Wake Up To Reality

Door NaniyoriMo

111K 1.9K 2.4K

Izuku Yagi, a sweet innocent boy who wanted nothing more than to become a hero, but life had other ideas, "Qu... Meer

Chapter 1: The Offer
Chapter 2: The Yagi' Crisis
Chapter 3: Izuku Uchiha
Chapter 4: Family Misfortune
Chapter 6: The New Norm
Chapter 7: The Cycle Never Ends
Chapter 8: Surprise Attack
Chapter 9: A Stalemate
Chapter 10: A Hollow Victory
Chapter 11: Unravelling The Past
Chapter 12: Festival Build-Up

Chapter 5: Time Flies

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Door NaniyoriMo

3rd POV

We get a view of a brightly lit city, it was oddly quiet though, it was almost eery, but the slightest sound was made when a figure was jumping from building to building, the figure abruptly stopped when he landed on the tallest building allowing us to get a better look at them, the person wore a mask with one open space near the right eye and had strange patterns on it, he also strangely wore a pair of Jika-tabi' with tape wrapped around his ankles, the person's last three choices of clothing are black pants, a pair of black gloves, and a black robe with a strange symbol on it.

???: I hope you can see me right now elder brother, I can't believe it's been six years since that day... and three years since...


Izuku was currently hopping from tree to tree while throwing multiple different long-ranged weapons at targets set up around the forest, after hitting every single target, he returned home and collapsed on the ground.

Madara: That was the fastest time you've clocked, good job Izuku.

Izuku: *pant* Thank you *pant*

Madara: Oh, seems like you're tired.

Izuku: *pant* Just a little bit.

Madara: Then I guess you're not fit enough to spar me today.

Izuku's panting came to a halt and he looked up at Madara.

Madara: I guess we'll just have to spar tomorrow-

Izuku quickly preformed a kick up into a fighting stance.

Izuku: Not a chance!

Madara, Hmm, where did that exhaustion go?

Izuku: It vanished, now get prepared, because today is the day I'll finally beat you elder brother!

Madara: We've done this twice in the past three years, today will be your third attempt, same rules as the past two times, the Sharingan is allowed but no Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjitsu can be used without restrictions and no usage of weapons, now that the rules have been established, are you ready?

Izuku responded with a nod.

Madara: Very well then.

Madara got into his own stance and prepared for battle, the tension caused by the both of them made the air thicker, if anybody else were there, it would be hard for them to breathe , but Izuku and Madara seemed oblivious to it and continued staring each other down, all of a sudden, the stare down was broken as the both of them flared their three tomoe Sharingan' into life.

Izuku/Madara: Let's dance!

They both darted towards one another and clashed, upon collision, the ground cracked beneath them, it turned into a power struggle and Izuku was being effortlessly overwhelmed, so he quickly broke the struggle and threw a strike at Madara, but the strike was easily parried and Madara threw one right back at him, fortunately for Izuku, he ducked under the strike and went to preform a capoeira kick, he put all his weight on his hand and swung the kick towards Madara's face, but Madara, without trouble, moved his upper body and avoided the kick, he then proceeded to sweep Izuku and was ready to strike him, but Izuku quickly formed a tiger hand-sign and breathed in.

Izuku: 'Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu!'

Izuku then exhaled and a huge ball of fire came out of his mouth, Madara was a bit taken aback by the speed in which the jutsu was preformed in, but he managed to avoid it nonetheless, although, if it wasn't for his Sharingan he might've been hit. The fireball soared up into the sky and past the clouds, Madara realised that he had taken his eyes off of Izuku for a split second and tried to regain his bearings, but Izuku only needed a split second to capitalise on Madara's mistake and took the opportunity to sweep his legs, once Madara was on the ground, Izuku went to pounce on him but he was effortlessly kicked away into the forest, and without wasting time, Madara hopped back up and ran into the forest in search of Izuku. We now see Madara running in the forest with his eyes closed, he was searching for Izuku's Chakra signal but it was completely hidden.

Madara: 'Where are you hiding Izuku?'

Meanwhile, Izuku was sitting in a tree waiting for Madara to come into his line of vision, and after minutes of waiting, he spotted him, Izuku already had a plan in mind and was ready to make his move, and so, Izuku dropped down and Madara spotted him.

Madara: There you are!

Madara dashed towards Izuku at high speeds but Izuku didn't seem to be fazed, he just simply clasped his hands together to form the snake hand-sign and then slam his hand down on the ground.

Izuku: 'Doton Kekkai: Dorō Dōmu!'

