The Legendary Mechanic 742-10...

By Marximillon

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By Marximillon

Chapter 805 Overwhelming
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

EsGod's appearance made Murraky horrified. He had thought this was just a regular routine elimination; he had never expected EsGod's main body to appear there.

It was common knowledge in the Central Galaxy-If you meet EsGod's main body, it's best to escape immediately.

"You guys, lure EsGod away and buy us some time!"

Murraky ordered his fleet to ignore the damage incurred and keep attacking the Fallen Ark's fleet while decisively giving Han Xiao and the other orders.

EsGod's vicious name was deeply embedded in the Central Galaxy. Murraky was arrogant, but he knew that there was no way to kill EsGod with the manpower he had. His goal was just to eliminate the enemy fleet and reduce EsGod's power so that EsGod would be alone, and they could try to force him away. If he succeeded, it would be an amazing achievement!

Although EsGod was one of the strongest even among Beyond Grade As, there were three Beyond Grade As on his side at the very least. It was time to make use of them.

As the dynasty's troops started moving, the three Beyond Grade As including Han Xiao were confronting EsGod on the desolate planet. They completely ignored Murraky's words and focused all their attention on EsGod.

The atmosphere was almost solidifying, and the murderous intent in the air kept growing.

Beyoni did not dare to move his eyes away from EsGod, so he glanced at Han Xiao with shock from the corner of his eyes-he had heard what EsGod said.

What response? Does Black Star have a private contact with EsGod?

With the movements of Han Xiao's fingers, the mechanical army all aimed at EsGod but did not fire immediately. Han Xiao slowly said, "Did you really think I would agree to your terms and let you use the Evolution Cube? I'm now a member of the dynasty, so you and I will only be enemies, nothing else! I came this time to make that crystal clear. The Evolution Cube is right here. If you want it, come and get it!"

Han Xiao did not hide the fact that the two of them had communicated in the past and actively stated his stance.

EsGod narrowed his eyes and stared at Han Xiao's neck as if his sight could penetrate the mechanical suit and see the Evolution Cube.

Black Star knew that this was a signal he sent deliberately, yet he still dared to personally come here to reject him? He had even brought the Evolution Cube along to draw the line clearly. Was Black Star really not afraid of him snatching it, or was Black Star too confident in himself?

EsGod glanced at Han Xiao and the others and said coldly, "Has fighting me as three given you confidence?"

As soon as his sentence finished, EsGod moved. With a push of his hands, rainbow-like energy gushed out and turned into countless beams of light, shooting toward the three of them.


With a quick flash of green light in Ames' eyes, a thick force field shrouded the three of them. The rainbow energy exploded over the force field and turned into fireworks. Its penetration power was very strong and even had a decomposing attribute. If not because Ames' force field had a continuous supply of energy from her, these attacks would not have been easy to defend against.

EsGod turned his palm, and suddenly, another force field appeared and pressed onto them.

"He has a type of force field Esper Ability, too." Ames was shocked and hastily sustained her own force field. The two force fields entered a stalemate for the moment, but they were surrounded by EsGod's force field.

Force Field Esper Abilities were quite common and did not have very high potential. Ames was the one and only person that had become a Beyond Grade A with it. However, the low-grade Esper Abilities that EsGod had absorbed would receive Beyond Grade A bonuses from him, so the two of them were on par for the time being.

Along with Han Xiao's thoughts, the mechanical army outside started attacking immediately. EsGod narrowed his eyes. Suddenly, the space around him solidified and seemed to crystalize. Countless psionic attacks were deflected. Some disappeared into the sky, and some landed on the ground, causing enormous explosions, but none managed to hit him!

"Pure energy reflection Esper Ability..." Han Xiao's expression changed.

At this moment, Beyoni released his Esper Ability from afar and ignited EsGod's body. Be it his flesh, bones, or the energy inside him, they all turned into fuel for the flames.

However, EsGod was unaffected. He inhaled deeply, and it was as if the flames on his body were absorbed by his skin. Beyoni's flames turned into pure energy and were devoured by his cells.

Before they could respond, half of EsGod's body suddenly turned into black fog. The black fog concentrated into a human shape beside him. As if his cells had split, a new doppelganger appeared.


This doppelganger disappeared instantly, ignoring Ames' force field, and appeared before Beyoni, punching right onto his chest. With its [God Speed] Esper Ability, this doppelganger was extremely fast.

Beyoni's response was quick, too. Energy flew in his body. He raised his arms at the verge of danger and blocked the EsGod doppelganger's fist. However, the fist had no momentum or power. Instead, the moment it touched Beyoni, a strange energy entered into Beyoni's body.

"Wha..." Beyoni's expression changed drastically. At that instant, it was as if the Esper Ability in his body had disappeared. He could not even sense his energy anymore.

At this time, the EsGod doppelganger emitted a blinding light and expanded extremely quickly.


