Prince Not-So-Charming And Hi...

By zeetheshipper

2.2K 80 77

"...You and I are never going to go anywhere farther than this right here. You with a glass in front of you... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Not A Chapter✌🏾
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42


164 2 1
By zeetheshipper

Aight. Why am I writing this intro? No idea, I guess I want to, cool? Cool 😘

Anyway... Okay so I started writing this on a whim bcos I was like my writing is shitty and all but I also just want to write this shit and yeah, at first the chapters aren't as long as I usually try to make them aka 3000 words or above but like I'm a fanfic writer and I've given up my dream of being an author cos I'm too lazy a bitch. Therefore, in conclusion, I'm trying my best not to let my anxiety make me overdo shit and just vibe as I write =)

No stressing out and reading chapters over and over to make them perfect, either... I'll probably do this second one cos idk can't help myself, I can fucking see it now. I did, totally did 😂

And lastly, I'm not like a super strong larrie, I'm more of a dark larrie and I'm not a directioner either. I don't know much of their music, both as a band and separately, other than some popular ones so make of that what you will?

Anyway. I'm just rambling here as I try to encourage myself to publish this shit even tho I know I can't make it as awesomely funny as some other great larry fics and aghhhh I probably won't publish it for another five hundred fucking years loves ✨

I'm tired of my fucking brain omlllll anyway here's like collages for both which I'll work on so I don't have to publish for longer cos I'm a weird bitch with issues, I'm sure the person on the other side of this screen can relate bcos welp, aren't we all? 🥰

Louis Tomlinson🖤:

Harry Styles🤍:

I don't particularly like them enough, especially the second one but they'll never be perfect. Not to me. Perfectionist-ish tings

Weirdly enough, this book has been running like clockwork. Idk if it's cos I haven't published yet so I can vibe at my own pace and not worry about opinions and mistakes but damn, it's been smooth other than some writer's block here and there, as expected. Quite happy bout this lol, it's become a comfort fic in a lot of ways for me which makes me uncomfy cos it's my own ~degoutant~ writing but still... Anddddd I'm overdoing it with the rambling again, innit? 😂

Alright. I'm posting it on the last day of Pride Month 2021, yuss 🏳️‍🌈 Wattpad has this book glitching hard. Like double chapters, chapters switching positions and then refusing to move back no matter what I do 🥴 still gonna post, tho. Cos.. It's pride month and I wanaa post it on pride month because ~fruityyyyyyy~

Update: yeah the writing kinda stopped working like clockwork some chapters in but it's still been nice to write? Also yeahhhh I did not publish this on Pride Month.. painnnnnnn 😭

Whaddever, here goes nothing, ig... Good job if you stuck it out till the end reading this crappî intro, hope you like it 💙💚

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