottom floor," she said before slamming the door in Jisung's face. Jisung turned around with new hope filling him. He almost had a heart attack when he saw a black cat sitting on the sidewalk.

"Fuck you scared my kitty," he whispered a hand over his weak heart. The cat meows loudly before hopping off and racing into the darkness.

With clammy hands and a heavy feel, Jisung took a few steps to apartment 15. He pulled his hood up as a cool breeze racked his body. He looked up, a big bold black 15 staring him down. He went to knock but chickened out at the last minute in favor of pacing worriedly. He was brought out of his trance by something falling to the floor behind him. Faster than light his head snapped around.

"Minho!" he smiled but it soon fell when Minho's face twisted into a grimace.

"It's all your fault," the human snapped, picking up his bag and marching up to Jisung. Jisung was scared the human had cleaned up and that only gave Jisung more to look at. Tight workout clothes showed off his lean body, his face just as beautiful as the night before.

"I-i," Jisung stuttered, not knowing what to do as Minho got closer and closer.

"You what, ever since I met you everything's gone to shit. The worst 24 hours of my life," Minho snapped.

"It's the bond," Jisung said quickly. Minho looked taken aback, "can we talk about this, not in the open please?" Jisung begged, looking around for people. Minho rolled his eyes and pulled Jisung into the apartment.

"Explain," Minho snapped coldly. Jisung nodded, unable to keep himself from admiring the older man again.

"When we met our bond snapped into place, you being far away without the bond completed. This led to bad things happening to you because you were not with me like the bond wanted. Fate's kind of a bitch," Jisung explained, avoiding eye contact the entire time.

"How do I get rid of it?" Minho suddenly asked. Jisung broke his staring contest with the floor to connect his gaze with the humans.

"What?" Jisung asked in a confused panic.

"The bond. How do I get rid of it?" He asked again, clearer.

"You want to get rid of it?" Jisung asked. He was confused, praying for his whole life for a mate, and here he was. Beautiful and asking how to break the bond.

"I don't think you can, it's a permanent thing that has to do with our souls," Jisung tried to explain. In all honesty, he didn't know how fate worked himself, only to not mess with it.

"Creatures like you and a soul, unbelievable. There has to be a way, don't you have fortune-tellers or something?" Minho was serious and Jisung was hurt. He just nods with his mouth hanging open in shock. Minho didn't even want to try and get to know him.

"We have oracles," Jisung was quiet, wanting to run away but at the same time hold on. Minho nodded before heading towards the door. Jisung followed silently.

"Let's go then," Jisung just followed silently, taking the lead. There was only one true oracle where they lived and she showed up when needed, not having a set place.

"You're really beautiful, you know that?" Jisung asked, not looking back to see his mate's reaction. Minho just hummed, wanting the blush on his cheeks to leave. Jisung was cute, he hated to admit it but Jisung was cute and exactly Minho's type.

"Where is this place," Minho snapped once again. Jisung shrugged.

"There is no set place it shows up when needed," as soon as Jisung finished explaining an eerie-looking house seemed to fabricate out of the darkness. Jisung pointed, grabbing Minho's hand and gently leading him to the house.

It was quiet and spooky inside, dark and candles everywhere. The entire place smelled like books and tea.

"Hello! Alex?" Jisung called out, hoping the oracle would appear.

"It's been a while Jisung, come sit," The voice was familiar and came from the next room. Without complaint, Jisung followed the orders. Gently squeezing Minho's hand to let him know it was ok.

"What can I- Oh you finally found your mate, and how compatible you two are," a small girl with bright red hair was sitting cross-legged in a large chair. A soft red couch was in front of her. The girl nursed a large cup of tea in her lap as she signaled for the two to sit down. Jisung felt Minho stiffen before tossing Jisung's hand and sitting down.

"We want to break the bond," Minho got straight to the point. Alex looked taken back and looked to Jisung for confirmation. Jisung nodded solemnly, hating to agree that this is what he wanted.

"And you came to me? I cannot mess with fate. I give prophecies and can see some futures, nothing that big!" Of all the requests Alex had ever gotten this was the weirdest.