A black mass of light appeared, quickly expanding like a black hole, and shrouded Beyoni. A part of the mechanical army around were devoured too and were all obliterated. The mechanical soldiers that were not in the center of the explosion were blown away by the shockwave, incurring various degrees of damage.


The mass of light expanded and exploded, leaving an enormous crater on the ground.

A black sphere of fire hovered in midair. The flames around it dissipated, and Beyoni appeared from within.

His entire body was burnt black. His Esper Ability had been suppressed by some kind of Esper Ability of EsGod. When the doppelganger exploded, he could finally sense his Esper Ability at the last moment and ignited the energy around him, offsetting the approaching energy and canceling most of the explosion's power, creating an empty space around him. This was why he was not too heavily injured.

Not far away, a rippled appeared in midair, and Han Xiao walked out of it. He had avoided the explosion by entering the Void Dimension. On the other side, Ames walked out of the Void Dimension, too. Her method of avoiding the explosion was exactly the same as Han Xiao's.

After just a short fight, the faces of all three of them looked grave. They looked up and stared at EsGod, who did not even move.

"What a terrifying guy..."

Although expected, the extent of how powerful EsGod was still shocked Han Xiao. Rumors were one thing-facing EsGod himself was another. He had fought an EsGod doppelganger before, but his doppelganger and his main body were on completely different levels.

This being before him was someone who had spent countless years collecting Esper Abilities, a monster with who knew how many abilities!

This guy's main body was the true definition of 'EsGod'-the mighty God of Espers!

The potential of an Esper Ability determined its owner's Grade limit. Many unique Esper Abilities had a very low Grade limit, but when EsGod absorbed these Esper Abilities and used his own Beyond Grade A energy as their energy source, some abilities that would have never reached Beyond Grade A could now possess Beyond Grade A level of power. Even the simplest Esper Abilities would be extremely powerful in his hands, and some strange abilities would even have shocking effects!

For example, the ability that suppressed Beyoni was originally an ability that could silence someone else's Esper Ability, but that ability had a very low limit and could not even affect Calamity Grades. However, when EsGod used it with his own energy, despite it only being able to activate at close range, it became effective even against Beyond Grade As.

With so many Esper Abilities, he almost had no weaknesses. To him, there were only two restrictions-his own energy limit and the fact that he could not use too many Esper Abilities at the same time, as that would overload his genes.

He suppressed three enemies including Han Xiao alone and did not look pressured. In the entire universe, very few could match up to him in a direct battle!

"Luckily, I dragged Beyoni here. The situation would have been much worse if there were only two of us. Although three of us still can't beat him, at least we can barely stall him..."

With a heavy heart, Han Xiao reorganized his scattered mechanical army.

Compared to the other Beyond Grade As whom he had fought before, EsGod was the only one whose strength completely overwhelmed him!

"He does live up to his notorious name." Ames gasped for air. This was also her first time fighting EsGod, and she was shocked after experiencing EsGod's overwhelming strength.

EsGod glanced at the three of them and suddenly disappeared by teleportation.


Han Xiao hastily looked up and saw that EsGod had moved into the dynasty's army.

Murraky, who was commanding the fleet, had the same thought. When he saw EsGod appearing in the fleet, his expression changed dramatically.

The next moment, EsGod punched forward and shot out a crimson beam of light toward the main ship. It directly penetrated the main ship's high-level energy shield and created a huge hole on the ship, completely penetrating it from one side to the other. Armor plates scattered around.

"Warning! Warning! Ship damage 10.8%! Engine Three broken! Energy circuit damaged. Energy core output efficiency decreased by 18%. Repairing..."

The tremble of the ship made the people in the command room stagger and almost fall. When Murraky finally balanced himself, his face had turned pale.

"Quickly, retreat!"

As the main ship was attacked, the situation changed in an instant. If they were attacked by EsGod a few more times, he would be dead for sure. The tiny bit of will of not wanting to accept defeat so easily disappeared immediately, and he did not dare continue fighting.

However, the main ship was EsGod's target. He fired a chain of black-red beams of light.

Looking at the beams of light approaching from the porthole and hearing the alarm in the spaceship, it suddenly occurred to Murraky that in the face of such superior strength, he was powerless. The fleet he trusted so much could not help him at all; he was like a pig waiting to be butchered.

Despair appeared on his face.

The beam of light shot right into the main ship. The next moment, light expanded from within, and the main ship exploded into pieces.

Murraky's vision was filled with darkness. He had already closed his eyes and was waiting for his death. Suddenly, he felt that his entire body was covered by cold metal. He immediately opened his eyes and saw that the mass of light emitted from the main ship's explosion was getting further in his sights, while he was covered by a mechanical suit and was quickly getting away from the area of the explosion.

"I'm not dead!" Murraky's eyes were opened wide. Fear still lingered in his heart.


