I Need You (a GajEvy fanfic)

Door Trix66

14K 705 661

Levy comes across an accident. Her and her mum get in a crash. She makes it out fine but her mum gets stuck i... Meer

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~

~Chapter 5~

882 44 76
Door Trix66

Okay enjoy! Just know Wendy and Romeo aren't in this chapter (There won't be much of them in this fan fic sorry)

The rest of the week until Friday passed by slowly because we were all waiting to go to Gajeel's. We hadn't met up with Gajeel anymore that week but everyone now had his number. We didn't text him too much though, in fear of us getting on his nerves. Well Natsu didn't care but he didn't really text Gajeel at all. Now we were all heading to Gajeel's place. I was riding with, Lu-chan, Natsu, Lisanna, and Bixlow in Lu-chan's car. Everyone else was in groups in cars and were driving behind us. The whole way there, Lisanna and Bixlow were playfully teasing each other and arguing over silly things while Natsu held one of Lu-chan's hands while she drove with the other one. Then there was me, I was sitting in the back beside Lisanna while she put all of her attention in her boyfriend. They kept laughing while I stared out the window while humming along to the song that played on the radio.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Natsu asked, looking over to Lu-chan. I looked at the house tat was in front of us. It wasn't a large mansion like we were expecting but it was still pretty big. It was a two story house with enough windows to guess that there were at least 4 bedrooms of which only one was probably being used. I looked to the mail box and compared it to the address that Gajeel had sent me.

"Yep, this is the place," I nodded for them to continue driving down the driveway. The other 4 cars followed behind us. Not all of the cars were full with people though. When Lu-chan parked the car and everyone got out, Gajeel was standing on the porch waiting for us.

"Hey," He waved to us. We all followed him inside where we admired the inside of his house. Everything looked new and clean. Right when we walked in a black cat started rubbing against my leg. I looked down at it before picking it up and scratching it under it's chin which in return he started purring.

"His name is Lily, Pantherlily," Gajeel said as he watched me pet his cat.

"He is adorable," I said before putting him back on the floor.

"It looks so nice in here!" Juvia complimented his living room.

"It's probably like that because I almost never go in here. I'm usually in my room," he laughed as he led us to the couch. "So what do you guys want to do?" He asked as he plopped himself down on the couch. Everyone joined him as they thought.

"How about hide and seek since your house is so big?" Lisanna suggested.

"Yeah! That sounds fun!" Both Lu-chan and I cheered in unison. Everyone started to agree.

"Okay, so who's going to be it?" Erza asked.

"How about rock, paper, scissors to decide who will start out being it?" Juvia suggested. We all agreed and started playing the game.

"Fuck you!" Natsu yelled at Gray once he say that Gray had his hand in a fist while Natsu chose scissors. Natsu started counting to 50 as we all started to scatter around the house. I ram through the halls trying to find a hiding space while hearing Natsu's voice echo through out the house. Eventually i found a hall closet where you would normally store blankets or something else but it was empty. I slipped in and quietly shut the door behind me. Just in time too because right when I crouched down on the floor, I heard Natsu yell "Ready or not here I come!"

I heard him moving things around in the living room and cursing to himself. After he finished in the living room, he came into the hallway. When he was passing my hiding place I started to hold my breath without even realizing it in fear of him opening the door and declaring me it next round. He seemed to stop right outside the door and I was sure that he was going to open it.

"Damn, why do you guys have to hide so good?" He sighed before goimg on to the other rooms. I sighed in relief and took a deep breath when I was sure that he was out of hearing range.

"That was close," I mumbled quietly.

"Aha!" Natsu yelled which caused me to think that he somehow heard me and found me. I was relieved when I heard another voice..

"That's not manly!" Elfman pouted.

"You're just too.... manly to hide," Natsu laughed as he kept looking around the house. Every time anyone passed the closet I was in I held my breath until they were gone. Natsu ended up finding everyone and I was the last one left that he had to find. I was surprised that no one had opened the door yet.

"That Shrimp is sure good at hiding," Gajeel grunted while he was dangerously close to the closet. He could have been leaning on it for all I know.

