Bio-Mechanical Entity: Drone_...

By Anon_Author-420

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[𝐓𝐒𝐭π₯𝐞]: Bio-Mechanical Entity: Drone_Jaeger-#200 [𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲π₯𝐒𝐧𝐞]: Sigmatic is formerly a... More



806 12 2
By Anon_Author-420

Sigmatic POV

The Rippers are going to that building over there.

Sigmatic: Hmm, why are they moving there? Is it because they ran out of toilet paper, or maybe they're claustrophobic? It's probably the former, I guess.

No, it isn't.

I'm moving from building to building without making any sounds whatsoever.

And yes, "without making any sounds" is probably bullshit, but believe me, it's real and it's a broken system that has an exploit with perfectly balanced system in it.

Sigmatic: Damn, I think I have been watching too many Spiffingbrit videos, but I learned a lot from him. Take advantage of the system, because the system is rigged.

The Rippers are- wait, are they stealing... 𝓜𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓣𝓐𝓘𝓝 𝓓𝓔𝓦!?

Sigmatic: Nani the kuso?! I know that drink has sugars in it, but damn, this is world is getting ridiculous. Also, about 4 of them are drinking the soda. After that, they ran as fast as they can to, idk, probably their masters.

And good thing I turned off my PA system, or else they would hear me talk like a psychopath or a person who has gone complete bonkers.

???: Ahu ahu ahu ahu~...


Da hell did I just heard from now?

Random Ripper 1: *Growling in caution*

Random Ripper 2: *Roars that translates to "Come out, whoever you are!"* 

Then something waked out from the shadows behind the building (Not the building that I was in).

Sigmatic: Wait just a minute, is that a... GIANT ENEMY SPIDER!? *Looks at it a second time, then concluded that it was indeed a GIANT ENEMY SPIDER* Oh damn, let me watch this shit while I'm eating a nonexistent popcorn on my hand. Dis is gonna be gud, dank horses.


2 of the Rippers are flanking on the right side, and the other 50%, which is the quantity of 2, are flanking on the left side.

But the GIANT ENEMY SPIDER moved so fast it already sliced them into bits and pieces, and from the perspective of an inexperience person, it kinda moved at lightspeed without ever moving from its original position, if you get what I'm saying.

Sigmatic: Hehehe, those fucking donkeys. They didn't even know what it hit them, let alone kill the damn thing.

Since its name is GIANT ENEMY SPIDER, I'll call it Gies.

Gies: Ahu ahu ahu ahu~.

Hmm, creep ass spider that has an obnoxious sound... not bothered by it all.

Sigmatic: Le's get out of here. Wait... why am I here again? Oh yeah, getting gravies... crap, I forgot what my mission is, but who cares. I'll probably remember it sometime in the future. Also, I'm blaming the CPU on this, that thing is getting rusty.

And also, Gies left to, idk, somewhere.

Sigmatic: Well... since everyone is gone or somethin', time to shoplift more gravies.

I know that being large is detrimental in getting a tiny ass thing like a bottle of gravy, but trust me, it isn't.

I can grabbed some without any problems... smh.

While I was grabbing my prize *Cough* gravy *Cough*, something is moving in the background.

I think it's Gies stalking me.

Sigmatic: Oh no, I don't want to fight a speedfucker spider who's probably high on acid. Do spiders get high? Now that's an answer that I won't be getting.

Gies: Ahu ahu ahu ahu~...

And that obnoxious laugh... who da hell taught the spider that!?


Shit, I got hit in the leg.

And because of that, I'm on my knees with my other leg.


Sigmatic: B-bakana!? Since when did Gies change his sound effects?


I smh kicked Gies away from me like a football preparing to be launch in to the goal area.

Sigmatic: I better get out of here, or else I have to endure that excruciating pain that I experienced before, and I don't want that happening again.

Some time later, after Sigmatic shoplift some gravies from a random shop building, he got away from the human settlement for the time being.

Sigmatic: And with this new ingredient, I can make something delicious instead of frying the kaijus for breakfast. I'm now commencing the cooking lesson.