At this time, the tactical display lit up, and Han Xiao's face appeared.

"Still alive? Don't just freeze there. The fleet needs your command. Don't think about retreating. EsGod is indeed terrifyingly strong, but he won't be able to beat the three of us in a short time. This place is very near the dynasty's borders. The guard army of the border is able to reinforce us anytime, so he won't stay here for too long. As long as we hang on, we can force him away."

As the main ship exploded, Han Xiao had arrived and saved Murraky-he could not let this guy die. The fleet needed a commander.

Black Star? This guy saved me?

Murraky's expression changed. After hearing what Han Xiao said, he clenched his teeth and left the thought of retreating behind. He hastily opened the command channel and told the fleet to continue attacking. The mechanical suit on him protected him and helped him flee, so he would not die.

Han Xiao took the other two to surround EsGod again, fighting him with all their might. They finally barely pulled him away from the fleet.

The four of them fought intensely. EsGod did not show any sign of difficulty dealing with the attacks of all three of them, while the number of wounds on Han Xiao and the others kept increasing instead. The damage of the mechanical army gradually increased too. None of them could match EsGod alone, so they could only fight him together.

In the middle of the intense fight, Han Xiao suddenly received a psychic voice message from EsGod.

"I've always wondered, how do you know how to use the Evolution Cube?" EsGod said with a curious tone.

He did indeed wonder. The data of the Evolutionary Civilization was clearly in his hands. He had checked Han Xiao's history and knew that Han Xiao had never had any form of contact with the Evolutionary Civilization, so why did he know how to use the Evolution Cube?

Han Xiao blocked an energy shockwave with his psionic shield, clenched his teeth, and barely opened his mouth. "I... was lucky!"

"Luck? Do you think I'm easy to fool?" EsGod's face was filled with doubt.

The activation password of the Evolution Cube is extremely complicated. For you to get it from luck alone, the possibility is infinitely close to zero. You're not going to fool anyone.

There was only one possibility-the data of the Evolutionary Civilization had definitely leaked.

EsGod paused, dodged Ames' force field impact, and suddenly shook his head. "Never mind, what's important is the fact that you know how to use it. The reason doesn't matter. Maybe this has given you the confidence not to be afraid. Sadly, you underestimated me and overestimated yourself. Bringing the portable Evolution Cube right in front of me is the biggest mistake you've made."

Then, EsGod raised his hand. A cluster of blue light hovered above his palm. The next moment, it disappeared and turned into a familiar tiny silver cube.

Han Xiao trembled and hastily looked down. The Evolution Cube on his neck had disappeared, and he did not feel it at all!

Chapter 806 Clue
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

"A space swap Esper Ability?" Han Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"You don't seem nervous at all." EsGod narrowed his eyes. Then, having suddenly realized something, he pressed down hard on the tiny silver cube and shattered it.

Silver alloy pieces scattered from his palm-there were no traces of any evolution energy at all.

EsGod's movement became stiff.

Han Xiao chuckled. "Did you think that I would really bring the Evolution Cube here to see you? Let me return your words back at you... you underestimated me."

This guy was not Psyker, who had possessed the Evolution Cube for many years, so he did not have the psychic detection to identify the real Evolution Cube.

EsGod stayed silent for a few seconds before shaking his head. "That's right. Since you've decided to reject me, how could you have really brought the real one here? I was misguided by you."

When his main body had just appeared, Han Xiao acted very tough and told him to come and get it if he wanted the Evolution Cube, making his attention focused on the 'Evolution Cube' on Han Xiao. Afterward, EsGod did not have the time to think too much during the battle, so he subconsciously thought that the tiny silver cube on Han Xiao's neck was the real deal.

He just said that he was not easy to fool, but then he was fooled right after... EsGod's expression was not looking too bright.

It was no secret that the Evolution Cube had become portable. As Psyker was always attempting to take it back, it was impossible to let anyone else carry the Evolution Cube. That was the misconception that Han Xiao had been building, so people would think that he carried the Evolution Cube with him at all times. Therefore, due to this preconception, EsGod had mistakenly assumed that knowing Han Xiao's location was equivalent to knowing the Evolution Cube's location and failed to think of the possibility that the Evolution Cube might not be with Han Xiao.

The data left by the Evolutionary Civilization consisted of a method to locate the Evolution Cube, but it was different from Psyker's psychic method. That method could only accurately locate the Evolution Cube within a certain range when used in combination with a special detection device.

The technology used in this device came from countless years ago and had certain flaws compared to the present. Furthermore, the data left by the Evolutionary Civilization was not complete, so the detector had limitations, mainly distance.

Back when EsGod stole the Evolution Cube, it was because he had a rough idea of where the Evolution Cube was since it was on Psyker's mother planet. He had only used the detector when he was nearby to obtain the accurate location of where the cube was on Psyker's mother planet. If he did not know where the Evolution Cube was at the start, the detector would not be able to find it across the wide Star Field either.