"That's because she's so damn tiny," Bixlow laughed but soon shut up when I heard Lisanna tell him to shut up. I was sure that everyone was looking for me at this point.

I guess I was breathing to loud or I had moved and he heard me but the door opened and let light flood into the dark closet. "Good job, Shrimp, gihi," Gajeel chuckled as he held out a hand to help me up. I took his hand and stood back up to my feet. "Found her!" He yelled to the others that were in the living rom, kitchen, bedrooms, game room, and other spare rooms in the house.

"I swear I thought I already checked there," Natsu pouted which caused everybody to laugh. "Well, it doesn't matter because it Elfman is it now!" He cheered as he pushed Elfman towards the couch to count.

"Being it is manly!" Elfman yelled which totally contradicted with what he said earlier. He jumped onto the couch and started counting loudly so everyone could hear him. That round I ended up hiding under the bed of one of the spare bedrooms. I wasn't found first, but I wasn't found last like last time either. We played a few more times until we got bored of that.

"What do you guys want to do now?" Natsu asked while leaning back on the couch with his hands resting behind his head.

"I dunno," Bixlow shrugged.

"Of course you don't know," Gray muttered.

"What was that, ice cube?" Bixlow shot back.

"That wasn't even a good name for him!" Natsu scoffed as he joined their arguing. "It should be something more like 'you gay ass mother fucking stripper!'" Natsu yelled. At this point they were all pushing their foreheads agaimst each others' while glaring daggers. What they didn't notice was Erza standing behind them with a dark aura surrounding her.

"All three of you, stop arguing. right. now. or. else." She growled slowly. They all froze and didn't finish whatever insults they were about to shoot at each other. All of a sudden they started shaking in fear and hugging onto each other as if it would them live.

"W-we're sorry Erza! We'll stop! We promise!" They all yelled together. We all knew they wouldn't keep that promise. We were all trying to keep in our laughs as they shook and begged for her to not kill them.

"Fine, I'll let it slide.... this time," She shot them one last death glare before going back to sit beside Jellal.

"Damn, she's scary," Gajeel muttered just loud enough for me to hear.

"That's not even her at her worst. You should of seen her when she was getting onto Natsu and Gray for getting in trouble with the police," I laughed. "Of course they didn't go to jail but that didn't stop Erza from being pissed."

"Remind me to never get on her bad side," He shuddered at the thought of her being so angry.

"How about Truth or Dare?" Jellal suggested. I could tell some people became nervous while others had evil grins.

"Perfect!" Mira smiled which let all of know that she was going to enjoy this game.

"There's no getting out of it now," Laxus sighed as we all sat in a circle on the floor with some people leaning on the coffee table or couch while others got pillows from the couch to sit on. Again, we played rock, paper, scissors to find out who got to go first. And again the last round came down to Natsu and Gray for some reason. After the last round, Gray would be going first.

'Okay, umm....... Natsu, truth or dare?" Gray asked.

"Dare is for real men!" Elfman added in before Natsu could answer.

"Dare, duh!" Natsu said as if it were obvious, which it kinda was. Could you imagine Natsu turning down a challenge? Neither could I.

Gray crawled over and whispered something into Lu-chan's ear before Lu-chan nodded and got up and left in silence.

"Okay, well, I dare you to........ let everyone here put make up on you while they are blind folded," Gray said confidently with his arms crossed and his head held high.

"Ugh, seriously?" Natsu pouted as Lu-chan came back with a small bag of her make up from the car.

"A man doesn't turn down a dare," Elfman said so Natsu would quit.

"Fine," He pouted as everyone got in a line in front of Natsu. The whole time that everyone was clumsily applying music, Gray was grinning with satisfaction. By the time everyone was done, Natsu looked like a clown. He had lipstick all over his cheeks and some on his teeth but barely any on his lips. One eye lid was purple while the other orange and there were black marks all over his forehead, chin, and cheeks. You could tell that he was obviously upset.

"Okay! Now it's my turn!!" Natsu yelled, replacing his grumpy face with his big toothy grin. "Gajeel! Truth or Dare?"

