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chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 3

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We were back in class for another two hours of draping and then sewing class. we were all spending as much time on our projects as possible especially me since I had a lot of bead work to do. We already knew that the next three weeks were going to be hell, and they were. 

We spent every last minute in class or in our rooms, sewing, cutting and gluing anything and everything. I on the other hand had a video chat with my sister about the wedding, phone calls, e-mails about everything. I was after all her sister and she valued my opinion.

“Okay so rehearsal dinner is the night before and I need you here, got it?!”


I giggled, she was already getting stressed out and it wasn’t even a week yet.

“It’s not funny!”

 I just kept laughing, until I poked my finger.


“HA! That’s what you get!”

“Yeah you keep laughing and if I get blood on your dress imma laugh,”

“You better not!”

“Anyways… did you get the fabric I sent you and the pictures?”

“Yes and Emma? I LOVE IT!”

 “Did you dip the fabric in water like I asked?”


“Do it, I’ll wait.”

“Why would I dip it in water?”

“Because you’re wedding pictures are on the beach duh!”

She really wasn’t creative at all when it came to these things and to think she’s in multimedia!

“Alright, here it goes.”

 I watch as she dips into water as the lace fabric turns pale pink.

 “NO WAY!”

I nod and smile.

“Yes way… so you like it?”

“Oh I love it Em… oh Em…”

Then she starts crying which only makes me cry.

“Will your dress do the same?”

 “Kind of, but you’ll just have to wait and see!”

Then I noticed the clock.

“Look I gotta go; I have to go see a friend about your shoes!”

“God, you’re doing everything!”

“Hey, might as well and they get graded for it, so don’t worry, just worry about the rest of the details and I’ll take care of you!”

 “You’re the best baby girl!”


I hung up and dashed to see James.

“Hey cutie!”

He turns and smiles.

“Hey Em, came to see?”

“Are you almost done?”

“All I need is the crystals you’ve got in your hands there.”

My sister was tall and hated to be in heels all day, so I got James to makee me a pair of flats and heels with the same fabric as her dress.

“Oh wow, they look amazing!”

Her flats were ballerina style flats with a the same fabric as her dress, a shiny new penny as a charm for good luck. Her heals were her usual four inch closed toe shoe with the same intricate design of crystals and fabric as her dress. Including the same effect of changing colors when wet, although these became a little darker in color.

“I think she’ll love them!”

“Of course and I got a surprise for you, since I know how much you hate heals and would prefer flats, I thought since I had extra time in my hands, I would make a pair of your own.”

“No way!”

I jumped and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheak.

“Thank you, you’re the best!”

Then someone cleared their throat and I pulled away knowing exactly who it was.

“Miss Mendoza?”

“Sorry, I got a little excited.”

“Of course you did, but we have rules here.”

“Yes Sir. Thank you James, I’ll see you later.”

“Sure thing.”

I looked down and stepped out of the shop, going to my room.

“Miss Mendoza?”

I halt where I’m at and slowly turn.

 “Yes sir?”

“I thought we were going to try?”

“Try what?”

“To address each other by our first names?”

“Sorry, forgot, I’ve just been really busy.”

 “How are things going by the way?”

“Good, just having trouble with the corset, it’s just not working.”

“Well let’s have a look maybe I can help?”

I look up then and smile.

“Oh could you?”


I took him to the classroom and showed him.


“Do you like them?

“They’re amazing, did you do the bead work yourself?”

“Yes, but I had a tone of help from some of my friends.”

“Well you did an amazing job; this is what you’ve been working on in your room?”

“Yeah to the point I really can’t feel my fingers tips very much anymore, but it was so worth it.”

“And the shoes are…”

I nod and turn the form to its back.

“Oh that’s not good.”

I shake my head as he comes in and starts looking at it.

“I tried, but it’s just not working and I’m out of options. I can’t believe I cut it too small, I should have known better.”

“Don’t worry it happens. Where’s the rest of the fabric?”

“There is none, I used it all.”

“Well how about going bare back?”

“She’s getting married in a church, a catholic church to be exact.”

“Well how about blue fabric or something pink like her colors?”

“And where am I going to get that from?”

“I think I might have some.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right back.”

“Oh thank you!”


“I got you some options.”

I lay them out against the dress and she picks the one I wanted to someday see her wearing underneath her own wedding dress.

“It looks AWESOME!

I snapped my mind back to the task at hand and turn to look at what she had done. I had to admit I was impressed.

“Oh thank god.”

I laugh and look at her. she looks up and smiles at me as she looks into my eyes. Man, if you could only know how much I want to tell you how I feel.

“Thank you so much.”

“Anytime, you know you could have just asked me.”

“I didn’t want to bother you. I know you’ve been busy yourself as well.”

That was an understatement. My brother’s new bride to be was demanding as hell. she wanted specific colors and ties and shoes, even down to the boxers we were to wear. She was driving me insane.

“Yeah, my brother.”

“So, he’s you brother?”

“Yeah, he told me you two went to High school together.”

She nodded, looking down.

