Rosabella Black|Daughter Of S...

Door Alexandra_060203

11.1K 273 31

Alone. That's how Rosabella felt. Harry was gone. Hunting Horcrux's along with Hermione and Ron. Rosabella wa... Meer

The Black Family
The Funeral
The Seven Potters
The Fallen Warrior
First Times
The Wedding
Kreachers Tale
The Bribe
Return To Hogwarts
Magic Is Might
The Muggle-Born Registration Commission
Goblins Revenge
Godrics Hollow
The Silver Doe
Deathly Hallows
The Wandmaker
Shell Cottage
The Final Hiding Place
The Missing Mirror
The Lost Diadem
The Sacking Of Severus Snape
The Battle of Hogwarts
The Elder Wand
The Princes Tale
The Forest Again
Kings Cross
The Flaw in the Plan
The Wedding
Jason & Katie
Jacob & Ginny
Ron & Hermione
George & Angelina
Percy & Audrey
19 Years Later

Potter Watch

250 8 0
Door Alexandra_060203

Rosabella's Point of View:
My family was most unwilling to let me go back to Hogwarts but I was determined and now it was law. I hugged them all goodbye. I packed my trunk, grabbed Soren and Apperated to Kings Cross with Winter.
     "Have you heard anything about Luna?" I asked Ginny as soon as I saw her in a compartment.
Ginny shook her head sadly.
      "No. I'm worried about her. She could be anywhere or even dead." Ginny said as a tear fell from her eye.
She quickly wiped it away.
I hugged her tightly.
      "I know. I'm worried too." I said.
     "I'm guessing neither of you have heard from Luna?" Neville said miserably.
I shook my head and Neville slumped into his seat.

Losing Luna didn't stop me. Instead I thought harder then ever against the Carrows. Kidnapping Luna had made Xenophilius Lovegood to stop his support for Harry in the Quibbler. I was not angry at him, the Death Eaters have his daughter. Neville had also seemed to become even more driven after what happened to Luna.
Neville and I were sitting next to each other in our now compulsory Muggle Studies lesson, which was just a way of spreading Pure - blood propaganda. Alecto Carrow would just rave about how Muggle's where filthy animals.
     "How much Muggle blood have you got?" Neville spat at her in one particularly nasty lesson.
I looked at Neville with wide eyes as a proud smile was fighting its way on my face.
Alecto did not take kindly to this and she slashed Neville with a very deep gash on the side if his face. I shot to my feet and aimed my wand at Alecto Carrow.
I tried to stun her but she blocked. I pulled Neville with me to duck under the desk as we avoided the Cruciatus Curse.
I was fully aware that there was a classroom full of people.
     "All of you go!" I yelled at them and they fled out if the classroom.
I began to duel with Alecto Carrow. I shot spell after spell.


Petrificus Totalus


Locomotor Mortis


All of them blocked by Alecto Carrow just as I had blocked all of her spells. As I narrowly blocked another spell from Alecto Carrow, I reached into my pocket for one of my last instant darkness powders. I threw it on the ground and now the room was pitch black and I knew that I only I could see. Alecto frantically shot spells in every direction. I had to block the few that actually came towards me.
I pointed my wand at Alecto Carrow.
    'Incarcarous.' I thought as I did the non verbal spell.
Alecto Carrow shrieked as she was tied up with magical ropes. I then had an idea. Smirking to myself, I casted another non verbal spell.
Alecto Carrow was no blindfolded and I took her wand and threw it to the side.
     'Levicorpus.' I casted as I pointed my wand at Alecto Carrow.
Alecto Carrow lwmet out a furious shriek as she was hung by Invisibility strings.
Keeping my wand pointing at Alecto I opened the window. I then hung Alecto out the window. I made sure she was somewhat secure before I left the room.  I kept up stunts like this for the rest of the term. No matter how many beating the Carrows would give me and I never halted my offence. The D.A stood firmly behind me though the Carrows had no idea who they were. The D.A would mainly stick to shadows, telling me if there was a student who needed help. They mainly kept up the graffitie on the walls. What was truly entertaining to watch was the Carrows fury at failing to see how we communicate with each other. The Galleons Hermione and I made in fifth year had come in very handy.

