The Consequence: Sequel to Th...

By I_kill_cupcakes

164K 5.7K 1.2K

***Sequel to The Choice, Can't be Read as a Standalone*** The competition is over and Amancio has shown his t... More

character aesthetics


5.2K 233 58
By I_kill_cupcakes

"What do you mean, "this is my room", Ashley told...," I trailed off. Ashley. Of course.

"There aren't enough rooms in the camp. I wouldn't be surprised if she expected us to share," Carlos said, matter-of-factly. He tried and failed to keep his eyes off me. His gaze made every hair on my body stand on end.

I tried to think of something to say but I physically couldn't. I just stood there, my wet hair dripping onto the floor.

"I'll...uh, leave you to get dressed," Carlos cleared his throat awkwardly.

I couldn't fight off a small smile as Carlos left the room. I'd never seen him so frazzled. Carlos was always collected, rarely displaying emotion. But there he was, stuttering and stammering.

I quickly got dressed in the clothes Ashley had provided. The fabric was scratchy and ill-fitting but it was better than nothing.

"You can come in now!" I called, raking my fingers through my damp, dead hair.

"I'll sleep on the floor, you'll sleep on the bed," Carlos said, as he entered the room.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't be absurd. We can share the bed."

I don't know what came over me. I had never shared a bed with anyone but Caroline, who'd reminded me countless times what a horrible kicker I was. But there I was, offering to share a bed with not just any man- but Carlos. Carlos who made my heart race quicken, Carlos who made my breath catch in my throat.

Carlos' eyes met mine, raising an eyebrow, smirking. "You want to share the bed?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I felt heat rising to my cheeks.

Carlos chuckled, "I don't know, you never struck me as a girl who would willingly opt to share a bed with a male."

I rolled my eyes, sensing the joke, "It'd make no sense for you to sleep on the floor. This was your room first, after all. Besides, the floor is cold and hard and imagine the bugs and you'd wake up with your back-,"

"Madeline," Carlos interrupted, his eyes glinting in a smile. "Fine, I will share the bed with you."


Nighttime came quicker than expected. Dinner was mashed potatoes with green beans and gravy. Somehow, I couldn't bring myself to eat. Or join the conversation, no matter the amount of times Carlos, Brennon and Ashley tried to get me to speak.

I just couldn't shake off the feeling of dread, tightening my stomach. Amancio was looking for me. I tried to convince myself that I wasn't scared of him. I knew deep down that Amancio wouldn't kill me. But what would he do to the others? To Brennon, Ashley and Allegra. To the innocent people on the camp.

To Carlos.

I felt sick. I was like a curse, drawing Amancio closer and closer to The Dark Bloods.

I clambered into bed with Carlos. The bed was small, barely enough to fit us both. But with Carlos next to me I felt safe. He had already fallen asleep, his soft steady breathing occasionally interrupted by murmurs while he dreamt.

I stared at him in the dark. His perfect nose, his perfect lashes. His perfect lips. I wanted to run my fingers along every edge and curve. Is this what love feels like, I asked myself.

I eventually fell asleep. But my slumber was everything but peaceful.


I was alone in a throne room, one that looked nothing like the Aridian palace's. This one was made of dark marble and stone, and a glass reflective ceiling. It was cold, awfully cold. I shivered, my teeth clattering together.

I was wearing a red dress, a dress I knew too well. A dress that could never bring good.


"Madeline, I've been waiting for you," Amancio called, from where he sat on the throne, a silver crown dripping with blood glinting atop his dark locs.

I could feel my throat squeezing, tighter and tighter. It was like Amancio was strangling me all over again.

Amancio's lips curled in a sinister smirk.

"Why...why are you doing this to me," I croaked. I was suffocating.

I crashed onto the throne room floor, clawing at my throat.

"You know why, Madeline."


I woke up panting, sweat beads forming at my temples.

Carlos arms were already around me, stroking my hair. Hot tears pricked at my eyes as I tried to catch my breath. My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest.

"You're safe. You're safe Madeline. I'm here," Carlos whispered.

I closed my eyes tightly, forcing back the tears, trying awfully hard to believe Carlos' words.


I woke up with a pounding headache, to light streaming in through the small window. I yawned, patting the bed for Carlos. He wasn't there. He'd probably already left for breakfast, not wanting to wake me up.

I swung my legs across the side of the bed, yawning again. After cleaning up quickly, I walked out onto the narrow hallway.

Two boys around 10 years old bounded past me, almost pushing me over the railing to my death.

"You've got to be careful, these children are ruthless," Brennon smiled. "Good morning."

"'Morning," I smiled back, peering at the courtyard below. "I could have easily died."

"Come on, we're late for the meeting," Brennon nodded for me to follow.

We quickly grabbed bread rolls from the breakfast buffet and scurried to the meeting.


"If we make advances from the north then-," Allegra pointed at a map, stopping as Brennon and I ducked into the tent.

"Sorry we're late, I had to save Madeline from a near death experience," Brennon joked.

Allegra rolled her eyes, clearly not amused.

Kamwe, Carlos, Ashley and Allegra were the only others present at the meeting. They were bent over a large map of Aridia and its neighbouring countries. Carlos' eyebrows were pulled together in concentration, his fingers drumming rhythmically against the wood of the table. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach at the action.

"You haven't missed much, we were just trying to come up with an invasion plan," Kamwe explained. He looked terribly tired.

"It's hardly an invasion if it's our kingdom," Ashley muttered.

"God, Ashley, does it matter what we call it?" Allegra rolled her eyes.

Ashley and Allegra continued arguing, Kamwe trying his best to resolve whatever issue they had going on.

"They only argue so much because they secretly like each other," Brennon rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his bread roll.

I walked up to Carlos, whose eyes softened upon seeing me.

"Thank you for last night," I said, sincerely.

"I have those too, you know," Carlos nodded. "The nightmares."

"Do they, do they get better?" I asked, hopeful.

Carlos shook his head, "You get used to them. But I'll always be there for you when you wake up."

oh my gosh, it's been so long!

i had awful writer's block and the school year just started. plus, my mental health has been a rollercoaster. i'm so happy to finally get inspiration back. sorry for the relatively short chapter. i hope you enjoyed this one!

also, i've been seeing so many wattpad book trends on tiktok. if any of you could make one i would absolutely explode. just dm me the link or your @ if you do.

don't forget to vote, comment and share. expect new chapters soon-ish <3.

stay safe guys. also, you can dm me about anything- even if you just want to talk! i'll reply as soon as i can.

lots of love,


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