The Shy Girl ✔

By cat_lover_4life

209K 7.6K 1.8K

' "Will you still love me when I'll be broken?" I mumbled as he slowly caressed my face. "Would you stop lov... More

Chapter 6
Chapter 8 - Don't judge a movie by its DVD cover.
Chapter 9- About That Night
Chapter 10 - The Halloween Party
Chapter 11 - Books and Coffee
Chapter 12- Bad boys read too.
Chapter 13- Getting punished for someone else's sins.
Chapter 14 - The Hospital
Chapter 15- Ice skating
Chapter 16- Date
Chapter 17- The Betrayal
Chapter 18 - He likes you
New Covers
Chapter 19- Happy Birthday to me
Chapter 20 - Nightmares and Cupcakes
Chapter 21 - The Anonymous
Chapter 22 - Shopping
Chapter 23 - The Winter Formal
Chapter 24- Here we go again
Chapter 25- Two strangers sharing the same memories
Chapter 26 - Confessions
Chapter 27- Messages From A Stranger
Chapter 28- Happy New Year
Chapter 29- Getting Back Home
Chapter 30 - Old Friends And Secrets Revealed
~ Aesthetics ~
Chapter 31- First Date As A Couple
Chapter 32- Camping
Bonus - Valentine's Day
~ Sequel ~
Chapter 33- One Hell Of A Trip
Chapter 34- Airplane mode
Chapter 35- Hola preciosa
Chapter 36- The Photo Of Truth
Chapter 37-Late Night Betrayal
Chapter 38- Unwanted Disneyland Trip
Sneak peak
Book 2: Chapter one- Jealousy.
Chapter 2- Forever Yours
Chapter 3- I Love You Most
Chapter 4- Skylar.

Chapter 39- Goodbye.

1.1K 22 8
By cat_lover_4life

"And so they said goodbye.
It was not for the pain,
But for the lies.
Yet love did not leave.
But passion slowly faded,
And turned into nothing.

But for tonight they say goodbye.
For it is not love,
That never hurt.
But the pain,
That ruined both the hearts.

They said goodbye.
Tonight they disappear.
It's only him and her,
No more us or them.
Only him and her,
Dealing with the pain."


He was here. When I saw his eyes I couldn't help but wonder how he can come here after everything that happened.

He looked at me with hope in his eyes yet I avoided looking into them.

"Emma!" He yelled after me but I turned around, Ignoring his calls.

"Please! At least give me a fucking chance to explain everything!" I stopped in my tracks and sighed as I gave up on my dignity.

I could hear his footsteps getting closer as I tried not to look sad because he doesn't get that satisfaction.

"Are you ok?" He questioned while trying to touch my shoulder but I moved a few inches away from him, hope leaving his eyes as he frowned and looked down.

"Adam, don't make this worse as it already is. I'm only giving you one chance to explain everything." Hope stroke him again as he tried to reach for my hand but, once again, I denied his touch.

"Only If we do it in the ferris wheel cart." He whispered but moved a little further to where I was.

"Do what in the ferris wheel cart?" I questioned with an annoyed expression on my face.

"You know, talk." I exhaled in relief when he said that and just went with it.

"Look, I'm sorr-" he tried explaining but I shook my head, showing him that I don't want an apology.

"We agreed on you explaining everything once we are at the ferris wheel, I don't think we should talk until we reach it." And hope disappeared once again as raging thoughts covered his face.


She was here. She looked happy yet sad at the same time. Hope. It hit me like a hurricane. She was happy so I might have a chance to get her back, right? She suddenly looked away which made me confused.

"Emma!" I yelled after her but she ignored me and just fucking turned her back on me. I was broken yet I still had hope.

I knew I messed up pretty badly and I was so stubborn that I ruined everything. My jealousy got the best of me and made me hurt her.

"Please!" I screamed as loudly as I could. I had my walls down, meaning, I was vulnerable.

"At least give me a fucking chance to explain everything!" She stopped. She wasn't walking anymore. I have a chance to fix this. But, how do I fix something that I've promise not to break? How do you face the person after you know that you broke their promise.