If not because EsGod did not have the wrong preconception and did not have the time to look at the device while fighting the three of them, he would have noticed that the Evolution Cube was not nearby.

Psyker's psychic energy was linked to the Evolution Cube. Although the location would be not very accurate when the distance was too great, he could still sense the Evolution Cube no matter how far it was. This was why Han Xiao always carried it around with him. However, this time, it was different coming to have contact with EsGod. Knowing that EsGod had a lot of tricks up his sleeve, Han Xiao was prepared. The Evolution Cube was not with him for the time being.

Some time ago when he departed from Planet Crimson Ring and spent a few days to reach the border, he had secretly sent a spaceship in another direction during the trip, not to the border but stealthily moving in the territory of the dynasty. The real Evolution Cube was there, and no one knew about this.

Psyker was far away. The further he was, the less accurate the location of the Evolution Cube would be to him. Psyker only knew that the Evolution Cube was somewhere in the Central Galaxy. Furthermore, not mentioning Psyker not knowing what was happening right then, even if he did know, a famous member of the Arcane Church would not be able to enter the dynasty's territory. Therefore, Han Xiao could temporarily ignore the threat from Psyker.

For safety purposes, he had dispatched another mechanical army on the stealth spaceship that had the true Evolution Cube on it.

With his [Quantum Infinite Distance Transmission Channel] ability, even if the army was very far from him, he could still transmit Mechanical Force over and let the mechanical army over there have Beyond Grade A level power!

Staying in one place and letting the Beyond Grade A level mechanical army carry out expeditions was the specialty of Beyond Grade A Mechanics.

When he was not even at the scene, how could the enemy close the distance on him‽

This was somewhat similar to EsGod's doppelgangers but even better. This was exactly the combat mode that Manison used-the enemies would not be able to even see his face when fighting him.

Han Xiao was currently not using this strategy because his army had yet to reach the Mechanic Empire's level. Furthermore, his tankiness was one of his strengths, so it would be a waste to not utilize it.

However, the mechanical army he sent on an 'expedition' could also completely thrash Calamity Grades, so they were more than enough to be guards of the Evolution Cube for the time being.

While these thoughts flashed through his mind, Han Xiao did not stop moving and controlling the mechanical army to focus fire on EsGod. Although EsGod's energy reflection shield could reflect most energy attacks, Han Xiao had plenty of ways to deal with that.

The mechanical army had a wide variety of attack methods, so one single Esper Ability could not possibly make him helpless. His mechanical army could even counter Metal Manipulation, so a mere energy reflection was no obstacle.

Furthermore, EsGod could not use too many abilities simultaneously and was not going to keep defending but not attacking. Also, there were two more Beyond Grade As beside Han Xiao.

The three of them could not defeat EsGod, but at the same time, EsGod could not easily defeat the three of them. The result of the battle could not be determined in a short time, and the two sides had entered a stalemate.

In the battlefield, Murraky, who had just escaped death, had no time to relax and ordered his fleet to keep attacking. Despite being arrogant, his professional capability was no fluke. After all, he could single-handedly command an entire border defense army.

Under his strategic orders, the dynasty's troops attacked violently and had the firm upper hand. Without the interference of Beyond Grade As, this Fallen Ark fleet was no match for him at all and was quickly falling apart.

While dealing with the attacks, EsGod glanced at the fleet battlefield and frowned. He could see that his fleet was going to be wiped out.

As he had just confirmed, the Evolution Cube was not with Han Xiao. Therefore, to EsGod, there was no need to continue fighting. This place was too close to the dynasty's border, and their reinforcements would reach very soon. Even he did not want to face tons of dynasty border guard armies. Even if he would eventually escape unharmed, he did not want to provoke the three civilizations too much.

If he killed too many the Crimson Dynasty men, the Crimson Dynasty might immediately gather a large army and march into the sensitive areas to pursue and eliminate the main Fallen Ark army. By then, it would be Clotti and the other two old dynasty b*stards he would have to face.

Although EsGod was not afraid of them himself, he would lose far more than just a fleet, so it was not worth it.

At this time, Han Xiao suddenly sent a psychic voice message and said with a deep voice, "You have a space swap Esper ability, so I'm guessing you never wanted to make a deal with me since the start, and this has always been a trap."

EsGod blocked Ames' force field then replied in a mocking tone.

"It's true I have no credibility nor reputation, but this time, you're wrong. I was indeed sincere. The Evolution Cube was the only hope to reach the higher territory in my eyes, but it isn't anymore. I have seen a wider world! To me, the Evolution Cube is no longer my final target, just a tool that I want and not an absolute necessity. If you're not willing to lend it to me, I really would not have done anything to you..."

