The Legendary Mechanic 742-10...

By Marximillon

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By Marximillon

Chapter 820 - 820 The Star of the Main Storyline and Stowaways
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

820 The Star of the Main Storyline and Stowaways

The fleet stayed on Planet Lighthouse for two days receiving all kinds of exploration devices from Tarrokov. Huge alloy containers were loaded into the transport ships of the Black Star Army and neatly arranged.

These were all exploration supplies provided by the dynasty. There were stargate devices, Foolproof Planet Base Expansion Packs, universe surveillance buoys, and so on. These were all military devices that were unavailable to the general public and only occasionally appeared on the black markets.

Han Xiao told Phillip to do a count. They had received about five hundred sets of stargate devices, six thousand Foolproof Planet Base Expansion Packs, and fifteen billion universe surveillance buoys. These were not given but lent to him as mission items.

Also, Tarrokov had dispatched a dynasty fleet that temporarily joined the Black Star Army's teams to assist him in exploring the Garu Star Cluster. The commander of this fleet was a major under Tarrokov. His name was Senico.

Tarrokov would be stationed on Planet Lighthouse as the chief commander, and the dynasty fleets he sent out all had their own commanders. Senico was Tarrokov's direct subordinate, as well as one of the dynasty officers stationed in the Flickering World according to Han Xiao's memories. Han Xiao had a faint image of him.

As they would be working alongside each other during the exploration, Han Xiao met and spoke with Senico. They came to a simple consensus; Senico expressed that he would not interfere with Black Star's exploration plan and would only be assisting them mainly.

After preparing for two days, the chief commander finally announced the start of the operation. The fleets of various forces went in their separate ways to the Star Clusters of their choices.

The Renault Star Cluster would be explored by the Bloodshed Land and Klent, Garu by the Black Star Army, and the Crown Star Cluster by the dynasty's remaining fleet. Comparatively, the Crown Star Cluster had the most people, and the Garu Star Cluster had the fewest.

The Black Star Army and Senico's fleet headed to the most South Star System of the Garu Star Cluster.

Before departing, Han Xiao had already announced the army's exploration plan to all the members, including the millions of players.

He had put up all kinds of tasks on the faction mission list, such as exploring planets and deploying buoys, which were also classified into different areas. There were plenty of missions, but each one of them had a maximum participant limit.

The many kinds of exploration missions sparked discussion on the forums. Different exploration missions gave different Exploration Points, and the Exploration Points relied on the actual results of those missions. The players would only know how many Exploration Points they would get when they completed them, so the players could only speculate and analyze for the moment, but they were still enjoying it.

On the forums, the players generally agreed that exploring planets theoretically would lead to the most results. As discovering resources and lives, digging up the planet's history, mining the resources, and the other activities that would possibly happen during exploring planets all gave Exploration Points as a reward. At the same time, the process of it was filled with the joy of discovering the unknown.

In comparison, those missions to deploy buoys, build stargates, and construct strongholds were considered hard labor tasks. They were the least popular missions among the players.

Han Xiao knew that once the players were more familiar with the process of the exploration, the guilds would start fighting each other as the large guilds would want to make planets with rich resources their guild resource point. Although they would only be able to obtain a small portion of the total resources mined, that would still be considered a large reward to the players.

In his previous life, there were two reasons for the players of different nations to fight each other-faction wars and planets with rich resources. Now, however, all the millions of the players were in his faction, so there would be no faction conflicts. The only reason they would fight each other now would be for the ownership of resource points.

Although things had yet to reach the stage of intense guild wars, he knew that there would definitely be competition since there were club guilds from different nations in the army.

One reason he encouraged socializing between players was to reduce the impact of the guild conflicts on normal players as much as possible. The conflict between players was unavoidable, but he wanted to prevent the players from having direct hostility toward each other.

As long as the players in his army were not divided to such an extent, the competition between guilds would not affect his profit. After all, the players would still have to repair their equipment in the army after they damaged it during battle.


After some days, the various fleets arrived at their respective locations and officially started their exploration tasks.

