Pump In Wonderland

By RenXStimpy

1.8K 17 10

Plot: Skid and pump are celebrating their Favorite holiday, spooky month. They decided to go in the woods and... More

A ordanary spooky month
The rabbit hole
The tweedlebombs
Skid sends in a Little Lila
Advice from Garcello...
More ups than downs for Pump
The cheshire Lemon Demon
Happy unbirthday part 1
Finding a way home/very good advice
Senpai vs sky
The cheshire lemon demon returns (srry this chapter is short :v)
The queen of hearts
Pump plays croquet
Escape from wonderland
Finally home....for now

Happy Unbirthday part 2

68 2 0
By RenXStimpy

"That was fun." Pump applauded.

"And, uh, now, my child, you were saying that you would like to sit, you were seeking some information of some kind..." the Hatter said, dipping a tiny plate into tea like chips and dip, even biting into it.

"Oh, yes, you see, I'm looking for a - -" Pump tried to explain, but the hare and matter shot up, suddenly.

"Clean cup, clean cup! Move down, move down, move down!" the Hatter called out, throwing cups in the air with the Hare.

They all rushed down while Pump was held to follow.

"But I haven't used by clean cup!" Pump rebutted.

"Clean cup, clean up! Move down, move down! Clean cup, clean cup, move down." The Hare said. They were now in a different spot and set.

"Would you like a little more tea?" the Hatter asked, with a three-spouted teapot.

"Well, I haven't had any yet, so I can't take more..." Pump said, trying to pour himself a cup, but nothing came out of the pot he had.

"You mean you can't very well take less!" the Hare corrected.

"Yes, you can always take more than nothing." Said the Hatter as he poured the hole cup with a lot of sugar.

"But i only meant that..." said Pump as he got a little sugar on her upper lip eventually wiping it with his sleeve.

"Now, My friend, something seems to be troubling you." The Hatter spoke as he poured a tea in four cups. "Won't you tell us all about it?"

"Start at the beginning." The Hare added.

"Yes, yes, and when you get to the end, stop! See?" the Hatter giggled a little.

"Well, it all started when me and skid were going back to our houses" Pump began.

"Very interesting." The Hare took a sip of tea, the slammed it down, dangling his tongue and panting. "Wait? Who's skid?"

"Well, skid is my Friend who kinda acts like a cat sometimes..." Pump explained.

"CAT!" The girlfriend mouse crawled out of the teapot once she heard the dreaded word her species knows all too well. "CAT!" She went in a frenzy while the Hare and Hatter were trying to capture her.

Pump sat, confused and in shock. He was then told to get some jam. Pump took it and did as told, putting the jam on the mouse's nose as she had her little episode. She then started to settle down a little and relax.

"Oh, my goodness, that's one of the things that upset me!" the Hatter sighed.

"See all the trouble you started?" the Hare glared at Pump.

"But, really, I didn't think that girlfriend would- -" Pump tried to explain.

"Ah, but that's the point! If you don't think, you shouldn't talk!" the Hare scolded.

Pump was about to speak up, until the Mad Hatter had another one of his clean up fits. "Clean up! Clean up! Move down, move down, move down!"

"But, I still haven't used- -" Pump tried to protest.

"Move down!" the Mad Hatter called until he would move.

Pump moved as told and sat in another spot. This was indeed the craziest tea party in history.

"And now, my friend, you were saying?" the Hatter said, feeling calm now.

"Oh, yes." Pump decided to explain. "I was walking home with...with uh... You know who..."

"I do?" the Hatter asked, laughing wildly.

"I mean my C-A-T." Pump spelled so he wouldn't have another girlfriend explosion.

"T E E E E E E E A?!?!?!" the Hater took out a teapot with an eager smile.

"Just half a cup if you don't mind." The Hare said, cutting his cup in half with a knife.

The Hatter smiled, pouring a cup of tea for him. "Come, come, my friend, don't you two care for tea?"

"Why yes, I'm very fond of tea." Pump said. "But- -"

"If you don't care for tea, you could at least make a polite conversation!" the Hare snapped.

"I've been trying to ask you!" Pump tried to cut in, but no one would listen to him.