A higher territory? Han Xiao wondered. EsGod was combining the clearly restricted Super High Risk Esper Abilities and taking in countless galactic wanted criminals to form the Fallen Ark. Everything he did was for stronger power-his motive was very straight forward.

"You want to be like the Primordial Ones, break through the limit of individual power and discover a new grade?" Han Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"Hehe." EsGod neither agreed nor denied it. Then, he suddenly changed the topic and said, "Speaking of which, I have to thank you. You made me see a new hope and changed my goal."

"Thank me?" Han Xiao was confused.

"A few years ago, my doppelganger fought you in the Shattered Star Ring. It was toyed with by you and thrown into a wormhole," EsGod said with a mysterious tone. "Sadly, you did not follow me through the wormhole. You have absolutely no idea what you've missed."

Between the lines of his words, it was as if that event had turned out to be beneficial to him.

Han Xiao suddenly had a flash of insight and linked all the clues together. Shocked, he asked, "Was that why your people killed Harrofal?"

Back when the DarkStar leader returned to assassinate him, he had used an EsGod doppelganger. That was the first time he had come in contact with EsGod.

At that time, he had been no match for the EsGod doppelganger. He had used the wormhole environment around and worked together with a Mechanic who studied wormholes, Harrofal, leading the EsGod doppelganger into the wormhole and banishing it.

After that, EsGod had sent his subordinates to steal the Evolution Cube but killed Harrofal too. Han Xiao did not know the reason. This had happened a very long time ago, and he did not expect EsGod to bring it up. It seemed like there was something else to this.

"Harrofal?" EsGod paused, as if he finally remembered this name after thinking for some time. "Hmm, right, that's his name, that guy who tricked my doppelganger together with you at that time. I obtained the data of that wormhole tunnel from him."

Han Xiao was puzzled. EsGod said that he had seen the hope for the next stage. What did this guy see on the other side of the wormhole?

Did EsGod obtain the data for that particular wormhole tunnel so that he could locate the destination of that random teleportation and build a stable tunnel?

What did that wormhole lead to that was worthy of even EsGod putting in so much effort‽

Han Xiao was tempted to know, but EsGod had no interest in speaking about it. He suddenly teleported and escaped from the siege of the three of them, waving his hand. A teleportation gate appeared behind him.

From far away, EsGod's sights stabbed Han Xiao like knives. From EsGod's eyes, Han Xiao understood what he meant.

I'll let you go this time, but we will have plenty of chances in the future to play again. The days are still long!

Their gazes clashed.

Then, EsGod took a step back and disappeared without a trace together with the teleportation gate.

"He retreated..."

Han Xiao heaved a sigh of relief. The mechanical army lost the target and stopped moving.

EsGod could not obtain the Evolution Cube this time, so he would most likely make more plans in the future. Han Xiao had no idea what methods EsGod would use in the future.

The two of them were now on completely opposite sides. However, this guy could not easily leave the Central Galaxy, so Han Xiao did not know when they would fight again.

Also, the wormhole that EsGod mentioned had piqued his curiosity.

Thinking of the strength that EsGod had showcased in this battle, Han Xiao felt a lot of pressure.

"He is the final boss of the Chaotic Evil Faction. I don't have enough strength to fight him yet..."

Han Xiao felt a sense of pressure-he needed to become stronger.

Chapter 807 EsGod Character Summon Card: Esper Silence
This chapter is updated by Wuxia.Blog

Though they kept their guard up a while longer, EsGod did not appear again.

"We forced him away?" Beyoni's voice sounded in the communication channel filled with doubt and disbelief.

Ames looked at the fleet battlefield afar that was completely one-sided, shook her head, and said, "Does he not even want his fleet anymore?"

"They're all wanted criminals. None are good," Han Xiao said slowly. "Across the entire universe, new criminals are born every second and every minute. Countless people have sought protection from him. EsGod basically has an endless supply of manpower. How much will he care about the lives of his subordinates? If he did care, he would not have used his subordinates as bait."

Without EsGod, this Fallen Ark fleet scattered and escaped in all directions. The dynasty's troops chased right after them. The three of them did not do anything about those escaping battleships and returned to one of the sub-ships. Chasing those fleeing enemies was the dynasty's troops' task.

As the main ship had been destroyed by EsGod, Murraky had moved to this sub-ship to re-establish his command. As soon as the three of them entered the spaceship, they immediately saw the few soldiers who had been waiting beside the hatch all along.

"Y-Your Excellencies, the commander has invited the three of you to the bridge." The soldier was a little nervous. All these soldiers on the spaceships witnessed the fight between the three of them and EsGod-they had a very clear idea of how strong these three were.

"So, now this guy's willing to let us go to the command room?" Han Xiao laughed and walked at the front. The soldier quickly caught up and led the way.

