save your tears - bakugou

By smashbox_girl26

1.6K 103 7

getting back with an ex is always tempting in ways it shouldn't be ── katsuki/fem. reader... More

───── 💞💥
00 / yeah
01 / i saw you dancing in a crowded room
02 / you look so happy when i'm not with you
04 / a single teardrop falling from your eye
05 / you could've asked me why i broke your heart
06 / you could've told me that you fell apart
07 / but you walked past me like i wasn't there
08 / and just pretended like you didn't care

03 / but then you saw me, caught you by surprise

145 13 0
By smashbox_girl26

Sitting in class in front of Bakugou was unbearable. You couldn't ignore the piercing stare directed towards the back of your head, or the sound of Bakugou tapping his pencil against his desk in long increments.

Why didn't I switch seats earlier on?

You remembered how at the beginning of the year, you'd both been so happy to sit right near each other so you wouldn't have to walk to the other side of the room to talk or hang out. Now, and as it had been for a while, it was just dreadful.

And now, with both of you refusing to talk about what was going on between you, it was even worse. At least before, you both tried to ignore each other's existence.

But that wasn't the case today, and it was even more obvious when you heard a clatter on the floor behind you for the fifth time in that single period.

"Oi," you heard Katsuki whisper, his foot nudging the back of your chair.

"What?" you asked under your breath.

"I dropped my pencil under your chair."

You let out an exhale in annoyance, but decided not to say anything about it as you dropped down to pluck it off of the floor. You quickly turned around to hand it back to Bakugou, feeling his eyes as he watched your every move.

At first you wanted to avert your gaze away from his face and ignore him, but that hadn't really been working at deterring him, since this was the fifth time this happened.

You stared up at his face with a glare as you dropped the pencil onto his desk, and watched as his eyes widened the slightest bit from seeing you actually look at him. His eyebrows raised slightly, and he grabbed onto your hand before you could pull it away from its position on his desk.

"What the hell are you doing?" you whisper-yelled at him.

"Just listen to me for a second," he hissed.

"No," you immediately replied, trying to pry his tight grip off your hand.

"Y- I mean L/N, we need to-"

"I'm sorry everyone. It looks like my class is disrupting Bakugou and L/N's very necessary conversation," you heard Midnight announce.

You ripped your hand from Bakugou's and immediately turned to face the front. She gave a tight-lipped smile, and gestured for the both of you to finish your conversation.

"Are you sure?" she asked, when none of you continued.

You watched as her eyes flickered between your face and behind you before huffing and turning back to the board in front of her to continue the lesson. And of course, everyone else sitting in the classroom now had their eyes on you too, and it felt even worse.

None of them had seen you interact in front of others ever since the breakup, of course they were trying to study the both of you.

You sank lower under the desk, trying to ward them off by ignoring them completely, which was working slightly since people noticed you were uncomfortable with their actions. When you finally felt people's eyes leaving you, you let out a sigh before slouching into the back of the chair.

Of course that's what this is about. He would've ignored me otherwise.

Why does Bakugou have to talk to me now, of all times? He could've literally pulled me aside during lunch.

Why does everything have to be so complicated for no reason?

You sighed before stuffing your face into your palms, using them to support your head up while you tried to hide your face in thought.

It was so much, and you'd barely even processed what had happened with Bakugou yet. Now he was trying to talk to you about it?

You thought that the two of you would just ignore it and just pretend that everything went back to the way it was before. You didn't want to discuss it or process it. Least of all with Bakugou.

The sound of paper being crumpled behind you startled you out of your panic, and you shook your head before straightening up and trying to pay attention to what Midnight was saying. That was the least you could do in this situation.

But you couldn't even do that, since you felt a light tap on the back of your head after a few seconds. Obviously, you knew who it was from, and you quickly turned around in your chair to shoot Bakugou a glare for continuously bothering you.

Only, his face was looking apologetic, with his normal downturned eyebrows turned the slightest bit upwards as he pointed to a ball of paper on the floor. You rolled your eyes before reaching down to pick it up, and watched as he gestured for you to open it.

You huffed before turning back around to face the front. Thankfully, Midnight hadn't noticed what was happening again and none of your other classmates seemed to have either.

You carefully uncrumpled the paper ball, trying to not make a lot of noise before smoothing it out with your palms on the table.

Meet me after class. We need to talk.

And as expected, you were correct. He did want to talk to you about what went down the night before.

The issue was, you could barely remember what'd happened. It was all a blur, and that made you feel even more out of control of the situation.

Did I say something to him to make it obvious that I still had feelings for him?

Maybe that's why we ended up hooking up last night.


You pulled at the sides of your hair in frustration as you scolded yourself for drinking so much. It was hard not to, let's be honest, with everyone pulling you into different directions to come play drinking games with them or just handing off beer cans.