Obviously, he replied with, "Dare!" with a grin. Natsu jumped up and left to the kitchen. We heard the refrigerator open and close before Natsu rushed back into the room.

"Drink this!" He said as he held a dark colored bottle up for everyone to see.

"You're acting like I don't already drink that all of the time. Why else would I have it?" He laughed as he took the beer bottle from Natsu's hand and took a sip of it.

"But aren't you under aged?" I asked, a bit confused.

"Yeah, so what? It's not like anyone is ever here to report me and I doubt any of you will," He shrugged and took another sip. I remembered that he told me that he lives alone and how his parents left a long while ago. And it was true that none of us were going to rat him out. But, as you can guess, with that bottle being downed, the rest of the guys became interested. Natsu ran back into the kitchen once again and ran back with multiple bottles in his hand and a huge grin. Every guy, except Jellal, grabbed a bottle from Natsu.

"Here, take one," Natsu said as he pushed one towards Jellal.

"Drink away!" Gajeel said to everyone, already a little drunk, indicating that they could drink to their hearts content.

"Umm.." Jellal was unsure as he stared at the bottle. He was thinking of the pros and cons. Sure Erza wouldn't approve but he didn't want to be the only sober guy stuck with a bunch of girls. "Eh, you know what? Yolo!" then he took the bottle from Natsu and began drinking it.

Erza was irritated as she watch not only her boyfriend drinking, but all of her guy friends, too. The girls on the other hand sweat dropped. Everyone there was under aged yet nobody cared as they downed multiple bottles per person.

"Well, that game ended quickly," Evergreen chuckled awkwardly.

"Real men drink beer!" Elfman shouted and punched the air.

"I'm definitely not joining them, so what do you guys want to do?" Lu-chan said as she turned away from the guys that were laughing hysterically for no reason.

"I don't know, but first lets go to a different room because the smell is bothering me," Lu-chan said, referring to the intoxicating smell of the beer, as she got up and we followed her into one of the large spare bedrooms. The guys didn't seem to notice us leaving as they kept drinking their booze.

"Now we don't have to listen to their drunk guy talk," Lisanna sighed happily to which we all agreed. For a while we just sat on the large bed and and talked about whatever topic was brought up by any one of us.

"I gotta use the bathroom. Be right back," I said before hopping off of the bed and going into the hallway to find out which door led to the bathroom. I opened the doors on both sides of the room we were in but one was Gajeel's room and the other was another spare room. Right before I was going to check another door, someone staggered into the hallway. I looked over to see the crimson eyed owner of the house.

"Oh, hey Gajeel," I greeted him with a smile even though I could tell that he was drunk.

"Shrimp, I have something important to tell you," He said as he came up to me. I pressed my back against the door behind me as he put his hand on the door frame behind me but right beside my head.

"W-what?" I stuttered as I felt my cheeks heat up. I could smell the intoxicating scent coming from his mouth since he was so close.

"Levy..... I'm pregnant," He slurred which caused me to laugh. Well, the first time he called me by my real name was when he was drunk.

"Are you sure?" I asked and decided to play along.

"Yes, Levy, we're going to have a beautiful baby girl! I bet she'll look just like you and have blue hair and hazel eyes," He slurred as he picked me up by my waist and spun me around.

"W-we?" I stuttered as my cheeks started heating up again.

"Yes, we. Don't you remember when we -"

"No just stop talking and put me down," I cut him off before he could say any thing.

"Aren't you happy?" He asked dissapointedly as he put me down with a frown.

"I have to use the restroom," I ignored him and went through the door that I was pressed against earlier which happened to lead to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. My face was glowing red. I splashed cold water onto my face before using the restroom. When I came out Gajeel wasn't there and he had already gone back to the guys in the living room. I went back into the spare room where the girls were still talking. I didn't tell any of them about what Gajeel had done.

Soon we were joined by a clumsy ninja. "Nin nin!" Natsu yelled as he stood in the door way. He had his scarfed lazily wrapped around his head. He took a step to come in the room but tripped over his own feet and fell onto the floor.

