BatimVerse (Batim x Xtale)

By Creator_Au

4.6K 102 16

Y/n was just a worker at Joey Drew Studios, meeting Bendy and getting involved with the ink machine really ch... More

Chapter 1: A Happy Ending
Chapter 2: Friend
Authors note!
Authors note 2:
Chapter 4: First encounter
Chapter 5: A Clean Slate
Chapter 6: Prologue?
Chapter 6: Introductions
Authors Note 3:
Chapter 7: The End
Authors Note 4:

Chapter 3: The Creator Lied To Us

431 11 1
By Creator_Au

Time skip y/n POV:

From then on, you continued to see XGaster with Papyrus. Although, you sometimes refused to go with him, lying that you had other businesses to take care of. Not like you had any. You had trouble getting used to the surroundings of monsters and humans. Almost thinking that this was all just a lucid dream and you would eventually wake up, yet you don't remember falling asleep. It was either you were in the ink puddle, or you this was all real and you were really stuck here. The first thought made you shudder. Keeping a straight face during this charade was almost indisputable, normally you only had the energy to eat and sleep due to Joey's workload but because you couldn't talk you had to put much more effort into your communication and posture. It was exhausting. You didn't even have a house! If this WAS lucid dreaming, surely your dumb head could think of at least somewhere to live. Was your brain really that lazy? You pouted somewhat at the prospect that you would have to go house hunting and get your living arrangements sorted. But are you really considering staying here? You didn't belong here but you didn't want to go back to that horror of a studio. Bendy was most likely gone for good, Henry abandoned you and Joey, Jack and Tom probably got turned and Joey was a madman in hiding. It wouldn't be safe there, but where would you go here? You didn't belong anywhere. You lowered you head as if in defeat with this inner conflict with yourself, the negativity prevailing the positivity that was quickly diminishing in an instance before resurfacing again.

Maybe the forest would be nice? The amount of inhabitants here was overwhelming anyway. To add, there was this aura around these people that made you uncomfortable, sick even, other than the occasional glances from some monsters because of your appearance. You sat in the town square on the fountain ledge with a slice of pie made by Papyrus, pondering to yourself in deep thought. It was the same place where that goat family was being congratulated at. You guessed it was a ceremony of some sort, Papyrus filled you in with great delight, adding the fact he was part of the royal guard protecting them. You felt bad for sometimes abandoning Papyrus on his runs to meet XGaster, not wanting to meet him in your personal opinion. His posture and demeanour was just asking to send red flags your way because every time you went there, he'd be staring at you. His face was unreadable and that's what aggravated you the most. But it's not like you wanted his approval of you anyway, not liking him from the start for some reason. You let out heavy sigh, shoulders drooping to your sides and listening to the sounds reverberating from your chest as you breathed.

After a few seconds, you almost forcibly flung your body forward and trudged through the street into the forest. Autumn time was the best season to enjoy in your opinion, the leaves turning to different shades of orange and occasionally falling gracefully onto the earths crust or dancing in sync with the cool breeze that whipped your face. Sure, the trees would become the many pitchforks in the forest view, but that was in winter and was your simple logic to put it as. Looking around with your audio log in hand, you suddenly felt a presence behind you. Their aura sending waves of deja vu your way and you stopped abruptly.

"Who is there?"


"Alright, I'm sick of no one answering me when someone's creeping up behind me all mysterious, now y'all are just being rude"

You turned around to meet a familiar face, the boy from the ceremony. He looked tired. And annoyed. This is why you don't like confrontation. You looked at the pie in your left hand and back at the boy and back to the pie again.

"Do you ... want the pie?"

You extended your arms to him, pie in hand in hopes of ending the awkward silence. He furrowed his eyebrows in exasperation.

"A-are you okay kid? You seem a bit dazed there ..."

"You shouldn't be here. You know what's going on, don't you?"

"E-excuse me?"

"If you're smart enough, you'll stay away from him. If not, well ...
A nefarious and devilish grin etched across his face as his bushy and unruly hair cast a shadow over his eyes.
"We just hope that you'll stay long enough to see how this all turns out"

We? What is he talking about? Who is this person to just suddenly send these threats at you? You mused to yourself. You pursed your lips, as if attempting to bark back a remark for his potential threat, yet nothing came out. As expected. You were stuck like this. Solemnly looking back at the audio log, you pressed the buttons, playing Alice's voice.