The Black Star Army's exploration team came to the southernmost Star System of Garu and built the first transit station according to the plan, connecting with the Dawn Star Cluster.

The engineering team used a Foolproof Planet Base Expansion Pack on a desolate planet at the border of the Star System. The transport ship opened its cabin, and hundreds of thousands of gigantic mechanical bases that looked like needles flew out-they were all base nodes.

The base nodes formed a large net and shrouded the entire planet.

Then, the thrusters of these nodes shot out orange flames and penetrated the planet's atmosphere. Like hundreds of thousands of missiles, these nodes landed and plugged deep into the planet surface, stirring up endless dust.

The next moment, all the base nodes were activated. A red light appeared on the top of these nodes as they started to modify the planet's environment and terrain. Every node was vibrating and emitting impact waves one after another, triggering earthquakes and tearing the ground open.

Gray and silver metal extended from these nodes and spread over the ground, turning the planet surface into a metal surface. According to the preset program, bases, fortresses, and warehouses would rise from the ground.

After dozens of hours, the initial modification was complete. The once desolate planet now looked completely different; it became a planet fortress in gray and silver. This was the first stronghold in the Garu Star Cluster.

The dynasty's engineering ships were not just watching. They dragged along gigantic parts of the stargate and were assembling it beside this stronghold.

An unactivated stargate looked like a gigantic hollow mechanical ring. After it was activated, the inner circle of this mechanical ring emitted blue light and space energy, connecting to one of the stargates near Planet Lighthouse.

Then, the hollow part of the mechanical ring turned into a wormhole-like blue vortex, becoming a fully functional stargate.

Other than the team left behind to build the stronghold, the rest split up. Some went to deploy buoys nearby, and some went to explore the unknown planets nearby.

A Star System had about ten Star Zones. The main team of the Black Star Army was now exploring the first Star Zone.

According to the plan, Han Xiao sent out a special task force led by Hadavy to move alone with a hundred and fifty stargate devices. Its goal was to cross the many Star Systems and head to the east of the Garu Star Cluster, building a long distance stargate route on the way.

The spaceships given to this special task force were all high-grade transport ships that had a maximum speed of 14.1 warp speed. It would take about four months for them to reach the destination through nonstop hyperdrive.

After the special task force completed building the long distance stargate route, the four-month trip would be reduced to a mere few hours.

As countless army members were doing their part, Han Xiao led a group of army warriors and players to a planet at the center of this Star Zone on the main ship.

In his memories, this planet was a trade transfer station and one of the entrances into the Garu Star Cluster in his previous life. It was rather valuable. Furthermore, it did not have a harsh environment and was quite habitable. It also had a native civilization.

Currently, this planet did not have a name yet and only had a serial number. He wanted to head there in advance and start its exploration.


Outside the border of the Shattered Star Ring was the edge of the known universe, the desolate universe belt between the Shattered Star Ring and the Flickering World.

Fleets left from the border one after another from different locations, turning into hyperdrive streams of light and entering the desolate universe belt, heading in the Flickering World's direction.

News of the Crimson Dynasty exploring the Flickering World had spread across the entire galaxy. Although the dynasty clearly stated that the other civilizations were not allowed to enter, the mere words on paper were not enough to scare those powerful forces away. They all wanted to enter the Flickering World in advance to grab the opportunities there.

These fleets were from different civilizations and organizations; they all hid their identities.

As they were unable to use the dynasty's stargate, they could only sneak into the Flickering World, taking along stargate devices and planning to secretly build stargate routes without getting discovered by the dynasty.

Even though these fleets were all extremely quick. it would still take a very long time for them to cross the desolate universe belt and arrive at the Flickering World.

Among these smugglers, some were doing it for profits, and some had ulterior motives.

One of them was the group of people the Arcane Church secretly sent.

Chapter 821 - 821 Aesop"s Fully Automated Enemy Radar
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

821 Aesop"s Fully Automated Enemy Radar

The blue colored planet, Planet Aquamarine, slowly rotated with spaceships constantly flying out from within the planet, leaving behind light trails as they departed.