"Natsu," Lu-chan yelled as she hopped off of the bed and rushed to Natsu's side. "He's passed out. Can one of you help me carry him to the spare room right next to our?" She sighed as she looked to us for help. Both me and Lisanna got up to aid her. We brought him to the room and put him on the bed before going back to the girls.

"We should probably go keep an eye on the guys now," Erza suggested. Nobody wanted to but we all knew that we had to. We followed Erza into the living room where all of the guys were still awake.

"Juvia doesn't think you need any more of that," Juvia said as she snatched a beer bottle from Gray's hands and started heading to the kitchen to put it up.

"Noo! Please just let me finished this bottle," He pleaded as he grabbed Juvia by the waist and pulled her back. She was blushing but still pulled away.

"No. You can't have any more," She said as she left to the kitchen and Gray stumbled after her but still failed to get any booze. Afterwards he got led to an empty room to sleep.

"I think we need to get you home," Erza said as she walked over to Jellal. He wasn't drinking anymore but he was still as drunk as the others.

He pulled Erza down to where he was sitting on the couch and snuggled into her. He nuzzled his face into her hair on her neck. "I love you! You know that, right?" He told her as he held her close to him.

"Yes, I know you love me and I love you, but we need to get you to go to sleep," She said soothingly in hopes of persuading him. It worked. "Here," She said as she moved his head so it was laying in her lap and started running her fingers through his hair. He didn't fight against her and just stared up into her eyes and kept telling her how much he loved her.

"Aww, you two are adorable," Mira said which earned a glare from Erza but Mira didn't seem affected. Mira then walked over to tend to her own boyfriend. "I think you need to be going to sleep also," Mira said as she grabbed his arm to take him to one of the spare bedrooms. Instead of following her, he pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her.

"I can think of other things that we could do," He smirked as he went in to kiss her. He was rejected as she put her finger against his lips and pushed them away.

"But you are going to go to sleep," She said as she gave him the smile she usually gave when she was threatening someone. This time he listened to her and let her drag him to a spare bedroom.

"How about you do the same?" Evergreen suggested to Elfman. Elfman totally ignore her request.

"Your hair is preeetty~" He cooed as he twirled her hair between his fingers. "Your eyes are preeetty~" He kept cooing compliments that ended in 'preeetty' to her as she led him to another spare room that was empty.

Lisanna went to take care of Bixlow. "Let's go you crazy drunk," She laughed as she grabbed his hand.

"You come to join us? Wait, Where'd everyone go?" He sobbed. "I'm soo lonely! Everyone left me!"

"Silly, they are asleep. Now how about you go catch some z's?" She said as she helped him off of the floor. He kept sobbing on her shoulder but let her take him to the last spare room. All that was left was one more drunk: Gajeel.

"You ready to go to dream land with all of your drinking buds?" I asked as I walked up to him awkwardly.

"No! We still need to celebrate!" He yelled as he stuck his beer in the air then took a sip. "Here, have some and celebrate," He handed the bottle to me. I took the bottle but set it on the coffee table.

"You are not pregnant!" I tried to convince him but I was failing.

"How could you deny our baby?!" He yelled as he rubbed his stomach as if he really was pregnant. "Are you saying you don't want her?" He started sobbing. I guess I would have to go along with it no matter how weird it would seem.

"No, I'm sorry. I wasn't denying her. You need to rest in order for he to be born a healthy and beautiful young girl. You want that for her don't you?" I asked.

"Of course I want that for my baby!" He said.

"Well, you have to sleep in order for that to happen," I said as I pulled him off of the floor.

"Fine," He grumbled as he followed me to his room. "Where are we going?" He asked as we walked down the hallway.

"Your room," I answered.

"Why?" He asked, confused.

"So you can sleep," I said as I opened the door and showed him his room.

"Oh yeah!" He gasped as if he was amazed by his own room. I led him to the bed and gently pushed him down and put the blanket over him.

"Now go to sleep," I said gently before turning away to go back to the girls. Something stopped me, though. Gajeel had grabbed my wrist before I left. I turned back to see hat he needed.

"Don't leave me," He whispered quietly.