When the three of them entered the command room at the bridge, Murraky was staring at the strategic map and talking nonstop, giving out orders to maximize the results of the battle. As he turned around and saw Han Xiao and the others walk in, his face turned respectful, and he hastily went to the three of them.

"Your Excellency Black Star, you saved my life, thank you! I'm very sorry about what happened before!" Murraky's attitude was completely different from before, and he could not have been more respectful.

No matter how arrogant he was, he could not act that way to Black Star, who had saved his life.

Han Xiao looked at him with narrowed eyes and said indifferently, "You're the commander. You can be arrogant, you can act all high and mighty, and you can have all kinds of problems... but you can't forget your job. The battle has not ended, yet you left your commanding position and came to apologize to us? Putting it bluntly, no matter what attitude you have, it will never change the difference in position between you and us. Do you think we care about your apology?"

The command room became silent. The people around dared not make a sound.

Murraky shivered. His intention to apologize was sincere, but he never expected to receive such an uncompromising response. It was almost shameful. He could not help but feel somewhat wronged. However, with an awkward expression, he did not dare speak again and returned to his station to continue commanding the battle.

After Han Xiao finally left with an expressionless face, the people in the room finally dared to breathe freely.

The annoyance in Beyoni's heart disappeared immediately. He patted Han Xiao's shoulder and laughed. "Dynasty military officers like him don't know how to respect the strong. That'll teach him a lesson."

Han Xiao glanced at him and shook his head in his mind. It was not Murraky's attitude that he was unhappy about. If this was directed just toward him, he would have generously laughed it off. However, this did not just concern him. Ames was not an ally of the dynasty-she had helped him purely because she was kind enough to. Yet she was treated this way, so there was no way Han Xiao was just going to act as if nothing had happened.

Therefore, even though Murraky had gone to apologize sincerely, he still did not accept it at all and used the chance to teach him a lesson. Ames was not the dynasty's ally, so she had no place to speak. Only he could help her vent her anger. Even though Ames had never requested him to do so, Han Xiao still did it.

Ames looked at Han Xiao with an interested look on her face. "Yo, this is the first time I've seen you show off your Beyond Grade A identity. Kiddo, has arrogance finally caught up to you?"

Han Xiao glanced at her and raised his brows. "Don't tell me you didn't like it."

"Smart." Ames laughed and shook her head. She softly poked Han Xiao's cheek with her slender finger.

Han Xiao turned his head around with resignation, caught Ames' hand, and pressed it down. "Your words were more than sufficient."

They casually chatted about the battle earlier as they returned to the house. Han Xiao entered a room alone and closed the door after him. Now, he finally had the time to take a breather and recollect the battle earlier.

He had gained quite a lot from this test.

The goal on paper to take part in this elimination was to complete a mission and obtain Contribution Points, as well as to clarify his stand and draw an obvious line with EsGod.

One of the secret goals was to evaluate the combat capability of EsGod's main body.

The Great Mechanic Han had a very clear idea of his own capabilities and knew that he was no match for EsGod at the moment, which was why he had hidden the Evolution Cube in advance. However, he was at least at the Beyond Grade A level just like EsGod, so he would not be too afraid and knew that he could at least fight EsGod.

Since EsGod was his enemy, while he had help, he wanted to test EsGod's strength personally and feel their differences. This way, he would have a rough idea when facing EsGod in the future and would not be unprepared.

The test did give him a result-EsGod felt unfathomable, like a bottomless pit. Just seeing the tip of the iceberg had already given him a lot of pressure.

"Level, talents, and Ultimate Knowledges need to be obtained, and the mechanical army needs to be continuously expanded." Han Xiao was planning ahead.

A Beyond Grade A Mechanic's army could travel long distances without him having to be there. Other than his own abilities, he also had to increase the size and strength of his mechanical army. After he obtained the Ultimate Knowledge to activate [King's Mentor], he would be able to enhance his mechanical army even further and make use of the Beyond Grade A Mechanic combat style.

The most important goal he had this time was to plant a ward on that guy.

EsGod had multiple abilities, but he was not a Mage. Even though the chances were slim, he had to try it. With this attitude, Han Xiao had secretly thrown an Observer's Mark at EsGod during the battle. Sadly, EsGod had discovered it and shattered it instantly.

Han Xiao was not very regretful about this. It was a gamble to begin with. It would have been a great surprise if it worked, but he had been mentally prepared for it not to.


At this time, the mission complete notification popped up on the interface.

"The battle has finally ended?"

He opened the interface and looked at the notifications.


[Dynasty Warfare: Fallen Ark (Repeatable)] Completed!

The targets you have completed are: [Elite Minions], [Brave Warrior], [Scavenger]... [Facing EsGod I], [Facing EsGod II, [Facing EsGod III], [Facing EsGod IV].