But it turned out, the Carrows were not the only scum I had to deal with. As I was walking through one of the corridors with Ginny, Zacharias Smith seemed to just materialise next to me and just randomly grabbed my hand. I whipped round to glare at him.
     "What are you doing?" I demanded as I yanked my hand out of his grip.
Ginny glared at him in disbelief.
     "Listen –" Zacharias Smith started to say.
I groaned.
    "Save me a seat at Gryffindor table will you? This might take a while." I said to Ginny.
Ginny didn't even try to hide her laughter at Zacharias Smith offended look.
With one last glare at him Ginny left.
      "What do you want?" I said exasperatedly.
I could barely deal with Zacharias on the best of days.
      "Look, Ro, Potter's been gone for months. Likely hood is, he's never coming back. No one's seen him in months he's probably fled the country if he knows what's good for him and maybe that explains why You – Know – Who's apparently abroad." Zacharias Smith droned on as my anger increased significantly.
     "Get. To. The. Point." I said in a tight voice.
Zacharias looked at me with what I guessed was supposed to be a conving sympathetic look, but honestly it was pathetic. He then raised his hand and went to caress my face. He never got the chance as I slapped his hand away.
     "Potter abandoned you, I would never do that. Potter had his chance and now I want mine." Zacharias said as he quickly grabbed either side of my face and was about to forcefully bring my face up to him.
I kneed him between his legs just as his lips puckered when they were inches from mine. He doubled over in pain, clutching his private parts. I then slapped him across the face.
I ws so angry I wouldn't be surprised if my eyes had turned red. I left Zacharias still clutching between his legs as I stalked off towards the Great Hall. I told Ginny, Neville and Seamus what happened.
    "The nerve of him! I'll kill him! Oh when I get hold of him –" Ginny said and then started making violent hands gestures and mumbleling in audibly.
     "The prat! I can't believe he said all that. Harry doesn't abandon people. Remember the second task of the Triwizard Tournament? Harry stayed in there untill he was sure everyone was out. He didn't care about winning. Do you want me go blow him up? I've blown up plenty of Cauldrons, how much harder can a person be?" Seamus said as he glared at the passing  Zacharias Smith, who was limping over to the Hufflepuff table.
     "I can't believe he's stupid enough to think that Harry is just on the run. If you ask me, Smith is so determined to down play who Harry is so he can make himself seem more impressive. If Harry was just on the run, you would be with him, right Ro?" Neville said.

I looked at Neville. He still had a great big gash on his cheek. Madam Pomfrey had done all she could. She could only stop it bleeding and numb some of the pain.
    "Yes. If he was just on the run I would of gone with him." I answered.
     "Do you know what's he's up to?" Seamus asked eagerly.
I bit my lip hesitantly.
     "Yes, I do and no, I'm not going to tell you. Believe me it's important and we can't risk that information falling into the wrong hands." I whispered to them.
    "We're part of Dumbledore's Army. You can trust us, Ro." Neville said as he squeezed my hand reassuringly.
   "I do trust you. All three of you. I trust you more then I can say, but even the bravest and most loyal people don't want to see their families be tortured. I know this is a bit hypocritical, but I need you to trust me when I say it's best you don't know." I said quietly.
I could tell they weren't happy about it but they accepted it.
Neville and Seamus then left together. I turned to Ginny.
    "Going back to the subject of boys, I barely saw Jacob over Christmas. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?" I asked Ginny with a sly smirk.
Ginny barely reacted.
    "Maybe." Ginny simply muttered as she took a sip of pumpkin juice.
I chuckled slightly.
     "I taught you too well." I said and Ginny grinned at me.
     "He was at Burrow a lot." Ginny said with a smile lighting up her face.
     "Spill. Are you to together now?" I asked nearly jumping for joy.
      "Yeah, I guess we are. You're okay with that right?" Ginny said, suddenly worried.
      "Are you kidding? Course I am! If it works out between you two we'll be officially sisters." I said and Ginny laughed in relief.