"Just go to sleep and I'll be here when you wake up, okay?" I said soothingly.


"Promise," I nodded before finally leaving to the living room.

"It's getting late and I don't think my mum wants me to stay the night in a house full of drunks," Lisanna laughed.

"You guys can go and I'll keep an eye on this place," I offered. Lisanna gave me a smile and thanked me before leaving. Mira had to go with her sister so she waved to us before following her sibling out to the car. Before she ent, though, she got Erza to help her carry Elfman to the car. She couldn't go home a missing brother or her parents would be furious. She would come up with an excuse for the scent of beer covering her brother, hopefully.

"Are you sure? You'll be in a house full of drunk guys. I'm not sure," Erza started mumbling off to herself about all of the things that could happen.

"I'm sure. I don't have a mom to worry about where I am at or to tell me to get or to ground me at the moment," I explained to them. That was enough to convince Juvia and Evergreen so they said bye and gave us hugs before leaving to go home.

"I'll lock myself in the bathroom and call both of you if anything happens," I assured them. "But I'm pretty sure they will be out for the rest of tonight."

"Fine, but promise that you will call me," Erza demanded. I promised before giving her a hug and then it was only me and Lu-chan.

"But I'm your ride home," She said.

"You can come pick me up in the morning," I said. "Plus, I'm pretty sure your mum wouldn't want you in a house of drunks either."

"She is going to wonder where you are though," She countered.

"Just tell her that I found a place that stay permanently until my mum wakes up," I said.

"But she is going to wonder why your stuff is still in my room and what about when you have to leave here? Where will you go if my mum thinks you already found a place?" Lu-chan tilted her head. She was dead set on not leaving me alone.

Before I could come up with something, our conversation was interrupted. "You need a place to stay?" Both of our heads shot over to the hallway, where the voice was coming from.

"Gajeel, you need to go back to sleep," I said as I walked to him in order to take him back to bed.

"You cane stay here. I have spare rooms or you could just live upstairs," He tried to convince me.

"See Lu-chan!" I looked over to Lu-chan but she was just giving me an are-you-serious look.

"Levy-chan, he's drunk!" She said.

"I'm serious," Gajeel said with a serious tone but we both knew he was still drunk.

"Then tell your mum I'm staying the night at a friend's," I offered.

"Fine. You're stubborn, you know that?" She laughed before giving me a hug and leaving.

"Okay, now you need to get back to bed," I said as I started pushing him towards his room.

"I was serious when I said you could stay here," He said as he collapsed on the bed.

"And I was serious when I said you were drunk and needed to go to bed," I said seriously before throwing his blanket over him again and turning to leave. Again, he grabbed my wrist before I could leave only this time he pulled me towards him and caused me to fall onto the bed.

"Stay," He mumbled in my ear.

"I have to go to bed," I said, realizing what he would say before he even said it.

"You can sleep in here," He mumbled again and I could feel his breath against my neck.

"You are drunk and you will regret your decision in the morning," I said.

"I don't mean have sex with me, I mean stay in here and snuggle in my arms," He said. He didn't act as drunk as he was earlier but he was still drunk.

"I'm going to bed.... in the other room," I finished and got up. "I'll see you in the morning." I said before closing the door behind me. I left Jellal sleeping on the couch while I went to the room that Elfman once occupied before he got taken to his house.

I stared at the ceiling and thought about everything that happened today while a blush crept its way up when I remembered my trip to the bathroom and everything after that. All of the couples looked so cute when the girls got the guys to calm down. That thought led me to realizing once again that I was the only single person in the group. And I would probably stay like that because the only crush I had was on the drunk singer in the next room over. I ended up falling asleep with a small smile on my face and I didn't get woken up by any drunk guys the whole night.

Yeah, that was long. really long. Like double what I usually write. I usually write 2000 words per chapter but this was 4502 words.

If you liked it that long: Awesome! I liked writing it this long because I had been thinking about this chapter a lot. But sorry the rest of the chapters will probably be only 2000 words like usual.

If you didn't like it that long: Sorry for all of the words. But on the bright side for you there probably won't be anymore extremely long chapters.

See you next chapter.

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