The Beauty In Earth

By x-night-travels-x

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Sometimes all you gotta do is let someone explain to see the truth. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices jus... More

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By x-night-travels-x

So I played, but I didn't want to go first so Daniella did.

"The bottle chooses.... Conner?" Daniella shouted.

    They stared at each other then Tyler,Erik, and I began to count down from 5 for them to say whether or not they kiss or drink.

"Kiss," They both shouted with embarrassment, but once they clued in that they both said kiss they were no longer embarrassed.

Conner put his hand on Daniella's cheek and then kissed her right on the lips, And it wasn't just a peck. They fucking made out right in front of us.

"EXCUSE ME, SIBLINGS ARE STILL HERE!" Tyler and I both yelled.

The others all started laughing.

    "Ok, I guess I'll go next," I sighed.

    I got Tyler.

    "Drink," I said as I picked up the bottle.

    "Kiss," Tyler said. "Wait, no I meant drink!" Tyler corrected himself.

    So we both took a drink and continued the game. My turn was over so I honestly stopped paying attention and zoned out staring at the water.

    Then all of a sudden, Tyler is sitting beside me putting his hand on my cheek making me look towards him, his lips were inches away from each other until I realized what was happening, I backed up and slapped him.

    "What the hell!" Tyler yelled.

    "Don't ever get that close to me again," I snapped.

    I panicked and ran into the woods, what the hell was that. Years of friendship and now all of a sudden he tries to fucking kiss me. No.

          A couple hours have passed and I sat there in the woods throwing rocks. Until all of a sudden I heard a twig snap, so I did what most people would do.

          " Who the hell is there," I yelled.

           Then Erik poked out his head.

           "Oh it's just you, why are you stalking me?" I questioned.

            " God, you really know how to make me sound like a creep," He Chuckled. "Tyler and I were just walking back to camp, we'll that's what I was doing. He ran off to look for you, he didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, he was just playing the game." Erik explained but I said nothing.

              "Don't worry I won't tell him where you are," Erik said as he walked away.

            I hate this. My best friend tried to kiss me and I got mad at him even though he was just playing the game.

           Whatever. It's over now. I guess I minus well start heading back to the camp.

          When I got back to the camp I went straight to where I had all of my stuff set up.

It began to get darker and colder outside so I decided to go to sleep early. I mean I didn't sleep last night and I had a weird day so I mean, i was tired so why not go to sleep.

    A couple of days have passed. I talked everything out with Tyler and apologized for slapping him, but lately ever since he tried to kiss me we haven't really been the same. Like we still hangout with the group together we just don't really talk as much i guess. It's kind of awkward honestly, and I do feel bad about slapping him, but once again he was the one who tried to kiss you.

    I don't drink but right now I could really use one.   

    Then Erik comes out from around the corner behind a bunch of trees in the woods, which is where I was hanging out writing in my journal. It was kinda like he was reading my mind because he was holding A bottle, and I don't even have to say what was in it cause I think you knew what it was. Alcohol.

    "You gonna offer me some of that, or are you just gonna pretend i'm not here and walk off and go get drunk alone," I hinted, I hate alcohol for reason i don't feeling like talking about, but with all of this drama and shit i honestly need some, And plus nothing is wrong with getting a little drunk every now and then.

Erik didn't say anything, he just raised an eyebrow at me.

"I thought you didn't drink? I mean We haven't talked but from the rumours i would always hear about you i kinda got the idea that you didn't drink," He said.

And he's right. I don't, and ya there were often a shit load of rumours about me that were mostly all right.

"Are you going to hand be the bottle or what," I blurted.

"I mean sure i guess, but i can't stay cause I need to go get firewood to keep the others warm and to heat up or cook food." He explained.

He smiled lightly and handed me the bottle. Then he runs into the woods like he was never here.

You know for someone who is such a dick, he is honestly caring. Don't get me wrong, I still hate him, But he is beginning to grow on me. I can't hate him forever. No one can hate someone forever. Well mostly. Honestly I don't even know what I'm saying. All i know is this Alchoal is fucking nasty, but whatever because I need a distraction from everything.

Here's to numbing the stress away.

That didn't make sense but I think you know what I meant.

How about this one?

Here's to biting the stress and shit right in the ass.

Nope, that doesn't explain what I'm trying to say either. Oh well. I guess some things you can't put into words.

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