The sun shone down on the tall buildings of the capital, and the windows reflected the blue sky and white clouds. Trains roared along the tracks, and anti-gravity suspension vehicles weaved within the city. There was a sense of liveliness within the city, a beautiful and prosperous sight.

At the terminal of Black Star City, Bennett stood there with a group of people in wait.

He stood by the window, observing the scenery of the vibrant capital outside. A sense of relief was seen on Bennett's face.

With Han Xiao helping Planet Aquamarine break into the Shattered Star Ring Civilization Conference, many of the financial groups and organizations began to pay more attention to the development prospects of Planet Aquamarine. This brought about a new round of development opportunities, with the frequent trade circulation resulting in the increasing prosperity of the planet.

As for the citizens, after experiencing so many hardships, they finally began to smile at the thought of better days. The more the people enjoyed the happiness and fortune brought to Planet Aquamarine, the more they worshipped their guardian Black Star, who had brought all this to them.

A spaceship flew into the dock, and its hatch opened. Nero walked out, accompanied by a few soldiers, and the moment he saw Bennett, his expression softened. He ran as fast as his short legs could to Bennett.


Bennett turned around, looking down toward him with a hint of suspicion on his face. "Why did you come back so soon? What did Black Star bring you into the universe for?"

Nero scratched his head, his tone downcast. "We only studied Mechanic theories most of the time. Godfather only took me out to play a few days before throwing me aside..."

Han Xiao had taken the majority of troops over to the Flickering World, and it was unknown when he could return, so he naturally left Nero behind, instructing Sylvia to send some people to accompany him back to Planet Aquamarine.

As he spoke, Nero seemed frustrated.

"Mr. Reynold said that this time was a vacation for me, and he even gave me homework to do during this time. He said that I can only come back for two months. Following that, he'll send someone over to pick me up so that I can continue studying under him."

Having received Han Xiao's command, Reynold taught Nero whenever Han Xiao was not around. He seriously performed this duty, and he had already planned out the curriculum of the year in advance.

"It's a rare chance that Black Star is willing to groom and nurture you. Don't let him down." Bennett laughed and squatted so that his eyes were level with Nero's. Looking at his child kindly, he said, "Tell me what you experienced in the universe outside."

Twisting his fingers, Nero recounted his experiences. He sounded excited because while the homework he got from Han Xiao was boring, it was still his first time outside exploring the universe. He had seen many strange and interesting things, and he was still quite satisfied overall with the trip.

Bennett listened and nodded, sighing secretly to himself.

He could feel that Han Xiao had taken an interest in Nero. It was not just because this kid was his child, but rather, he seemed to have a talent that Han Xiao appreciated, so Bennett was quite proud of this.

His child could actually display such talents. It seemed that he had some superior genes. Bennett began to seriously consider if he should go for a second child.

He was not willing to see this in a utilitarian manner, but if he put the future of Planet Aquamarine into consideration, if he had a few more talented children, with all of them studying under Han Xiao, Planet Aquamarine would have even stronger ties with Black Star himself.

While he might be old, his body that was forged with Pugilist skills was still lively, full of 'ammunition'.

Among the list of most charming men, the Planet Aquamarine leader Bennett ranked second overall, which showed the love and support he received from the people. The hearts of the citizens were one thing; in addition, his status, age, and fit body formed the vibe of a stable and mature man, which was attractive to the women.

As for the number one on the list... it was without doubt Han Xiao. This position was something that no one could move or shake no matter what. With so many achievements, it did not matter what angle they looked at him from-they still found him handsome.

Before long, Nero spoke till his throat was parched, and he finally heaved a sigh. He was still excited over the happenings in the universe.

Bennett stopped him, rubbing his hair as he stood up. "Ok, that's enough. When we have more time, I'll talk in detail with you. You should return home to rest. I'm still waiting for someone here."

A look of surprise crossed Nero's face. "Aren't you here to pick me up?"

Bennett shook his head in response, looking at the universe far above from the window.

"I'm waiting for someone even more important."


At the same time, in the extreme end of Planet Aquamarine's area of influence, a deep blue spaceship was shuttling through the universe in hyperdrive, quickly approaching Planet Aquamarine.

