Tom Holland Imagines

By tom_holland76

229K 1.8K 995

This is a book of imagines about Tom Holland. Will include ones of Peter Parker as well. Some stories may inc... More

I'd Never Forget You
Christmas Miracle
Our First Kiss
I'm No Zendaya
Just Ok
So You've Been Lying
One Direction
Triangles Are The Worst Shape (Part 1)
Triangles Are The Worst Shape (Part 2)
Triangles Are The Worst Shape (Part 3)
First Look
Far Away
Red Carpet Ready
I Can't Anymore (Part 1)
I Can't Anymore (Part 2)
A Forever Family
The Accident
Moving On
Teenage Romance
Blind Date
Y/N Stark (Part 1)
Y/N Stark (Part 2)
Summer Love
Gone Wrong
F*ck Boy Holland (Part 2)
What Came After
Years Apart (Part 1)
Take Care of You
Accident's Happen (Part 2)

I'll Protect You

4.1K 64 32
By tom_holland76

TW: Abusive relationship. Please don't read this chapter if you think it'll make you uncomfortable or upset. If you upset by what I've wrote please feel free to message me.

If I see any comments of 'why didn't she just leave' I will delete them and you will be blocked.

'Please Luke,' I pleaded as I backed off from him.

My boyfriends eyes dark and angry. His body tense and aggressive. 'I didn't meant to say it. I'm sorry.'

'If you didn't meant to say it then why did you,' he spat. 'You're a fucking bitch Y/N.'

My entire body was filling with dread and terror. I couldn't overpower Luke. He was nearly a foot taller than me and twice as strong. He was walking towards me and I was backing off. However I couldn't step back anymore. I was cornered. My body now shaking as he got closer to me. I reached out my hands to his chest to try and stop him. In some pointless effort to try and push him further away from me. It wouldn't work. Never has, never will.

'Get your hands off me,' he growled.

His voice low and angry. I immediately pulled my hands away. Shaking, terrified.

'Maybe one of these day's you'll learn you bitch,' he smirked.

I tell myself he wasn't always like this. That he was kind and sweet when we first met. That he was loving and caring and he made me happy. That I'd done something wrong or deserved the way he treated me. But then everything went black. And my thoughts stopped.

I woke up the next morning and walked to our bathroom to get ready for the day. Luke was already awake. I heard noise from the next room. So I assumed that he was watching tv.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My body looking frail and beaten. Luckily he hadn't hit my face this time. Meaning that the bruises would be easier to hide. I looked at all the new ones across my arms and legs. Tracing the purple marks with my fingers. I also traced the old marks with my fingers. The old bruises fading. However I still had scars on my body that would never go away.

I looked outside the window and it looked like a warm sunny day. Ordinarily I would wear a dress, but I was meeting Tom today. I didn't want him to know what was going on. So I decided on a long sleeved shirt and jeans. Covering myself up as much as possible. I finished getting ready for the day and walked out into the living room.

'I'm going out I'll be back soon.'

'What?' Luke's head spun around.

'I told you yesterday I'm going out with Tom for coffee.'

'I don't trust that bastard.'

'Tom and I are just friends. I promise.'

'Yeah like you're promises mean fuck all to me,' he scoffed. 'Don't be long.'

His face was angry. I knew that look. I knew that I couldn't be out long. I couldn't have another night like last night. Not two in a row anyway.

'Okay Luke. I promise I won't be long.'

'Yeah like your promises means shit to me,' he scoffed.

He turned his head away from me and continued watching whatever film he was watching. I grabbed my bag from the side and stuffed my phone, purse and keys inside.

The café I was meeting Tom at was only 5 minutes away so I decided to walk. The fresh air would be nice. As I approached the café I saw Tom stood outside waiting for me on his phone. When he looked up from his phone and saw me he flashed a smile at me. His presence made me feel calm. Made me feel safe. Tom was my best friend and I could tell him anything. Well almost anything.

'Hi darling, how are you?'

'Good,' I smiled.

Tom pulled me in for a hug by my arm. However when he touched me I flinched. Almost like I was scared of him. He gave me a puzzled look for a second so I just wrapped my arms around him. Giving him a quick hug. Hoping he thought nothing off it.

We'd sat down at a table and ordered drinks and something to eat. I kept glancing at my watching, checking the time. Knowing I shouldn't be too long.

'Got any acting jobs coming up?'

'Got a few. But trying to take a break I guess. Was busy for the longest time with no break. Want to spend time with my family. Missed you as well,' he smiled.

As he smiled at me he went out to reach my hand. Everything inside me was telling me to pull my hand away quickly. But I'd already flinched a couple of times whilst we were in the café. I didn't want Tom to suspect anything. I wasn't even afraid of him. His hand made contact with mine as he gave it a slight comforting squeeze.

We'd spent the next twenty minutes or so chatting and catching up with each other. I hadn't seen him in ages so it was nice. Luke didn't often let me out the house.