'Promise me you'll never hurt me'

I broke her promise. She trusted me and I broke her. She didn't move as I sprinted to her way.

I was so happy that I could see her that I forgot why I couldn't see her till now.

"Are you ok?" What a dumb question. Of course she isn't ok. I tried touching her shoulder but she moved away. Realization hit me and suddenly I remembered why she was away. The space between us was cold. Her eyes were hiding from mine as she, herself was looking away, trying not to acknowledge my presence. The atmosphere felt as cold as ice. But how can you break the ice when the ice is already melting, making you drown in the process?

"Adam, don't make this worse as it already is." I felt obnoxious to what she was saying. It was like I was here yet I couldn't understand what she was saying. I regained my posture and tried reaching for her hand but, once again, I was rejected. It hurt but not as bad as knowing how much I hurt her.

"Only if we do it in the ferris wheel cart." I mumbled and got closer to her, trying to feel her energy, to sense any kind of positive emotions.

The look she gave me killed me on the inside. It was the first time she was actually letting me see her beautiful ocean eyes since we started having this conversation.

"Do what in the ferris wheel cart?" She spoke with annoyance and anger radiating from her body.

"You know, talk." I explained as she looked significantly better, meaning she was satisfied with my answer. We sat there, in the cold crowded part of the park. She wanted me to come with her here...and I ruined everything, I ruined her chance at happiness.

"I'm sorr-" I tried saying but she cut me off.

"We agreed on you explaining everything once we are at the ferris wheel, I don't think we should talk until we reach it." I lost hope. She loves me but she looks hurt because of that. I broke her and it is slowly breaking me too.

The walk was silent. She wouldn't speak nor look at me. I observed her body that was walking straight, her arms to the side and head up, looking at the ferris wheel that was still a little too far away.

I never thought that the saying 'people only cherish things after they're gone , after they see what they've lost' was true. I always thought that she wouldn't leave me. She didn't, yet. I will try my hardest to get her back, because I realized what I have lost and I don't want to lose it forever.

3rd person.

They were here, together yet broken apart, the attraction was still there. Adam didn't know if he should say something or try doing anything on their way to the ferris wheel. Emma wished for him to do something, apologize, try touching her arm, anything would've been better than the utterly impossible love between the toxic couple. They were in love yet hurt. Adam wished for Emma to have found someone better while Emma felt sorry for pushing him away earlier during their fiery conversation.

"Adam." Whispered Emma as she took the first step and kissed him. She was still in love yet hurt and blinded by the lovely young man that could charm her with only one look. She has been thinking about his eyes, the remorse and pain that they held against her. His eyes were what made her take the first step.

Adam didn't back away. He kissed her back with more force. They were toxic for eachother, they knew that way too well by now. The urge to be with the other was too indispensable to ignore it.

After a few seconds, Adam finally realized what was happening. He backed away, leaving the girl with ocean eyes lurking for more than just a kiss. Adam knew this wasn't right. What just happened was anything but normal. He cheated on her, yet she came back to him. The impossible relationship between two young teenagers.

"Aren't you mad at me?" Questioned Adam as he tried looking for something in the girl's eyes. Though, all he found was desire and lust.

"Maybe, but, for now let's forget about that." This wasn't good but they both wanted it, one more than another.

"Are you sure?" Adam looked for any signs of a negative answer but there was none.

They have arrived at the ferris wheel. Adam bought the tickets, impatiently as the young girl waited for him, her eyes never leaving his. She was once again compelled by the charming English boy that kept trying to win her.

She was into him so much that at some point she didn't care that he had just cheated on her the night before.

"I want you." She mumbled in his ear once they entered the cart. Adam felt nervous yet happy. He didn't care that  this was bad. He wanted her too.

And, so, the ex couple forgot about everything as the cart slowly started rising.


He was waiting for me to make the first move. I could see it in his eyes. He was hurt before that, because of my rejection yet he still kissed me without any questions.

I was pushed against the cold metal of the cart as he whispered sweet words into my ear, making me blush like a little girl that just got told she was the prettiest girl in the world.

"What are you thinking about, hoodie girl?" Questioned Adam as he told me to stay still. His fingers trailed down to my dress where he pulled it up just a little bit.