On the last day of term, Hagrid decided to throw a support Harry Potter party. I tried everything I could to get him not to do it but as usual he did it anyway.
Is this how Remus feels everything I disobey him? Hagrid managed to escape with the help of Gwarp and they were both now on the run. I managed to get a Patronus message to Hagrid to hide in the caves not far from Hogsmead. There were various caves doemwn there and Gwarp was gard to hide blue the caves should do it.
Like the Christmas holidays Winter met me at Hogsmeade Station. I was thrilled to see her as she was to see me. I still made sure I saw her everyday by sneaking into the forest in my animagus form. I was on edge the whole train ride home but no one was dragged off the train this time but there would be an even bigger shock waiting when I got home.
Harry's Point Of View:
Hermione and Ron were both convinced that the Hallows didn't exist, I, on the otherhand was heartily convinced that they did. I was certain that I was a descendant of Ignotus Peverell and Voldemort was a descendant of another Peverell brother. I was sure that the stone in Marvolo's ring was the resurrection stone and Voldemort was after the Elder Wand.
Hermione, Ron and I continued to move from place to place.
Ron spent evening after evening using his wand to beat out various rhythms on top of the wireless while the dials whirled. Occasionally we would catch snatches of advice on how to treat dragonpox, and once a few bars of 'A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love.' While Ron taped, he continued to try to hit on the correct password, muttering strings of random words under his breath.
    "They're normally something to do with the Order. Bill had a real knack for guessing them. I'm bound to get one in the end. . ." Ron told us.

But not until March did luck favor Ron at last. I was sitting in the tent entrance, on guard duty, staring idly at a clump of grape hyacinths that had forced their way through the chilly ground, when Ron shouted excitedly from inside the tent.
    "I've got it, I've got it! Password was 'Albus'! Get in here, Harry." Ron yelled excitedly.
Roused for the first time in days from my contemplation of the Deathly Hallows, I hurried back inside the tent to find Ron and Hermione kneeling on the floor beside the little radio.

Hermione, who had been polishing the sword of Gryffindor just for something to do, was sitting open - mouthed, staring at the tiny speaker, from which a most familiar voice was issuing.
   ". . .apologize for our temporary absence from the airwaves, which was due to a number of house calls in our area by those charming Death Eaters."
    "But that's Lee Jordan!" Hermione said.
   "I know! Cool, eh?" Ron beamed.
   ". . .now found ourselves another secure location, and I'm pleased to tell you that two of our regular contributors have joined me here this evening. Evening, boys!" Lee was saying.
    "Evening, River."
    "'River' that's Lee. They've all got code names, but you can usually tell –" Ron explained.
    "Shh!" Hermione said.
    "But before we hear from Royal and Romulus, let's take a moment to report those deaths that the Wizarding Wireless Network News and Daily Prophet don't think important enough to mention. It is with great regret that we inform our listeners of the murders of Ted Tonks and Dirk Cresswell." Lee went on.

I felt a sick, swooping in my belly. Ron, Hermione and I gazed at one another in horror. Rosabella's uncle. Tonks's father. Gone.
   "A goblin by the name of Gornuk was also killed. It is believed that Muggle - born Dean Thomas and a second goblin, both believed to have been traveling with Tonks, Cresswell, and Gornuk, may have escaped. If Dean is listening, or if anyone has any knowledge of his whereabouts, his parents and sisters are desperate for news." Lee said.
    "Meanwhile, in Gaddley, a Muggle family of five has been found dead in their home. Muggle authorities are attributing their deaths to a gas leak, but members of the Order of the Phoenix inform me that it was the Killing Curse – more evidence, as if it were needed, of the fact that Muggle slaughter is becoming little more than a recreational sport under the new regime." Lee said.
    "Finally, we regret to inform our listeners that the remains of Bathilda Bagshot have been discovered in Godric's Hollow. The evidence is that she died several months ago. The Order of the Phoenix informs us that her body showed unmistakable signs of injuries inflicted by Dark Magic." Lee said.
   "Listeners, I'd like to invite you now to join us in a minute's silence in memory of Ted Tonks, Dirk Cresswell, Bathilda Bagshot, Gornuk, and the unnamed, but no less regretted, Muggles murdered by the Death Eaters." Lee said.