As his hand made contact with the ground, the ground started breaking up making a b-line to Madara, Madara however, tried to slow down as he saw the jutsu coming towards him, but it was too late, and all of sudden, a dome was formed out of the earth, effectively trapping Madara.

Madara: 'Damnit! I was moving too quick to avoid the jutsu and now he's draining my Chakra! I need to get out-'

Madara's thinking was cut off as he heard three terrifying words from outside the dome.

Izuku: Katon: Gouka Mekkyaku!

Madara paled slightly as he heard the jutsu's name, he quickly jumped up with as much force as he could muster and broke through the top of the dome, as he was in the air he got a perfect view of the majestic flames completely incinerating the dome he was just in, the only remains of the dome was ashes.

Madara: 'He has definitely improved, I nearly got roasted alive'

Madara, still having the momentum from his jump, made a plus sign with his two middle and index fingers, this caused a lot of puffs of smoke to appear and once they cleared up, clones of Madara were seen all across the sky, the real Madara looked down to try and spot Izuku, and he did, but he wasn't exactly excited at what he saw, Izuku had made a tiger hand-sign and a big orb of water formed above his head.

Izuku: 'Suiton: Suiryūben!'

As the whips of water dealt with the Madara clones and kept the real Madara distracted, Izuku formed the same plus sign Madara made earlier.

Izuku: 'Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!'

In a puff of smoke, three clones of Izuku appeared.

Izuku: 'Time to end this'

Izuku's attack had now taken out all of the clones but hadn't managed to hit Madara, although, Madara had now lost all momentum from his jump and was now in a free fall.

Madara: That was impressive Izuku! But now what will you-

Madara cut himself off as he saw Izuku and what he was doing.

Madara: Oh shit!

Izuku: Rasenshuriken!

The clones dispersed and Izuku threw his hand towards where Madara was falling sending the attack towards him, Madara was now panicking a little, he couldn't counter this attack because he restricted the use of his trump card because it would've made the spar completely unfair and meaningless, so he had no choice now but to avoid it, so with as much finesse as he could muster, Madara started diving towards the attack and as he was about to hit it, he spun past the attack leaving it to soar into the sky, he then dived even faster and drop kicked Izuku into the ground forming a small crater.

Madara: Looks like I win.

Izuku then shakily pointed past Madara and... disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Madara: What the?!

Madara quickly turned and looked at the Rasenshuriken he had avoided and it puffed away revealing the real Izuku who had his right hand cloaked in lighting, Izuku raised said hand up to the clouds.

Madara: 'Wait, why is there dark clouds?'

Madara had finally taken notice to the fact that dark grey clouds were covering the sky, and all of a sudden, lighting shot out of the clouds.

Madara: 'Wait a second, those are nimbus clouds! But how?!'

Madara suddenly recalled when Izuku shot fire balls at him, he had avoided the attack but it had soared into the sky in the process.

Madara: 'I've been had! This was his plan all along!'

Izuku's hand acted as a lighting rod and an absurd amount of lighting started to amplify his final attack.

Izuku: This is the end! CHIDORI!!!

In a flash of lighting, Izuku disappeared and reappeared almost in front of Madara.

A bright flash of blue light covered the forest as the attack was executed, and once it died down... a blue rib cage avatar was seen, but it quickly fell apart and it revealed that... Izuku's hand was an inch away from Madara's chest, the two were locked in a stare down, but there was now a difference in Madara's eyes, his eyes no longer held three tomoe, instead it was a completely different pattern all together.

The stare down continued for a couple more seconds before Madara raised his hands up to his sides.

Madara: You win.

Izuku: ... I did?

Madara: You did, spectacularly as well might I add.

Izuku: But I didn't even hit you once.

Madara: That may be true, but I technically cheated.

Izuku: What?

Madara: I said the Sharingan was allowed, and that didn't include the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, you're final attack forced my hand and that was what made you victorious.

Izuku: I... I actually did it!

Madara: Congratulations Izuku, how about we go back and celebrate your accomplishment?

Izuku: YES- I-I mean, certainly elder brother.

Madara: Alright then, let's head back home.

They both began walking back home, but Madara was thinking about things other than just celebrations.

Madara: 'It would seem you're finally ready Izuku... I'm sorry in advance'

Time skip

It was now the next morning, Izuku was still sleeping and recovering after his sparring match with Madara, everything seemed peaceful, but then... everything changed, Izuku awoke when something slammed down on his face and started suffocating him.