"Look kid, I don't know what's going on or what your deal is. But I know it's you who's been watching us. If there's something wrong, i can help if you want. Besides, I don't have anything to do anyway." Smiling sympathetically, although it felt forced.

"You can help by not interfering, he doesn't like creations messing with his plans. I'm trying to help you from a worse fate, yet I've now learned you're just as ignorant as the others"

"Keep moping to yourself somewhere else, it'll all be over soon anyway and it's not like you'll gain any sympathy from him"

"Learn to help yourself first before offering help to others. You're useless in this state but that can change"

Ouch. Now that just hurt. Your eye twitched slightly with your eyebrows furrowed deeply, still maintaining your smile as the boy walked past you, proceeding to succumb into the deeper depths of the shadows illuminated from the trees towering over you 2.

A few seconds passed after the boy disappeared and you let out a heavy sigh. You came here to relax and be alone and look at what happened. A kid you barely know just threatened you and your stupidly holding out your pie to nobody. That's when you broke from your thoughts, now realising your arms still outstretched to no one with pie in hand.

We ran out of bacon soup.

Time skip sans POV:

"God, Sans, everyone is acting so weird today!!" Y/n whined with her face slumped head-first onto the bench in an exasperated gesture. You chuckled softly, giving your signature grin towards her way, not that she could see it anyway. Mumbling quietly, she lifted her head halfway to show an exceedingly fatigue and worn out face, her 1 eye sag and dull at the same time.

"do you want to talk about it? you didn't really give me any context on how everyone's being so weird today"

"People keep on staring at me every time I look away, I know it! Whenever I turn my head they immediately look the other way! Not to mention the weird kid in the forest, I swear they were threatening me and were just spouting loads of nonsense I didn't understand!"

"mind elaborating what this kid said?"

"I - !" Y/n froze for a sec and screamed internally, face all hot headed and such which made you laugh again.

"you don't remember do you?"

"Agh! Well, if I can't remember, then for you sure they said a load of nonsense that my head couldn't bother to comprehend!"

"welp, can't argue with that. though you shouldn't think much of the looks the other people give you, most of them are relatively nice. i'm sure they're just curious about you cuz you seem to stand out from the rest."

"How flattering" she said with a lace of sarcasm in the audio log. "I just love being stared at constantly for my appearance like I'm some sort of circus animal, at least pay me for some decent show so I can finally find somewhere to live!"

"i don't think of you as a circus animal, more like a friend. wouldn't like to think that my friends were living on the streets coming to my house to cook pie with papyrus because they're hungry."

That earned you a guilt-looking y/n, shoulders hunched together and her head buried in her chest.

"y/n, i understand you don't have anywhere else to go and aren't willing to tell me where you come from. we all have secrets as well, heck, i lie to papyrus almost all the time and he does the same when he tells me he's on a supply run and won't be back till noon."

"but I don't appreciate you using my brother like that, yet i'm the one willing to tell you this i don't tell anyone else. i still see you as friend and good friends always redeem themselves when they've done wrong."

"I know I- I'm sorry for being like this. It's just something's been at the back of my mind and I don't know when I'll be ready to share it. But I think undoing the wrongs I've done can help me improve! What can I do to make it up to Papyrus and you?"

Y/n POV:

* The want to make it up to your friends fills you with determination *

Sans continued to sit there quietly, as if thinking to himself. You waited patiently for him until you heard the faint snores coming from the toothy grin he had plastered on his face. He was asleep.

"Sans! Wake up!" You advanced your body forward to Sans from where you were seated on the opposite side of the table. Both your faces almost touching, only a few meters apart from each other and gently flicked your fingers upon his skull, waking him up. When his eye sockets opened, his white irises meeting your f/c eye, a small tint of purple etched across his face and he stumbled on his words, trying to formulate a sentence. Meanwhile, you were just waiting now impatiently, not noticing his embarrassed gestures.

"i-i uuuuhhhh .... no n-no um ... MUFFETS!"

He shouted, rather forced. Earning a few glances from passing monsters and humans.

"Muffets? The one with that spider bake sale stand from the ceremony?"

