The Billionaire's Getaway Try...

By miracle-06

219K 8.2K 9.8K

Valerie Jones, a 25-year-old copywriter, aspires to be a senior content editor in the advertising world and w... More

~The Billionaire's Getaway Tryst~
~Chapter 01~
~Chapter 02~
~Chapter 03~
~Chapter 04~
~Chapter 05~
~Chapter 06~
~Chapter 07~
~Chapter 08~
~Chapter 09~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43~
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
~Chapter 47~
~Chapter 48~
~Chapter 49~
~Chapter 50~
~Chapter 51~
~Bonus Chapter~

~Chapter 39~

2.1K 112 112
By miracle-06

And that was how they were declared happily married. Their kiss was like a firework to the already smiling crowd, high on happiness and excitement.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones.

Yeah, I wasn't saying a tale or anything or even worse wallowing in self pity by making up those scenarios.

Like everyone around me, I grinned at the newly wed couple and took a sip of my champagne. Ivan was beside me, spurting out drunk giggles with his arm slung around my shoulder loosely. To say the least, he had champagne glasses in both his hands and he had stopped every waiter passing by him.

"Not gonna lie, Valerie, but this champagne tastes so good," Ivan said, lifting up his glass to show me. I was surprised though because his speech was clear and not slurred.

"God, Ivan, how can you hold up so much alcohol in your system and still seem so… I don't know... normal?" I said, rolling my eyes and took his arm off of my shoulder.

"I know, you should be proud, right? That your date can drink and still stand upright on his two hot feet. It takes skills." He winked, swiping back his hair with attitude.

I laughed but I still couldn't get rid of the pain in my chest. Yes, Ivan was my date. And I didn't mind his company one bit but his presence just reminded me of my worst predicament and how if I wasn't facing this problem, I'd be here with Skye.

A few hours before her wedding, Angela had insisted that we join her but recently I've been yearning for my own space. She agreed and so my girlfriends decided to join me at my place to get ready along with me. I was happy to have the much needed company because I could take their help to dress up.

We were all wearing flowy dresses that reached a few inches above our knees. I was wearing a simple, maroon dress with elbow length lace sleeves. And the best part of it all was that the dress had pockets and I had quickly stuffed my cell phone in one of them.

Chelsea was donning a pink tulle, sleeveless dress while Emika was in a baby blue piece with off shoulder sleeves. It was as if the colors of our dresses matched with that of our personalities. Our makeup was light and we left our hair loose open. We tried to match with each other as much as we could because it was fun.

Keith and Shivaay had decided to get ready at Keith's place and the limo that my dad had ordered for us to take us to the venue, had picked them up first.

Now here's the thing. I had thought that I would be going alone to the wedding with no date. I must say that I was kind of jealous because I was the only one with no date. Ironic since my dad had specifically asked me to bring one. So I was the fifth wheel because Shivaay and Emika were dates while Chelsea and Keith were together.

So imagine my surprise when my doorbell rang and Ivan was standing there on the other side, wearing a smart, navy blue tuxedo.

"Ivan?" I uttered. "What are you doing here?" Was the only thing I could ask.

"Um…" He scratched his cheek weirdly. "I am your date."

I pursed my lips and tilted my head to the side. I wanted to voice out my question, I really did but I couldn't bring myself to. 

He must have sensed the dilemma in my countenance because he said, "Skye told me to."

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I sighed before looking back at my dad and Angela dancing together. They are so much in love. And all I had to myself was a pity date. But a date nonetheless… right? I know that I shouldn't be ungrateful but I was feeling… low and despondent.

I wanted to cry so bad but instead I resorted to drinking away my tears with some champagne.

"You know…" Ivan began, bringing me out of my pathetic thoughts. "I am beginning to sense that you're sadder and sadder every passing second because of me." He pouted.

I chuckled in a low voice and gave him a half smile. "Ivan, in fact, I am feeling bad that you can't talk and flirt with the other girls because of me." It was true since I also felt that Ivan had to stick with a sad loser like me.

