Girl's Can Race To

By Street_OutlawsFan

3.7K 76 33

Daryn is Chiefs little sister. One day on race night something happens, she falls for one of her teammates. More

Meet Daryn
Race night Part 1
Race night Part 2
Wtf Azn
Test hits
Movie night Part 1
Movie night Part 2
Not a chapter
First Race
Climbing up the list
Shop visit
The crash
Out in Memphis
How the hell
What do you say?
Go carts and cookouts
Bad news
I'm what?!?
Here's the thing...
Caytlin and Azn
What made you think that?
You're kidding me
It's time
Im sorry
Birthday party
Announcement (please read)


124 2 3
By Street_OutlawsFan

(the photo in the media is Daryn's outfit but instead of the yellow Converse she's wearing her checkered Vans)

Daryn POV:

Tonight we're racing out of towners, team NOLA. Me and Ryan have been dating for six months and I've never been happier. We've been busting our ass's getting my car fixed up. I've been back and forth between Ryan's shop and Justin and Shawns so many times that I can name all the people that work at each. Today we're at Midwest.

"Hey Daryn we're gonna head out for some food." I hear Ryan say and I roll out from under my car on a creeper.

"Sounds good." I say and roll back under the car. A few minutes later I hear Monkey.

"Hey Daryn?" He asks.

"Yeah Monkey?" I respond.

"Who the fuck is extraterrestrial being?" He asks and at that moment I spill oil on myself.

"Answer it, it's my brother." I tell him as I slide out from under the car and stand up. Monkey answers it and puts it on speaker
M- Hello
R- Hey Monkey where's Daryn
M- standing in front of me covered in oil
D- Hey guys sup
R- we don't know what to get for food
J- did you guys plan that
M- nope
D- bye guys

I go get cleaned up then look at Monkey.

"Let's go test this bad bitch out." I say and he smiles.

"I'm so glad that you're gonna be racing again!" He tells me as we fist bump.

"Me to, not being able to race has been killing me." I say as we get the car loaded up.

~Time skip~
We're all standing here waiting for the Nola crew when I see them coming.

"Which one is Kye?" I whisper ask my brother.

"See the guy with the blond girl?" He asks and I nod.

"That's him, the girl is his girlfriend, miss Lizzy Musi." He tells me and I look at him.

"Any relation to the infamous Pat Musi?" I ask and he nods.

"Yep that would be his daughter."  He says then they all get to us.

"Anyone have any callouts?" Justin asks and I step forward.

"Kye Kelley I wanna call you out." I says and he looks at me like I'm insane.

"Listen little girl, I'm here to race someone that's actually good." He says and my blood starts to boil.

"First, I'm not a little girl I'm 28, and second I'm amazing." I say then Justin buts in.

"Exactly so don't talk to my sister like that." He says and Kye looks at me confused.

"You're his sister?" He asks and I nod.

"You know what I changed my mind I'll take your callout, if I can beat one stupid Shearer then I can beat the other." He says and I lose my temper. I punch him in the face and he grabs his nose. He trys to hit me but I dodge it and punch him again.

"You know as much I hate Kye and love watching Daryn beat the shit out of him, we should probably separate them." I hear Ryan say. The next thing I know Ryan and Justin are pulling me away from Kye and Lizzy and Bobby Ducote were pulling Kye away from me. As they pull me away I keep swinging and struggling to get to him.

"I'll take her back to her trailer, just call someone out for me." I hear Ryan say as I'm taken away from the circle and to my trailer.

Justin POV:

"Holy hell man, you sister is fiesty for her size." Kye says and I sarcastically smile.

"Well Kye it's not always about the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog." I tell him and Lizzy pouts beside him.

"That wasn't real necessary." She says and I look at her.

"Have your boy over here call me and my sister stupid again and see what happens." I say and she crosses her arms. We finish the rest of the callouts and start the races. The second last race of the night is Daryn and Kye's. They do there burnouts and get lined up. I hit the light and they're off. At the big end Kye wins by half a car.

"He jumped." I hear Dave say from behind me, I turn around and see what's going on.

"Like hell he did." Bobby Ducote says walking over to Dave.

"They're trying to say that you jumped." Scott Taylor tells Kye when he comes back.

"There's no way I jumped that was a completely clean pass." Kye says getting out of the car.

Let's look at the footage." I say getting between the two groups. Team Nola have small brains and big egos, you never know what they'll do.

Daryn POV:

I get back to the line and they're looking over the video.

"What's going on?" I ask and Doc looks at me.

"Kye jumped and him and his crew are saying he didn't so they're looking over the footage." He says and I smile.

"So I might have actually beat my brother's arch rival?" I ask trying not to jump up and down.

"Not might, you did." Justin says showing me the video.

"Wow a Shearer actually beat me." Kye says coming over.

"Don't be so surprised." I say with a hair flip.

"Here's your money." He says as he pulls out some bills from his pocket.

"Wait, I don't remember making a bet." I say grabbing the bills.

"I did for you since you were pulled away." Farmtruck says and I hug him.

"How much?" I ask and Kye sighs.

"Five grand." He says looking at me.

"Good race." I say and he smiles.

"Good race." He says as he walks away.

Another chapter done whoop whoop! Surprises to come 😉

Written: 07/01/21

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