"y-yeah! I mean - you like baking right? Muffet's VERY low on staff so maybe she would take in you in for a position as one of her bakers"

Sans seemed to calm down, recovering from the adrenaline high and felt the heat from his cheekbones die down as he sped through the  conversation with ease.

"I'm still not seeing how this links to anything we've said so far"

"think about it, you get a job and can afford a house and food to live by off so you don't have to keep coming over to me and Papyrus' and your helping Muffet lots."

"of course your welcome in our home anytime!" sans just realising what he said and flailing his arms in defence. His blush returning which you watched in awe. "if you want, you could stay while working. kinda is boring back at the house anyway when papyrus is gone."

You smiled with content.

"I would greatly appreciate it, Sans. And I promise I'll make it up to you." Smiling with determination. Perhaps this can be a fresh start for you.

"heh, so long as you help me, i can help you,

Time skip y/n POV:

Entry number 1. I've decided to use the audio log to keep up with what's been happening. The warning that kid gave me sure left me wondering what was happening. They knew I didn't belong here, surely the people he wanted me to stay away from knew more than what anyone else did. Even sans and Papyrus don't know and I would rather have it stay like that.

Besides that, I work at muffet's bakery as a part time job, her spider companions are nice but still give me the creeps often when they climb onto my shoulders. Muffet is a kind boss, other than getting antsy when anything bad happens to her spiders. She's a much better boss to work for than Joey, always respecting the work hours I did and sending me home when I threw up ink and couldn't continue with the work. Yep, and I still have the ink problems right now   but sans and Papyrus are willing to take care of me when I'm sick.

Flashback -

You happily gave a customer their pastries, encased in a rich and royal purple box with golden lining and tiny decorations engraved into it. Small spider companions danced among the box, ribbon in their tiny arms and in a synchronised motion, wrapped it into a tiny and delicate bow. The process making you squeamish so you look deadpanned at the customer in front. The customer paying you with a few G on the counter before setting off out of the shop. Muffet came from the back and called you to help carry a colossal bag of flour in hand, to which you tripped and the flour cascaded rapidly onto the floor and yourselves.

End of flashback -

But I try not to dwell on it too much. It seems I'm halfway towards my spendings for a house, I already having one in mind already that lived close to the Dreemur families castle. Me and Sans spotted it while going out for nice cream, another food other than pie!

Flashback -

You and Sans ushered sprightly through the streets, both with nice cream in hand to which you firmly enjoyed, basking and savouring the taste with tiny pinpricks in your no longer dull eyes. Some of it fell upon the tip of your nose and with your giddy and childish behaviour in that moment, you tried licking it off with your tongue in a failed attempt to which Sans just gave his lazy grin at you with a small chuckle behind it. You both spotted a house and with great interest, you grabbed Sans by the arm and yanked him from his previous spot to look from the fence to the windows. It was a rather moderate house, a 2 story made from concrete, a white painted lattice on the side of the house with the purple cranesbill flowers you oh-so admired entwined with it and the grey, flat brims underneath the stain glass windows reflecting off a semi-transparent you and Sans holding hands. The blanch sky hung sadly as tiny snow droplets descended ceremoniously to the white blanket of snow where your shoes crunched a pleasurable sound beneath your feet's. For some odd reason, nice cream didn't affect you in any weather, that's what made it delicious, you could still taste the warm, luscious sensation of it while you didn't notice Sans hiding his face deeper into his scarf he wore.

End of flashback -

Papyrus disclosed me about the society of monsters, magic and soul traits. He helps me with my ink usage when I asked him to help me and I've quite improved. The mention of magic was interesting and particularly fascinating, it sounded like a world Bendy would love to be in but ... never mind.

... I haven't seen the boy from the forest since that day ...

End of entry.

Time skip no ones POV:



Y/n just nodded humbly as he ranted about Sans' behaviour and his messy cleaning habits. Wearing a short and pale velvet winter cloak with fur bits hanging on the hoodie and a white scarf wrapped in a hidden knot that were gifts from Sans and Papyrus. In return, y/n gave them both friendship necklaces made with the help of Muffet, whom y/n became close friends with, more than just co-workers at her bakery. They were going to celebrate back at the house for the new house she had bought finally with enough money in her savings after all the hard work she put off. Muffet said she had a surprise waiting for y/n as a part of her gift to her when they got back so Papyrus and y/n sped walked through the streets to the forest, anticipation rising with each step they took thinking about it. They reached the end of the clearing at the front of the woods, only to be stopped by the same kid from before.