He exhaled loudly. "If I wanna flirt with someone, I just flirt. But right now I know you need me, Val. And hey, I have such a beautiful date so why would I wanna go and have a talk with someone else." He smirked, making me laugh out loud. "And I also know that you need someone to… lift you up!" And with that, his arms circled around my waist and he literally lifted me up.

"Oh, my God! Put me down!" I squealed but a laugh bubbled out of my throat. My cheeks were flushed because I was caught off guard.

Ivan put me down and I saw a lot of people staring at us but they went back to minding their own business when he put me back down on my feet. "How do you feel now?"

I couldn't stop laughing because of the rush and pushed his shoulder gently. "You idiot! But I'll be honest, it does feel good."

His grin widened and he patted my head like a big brother. "Oh and just a tad little secret here. If Skye knows that I told you this, I'm as good as dead but I'm gonna tell you anyway." He wiggled his brows, trying to create suspense.

"Just spit it out already." I rolled my eyes and did my best to not show my eagerness.

"If it makes you feel any better then Skye, my boy, is just as stressed out about it as you are. Today, when he had called me to come to his place, he was preparing himself a cup of coffee. And guess what? He literally sprinkled chilli flakes in it. I don't know what he was trying to do but I didn't stop him from doing that." He laughed with full of mirth. "I mean it was so funny but I swear, his tongue was stuck out for almost an hour," he told me, pursing his lips to keep his laughter in this time.

"What?" I gasped, worried.

"Don't worry about it too much but yeah, my point is that he misses you as much as you do to him. Plus, just reply to his messages already," he said, scrunching his nose.

After his father's words, I did my very best to ignore him, including replying to his messages. I felt bad to avoid him but I wanted to protect him just like he did for me.

Before I could dwell too much on it, my friends circled around me.

"What was that, you pervert?" Shivaay scowled at Ivan who just shrugged carelessly.

"You okay?" It was Chelsea who asked me that as Emika passed me a sympathetic smile.

"Better now. Attending this wedding is actually helping me. But thanks, guys," I mumbled with a pout because I was sort of embarrassed of all the attention. Soon enough, we were all strapped in a group hug.

Shivaay and Ivan started bickering for being put together while hugging whereas Keith tried to stop them.

"God, I need to be next to my Mikasa." And just like that, we all roared with laughter at his dramatics before pulling away from the hug.

Emika signed a heart with her hands and we all hollered with "oohs" and "aahs" at that.

"Talk about cheesy," Keith muttered, making gagging noises.

"I know right?! Shivika is the new cheesy." Ivan cackled like a demon at his own joke.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, God, that ship name. I am dead." I joined Ivan's annoying laughter but quickly cupped my mouth when I saw both Shivaay and Emika throwing daggers at me. "Sorry?" I said sheepishly.

Thankfully, I was saved from another round of a group fight when my dad interrupted. "Val, honey?"

Excusing myself, I turned to my dad whose face was radiating with sheer happiness that this very same thing stopped me from sharing my problems with him. I just didn't have the heart to.

Although he did know what's going on because of the media and even tried to make me speak about how I was truly feeling. I wanted to, I really did but I didn't have the strength to. Looking at him right now, I knew that I was right about my decision.

"Dad, congratulations! You have no idea but I am so happy for you," I said earnestly, putting my hands on his biceps. He looked really good in his charcoal black tuxedo. "I know that I had been judgemental in the beginning but… Angela is a good person."

At once, we both looked at her. She was dancing with her son, Chase, looking free and carefree and most of all beautiful. Her wedding gown was simple yet elegant with her veil trailing behind her.

"She's beautiful." I smiled.

My dad's head snapped back to me and his cheeks were turning slightly red. "She is, isn't she?" He admitted and I could see a glimpse of pride in his eyes. "I wanna have this dance with you, Val." He held out his hand for me with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.

Putting my hand in his outstretched one, he led me to the center of the floor. I placed my hands on his shoulders while he put his around my waist. That's when the song, 'Don't You Worry Child' by Swedish House Mafia began playing on the speakers.