Silence fell, and, Ron, Hermione and I did not speak. Half of ne yearned to hear more, half of me was afraid of what might come next. It was the first time I had felt fully connected to the outside world for a long time.
    "Thank you. And now we can return to regular contributor Royal, for an update on how the new Wizarding order is affecting the Muggle world." Lee said.
   "Thanks, River." said an unmistakable voice, deep, measured, reassuring.
    "Kingsley!" Ron burst out.
    "We know!" Hermione said, hushing him.
    "Muggles remain ignorant of the source of their suffering as they continue to sustain heavy casualties. However, we continue to hear truly inspirational stories of wizards and witches risking their own safety to protect Muggle friends and neighbors, often without the Muggles' knowledge. I'd like to appeal to all our listeners to emulate their example, perhaps by casting a protective charm over any Muggle dwellings on your street. Many lives could be saved if such simple measures are taken." Kingsley said.
    "And what would you say, Royal, to those listeners who reply that in these dangerous times, it should be 'Wizards first'?" Lee asked.
    "I'd say that it's one short step from 'Wizards first' to 'Purebloods first,' and then to 'Death Eaters'. We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving." Kingsley replied.
    "Excellently put, Royal, and you've got my vote for Minister of Magic if we ever get out of this mess. And now, over to Romulus for our popular feature 'Pals of Potter.'" Lee said.
   "Thanks, River," said another very familiar voice.
Ron started to speak, but Hermione forestalled him in a whisper.
   "We know it's Remus!" Hermione said.
   "Romulus, do you maintain, as you have every time you've appeared on our program, that Harry Potter is still alive?" Lee said.
    "I do. There is no doubt at all in my mind that his death would be proclaimed as widely as possible by the Death Eaters if it had happened, because it would strike a deadly blow at the morale of those resisting the new regime. 'The Boy Who Lived' remains a symbol of everything for which we are fighting. The triumph of good, the power of innocence, the need to keep resisting." Remus said firmly.

A mixture of gratitude and shame welled up in me. Had Remus forgiven me, then, for the terrible things I had said when we had last met?
   "And what would you say to Harry if you knew he was listening, Romulus?" Lee said.
    "I'd tell him we're all with him in spirit and I'd tell him to follow his instincts, which are good and nearly always right." Remus said.
I looked at Hermione, whose eyes were full of tears.
    "Nearly always right." Hermione repeated.
   "Oh, didn't I tell you? Bill told me Remus's living with Tonks again! And apparently she's getting pretty big too. . ." Ron said in surprise.
    ". . .and our usual update on those friends of Harry Potter's who are suffering for their allegiance?" Lee was saying.
    "Well, as regular listeners will know, several of the more outspoken supporters of Harry Potter have now been imprisoned, including Xenophilius Lovegood, erstwhile editor of The Quibbler." Remus said.
    "At least he's still alive!" Ron muttered.
   "We have also heard within the last few hours that Rubeus Hagrid –" Lee said.