Mission Rating: Unbelievable

You have received Unbelievable Mission Rating reward: Bonus 9,000,000,000 EXP, 2 Random Rewards


"That's quite a lot of EXP." Han Xiao was delighted. All missions that involved Beyond Grade As had very rich rewards. It was the same back when he fought Heber.

The total EXP reward for this mission was close to thirty billion! It was plenty even at his level. It mainly came from the reward involving EsGod, which he could complete easily but was extremely difficult for the players.

Scanning through the notifications, Han Xiao smiled. He had made a huge fortune this time. The Contribution Points for the Crimson Dynasty had reached more than eight thousand, more than enough to exchange for an Ultimate Knowledge.

Han Xiao saved the two Random Rewards before looking at the EsGod Character Summon Card reward from the [Facing EsGod IV] mission.


Character Summon Card - EsGod: [Esper Ability-Esper Silence]-Through physical contact, suppress the Esper Genes of the target and forbid the target from using Esper Ability. Only effective against Espers. The Judgement success rate and the duration depends on the difference between the user and target in terms of Level, Energy Level, and Luck.

Minimum duration if effective: 0.25s

Usages: 0/2


"Esper Silence?" Han Xiao recalled that this was the Esper Ability that EsGod had used on Beyoni.

EsGod had many abilities, and the Character Summon Card could only draw one. Luckily, this Esper Ability was quite useful, thanks to him touching Feidin before the battle.

Han Xiao pondered. The ability of this Character Summon Card just so happened to counter EsGod, which was an unexpected surprise. However, the difference in the various attributes between him and EsGod was quite large, so it was almost impossible for the Judgement to succeed.

Maybe when his level caught up to EsGod, this Character Summon Card would be effective on him.

Han Xiao kept this Character Summon Card as a trump card.

"Now that I've drawn the line clearly with EsGod, the goal for this trip is achieved... I shall exchange for Ultimate Knowledge later on and rendezvous with the army, as well as make contact with the Constellation Corridor players."

One of the two goals he had for this Central Galaxy trip was now completed, and Han Xiao had already planned for what to do next.

"One more thing..."

He was rather concerned with the wormhole EsGod mentioned and wanted to know what EsGod was planning.

"When I return to the Shattered Star Ring, I have to find the time to visit Harrofal's civilization and see if I can get the data for that wormhole travel. I have to find out why EsGod was looking for that set of data..."

Han Xiao's eyes sparkled.

He had an intuitive feeling that this was not simple. It might be a surprise...


In the other room, Beyoni opened his communicator and called Clotti's number.

The communication was picked up very soon.


"Clotti, the battle here has ended."

"How was it?" Clotti asked.

"We met EsGod's main body..." Beyoni described the whole thing.

Clotti nodded and said, "This means that EsGod did indeed contact Black Star before, but Black Star did not agree, hmm... There is the possibility that they're putting on a show. Anyhow, good work, I will report this to Her Excellency."

"It didn't look fake." Beyoni spoke for Han Xiao. "I feel that Black Star knew that the dynasty had some doubts about him, and this was to express his stand to gain the dynasty's trust. After all, he's a new Beyond Grade A ally of the dynasty. Even if there are doubts, it won't be publicized. It's impossible to interrogate someone like him, so he needed to do this."

Clotti did not comment about it. He was only responsible for reporting; the final judgment depended on Urranrell.

"By the way, Black Star asked me about the Mechanic Empire," Beyoni suddenly said.

"That's normal." Clotti shook his head.

After a few more words, Beyoni hung up the communication and exhaled flame sparkles from his mouth.

Not only was he close to the military's Youngsters Faction, but he was also a confidant of the Ruler. During this trip with Han Xiao, not only was he building a closer relationship with Han Xiao, but he was also secretly told by Urranrell to keep an eye on Black Star's actions.


In the Central Galaxy's desolate universe belt very far from the battlefield, another Fallen Ark fleet was hidden.

A space vortex shaped teleportation gate appeared above the fleet, and EsGod walked out of it.

The main ship opened its hatch and welcomed EsGod onboard.

As he returned to the main ship's hall, the people on standby there stood up and greeted him.

"Your Excellency EsGod!"


EsGod ignored them and walked to his throne. He sat down and glanced over the people below him. "How's the research progress?"

"They're still matching the data with the coordinates. We don't know how long it will take to accurately locate the location in the data records. That set of data is too strange. It does not seem to be in the explored universe. Even if we have the data, without the matching coordinates on the star map, the workload is enormous."

"Results are the only thing I want. Confirm the location as soon as possible," EsGod said coldly. He then turned to look at his capable assistant beside him and said, "Help me to contact the Arcane Church's men."

"Oh? For what?"