"So, this is Planet Aquamarine, Black Star's mother planet..."

Within the cabin, a lifeform with deep blue skin stared at the screen, his tone pleasant. He was the captain of this spaceship, and he possessed four arms and three eyes, similar to the rest of the crew.

This entire spaceship consisted of members from the Star Pupil Holy Race.

The captain turned around to survey the crew before coldly remarking, "Black Star had stolen our national treasure, and this is a humiliation to our entire race. Our leaders are weak, not daring to do this nor that. But we, the Avitan Souls, dare!"

The captain's voice was sonorous, and all the crew showed excited expressions, holding their weapons tightly.

"Because of the Evolution Cube, our Planet Avitan suffered an attack, and countless compatriots died. Our loved ones and friends are still trapped within this disaster. So many of them died, just so the Evolution Cube would not fall into the hands of others! Thus, this war crime is not just pinned on EsGod but also on Black Star!"

The captain pointed toward the direction of Planet Aquamarine before growling. "Only by spilling the fresh blood for revenge can we allow Black Star to regret his shameless behavior, allowing him to understand the humiliation he has submitted the Star Pupil Holy Race to. The despair he has left for us, we'll take it from him!"

Many of the crew members roared with hatred.

Initially, in order to lure the tiger away from the mountains, they literally washed the entire Planet Avitan in blood. This disaster was the most painful memory of the Star Pupil Holy Race, and a few of the survivors had lost their minds because of hatred and turned into extremists. Thus, an extremist group was born, and they called themselves 'Avitan Souls'. These extremists were basically almost made up of the survivors of the Avitan, especially those who had closed ones and friends who died within the disaster.

Because they had lost their national treasure, the Evolution Cube, Psyker's prestige among the Star Pupil Holy Race had plummeted. The extremists who bore huge pain blamed Psyker for his incompetence and deeply hated the culprit, EsGod. Because the root of the disaster was due to the Evolution Cube, many of their comrades had sacrificed their lives. Thus, the Avitan Souls had developed a morbid obsession with the Evolution Cube, turning their hate toward Black Star, who had taken it.

The Evolution Cube was the treasure of their country in the eyes of the Star Pupil Holy Race. This impression had persisted for a long time, and now that the Evolution Cube had switched owners, the Star Pupil Holy Race treated Han Xiao with enmity. As for the Avitan Souls, they were even more extreme. Since Psyker was unable to retrieve the Evolution Cube, as though he was afraid of the dynasty retaliating, the Avitan Souls lost all faith in Psyker and decided to take matters into their own hands.

Upon hearing that Han Xiao would be taking his officers out for a trip for a long time, the Avitan Souls felt that their opportunity had arrived. Thus, they took the chance to plan an attack on Black Star's mother planet, to execute their revenge, allowing Black Star to only be able to watch as his homeland was being destroyed.

Since Planet Aquamarine was part of the Shattered Star Ring Civilization Conference, even Psyker could not move rashly against them. Of course, these sorts of rules that bound the upper echelons were not considered at all by the extremists since they were outliers. They disregarded rules, as well as consequences, and only inflicted destruction as everything of theirs had been destroyed.

While Psyker was regarded as the best leader of the Star Pupil Holy Race thus far, he was not a god and could not control the thoughts of every one of his clansmen. Every race would always have a few people who were more inclined toward extreme measures, drowned by hatred. This was something that even the advanced civilization of the Star Pupil Holy Race could not avoid.

The captain turned to his first mate. "How are the weapons?"

The first mate nodded. "The five high-class psionic energy bombs are enough to annihilate the entire planet. They're ready to be deployed at any time."

"Very good. It is said that this sort of ammunition can destroy a continent with just one bomb. Three is enough to destroy the planet's surface, and our objective is to ensure all five land on Planet Aquamarine, allowing this planet to accompany us in our demise. Let them feel our pain!" The captain's tone was sinister; they did not plan to leave alive.

While those high-class Psionic Energy bombs could not compare to the Primordial Psionic Energy Bombs, they were still restricted weapons prohibited by the three major Universe Civilizations because they left terrible psionic pollution. Only Star Cluster Civilizations would possess such a thing generally.