"Can you help us find out how?" Minho asked before Jisung could get a word in. Jisung has a sick feeling about this, he finally found one thing that was supposed to be certain in his life and he wanted to leave too. How pathetic did he have to be for his mate to not want him either?

"I- actually have a prophecy that came to me in a dream last week," Alex waved a hand, papers, and books suddenly flying all over the room. Jisung pulled Minho into his chest before a book could knock the human out.

"Aha, here it is kids," Alex looked up, raising an eyebrow when she saw Minho huddled into Jisung's chest. Minho, noticing the position, shoved Jisung away. Jisung huffed as he was pushed away.

"How will you know it's for us?" Jisung asked. Alex smiled.

"Usually some freaky magic shit happens after I read it," Alex explained. Jisung nodded, unconvinced.

"Find miss fate in 10 days

But make no mistake upon the climb

When the time comes, you'll hear the chime

Only then will your chains unbind " 

True to Alex's words, when she finished reading the candles went out on a phantom breeze. Alex giggled and Minho watched in awe as the candles flickered on one by one.

"Well, I guess it's ours," Jisung muttered a dull throbbing in his chest.

"What's 10-days time?" Minho asked. Everyone was quiet.

"Winter solstice, a time when gods and goddesses are at their magical capacity," Alex explained, smiling at the couple.

"Is it talking about Miss Fate as in the goddess?" Jisung asked, trying to connect the puzzle pieces himself. Alex shrugged.

"It can be interpreted in many ways, but I believe it involves the goddess of fate, she's a tricky one," Alex pointed out giggling to herself.

"Great, I get goddesses now too," Minho muttered.

"I am needed in London so it's time to say goodbyes!" Alex ushered the two out of the door waving hastily before her shop melted away into the shadows.

"You said you had a witch friend?" Minho asked coldly. Jisung nodded and Minho reciprocated the action.

"I will give you my number and we will go to your witch friend's house tomorrow, hopefully, she can help us," Minho pulled a paper and pen out of his bag.

"Umm, he," Jisung corrected, watching as his flawless mate continued to write down his number. The moonlight danced along his skin and made it glow.

"What?" he asked, confused. Jisung felt his breath leave as Minho connected their gazes.

"My witch friend is a he," Jisung repeated, louder and firmer this time. Minho nodded before hurriedly breaking eye contact again.

"I thought witches were girls and wizards were boys," Minho defended himself. Jisung smiled at the small sheet of paper when it was handed to him.

"Common confusion, I will walk you home," Jisung took off slowly down the path before Minho could complain. Minho scoffed and caught up to the vampire.

"I don't need to be walked home, I'm not scared of the dark," Minho muttered as the two came around the last bend. Jisung laughed. Minho was perfect in all ways. From his looks to his witty words. Jisung was already in love. The two stopped on Minho's small porch.

"It's not the dark you should be scared of, it's the things in the dark," Jisung replied, smiling his signature heart-shaped smile at the human. Minho panicked.

"Creatures like you?" Minho said it sounded more like a question. Minho regretted it the second the words left his mouth. Jisung's face fell, his whole aura deflating. Minho raised a hand to touch the vampire, only for Jisung to flinch away from the touch.

"Yeah, creatures like me," Jisung looked down, hands deep in his pockets before turning and starting the trek back to his house. Minho bit his lip and cursed himself in his head as he watched the sad boy leave. Blending in with the shadows but still standing out against the cold darkness.

"Silly me for forgetting I'm still one of them," Jisung muttered, kicking a rock out of the path. It hurts, wanting something your whole life and it turning around and biting you in the back.

When he got home Changbin was asleep and Chan was up on the couch waiting. Jisung fell into Chan's waiting embrace, wanting nothing more than to cry but refusing to do it in front of Chan.

"I found him, he hates me so we are breaking the bonds. Have to visit I.N. tomorrow," Jisung explained briefly. Chan rubbed his head and continued to hug the boy.

"We will talk in the morning," Chan said. Jisung nodded, patting Chan once before taking off to his room. After a hot shower and a cup of blood for dinner, he fell asleep with tears burning behind his eyes.

The slow throbbing of heart break is still fresh in his heart. 

_______________________________________________________________ 2130 words damn

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