“If it makes you feel any better, I apologize for his behavior back then.”

She snaps her head up to my eyes and I smile. Oh man, do I love that smile of hers, the way her eyes sparkle and I could feel her heart racing every time she meets my eyes.

“It wasn’t your fault.”

“I know, but if I was there I think you would’ve been better off.”

“Anyone would have been better off than having him around.” 

“Tell me about it.”

“So is he your older or younger brother?”

“Whoa, do I look older?”

 She smiles and shrugs.

“Older, definitely older.”

She smiled, looking down as she nods.

“Can I ask you what exactly he did?”

She shrugs and turns around with her back towards me, she was nervous now.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“He won’t tell me either.”

I tried talking to him about why, but he just keeps tell me it was just High school jocks did to nerds and to be honest if I were there she would have been protected, but then her thought told me everything.

 ‘Of course he’s not going to tell you, would you tell anyone if you tried to rape a fifteen year old?’

Suddenly I growled with anger that my own brother would do this and to her! I’ll kill him! I could feel my canines pop out and my eyes turn a shade darker, I was pissed!

“You’re… You’re… You’re… OH GOD you’re a werewolf.”

I snapped out of it and looked at her, calming myself down with those eyes of hers.

“Yes and I know Zander is too, but relax I won’t say anything.”

“So does that mean you can ready my thoughts?”

“that only happens among pack and mates.”

I smile within because I could read hers and she didn’t even know it.

“Oh thank god.”

I smile then and shake my head. 

“You’ll see on your birthday if you mate or not.”

“Oh god I hope not.”

I frown.

“Why not?”

“Because who’s going to want me and if they do, they’ll just reject me anyway.”

“And how do you know that?”

“Come on, just look at me. I’m not pretty at all and I’m fat.”

“You’re not fat. I swear this is why I make the clothes that I do for people like you.”

“Fat people.”

“No normal, original, realistic and healthy looking woman like yourself.”


“Seriously, stop. Why can’t you see that you are beautiful, I bet if you made a little effort you’d have…” you know what never mind.”

If I was going to tell her to doll herself up, it was for me and that was it.”

“No, I’d have what?”

“Boy at your feet, but you deserve a man.”

“Like you?”

She looked down then and away. I knew she was blushing and that only made it that much more enjoyable.

“Yeah something like that. I bet if you fixed yourself up, you’d feel better about yourself.”

“I do sometimes, but it’s just easier to be like this around here because of all the running around we do.”

 “Are you like this when you are home?”

“Oh god no, mom would never allow me to look like this.”

 She then turns and smiles.

“Mom always makes me put on dresses or if I wear jeans I have to wear heels or something to make it look like I’m a girl and not some frumpy tomboy.”

I smile just imagining her as tall as me or a little shorter with her hair, make-up and showing those legs of hers. She giggles making me snap back into reality.


“You totally like girly girls don’t you?”

I smiled and nod.

“What can I say, I like to look good.”

“You have a girlfriend?”


“Why not?”

“Because I’m waiting.”

“On your mate?”

I nod.

“Yeah, she’s just not twenty one yet and her birthday is just around the corner, but I’m going to miss it.”

“Oh why?”

I looked back at her; she’s really paying attention to me and I like how she looks into my eyes as if she was already in love with me.

‘Oh poor thing I bet he’s veen waiting for her for a while. He always looks lonely, she better be good to him.”

I smile.

“I’ll be at my brother’s wedding and so, yeah.”

“Will you see her when you get back?”

“I hope so, but you know we have the New York trip coming up right after, so I might not see her at all during the summer.”

“Does she know you’re her mate?”

“Now you know we’re not allowed to do because the girls have to find us.”

She smirks.

“Yeah I know, stupid if you ask me.”

“Hey, but we know before you all do and it sucks, you don’t get to walk around yearning for them to be close, for their touch when they’re just inches from you and at night, my god.”

She giggles again, god  her giggles were music to my ears, no wonder they called her baby girl from time to time. Then I shut my eyes as I could smell him coming near.

“Hey Zander.”


I opened my eyes and look at him. He’s known who I was and were I was from since he stepped foot into this school and if it weren’t for me threatening him with his grade he would have told her everything and I do mean everything. he knew my secret and he knew how to push my buttons with it too. 

“What up teach?”

“Mr. York.”

“Everything okay?”

 “Yeah, we’re waiting for dinner.”

“Oh sit, I got so caught up with Mr.DeSantos that I totally forgot.”

“Oh what about?”

He looked at me and I smirk.

“Just helped her with her dress, no big deal.”

“That’s all?”

He must have given her face of something because she suddenly turned a nice shade of pink.


“What, I was just asking?”

She took his elbow and took him out of the room, but noe before waving back at me.

 “Please god give me strength.”

I needed it to last until New York because there was no way she wasn’t going to go, she deserved it more than anyone and not just because I needed her near me, but because she really was that good. I was planning in introducing her to everyone and hopefully get her to move to New York with me, marry me, hell I’d marry her the day of it that’s what she wanted, hell I’d marry her now!

“Man I need a shower.”

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