The Avitan Souls were an organization that had only recently been established and did not possess any technological or scientific strength. The bomb was actually quietly funded by someone belonging to a civilization within the area where the Star Pupil Holy Race was located.

This civilization had always been wary of the rising Star Pupil Holy Race, and because they had the backing of the Arcane Church, no one could act against them. However, the Avitan Souls were an opportunity for them to frame the Star Pupil Holy Race. Thus, they used this borrowed knife to try and cause trouble in the Star Pupil Holy Race.

Just as the captain was about to strike, a blip appeared on their radar, and the artificial intelligence of the ship sent out a notification.

"Warning! A large, unidentified object is approaching!"

Everyone turned their heads toward the porthole to look, seeing a huge floating island swimming in the universe toward them.

"Floating Dragon Island?" The captain recognized this homeless floating island and was confused over why it had appeared there, as though it was proceeding toward Planet Aquamarine.

Floating Dragon Island slowly moved toward the deep blue spaceship. Comparing the two was just like comparing an elephant to a sesame seed.

"Let's move away. Don't obstruct Floating Dragon."

The captain quickly gave the command. Floating Dragon was a neutral force and would not actively attack any passing spaceship. He planned to pause his operation for the time being, waiting for Floating Dragon to leave before continuing.

The spaceship was positioned below the entire island, and from the window, they could only see the rocks that made up the foundation of the island but not its entirety.

The pilot raised the spaceship and flew above the foundations of the island, level with the city line.

Everyone within the cabin got a rude shock at this time. They found out that in the most conspicuous position of the island, Ames stood there in a black dress, staring straight at them!

"She's looking at us?"

Just as this thought passed by their minds, an unparalleled force field descended on them.


Blood flowers blossomed!

The bodies of all the Star Pupil Holy Race members were squashed and turned into piles of meat. They died without warning on the spot.

On the harbor of Floating Dragon Island, Ames casually waved her hand, dispelling the field before speaking to Vilna by her side. "Search the spaceship. See if there are any dangerous weapons within."

"Yes." Vilna immediately deployed her people.

Ames then turned to look at Aesop by her side, her brows slightly furrowed.

"Are you sure that the people within this spaceship planned to harm Planet Aquamarine? I didn't kill wrongly, right?"

Aesop only stroked his beard as he laughed. "When you spoke about moving Floating Dragon over, I did a divination a few days ago. These people are the natives of Psyker's race, and it seems that because of the issue with the Evolution Cube, they wish to eradicate Planet Aquamarine as revenge against Black Star. They did not succeed in the end as they were destroyed by the anti-space defense of Black Star, but since we're here, let's just do him a favor."

Ames shook her head helplessly. "I didn't expect to have become a guard for his house."

Aesop stared at her in surprise. "Didn't you move Floating Dragon here to help him defend Planet Aquamarine?"

"Oh, this is to obtain the greatest benefits for Floating Dragon. Furthermore, I'm strengthening our alliance. How is this of his concern? Even if it's for someone else, it would have to be for my two students." Ames turned around to leave, her dress spiraling like a blooming black flower.

Aesop sent Ames off with his eyes before turning to Jenny.

"We're almost here. Notify them."

Jenny nodded without any change in her expression.


Bennett continued standing by the dock, his head raised as he observed the endless universe.

A huge shadow suddenly blotted out the sun. It spread quickly, covering the entire dock in an instant.

One only saw a humongous floating island appear in their vision, leisurely cruising toward Planet Aquamarine.

Bennett smiled.

"The VIP is finally here."

Chapter 822 - 822 Handle
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

822 Handle

Floating Dragon floated beside Planet Aquamarine like a gigantic satellite, and the citizens on the ground could see a gigantic floating island in the sky if they looked up. Numerous individuals could not help but stop what they were doing and look up at the sky with shock on their faces.

"What's that? Why does it seem so familiar?"

"Mummy! I have seen it in the encyclopedia before. That's the legendary Floating Dragon Island. It drifts around in space! The palace of Dragon Emperor!" A young excited voice exclaimed while pointing at the sky.

