Gaming Middle

By rheaintheliaria

42 10 3

Collab with @Dovewing202 Check out her account for an awesome Warrior Cats collab between the two of us. The... More

Chapter 2: P.O.V Megaman
Chapter 3: P.O.V Mario
Chapter 4: P.O.V Mario
Chapter 5: P.O.V Sonic

Chapter 1: P.O.V Megaman

12 2 0
By rheaintheliaria

Megaman woke up with a start when he heard his timer ring a third time.

"OH NO! I'm late for school!" He screamed.

He heard someone knocking on the door furiously.


Someone's trying to break into my house! Megaman frantically ran down the stairs and got his battle gear. Then he blasted a tundra storm right at the door! The door split in half, exploding everywhere. Behind the mess, it revealed Mario, looking furious and impatient. Mario was also covered in ice, making him look like a grouchy snowman.

"Oops..." Megaman said.

Once they got to school, Sir Toadsworth started blabbering on and on about not being late.

"Think about how your classmates feel when you get to school late! You know, back in my day..."


What the!?!?!?


Megaman looked to his side only to see Mario snoring obnoxiously loud and sleeping on the ground. He snored so loud, the room rumbled.

...And he was sleeping while Sir Toadsworth was still talking. Megaman poked him with a pencil, and Mario woke up with a jolt. Sir Toadsworth looked sternly at Mario as he groggily woke up.

"You missed some of the story Mario... I'll just start again."

Mario started screaming. "NOOOOOO!!!!" Then he curled up on the ground and started crying. Megaman decided to sit down and listen. Sir Toadsworth was.. Still talking about being tardy.

"You pupils should always be early like Sonic and Vivian."

Sonic flashed an evil smile as he was mentioned. Mario was.. Still crying.

"But Vivian can teleport! It's not fair, wah wah," Mario screeched.

Sir Toadsworth hadn't even noticed Mario had spoken. "You guys should get going, you've already missed two periods."

When Megaman got to writing, he noticed that Mario wasn't there. Weird... Rayman and Sonic were talking at the back of the class. Diddy Kong was playing basketball. Pikachu and Pac-Man were eating candy, making a mess everywhere. Link and Samus were trading weapons. Duck Hunt and Spyro were punching each other. The classroom was a mess! Where was the teacher? 0.2 seconds later the teacher came in. Megaman's eyes widened when he saw the teacher. It was Dr. Wily! His archnemesis.

Dr. Wily looked around the classroom, his eyes finally resting on Megaman. A battle fire came to them.

OH JEEZ! Why'd he look so mad!? It felt like centuries passed until he finally broke eye-contact.

Pac-Man decided to break the silence and ask,

"Are we gonna start yet?"

Dr. Wily looked up furiously at Pac-Man.

"To the principal's office with you!"

Pac-Man looked shocked. "But-"

"NO BUTS," Dr. Wily growled in his scratchy voice. "It's time for attendance," he growled after Pac-Man left the classroom, moping. "Sonic?"

"Here, by the way, can I have a snack?" Sonic asked lazily as he slumped back in his chair and tore open a bag of chips.

"RAHHHHHHHH!" Dr. Wily screamed. He violently pressed some evil looking buttons on a remote control.

"AHHHHH!" Sonic screeched like a girl, and his bag of chips went flying. Some of the other students looked shocked. Megaman looked behind him to see what was causing all the commotion.

"FEEL MY WRATH!!! MWA HA HA HAAAAAAAAAA- '' Evil robots broke into the classroom as Dr. Wily screamed. They grabbed Sonic by the arms and flipped over all the desks.

"Help, help!" Sonic yelped as he was dragged back by the evil robots.

Dr. Wily frantically pushed the button, over and over again. The robots were swarming now! There was no escape!


Megaman jerked his head towards the door. Peeking through it was.. MR. LOMBARDI, THE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL!! He would put a stop to this! And maybe he could even fire Dr. Wily! YAY-

"Kirby?" Dr. Wily calmly continued with the role call as if nothing had even happened. WHAT THE HECK- The tables were all flipped right side up. The scattered chips had disappeared. The mess the robots had caused was gone. THE ROBOTS WERE GONE WHAT THE-

"Here..?" Kirby said, looking just as confused as Megaman felt.

Just then, Mr. Lombardi walked into the classroom.

"Wow, your class looks very organized, Dr. Wily. You must be doing a great job teaching the students."

A frightened Sonic creeped out from under a desk where he tried to hide when the robots attacked.

"My, my, Sonic. What in the world were you doing under that rusty desk?"

Sonic frantically crawled up to Mr. Lombardi and tugged at his pants. "You- you have to fire this guy! He's a psychopath!"

Mr. Lombardi looked down at Sonic in disgust. "That's not a very nice thing to say. Why don't you go to the timeout corner?"

Sonic.. Didn't seem to have heard the principal. His eyes were glazed with fear as he looked at the spot where the robots had first appeared.

"Hello. Sonic, hello? CAN YOU HEAR ME-"

Sonic didn't even notice the principal was screaming in his ear.

"I'm outta here." Mr. Lombardi walked out of the classroom looking extremely annoyed.

Once the principal had left, Dr. Wily decided to go through the roll call even faster. "Pikachu? Link? Megaman? Spyro? Duck Hunt? Rayman? Vivian? Samus? Tails? Knuckles? Amy? Cream? Cheese? Toad? Toadette? Luigi? Diddy Kong? Larry? Bob? Cappy? Yoshi? Bowser. Jr? Ash? Peach? Squirtle? Wendy? Larry? Iggy? Lemmy? Boom Boom? Pom Pom? Ness? Wario? Waluigi?"

Everyone that was mentioned said, "Here!"

Dr. Wily looked up. He glanced around the room, anger flaring in his eyes. He managed to rasp out, "Mario?"

No one answered.

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