Great. And now we have to go talk about our "feelings" or whatever because I decided to be an idiot last night.

There was no avoiding it now, you'd just have to suck it up and deal with it.


The bell finally chimed and the sound of chairs being scraped against the floor and papers scattering filled the classroom as everyone began to get ready to go back to the dorms for the day. A light chatter filled the air with people laughing, joking, and talking as they went about their business.

Thankfully, none of your friends in the class came to approach you about the earlier encounter with Bakugou. They all decided to ignore it and realized you'd probably tell them about it later.

You decided not to go talk to any of your friends, only watching as Bakugou did the same and sauntered out the classroom door with his hands in his pockets. Quickly, you followed behind him once you were sure no one would notice you both practically leaving together.

After exiting the classroom, you followed the sight of Bakugou's blonde hair from the end of the hallway and continued as he walked into a random one on the side. Pausing before turning the corner, you let out an exhale to calm your nerves down.

Just deal with whatever he says. And then, just move on with your life.

Easier said than done.

You finally willed your legs to move into the side hallway, to see Bakugou standing aimlessly against a wall. He only gave a blank stare to the wall in front of him, his eyebrows now having returned to their normal downturned position. But you couldn't really tell if it was in focus or in anger.

"What'd you want to talk about?", you asked, breaking the silence first.

His eyes moved from the boring space in front of him to you, watching as you slowly made your way to stand across from him.

"What do you think?" he sneered while rolling his eyes. "Obviously what happened between us last night."

"What about it?"

"Do you remember why?"

You choked immediately at the question asked, trying to disguise it as a slight cough so he wouldn't notice your hesitance to answer.

Did you have to get to the hard question first?

"Well, to be honest, I have no memories of last night."

Yup, let's just put it all out there. Now he's going to yell at me and say that it was my fault that our already screwed up relationship became even worse.

"I don't either. I thought maybe you'd know," he answered quietly.

Excuse me... WHAT?!

"You don't remember?" you squinted as you asked him.

That was a-m-a-z-i-n-g news in your book. You thought that it'd been all your balled up feelings spilling out while drunk that had caused this entire mess. But it wasn't.

"Nope," he sighed while clicking his tongue.

He stared down at the ground, surprised at the new information that he was taking in. Why did you both decide to hook up then? He couldn't linger on it too long, however, since you'd already continued the conversation.

"So what happens now?" you asked.

"Well, we're not getting back together, are we?" Bakugou huffed. It was obviously a rhetorical question, and you quickly shook your head in response.

"Obviously not."

"Right. Then we just continue to live like we have been," Bakugou shrugged.

There really was no other solution, and you didn't want to continue making it awkward for your other classmates. It was already tense enough when the whole class hung out together with most people trying to keep both Bakugou and you apart.

"Great," you responded before walking off.

Bakugou kept his blank glare as he watched you walk off from behind, before rubbing his eyes tiredly and following. He didn't like living like this, but it didn't seem like anything would come from what'd happened.

At least you'd both broken down your walls for the slightest bit of time to talk to each other again, but he should've expected the way that they went immediately back up and in place to keep each other out.


You'd stayed lost in your world until you entered the dorm common room, to be greeted by Shinsou who had a ticked off look on his face.

"Where'd you go without me?" he pouted with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Sorry," you sighed. "Just had to take care of something really quickly.

"Right.." he replied with an arch in his eyebrow. It had something to do with Bakugou, he knew that much, but you weren't giving him anything to work with in that situation.

"It's fine, I guess. Just tell me before you run off next time," he stated quickly, trying to bring the topic off of Bakugou.

If you weren't telling him about it, he didn't want you to worry about it either.

"Today's game night. And Mina said that everyone has to participate," he said as he rolled his eyes.

You giggled at his aversion to hanging out with the rest of the class, patting his head softly and telling him that it would be okay before heading upstairs to your room to put your stuff down quickly.

Not even two minutes had passed and you could hear the loud chatter of everyone as they began talking about what they wanted to play, and you skipped back to the common room just as Mina began making her announcement.

"Okay everyone, now that everyone's finally here, we can finally start Friday night game night!" she cheered, earning a few whoops and hollers from some people in the classroom.

""Kay, so first I thought it'd be fun to start off with a little bit of Seven Minutes in Heaven."

Now you were stressed. You usually played board games together with pizza and a movie in the background.

Mina practically sensed people's hesitation and interrupted their thought processes with another announcement.

"No buts. Everyone has to participate this time."

You heard Shinosu groan as he made his way towards you and you both sat down next to each other in the large circle of your classmates that spanned across the common room.

"It's fine. I'll play or whatever," you heard Bakugou grumble to Kirishima before plopping himself down in the circle.

Bakugou's playing too?

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