"Oh! So, it's Ames."

After Planet Aquamarine broke free from Godora's information lockdown, the knowledge of the citizens rose rapidly in the ten subsequent years. They all had basic understanding toward the famous characters in the Shattered Star Ring and were extremely familiar with Ames because of Han Xiao.

The citizens all knew that she was once Black Star's superior and knew that they could only connect to the galaxy because of Floating Dragon's protection. Thus, Ames and Floating Dragon had a special position in the hearts of the citizens.

Upon witnessing Floating Dragon Island approach Planet Aquamarine, many of the citizens could not help be both surprised and curious. They immediately called their friends to inform them of the news, and a huge commotion was created.

The various financial groups stationed on Planet Aquamarine had also noticed Floating Dragon's presence and were extremely surprised. They approached the Planet Aquamarine government to find out what was going on.

At the same time, Ames and the others arrived at the dock in a small spaceship to meet Bennett.

"Your Excellency Dragon Emperor, Planet Aquamarine welcomes your arrival." Bennett bowed and spoke with reverence in his voice.

He was extremely familiar with Han Xiao, and they had known each other for over twenty years. Thus, he could naturally behave more casually around Han Xiao. However, he was not familiar with Ames, and even though Bennett knew that Han Xiao had a good relationship with Ames, he would not dare overstep his bounds.

Ames waved her arm to indicate that Bennett did not need to be so polite. She then said with a smile, "Black Star should have informed you of my request, and you should have contacted Jenny as well."

Bennett nodded. He had received news from Han Xiao a while ago and knew that Floating Dragon was about to be stationed near Planet Aquamarine. He had been truly shocked when he heard the news and was overjoyed shortly after. He knew that this was a rare opportunity and hurriedly mobilized manpower to work together with Floating Dragon.

He kept the matter a secret according to Ames' wishes and only planned to announce the matter to the public after Floating Dragon's arrival. The abruptness of the news would be beneficial to breaking everyone's impression of Floating Dragon and also establishing a new image.

As such, Bennett did not announce the matter to the citizens of Planet Aquamarine beforehand.

"I will hold a press conference in the name of Planet Aquamarine and announce that Floating Dragon will be setting up their base here."

"How long do you need to get it done?"

"I only need a couple of hours. Some of the galactic media groups have their reporters stationed here, and it won't take too long for me to invite them. What do you think?"

Ames then nodded to indicate her approval. Floating Dragon would remain there for a long period of time, and the reason for her arrival today was to attend the press conference.

"Right, I met with some extremists from the Star Pupil Holy Race just now. They were roaming around the vicinity of Planet Aquamarine and had dangerous explosives loaded up on their spaceship. It seems as though they intended to ambush Planet Aquamarine, so I killed them out of convenience. A recording is present on their spaceship, and I shall hand them over to you."

Bennett was taken aback.

The Star Pupil Holy Race... This should be because of Black Star right? They have transferred their hatred for Black Star to Planet Aquamarine.

"I will inform His Excellency Black Star," Bennett said with a grave tone. This matter involved the race of another Beyond Grade A Super, so it was not appropriate for the leader of a civilization that had not even reached the Star System level to handle it. Thus, he was prepared to ask for Han Xiao's opinion.

Although this matter was stopped in time, it could be said that the innocent Planet Aquamarine had been implicated because of Black Star. Planet Aquamarine had once suffered from a similar catastrophe before when Stephanie, who was under Thousand Shadows, had tried to cause chaos on the planet to deal with Black Star.

However, Bennett did not have any complaints. He was extremely clear that since they wanted to enjoy the benefits that Black Star brought to them, they would also be targeted by Black Star's enemies. There was no such thing as a free lunch.

The battle between those high up above was like a raging storm, and the current Planet Aquamarine was just like a little boat in the ocean. They would be easily capsized if they were not careful, with all of them ending up dead. However, it would be extremely cowardly for them to throw away the opportunity for their civilization to rise and cut off all ties with their own protector. Perhaps the leaders of the Six Nations would have considered such a choice, but Bennett definitely would not waver.