I leant back in my chair and as I did, I didn't notice my sleeves rolled up slightly. Showing off some off my bruises and scars. That was until I saw Tom's eyes glance down. His eyes widened slightly.

'Y/N what's that?' he pointed to my arm.

I looked down to see my sleeves slightly up. I quickly pulled them back down and shrugged.

'Oh nothing,' I sighed. 'Had an accident whilst cooking. Not really a big deal.'

Tom looked at me like he didn't really believe me. 'Are you sure Y/N.'

'Tom honestly it's no big deal.'

He raised his eyebrow at me and nodded. I had another look at my watch and realised that Luke would want me home soon.

'Erm I'm gonna go. I've got work I need to do and house to clean.'

'Oh ok.'

I couldn't stay with Tom much longer. I wanted to. Badly. But he was already suspecting something. I just wanted to leave. However I didn't want to go home.

Tom's POV:

I stood waiting for Y/N outside the café. I hadn't seen her in a while so it would be nice to watch up. But I can't say that was my only motive for wanting to meet with her. She'd been dodging my calls and telling me she was too busy to see me. And when I did see her she looked pale and like she was going to break. I was worried about her. She was my best friend. She'd never tell me if something was wrong however. I just wanted to find out. Try and fix it for her. I'd do anything for that girl.

I was scrolling through my phone when I looked up and saw her walking towards me. I quickly looked her up and down and she covered. It was really warm today. How was she not boiling?

'Hi darling, how are you?' I spoke.

'Good' she smiled back at me.

I went to grab her by the arm and pull her in for a hug. However when she did she flinched. Quickly pulling back as soon as I touched her. Almost like she was scared of me. However before I could say anything she wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her waist hugging her back. It was so nice to finally see her again.

We'd ordered food and coffee and sat down in the café. However Y/N kept flinching whenever someone passed her or accidently brushed past her. I decided not to mention it.

We'd been in the café twenty minutes and I'd forgot how much I loved being around the girl. She was smart, funny, I adored her and was upset I couldn't see her more than I did.

She leant back in her chair and her sleeves rolled up slightly. I didn't think much off it till I saw the purple marks covering her arms. The scars lining her arms.

'Y/N what's that,' I pointed to her arm.

She looked to where I was pointed and quickly pulled her sleeves down.

'Oh nothing. Had an accident whilst cooking. Not a big deal really.'

I couldn't say I believed a word she was saying. 'Are you sure Y/N?'

'Tom honestly it's nothing.'

Something in my gut was telling me it wasn't nothing. But that she couldn't tell me.

'Erm I'm gonna go,' she sighed. 'I've got work I need to do and house to clean.'

'Oh ok,' I smiled at her.

I couldn't stop thinking about the time I spent with Y/N all afternoon. How she flinched when I touched her. The bruises on her. How she quickly left. My head spinning with all the possibilities. One keeping reappearing.


Since that guy came into her life she'd been different. Always scared. Distant from all her friends. If that asshole had done anything to her I was going to kill him. Y/N was the sweetest girl I'd ever met. Kind, caring never done a thing wrong. I prayed that I was wrong. That I was way off. But something was telling me that I wasn't.

My mind was in overdrive and I couldn't switch it off. I had to go see if she was ok. It was around 7pm and I decided to go round their house. By the time I got there it was almost dark and staring to get cold.

I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. No answer. I knocked again. When it opened Luke stood on the other side.

'Fucks sake,' he muttered.

'Tom what do you want,' he almost spat.

'To see Y/N.'

'She's busy,' he tried to close the door on me.

I put my foot in the way and pushed it back open.

'I'm checking if she's ok,' I muttered walking past him.

Not caring if he didn't want me in his house. I walked into the living room Luke on my heels following me. Telling me I had no right to barge in here. Like I gave a shit what he said.

The sight in front of me broke my heart into pieces. Y/N cowered in the corner of the room. Her face looking like it was starting to bruises. Her limbs looked weak. She even had blood running down her cheek. Red puffy eyes. My girl looked broken.

I felt someone grab my shoulder. Like they were trying to pull me away. Anger flushed through my body. What kind of sick fuck does something like that.

Without even thinking I turned round and punched Luke in the jaw. He stumbled back slightly. I hit him again. This time harder. Knocking down onto the floor. Knocking him out.

As soon as he was out I ran to Y/N. Crouching down besides her. Pulling her into my chest. Wrapping my arms around her.

'You're safe now darling,' I whispered.

She pushed her head into my chest and cried. Cried harder than I'd ever seen anyone cry. Her sobs the only sound filling the room.

'Tom... I... he,' she couldn't get the words out, choking on her tears.

I stroked her hair. 'I've got you. Don't worry.'

Whilst I was holding her I got my phone out and rang the police. I was going to make sure that asshole was caught. That he rotted in jail. I needed to protect Y/N and I'd failed. But I had her now. She was finally safe.

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