He smiled in contentment. Y/n stared warily at the boy, staying close to Papyrus for protection.

The boy proceeded to ignore him and held a familiar locket. The same one y/n and Papyrus had fixed.

"Take it" he said plainly, earning Papyrus a questioning glance.


"PUT IT ON!!" The boy yelped in vexation. His eyes glowing a red and purple deep into the abyss of his eyes. Teeth grinding together in fury and rage.

"HEY, DON'T YELL AT US!" Papyrus yelled back, getting into a defensive stance between him, y/n and the boy. Y/n's eyebrows furrowing deeper and yet deeper with every millisecond.

"WHY DO YOU WANT ME TO WEAR THAT, ANYWAY?" Returning into a civil manner, still keeping his defences on guard. The child then advanced to a low, seemingly ruinous chuckle, eyes changed into a craze and deranged lunatic and he answered.

"Ha .... Ha ha ha ... because you and I will face him together, as always!"


"You don't even know his name but you still see him as your friend ... how cute ..."

"SO WHAT? I DON'T KNOW YOUR NAME EITHER AND I THINK YOU'RE NICE ... KIND OF ..." Beads of sweat forming on his skull as he spoke. Y/n, fuming with rage and the boiling sensation in her stomach, charged upfront to the kid and picked them up by the scarf they were wearing, not harshly but in a way that showed dominance over the other. Not caring the ink pouring out from her mouth, the discomfort of her whole body from the hot fumes of the ink on her body feeling numb by anger and hate. All of a sudden, the world around them faded away, darkness engulfed the three of them and each of their souls appeared, helping show the distinction between them. Even with the shred of light between them 3, y/n felt the waves of informality hit her hard, the pure darkness of the void of all places she wished never to cross paths with again. The place she feared the most when being dragged down the ink puddle. Regaining her senses, she saw 4 yellow panels hovering between you and the kid.

* Act

* Fight

* Mercy

* Item

"Y/N! PLEASE DON'T!" Papyrus, the voice of reason, yelped in hopes of gaining her attention. She cocked her head to the side, her eyes averting further to meet his.

""DON'T FIGHT HIM ... PLEASE. IT'D BE WISE TO LET HIM TALK FIRST AND EXPLAIN" she sympathised with him and pressed one of the panels, an automatic beeping sounding radiating from it.

* Act

- Check

The kid, still being held by y/n yet again but gentler, chuckled darkly. This kid was seriously pissing y/n off.

"Oh, Papyrus ... y/n. If you want to know about us ... you must know the truth."

"LeT Me TElL YOu a seCReT ..."

* Mercy


"Well ... so what did it tell you?"

"It ...? ... Bendy ... ?"


"Yes, it is"


" I don't know"

"The creator always knows. The creator lied to us."

" ... UHH ... WHAT?"

"What is going to happen next ... Experiment?"

"Experiment? Wait ... I remember"

"Everything was going so well until you ruined it with your melodramatic attitude"

"What is the matter, Experiment. Do something."

"WHaT's hE UP To?"

"Who's this? You don't sound familiar ..."

"If you think your stupid heart locket will change something, then go ahead. Take responsibility for your actions."

"Joey only took responsibility of other peoples work ..."


"Hate" is a pretentious term"

"You are most likely ... afraid of me"

((It seems that it's not the right time yet.))














* Rewrite/Reset

Authors note:

Phew! Hi again, I know this is a long chapter about the same timeline from the previous chapter but I lost lots of motivation after finishing schoolwork. Mostly because the story, in my opinion, was poorly written and I'm most likely going to rewrite it after I finish. I really wanted to get this timeline over with so I could start fresh with the new one and try make sense of it with y/n's story as well. Next chapter will either be a long or short explanation of y/n's power and the multiverse for a better understanding and I'll try for the new timeline to add more undertale references cuz it just lacked so much on this one. Sorry this chapter was late and I hope you enjoyed it!

- All art doesn't belong to me.

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