"I have an excellent idea, let's change the subject." the Hare suggested, hitting the Hatter on the head with a mallet.

The Hatter didn't look very injured, but removed his hat. "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

"Riddles?" Pump sounded confused and intrigued. "Let me see now, why is a raven like a writing desk?"

"I beg your pardon?" the Hatter asked.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?" Pump echoed his previous question.

"What is a WHAT!?" the Hatter sound shocked.

"Careful. He stark raving mad!" the Hare shivered behind him.

"But it's your silly riddle!" Pump stood up. "You said- -"

"Very good?" the Hatter offered as he started to back away from pump with the Hare.

"H-H-How about a nice cup of tea?" the Hare offered.

"How about a cup of tea my ass!!!" Pump snapped.

"Well i just don't have enough the time for this shit!!!" Pump hissed.

"The time! The time! Who's got the time?" the Hare shouted out.

Suddenly, there came a familiar person to pump crashing the tea party.

"No, no, no, no!" the familiar voice of skid returned as he stumbled into the mad tea party. "No time, no time, no time, hello, goodbye, I'm, late, I'm late!"

"Skid oh thank god your here!" Pump said in relief.

"Oh, I'm so late! I'm so, very, very, late!" the rabbit cried.

"Well, no wonder you're late." the Hatter took his watch, yanking it around his neck. "Why, this clock is exactly two days slow!"

"Two days slow?" the skeleton asked, nervously.

"Of course you're late." the Hatter laughed, dipping the watch in a teapot and slamming it on the table and took off the face of the watch. "Let's have a look!" he poured salt and took out the gears with a fork. "This watch is full of wheels!"

Skid was having a terrible day, what with his house and now his prized watch. "Oh, my good watch! Oh, my wheels! Oh, my springs! B-B-B-B-But!"

"Butter! Of course, we need some butter! Butter!" said the Mad Hatter.

"BUTTER!" the March Hare yelled in skid's shorter ear.

"B-B-Butter." Skid said, giving him a bar of butter.

"Thank you, butter, yes, that's fine." the Hatter spread some butter in the watch.

"Oh, no! You'll get crumbs in it!" Skid cried.

"Oh, this is the very best butter!" What're you talking about?"

"Tea?" the Hare suggested to the Hatter.

"Oh, I never thought of tea, of course!" the Hatter was on his way to pour the tea while the Hare suggested things for the watch.

"No, no, not the tea!" Skid protested.

"Sugar?" the March Hare then offered sugar to the Hatter.

"Two spoons, thank you, yes, sugar!" the Mad Hatter, of course, agreed. He then took two spoons of the sugar and included them in the watch mess.

"Oh, please, be careful!" the Skeleton grew overwhelmed.

"Jam?" the March Hare now offered.

"Jam, I forgot all about, jam. To show you what a mess would do." the Hatter spread some jam on the watch.

"Mustard!" the Hare offered mustard.

"Mustard, yes mu... Mustard! Don't that's be silly." the Hatter tossed the mustard away. Then he squeezed lemon. "Lemon that's different. There that should do it." he said, and he closed the watch and cut the remaining jam around with a knife. They all watched as the watch was done, but it started to spring up and go nuts in front of them due to what had been put inside of it.

"Look at that!" the Hatter exclaimed.

"It's going mad!" the Hare shouted.

"Oh, my goodness!" Pump sounded

"Oh, dear!" Skid said.

"Mad watch! Mad watch!" the Hare called as the watched continued to go berserk. "There's only one way to stop a mad watch!" he then shot it with his gun millions of times shattering it to pieces.

"It's two days slow, that's what it is." the Hatter said.

"Oh, my watch..." skid sniffled.

"It was?" the Hatter asked the rabbit.

"And it was an un-birthday present too..." the skeleton said.

"In that case!" the Hare yanked skid away.

Both: A very, merry un-birthday


The Hare and the Hatter threw him out of their garden.

"Skid Oh, Skid wait! How do I get back home!" Pump dashed away to catch up with him.

"Oh, Now where did he go to?" Pump asked himself

Pump looked back at the Hare and the Hatter singing their song again. "Of all the nonsense I went through that was the stupidest tea party I've ever been to all my life."

And so pump walked away having fed up with this nonsense world.

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