With Floating Dragon's arrival and a Beyond Grade A Super being stationed there, the safety of Planet Aquamarine would be increased by a few different levels, and no one would treat Planet Aquamarine as Black Star's weakness anymore.

Bennett naturally did not know Ames' intentions for coming to Planet Aquamarine. Thus, he felt that Han Xiao was definitely behind this matter. If not, Ames would not have shown Planet Aquamarine such a great deal of face. As such, he could not help but admire Han Xiao for his foresight.


Three hours later, many different galactic reporters were gathered in a hall, awaiting the start of the press conference.

"The Planet Aquamarine government called for a press conference shortly after Floating Dragon's appearance. Their agenda today is probably related to Floating Dragon."

"It is probably going to be big news."

"It can't be right? Floating Dragon is always drifting around in space and will never stay in a single place for long. It shouldn't be anything special for them to arrive at Planet Aquamarine, right?"

The reporters then saw a couple of workers carry some equipment in and set up a live broadcast station in the room.

Everyone could not help but be startled when they saw that.

They wanted to have a live broadcast to the entire planet. Only a large matter would require a live broadcast.

Just when everyone was guessing what the announcement would be about, the doors to the hall opened wide. Upon turning around to take a look, everyone's expression froze in place with a look of shock on their faces.

The individual walking in was not the usual media department of the Planet Aquamarine government but the leader of the government making a personal appearance. Beside him was a famous character whose name shook the entire Star Field-Dragon Emperor Ames.

All the reporters were truly shocked. Why would Ames appear in the Planet Aquamarine government's press conference‽

They then watched as Bennett and Ames walked onto the stage.

"There is something that I must announce to the entire Star Field." Bennett cleared his throat and said with a solemn tone, "From today on, Floating Dragon will remain outside of Planet Aquamarine's atmosphere for the long run, and I represent the Planet Aquamarine government in welcoming our new neighbor."

Before everyone could even react, Ames said, "Floating Dragon has been drifting for too long, and I have decided to stop it from drifting. From today on, this place shall be Floating Dragon's main camp."

Pin drop silence filled the place, and everyone was truly dumbfounded.


The entire hall burst into an uproar!

All the reporters were trembling from excitement!

This was a huge scoop!


News of Floating Dragon setting up a base spread throughout the entire Shattered Star Ring like wildfire, and all the organizations were in shock.

For the Floating Dragon to stop drifting, it could only mean that Ames was going to set up a proper organization. However, this was not the piece of news that puzzled people the most. The most shocking piece of news was the fact that the address for her new base was on Black Star's mother planet!

All the large organizations knew that the most eye-catching base of the Black Star Army was their headquarters, which was usually located at Planet Golden Gate. After Han Xiao obtained a seat in the Civilization Conference through the name of Planet Aquamarine, many individuals all felt that Planet Aquamarine would become Black Star's second base.

Just what was Floating Dragon thinking, setting up their main camp in Black Star's main camp?

Did this mean that both Beyond Grade A organizations were going to have an even closer relationship?

No, there was definitely something more to this!

Back when Heber challenged Black Star, Black Star had joined hands with the Dragon Emperor. Furthermore, the alliance between the Black Star Army and Floating Dragon was something that everyone in the Shattered Star Ring was aware about. But even if both parties were allies, their scope of operations were still clearly defined and did not clash with each other. Black Star Army had many branches while Floating Dragon drifted around without a fixed location.

But now, Floating Dragon had chosen to stay on Planet Aquamarine. They were not setting up a casual branch but their main base!

For an organization at the level of the Black Star Army and Floating Dragon, they would not set up their main base at the same location if there was not a special reason. They would only set up a branch in the territory of their ally at the very most. However, Dragon Emperor had shifted her base over to Black Star's mother planet, and her intention obviously was not to fight over territory with Black Star.

This signified their absolute trust in each other!

They both believed that the other party would not betray them. If not, they would never expose their backs to each other. Such a level of trust was extremely rare among galactic organizations.

The relationship that both parties had displayed had already exceeded the realm of ordinary allies. They were close to the point that all the organizations could not help but think of another possibility. Could it be that there was a chance for both organizations to merge?