Izuku let his instincts take over as he grabbed the kunai hidden under his pillow and stabbed the intruder in the chest, a thud indicated that the intruder collapsed leaving Izuku to remove the pillow to see who it was, when Izuku saw the person's face, he paled.

Izuku: No... no no NO! Please no!

Izuku: Elder brother!

Madara: I-Izuku...

Izuku: I'm sorry! I didn't want to do this!

Madara: I-it's alright... this is what I wanted.

Izuku was too busy crying to notice the stinging sensation in his eyes.

Izuku: But why?! What could possibly make you want this?!

Madara: L-look at... your eyes, they're l-like mine, but they also have the pattern of an old student of mine.

Izuku then noticed the stinging sensation and looked at the mirror in his room.

Izuku: The... Mangekyō Sharingan.

Madara: You beat me yesterday... that was your final test, the things you have yet to learn... I cannot teach you... unfortunately, I cannot be here to witness what you will accomplish, the most I can do is give you one last thing to help you move forward with project Tsuki No Me... I don't have much time left, so I need you to listen to me Izuku.

Izuku still had tears flowing down his face but managed to give a weak nod.

Madara: Ok... I have left scrolls in the house explaining the lessons you will learn while I am no longer here, I also left a letter for you since I don't have much time to say goodbye.

Izuku continued looking at Madara, he felt so useless, his elder brother was in front of him dying, giving out his last words, and he couldn't do anything to help him, he didn't know how to heal others, so he could only watch and listen to his elder brother's final requests.

Madara: After I pass on... take my eyes, I don't care if I'm dead or alive, I won't let you go blind again, I don't know what will happen if you use an Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan as a swap... but I guess you'll find out.

Izuku: Ok, I will elder brother.

Madara: Good... now for my last request, I need you to take this.

Madara took a kunai with a tag on it out of his pocket and handed it to Izuku.

Izuku: W-wait, isn't this-

Madara: It is, after reading the letter I wrote, I want you to take it and put it anywhere you want... those are my last requests.

Izuku gripped onto the kunai and ceased his crying.

Izuku: I'll do it elder brother, I promise I will.

Madara gave Izuku a weak smile.

Madara: Thank you-

Madara was cut off by a coughing fit.

Madara: I-I guess my time is up... don't let yourself waver from our goal, be strong and be safe... goodbye... little brother.

Izuku: ... Goodbye elder brother.

And with their goodbyes said, Madara past away.

Small time skip

We now see Izuku wondering in a forest seemingly looking for something, this wasn't the forest he stays in, this was a forest he remembered from his childhood, after a little while of searching, he finally found the spot he was looking for.

Izuku: Back to the place where everything started to change.

Izuku took his time walking under the log bridge, he then came to a stop as he reached the end of the river where there was a small drop, he took the kunai he was given out of his pocket and threw it into the small drop, this was the area he chose to leave the kunai, he had done everything else Madara had requested and this was the last thing he needed to do, and then in a flicker, he disappeared.

Present time

Izuku: ... you passed on... I guess time really does fly.

Izuku lowered his mask ever so slightly revealing his green hair, which had gotten darker over time, and his eyes.

As Izuku looked over the brightly lit city, he began thinking to himself.

Izuku: 'Turns out I didn't need to swap eyes with you in order to obtain the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, all I needed to do was remove your eyes, so they still belong to you and they are still with you'

Izuku raised his mask back up as he felt the Chakra of a familiar person.


Izuku stood still as what appears to be a rabbit's foot went through him, the mystery person skidded to a halt as they came in contact with the ground.

???: Damn that quirk of yours! It's so cheap!

Izuku: *sigh* What do you want this time... Miruko.

Miruko: You already know, I'm here for a rematch! And you know what the stakes are as usual.

Izuku let out another annoyed sigh as he looked at the rabbit hero.

Izuku: How many times are you gonna fight me? I've beaten you three hundred times.

Miruko: I feel like it's gonna be at least another three hundred times.

Izuku: ... *sigh* The nerve of you fucking heroes is unbearable.

Miruko: I don't really care, I've been trying to beat you and capture you for three years now and have failed every single time, the only way out for you is to surrender.

Izuku: You know what, I think I'll stick to having free reign over my actions.

Miruko: Then let's get this battle started Madara!

Izuku just body flickered away leaving Miruko dumbfounded.

Miruko: Damnit!

Izuku hides in the shadows of the night and is a master at what he does, protect the innocents and kill those who are not, he is... Madara.

Infinite: Hello there, hope you enjoyed this chapter, I feel like it's one of the best chapters I've ever made so I hope you all think it's good, anyways, I guess I'll see you all next time😁✌🏻

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