~Cooking Lesson: Brown Substance Taste Extension by Sigmatic~

Sigmatic: First things first, you need gravy because that's the most important ingredient in this recipe. You put the gravy in some kind of container, then heat it up to 420 degrees Celsius. Wait for 5 minutes for the gravy to be heated up. After the 5 minutes is up, you put some salts (I got my ways in getting some salts like extracting it from the salty ocean), about 3 scoops of it. Stir it like it's the end of world, or somethin' like that. After stirring it like a madman for 10 goddamn minutes, add some kaiju blood because that shit is needed to recharge my fuel source batteries. Then mix it again for another damn 10 minutes. After mixing it with the kaiju blue, heat it up again with the same temperature as before. Wait for 5 minutes. After the 5 minutes have passed, you can now eat it like you eat my ex- I mean, yeah, you can eat it to your heart's content.


Sigmatic: *Takes the first taste test of this new ingredient*


Sigmatic: ...This taste like shit, but beggars can't be choosers. I made this, and now I must eat it. Besides, I think my taste buds are evolving tot the point it can ignore the horseshit taste of a horrible food made by some random dude.

Also, I'm not back at the boneyard, but instead, I ended up somewhere faraway from my home.

Sigmatic: Now where da hell did I stumble upon? I should have installed some GPS on my system, that way, it's easy to navigate in this Australian outback.

I agree.

Installing some kind of GPS mapping system would be beneficial to me, but I'm a dumbass for forgettin' it.

Sigmatic: ...Damn it.

Also, I spotted something moving in that abandoned shed over there.

Sigmatic: Meh, better not mess with it. Who knows what might be lurking in that shed over there. I'm certainly not touching that.

I walked away from the shed that is like hundred meters away from me.

Carla POV

Finally, that big scary kaiju mech is gone.

Carla: I hope this is the last of them. I don't want to encounter another one. They're scary and terrifying because they're big and mean.

I can sleep peacefully now that scary kaiju mech is nowhere to be seen.

I took the liberty in making this abandoned shed mine.

It's mine now.

Sigmatic POV

But there's something on my mind and that is...











Suspension and the likes, k?













Bio-Mechanical Entity System-$!G200

Username: &FUYO_YULIS&-Mlg420DroneJaegerKaiju360boi
Password: 7#1$_1$_601n6_70_b3_@_p@$$w0rd

CPU Type: Quantum Data Core

Vocal Communication: PA (Public Announcement) System

Mode of Transportation Tech: Customized Breach Portal (Color: Purple)

Threat Sensory: KOHC V1 (Keep Out Hostility Creature) (Range = 200 Meters)

Enemy Extermination Count: 21

Hand-To-Hand Combat System:

[#1] Eye Gouge - Destroys the eye in the most painful way possible.

[#2] The Long Knee - Smash the opponent's gut with your knee.

[#3] Up Knee - A subvariant of The Long Knee, and it hits the face instead of the gut.

[#4] Throat Punch - Devastatingly annihilates their windpipe by punching it.

[#5] Ax Stomp to Wherever - Stomp your opponent's face with terrifying power.

[#6] Nutcracker Choke - Grabbing your opponent's throat can really do wonders to it, especially crushing it and stop their breathing.

Miscellaneous System:

[#1] Map Tracker - It can give you the visualization of certain parts of the world (Currently Tracking: Somewhere in Australia).

[#2] Cooking Mechanism - Have the steps of an ingredients in an instant (Or make something up on the spot).

[#3] Humor & Sarcastic Module - Because havin' a PUN-tastic and CHLORO-ful vocabulary is PUN (...These puns are dry as a land fish and it's so colorful as the color green it makes me puke so much. Pft! See what I did there?).

[#4] Solar Panel Module - In case if the kaijus ever do go extinct, then this will solve your problems by absorbing the sunlight and converting it into energy source.

Advancement Tech Tree:

Base Level [Unlocked] - Energy Beam and Sidewinder-Type Missiles

Level 0.0 [Unlocked] - Dual Stinger Blades, Cryo-Type Shoulder Gun, and Claw Face Remover

Level 0.1 [Locked] - Hand Nuclear Blaster and X-200 Mouth Piercer

Level 0.2 [Locked] - Enhanced Vision, Upper Body Rotation, Flamethrower Arms, and Fire Breather X-200

Level 0.3 [Locked] - Blade Side Arms, Boombox Speaker Shoulder, and +2 Arms

Level 0.4 [Locked] - Camouflage Converter Armor and AA Laser Interceptor

Level 0.5 [Locked] - Jump Thrusters-V20, Shocker Neurological Punch, and Signal Jammer

Level 0.6 [Locked] - Elbow Thrusters-V20 and +2 Arms

Level 0.7 [Locked] - Boat Disguise, Naval Mine Weapon System, and Backbone Missile Barrage System

Level 0.8 [Locked] - Sound Hearing Destroyer and Thermal Vision

Level 0.9 [Locked] - ???