No Beyond Grade A Super would be willing to be a subordinate to another Beyond Grade A Super usually. Apart from submitting and working together, there was another relationship that was extremely common among normal beings but extremely rare among Beyond Grade A Supers...

The various organizations were not just letting their imaginations run wild but were making deductions based on the history between Black Star and the Dragon Emperor. Furthermore, Black Star had even taken Ames along with him to the Dynasty Ruler a while back!

This was a dangerous signal.

If both parties really merged together, an organization with unprecedented power would be born in the Shattered Star Ring, and the balance of the Shattered Star Ring would change greatly.

Back then, many organizations wished to drive a wedge between the Black Star Army and Floating Dragon, but they had failed. Now, many organizations still were not willing to see Floating Dragon and the Black Star Army become even closer.

Since this matter involved their interests, many organizations could not help but be alarmed.


On the contrary, many financial groups were extremely excited by this piece of news.

The development potential of Planet Aquamarine was pretty good before this, and with the addition of Floating Dragon's presence, Planet Aquamarine's potential had exploded.

All the financial groups that had cooperated with Planet Aquamarine early on injected another round of funds, and many other financial groups began to approach Planet Aquamarine to seek cooperation.

The citizens of Planet Aquamarine naturally would not reject it and were all filled with surprise.


In the Flickering World, rays of hyperdrive light sliced through the universe and stopped outside the atmosphere of a purple planet. This was the fleet that Han Xiao was in.

The majority of their manpower had already been sent out to explore other undiscovered planets, resulting in the small size of the fleet.

This purple planet was one of the transit stations in Han Xiao's memories and was the target that he was prepared to explore. It was called Planet Pangurus in his previous life.

Because the unexplored regions did not have a stargate, the fleet took quite some time to arrive.

"We have arrived at our destination. Army Commander, please give us your next orders."

Aurora stood up straight and pretended to mimic the voice of a soldier making a report, but before she could finish her sentence, she could not hold back her laughter.

"The engineering team should set up a stargate here, and the detection fleet should revolve around the planet to create a map. Make use of the detection devices to sense the presence of life and the resources on the planet. We will allow our exploratory squad to set off after the map is completed..."

Before Han Xiao could finish what he had to say, Phillip's voice sounded in his head and interrupted him.

"Master, there is an emergency message from Planet Aquamarine, hum..."

The message then appeared in his quantum network. It was news that was sent by Bennett. Bennett had reported about successfully receiving Floating Dragon and also mentioned about the Avitan Souls incident together with a recording of what happened in the spaceship, asking him how the matter should be handled.

Han Xiao immediately frowned.

"Psyker didn't provoke me, but there are people within his race who want to deal with me. Avitan Souls? There seems to be a small organization by that name. Don't they hate EsGod? Why have I been dragged into this? They even want to commit suicide and destroy an entire planet? Is there really a need for such hatred? They are truly a ferocious bunch. Also, where did their psionic explosives come from?"

Han Xiao was a little helpless. This was one of the side effects of him obtaining the Evolution Cube. He was not too bothered by such an extremist organization. Everyone's mental capacity was limited, and both war and calamities were the best way to cause the formation of an extremist group. Logic was not the only way for a living being to judge the things around them, and their emotions were usually more powerful than logic.

However, the vengeful actions of these extremists did Psyker a favor.

Han Xiao shook his head. He was not planning to pretend that nothing had happened.

Since Planet Aquamarine had a seat in the Civilization Conference, it was akin to them gaining the privileges of a Star System Civilization, and they would also be protected by the Peace Treaty. This was a good opportunity for him to exploit.

He then gave a reply to Bennett.

"Preserve the evidence and contact Purple Crystal on my behalf. Bring this matter to the Shattered Star Ring Civilization Conference and expose it to all the civilizations. I will take care of the rest."

Although this matter would not do anything to Psyker, it would still disgust him for sure.

A small extremist group of his race personally delivering an excuse and the evidence to his hands. In the end, the entire Star Pupil Holy Race would have to take the blame for the matter. Who knew how Psyker would feel about this matter?

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