This person licked his lips. His tongue was purple and covered in spikes, like a whip. A bright red mask was embedded into his face bone as if it was soldered into his face. The mask blocked the upper half of his face, not even showing his eyes. Only his mouth and chin could be seen. He was a being with an upright spine but not human, about 1.7 meters tall. His back was bent like an old man. His skin was thick, dark purple, and rough like sandpaper. He had two pairs of upper limbs and one pair of lower limbs. He looked emaciated, and his body was like a purple brunch of a dead tree. He had the EsGod-brand fashionable beggar hood on too. He emitted a sense of evil and creepiness from all over his body.

Fakisen, nicknamed the Purple Devil, one of the Beyond Grade A Seeds in the Central Galaxy many years ago. He was once a wanted criminal chased by universal civilizations, then he joined the Fallen Ark and had been an important officer under EsGod for around a hundred years.

"Tell the Arcane Church's men, didn't they want the data left by the Evolutionary Civilization? I can give it to them."

"On what terms?" Fakisen tilted his head.

"To work together and snatch the Evolution Cube. Tell them, if that succeeds, the Evolution Cube is theirs. I only need to use it a few times," EsGod said slowly.

In order not to make the same mistake, he decided to borrow Psyker's ability to locate the Evolution Cube. As he had slaughtered many Star Pupil Holy Race members before, Psyker would not work with him, so EsGod planned to directly negotiate with the Arcane Church in secret. As long as the Arcane Church made a decision, he would be able to discreetly borrow Psyker's ability.

The Arcane Church had an unusual passion for the Evolution Cube. Ever since EsGod stole the Evolution Cube from Psyker and made it known to the public that he possessed information about the Evolutionary Civilization, the Arcane Church had proposed many terms to him secretly in exchange for the Evolutionary Civilization's information.

According to EsGod's speculation, the Arcane Church's feverish admiration for the Gods was one of the main reasons they wanted the Evolution Cube. EsGod did not know the details of it.

Although EsGod knew that he was the common enemy of the three civilizations. Since he shared a common goal with the Arcane Church, it was not impossible for them to work together in secret. Furthermore, the target of negotiation was the mysterious Arcane Church, which had the most ambiguous stand among the three civilizations. Compared to the Federation of Light and the Crimson Dynasty, the Arcane Church was the least keen to kill him.

"We're going to make a deal with the Arcane Church? That's really risky. If there's a chance, they might eliminate you during the process," Fakisen said with a mocking tone.

"Hehe." EsGod smiled faintly and did not reply. He then said, "I'll leave this matter to you. I need to sleep for some time."


Fakisen's tongue whipped in midair and created a sound that had the same meaning as humans snapping their fingers, expressing that he would get it done.

EsGod grunted and lowered his head. His face turned back to a vortex shaped black fog and entered his slumber.

Fakisen was used to this. The various Esper Abilities of EsGod all existed in his body in the form of Genetic Chains, which had a very heavy load on his body. Continuously switching between his various Esper Abilities would cause his cells to age very quickly. When EsGod absorbed Esper Abilities from others, he was basically using his life span in exchange for power.

EsGod's cell activity had already started to deteriorate, and his life span had entered the elderly stage. However, he also had Esper Abilities to suppress aging and temporarily return him to his youth, which had to be triggered through sleeping. This was the reason he often slept. Usually, after intense battles, EsGod always slept.

"Black Star..."

Fakisen licked his lips. He knew that EsGod had gone to negotiate with Black Star. It clearly did not go well, and EsGod had even gone back empty-handed, which was shocking to him.


After the battlefield was cleaned up, Murraky's army returned to the border army base together with Han Xiao and the others.

There were millions of border army bases across the dynasty's wide border line. The highest position in one base was colonel.

As this battle came to its end, Han Xiao and the others bade farewell to the colonel of the base and left.

Han Xiao and Beyoni said to meet again when they had the time before going their separate ways. Beyoni left alone, while Han Xiao took Ames and the others to head toward the location where the Black Star Army was going to build a new division.

While heading there, they took a detour, and Han Xiao retrieved the Evolution Cube and the other mechanical army. He felt much more assured when the Evolution Cube was on him.

As the portable base of the army had yet to arrive, they were not in a hurry, so Han Xiao slowed down the traveling time. This was the first time Hila and the others had gone to the Central Galaxy. They made stops here and there on the way, occasionally visiting the colonial planets of the Crimson Dynasty for sightseeing.

With Han Xiao's identity, their journey was smooth.

Han Xiao had been paying attention to the Constellation Corridor page on the player forums all along and looking at the players' reactions. Ever since more than half a month ago when he spread the word at the Shattered Star Ring that he was going to the Constellation Corridor, the players there had been in a state of excitement and anticipation. They could not wait for the Black Star Army to cross Star Fields and meet them.

The transportation in the Central Galaxy was very efficient. When Han Xiao was still on the way, the army's main team finally reached its destination and arrived before the players.

Han Xiao had yet to arrive personally, but he could clearly feel the enormous impact of his army crossing servers on the Constellation Corridor page on the forums.

The passion of the players exploded!

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