Tech Description (Only The Unlocked Ones):

[#1] Energy Beam - Fires a concentrated energy from the chest.

[#2] Sidewinder-Type Missiles - Launches multiple missiles from the side of the shoulder.

[#3] Dual Stinger Blades - A pair of swords from both of the arms, and they're good at making kaiju sushi out of a kaiju.

[#4] Cryo-Type Shoulder Gun - Appears on either sides of the shoulder, and it freezes the enemy at very low temperature, making an ice sculpture out of a kaiju.

[#5] Claw Face Remover - Able to make the hands sharp enough to cut a kaiju in half or pierce their skin or armor.

Timeline of Major Events (According to Sigmatic):

[#1] August 5, 2035 - Sigmatic gains Independence, swears no allegiance to either human or kaiju side, and slightly infuriating rebooting sequence happened.

[#2] August 10, 2035 - Sigmatic throws hands with a category 5 kaiju named Nine Jack, a variant of Slattern, but got his ass handed it to him. And smh, Sigmatic knocked the kaiju unconscious and escaped the area. Sigmatic couldn't kill him because Sigmatic was a noob at fighting and killing.

[#3] August 12, 2035 - Sigmatic kills Shinga, a category 2 kaiju and a variant of Onibaba.

[#4] August 12, 2035 - Later that same day, Sigmatic encounters Shinga again, but this time, Shinga is headless. Sigmatic pulverize this kaiju's ass and ate its corpse. Shinga is now completely dead.

[#5] August 13, 2035 - Sigmatic fought the unregistered Jaeger; The hybrid. Then Sigmatic threw the hybrid far away like it's a ragdoll.

[#6] August 13, 2035 - And once again, Sigmatic fought and killed Shinga for the third time... I'm inclined to believe that this alien crustacean creature won't die easily, even if it's cooked into edible food.

[#7] October 5, 2035 - The Australian outback has been invaded by kaijus yet again. Sigmatic killed multiple (7) kaijus right after the breach is opened.

[#8] October 7, 2035 - Sigmatic did the Orange Justice dance and got caught by December Ajax (A second November Ajax), then did a Tom and Jerry reenactment. But December Ajax encountered 3 Acidquills, giving Sigmatic a chance to escape.

[#9] October 8, 2035 - Sigmatic heard a ringin' sound, then found out that's coming from Meridian City. But Sigmatic ain't giving catpiss about it, so he just ignored the ringing sound. Apex followed it, though.

[#10] October 13, 2035 - Sigmatic found out his previous name. It's called FUYO_YULIS (FUck_YOu,_YoU_LIttle_Shit (And yes, it's his previous name)).

[#11] October 16, 2035 - Sigmatic found a black box with some meths in it and proceed to go ℌℑ𝔊ℌ, and he also fought 10 kaijus with one category 5, codenamed: Bronze Reaper. Got sent to space and crash down on Earth at terminal velocity. He survived, though.

[#12] October 16, 2035 - Sigmatic destroyed a partial part of the ecosystem, then showed an Acidquill who's the boss by firing missiles at it.

[#13] November 27, 2035 - Sigmatic encountered a group of Rippers, some type of kaiju wolf. Tasted gravy, and now, it's his... 𝓟𝓡𝓔𝓕𝓔𝓡𝓔𝓝𝓒𝓔.

[#14] November 27, 2035 - Sigmatic encountered... 𝓣𝓗𝓔 𝓖𝓘𝓐𝓝𝓣 𝓔𝓝𝓔𝓜𝓨 𝓢𝓟𝓘𝓓𝓔𝓡, then he proceeds to beatbox like a certain someone. Also found an abandoned shed. Though, he didn't touch it for some ungodly reasons.

[#15] ???



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