It suddenly hit me. This isn't good.

"Adam." I whispered under my breathe. He was kissing my thighs but I pulled my dress back to its initial position. Adam looked at me confused and irritated.

"I'm leaving, Adam." I mumbled as he got up and frowned. He was mad at me. Good.

"Where? Back home? Come on Em, we can fix this, it's us, for god's sake!" He screamed but I sighed and held his hands in mine.

"No, Adam. I'm leaving for the rest of the summer, I was offered a great opportunity, to work for NASA. It's everything I ever wanted to. I love photography and I love the universe and the stars so just imagine how big this is." I explained happily but Adam looked away, his eyes focused on the sunset.

"And...I also think we need a break. I can't forgive you right now, Adam. I'm sorry." He moved away from me. My hands missing his for once today.

"You didn't even let me fucking explain this. I did fuck Sofia, but I didn't think it was her, I thought it was you. I was so jealous at that bloddy kid, Sebastian that I messed up." This was his explanation? This doesn't even sound rational.

"Are you joking? Because I don't know if I'm supposed to laugh, Adam!" I exclaimed loudly as I got far away from his touch.

"So, what was this?" He asked as he moved his hair away from his face, angered at the fact that I just gave him false hopes.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I muttered as I looked away from him, unable to understand why I did what I did.

"You know bloody well what you did. So, what was that supposed to be? One last fuck?" I went silent and he went emotionless. We were both silent yet we had a pool of thoughts that were waiting to be spilled all over the place.

"I don't know why I did what I did, Adam. After all, you are the one that cheated on me. Don't try to cover your mess with mine." This time, it was his moment of keeping silent. I looked at him for a spilt second and he looked broken, yet mad and annoyed at the fact that I brought it up.

"I explained myself to you yet you keep trying to ruin us by bringing it up. Is this what you want? To end everything?"

Silence from my side once again.

"Is that what you want?" I whispered as my eyes traveled to his. He was sorry for saying it but he meant it. I could feel it, see it. He was hurt by my decision.

"Well, since you took this big decision to suddenly leave, why not leave for good? Why wait for something that will never be fixed? Better to end it now." I was broken by his words.

The cart suddenly stopped as we arrived at the end of the ride, maybe even the end of this conversation.

I got off, with Adam right behind me. We were both mad at eachother.

"Do you even know how messed up we are? I was willing to forgive you, Adam. I really was. But you keep pushing me aside like you want me to leave you. If that's what you wish, then, fine. Here's the project, I finished it. I went to the museum with a friend and finished it." I pushed the papers away from me as he grabbed them slowly.

"A friend? what friend? Sebastian? That bloody bastard! See, he ruined us!" I was mad. How dare he blame it on an innocent person.

"No, Adam! Stop blaming people for you own actions! It was because of you and your useless immature jealousy that we broke up! Sebastian was there for me while you were fucking his ex girlfriend!" I screamed as I pushed him away. He was frozen in place.

Tears started falling down my face as I punched his chest with my fists. He didn't move, he stood still and let me hit him.

"I'm leaving Adam, and it's all because you were selfish. I'm sorry." I turned away and started walking back to the hotel. After a few steps I turned my head to the side only to see that he was still there, same position, watching me.

"I love you." I muttered for the last time as I said goodbye to what we had.


She was gone.

I watched her walk away. Her heels kept ringing in my ears as tears covered my cheeks. She left. I couldn't get her back.

I was ruined, I couldn't move for almost an hour. I was sitting in the same place when I saw Sebastian with a men walk by me.

"It's all because of you!" I yelled as I jumped at him and started punching him.

I didn't care about anything else other than punching his face.

At some point he stopped fighting but someone pulled me away.

"I'll fucking punch you too-" I stopped midway when I looked at the person that just pulled me away from Sebastian.

"Father?" I whispered as I saw red in front of my face.

Y'all, that's it with the first book :'3 I will soon be writing the second book ♡ until then ( soon enough hopefully) I love you all and thank you for all the support:'3

Xoxo- Cat Lover<3

Word count: 2392

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