All three of us gasped, and so nearly missed the rest of the sentence.    
   " – well - known gamekeeper at Hogwarts School, has narrowly escaped arrest within the grounds of Hogwarts, where he is rumored to have hosted a 'Support Harry Potter' party in his house. However, Hagrid was not taken into custody, and is, we believe, on the run." Remus said.
    "I suppose it helps, when escaping from Death Eaters, if you've got a sixteen - foot - high half brother?" Lee asked.
   "It would tend to give you an edge. May I just add that while we here at Potterwatch applaud Hagrid's spirit, we would urge even the most devoted of Harry's supporters against following Hagrid's lead. 'Support Harry Potter' parties are unwise in the present climate." Remus said gravely.
   "Indeed they are, Romulus, so we suggest that you continue to show your devotion to the man with the lightning scar by listening to Potterwatch! And now let's move to news concerning the wizard who is proving just as elusive as Harry Potter. We like to refer to him as the Chief Death Eater, and here to give his views on some of the more insane rumors circulating about him, I'd like to introduce a new correspondent. Rodent?" Lee said.
    "'Rodent'?" said yet another familiar voice.
Ron, Hermione and I cried out together:
     "No – is it George?" Hermione asked.
    "It's Fred, I think." Ron said, leaning in closer.
    "I'm not being 'Rodent,' no way, I told you I wanted to be 'Rapier'!" Whichever twin it was said.
    "Oh, all right then, 'Rapier,' could you please give us your take on the various stories we've been hearing about the Chief Death Eater?" Lee said.
    "Yes, River, I can. As our listeners will know, unless they've taken refuge at the bottom of a garden pond or somewhere similar, You - Know - Who's strategy of remaining in the shadows is creating a nice little climate of panic. Mind you, if all the alleged sightings of him are genuine, we must have a good nineteen You - Know - Whos running around the place." Fred said.
    "Which suits him, of course. The air of mystery is creating more terror than actually showing himself." Kingsley said.
   "Agreed. So, people, let's try and calm down a bit. Things are bad enough without inventing stuff as well. For instance, this new idea that You - Know - Who can kill people with a single glance from his eyes. That's a basilisk, listeners. One simple test: Check whether the thing that's glaring at you has got legs. If it has, it's safe to look into its eyes, although if it really is You - Know - Who, that's still likely to be the last thing you ever do." Fred said.

For the first time in weeks and weeks, I was laughing. I could feel the weight of tension leaving me.
   "And the rumors that he keeps being sighted abroad?" Lee asked.
   "Well, who wouldn't want a nice little holiday after all the hard work he's been putting in?" Fred asked.
     "Point is, people, don't get lulled into a false sense of security, thinking he's out of the country. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't, but the fact remains he can move faster than Severus Snape confronted with shampoo when he wants to, so don't count on him being a long way away if you're planning to take any risks. I never thought I'd hear myself say it, but safety first!" Fred said.
    "Thank you very much for those wise words, Rapier. Listeners, that brings us to the end of another Potterwatch. We don't know when it will be possible to broadcast again, but you can be sure we shall be back. Keep twiddling those dials: The next password will be 'Mad-Eye.' Keep each other safe: Keep faith. Good night." Lee said.

The radio's dial twirled and the lights behind the tuning panel went out. Ron, Hermione and I were still beaming. Hearing familiar, friendly voices was an extraordinary tonic. I had become so used to our isolation I had nearly forgotten that other people were resisting Voldemort. It was like waking from a long sleep.
   "Good, eh?" Ron said happily.
   "Brilliant." I said.
   "It's so brave of them. If they were found . . ." Hermione said admiringly.
   "Well, they keep on the move, don't they? Like us." Ron said.
   "But did you hear what Fred said? He's abroad! He's still looking for the Wand, I knew it!" I asked excitedly.
Now the broadcast was over, my thoughts turned around toward my all consuming obsession.
  "Harry–" Hermione said exasperatedly.
    "Come on, Hermione, why are you so determined not to admit it? Vol —" I started to say.
   "HARRY, NO!" Ron roared.
  "— demort's after the Elder Wand!" I finished.
   "The name's Taboo! I told you, Harry, I told you, we can't say it anymore – we've got to put the protection back around us – quickly – it's how they find –" Ron bellowed leaping to his feet as a loud crack sounded outside the tent.  

Ron stopped talking, and I knew why.
The Sneakoscope on the table had lit up and begun to spin. We could hear voices coming nearer and nearer. Rough, excited voices.
Ron pulled the Deluminator out of his pocket and clicked it. Our lamps went out.
   "Come out of there with your hands up! We know you're in there! You've got half a dozen wands pointing at you and we don't care who we curse!" came a rasping voice through the darkness.

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