"Be honest with me, Val. I know that you've been acting all unbothered and stuff in front of me so tell me the truth. Speak it out. All of it. About how you feel," my dad asked me, his exuberance dimming a bit.

Seeing that forlorn expression on his face, I felt guilty because his words were compelling me to not lie this time. I sighed and stared at his red, shiny bowtie. "Dad…" My voice cracked a bit. "My wine cabinet is now filled with empty bottles."

My dad's face morphed into one of incredulity and soon enough his seriousness broke out into a sputtering laughter.

I released a watery giggle too.

"And that right there tells me that you're drowning in wine," he joked. "You wanna talk about it?" He questioned me with a hint of concern scratching his voice.

I sighed again but looked at him assuringly. "I want to but just… not now. Can we - can we talk about it after you come back from your honeymoon." I smirked when I said "honeymoon".

He nodded in understanding. "Fine. But you promise, okay?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die, father dearest," I spoke in a thick Welsh accent, making him chuckle amusedly.

As we were swaying side to side, all my worries decided to go into a deep slumber. It was just like how it used to be. Me going to my dad to hear him sing the lullaby. Those soothing words to just stay.

The song decided that moment to blast the chorus. My dad began singing along with it. "Don't you worry, don't you worry, child. See heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, don't you worry now. Yeah!"

Getting emotional, I put my head on his chest and he patted my head while rubbing my back. "Thanks, dad."

"You know what? I just got an idea," he suddenly spoke and I pulled away from him with a confused frown.

My dad took a few steps away from me and spun on his heels to walk at the front of the room. He took the mic from the DJ and asked him to stop the music for the time being. Surprisingly, he even asked one of the band members for his guitar who eagerly handed it over to him.

Clearing his throat, he beamed like the sun. "Hello, all of you! Thank you for being a part of my happy moment. I won't take too long because I just wanna sing this little something for one of my favorite people and that's you, Valerie Jones! This one's for you!"

And cue the stupid waterworks cascading down my cheeks. I was crying like a baby but it didn't matter as he strung the intro chord of the lullaby.

"When the castle gets dark,
you don't run away from it and come back in the morning,
But rather you chase away all your ghosts and sleep it off.

Like a warrior.

When the trees shed their leaves,
you put one in a pocket and think about what it brings?

True happiness.

The world might be dark,
But be the one to light it up.

So my word of wisdom is...
Just stay,
Just stay, you have a beautiful smile,
Just stay, you have a beautiful smile,
Just stay, your dimples show,
Just stay, even when you don't know,
Just stay, it gets better everyday.
Just stay - yeah,
So, just stay."

As soon as he finished singing, I blinked my eyes and wiped them with a tissue I had stuffed in one of my pockets. Angela just kept on smiling at me while Chase showed me thumbs up. I didn't get to talk to them and I promised myself that I would once the reception would be over.

They both approached me while my dad left the stage as well and took long strides in my direction. As I was smiling at him widely, I saw something or rather someone behind him through my peripheral vision.

At first, I thought that I was just seeing things or maybe it was an illusion of my own imagination and so I blinked furiously. His face was sheathed by his DSLR but something about his rough wavy hair screamed familiar to me.

Slowly, as if in a movie, he tilted his head around to peek through his camera and his entire face came into view. He was the paparazzo! The same one to click my pictures with Skye when we were inside the hot air balloon. The same one who had been outside my building to get across the one opposite to mine.

A shuddered gasp was the only sound I could make. Everything around me had blurred at that moment and all the noises were just like the ringing gush of wind. I couldn't hear or see anything except for him. My heartbeat skyrocketed because the panic suddenly clutched onto my body. It was as if I was confined by a tight rope and couldn't move my limbs.

Sensing my realization, he hastily turned around and began speed walking toward the exit of the room. He was leaving the premises. With every step, he was getting out of my sight and I knew that I had to move. I had to catch him to find out his motto behind following me. Even at a wedding.

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