Who am I?

By jiminoojams

774 37 0

"What's my name?" "Where am I?" "Why can't I remember anything?" All a girl can question, while she is stuc... More

Dark Room
Exam? Who am I?
The house?
New life?
Punishment and Lies
The long trip
Photo Shoot Day
Perfect Night
Teddy Bear
One Final Goodbye


24 1 0
By jiminoojams

Carolina POV - After I got dress, and I ran into Jimin's bathroom and started to "clean." Jimin's door opened and I jump. It was Tae, he came in, and walked over to me. "Why are you really in here? Are you actually cleaning his bathroom?" He said looking me up and down. "He ask me to." I said nervously, not looking at him and continue cleaning. "He needs to clean his own damn bathroom." Tae said. He grabbed the cleaner out of my hands. "It's not your bathroom...I don't want you in this room." Tae said. "Why?" I said looking right at him. He grab my hand  "I don't trust Jimin around you, I don't want you to get hurt, did he do anything to you?" Tae said looking me dead in the eyes. "No" I said. Kinda looking away from him. Tae eyes grew dark, and he looked down at my legs. He noticed a bruise, "Did he hurt you?!" Tae kept pressuring me to say something. "No he didn't!" Tae drop the cleaner, and walked away fast, I followed him to the kitchen. Jimin was sitting on the table, "Tae what do you want for...." Before Jimin could finish Tae punched him across the face. Jimin got up and they started to fight. Jungkook and Jin got up and tried to pull them apart. Jin finally yelled "TAE WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU" "LOOK AT HER FUCKING LEGS." Tae yelled back. Jin looked at me and said "Did Jimin hurt you?" I didn't know what to do or to say, I just kinda froze. Jin didn't have anything to say, and walked away with Jungkook to another room. Jimin give me a look and walked back to his bedroom. Tae looked at me and said "I want to stay with you tonight, I don't have to go in tomorrow, I just don't trust Jimin around you." I nodded my head. "Go home and shower, I will buy dinner for us." He said. I smiled, and I walked back to the guest house. I felt bad, even though Jimin did hurt me, I lied, but I liked it too when he was hitting me with the belt. I got into the house and locked the door. I was kinda scared Jimin was going to come to the door and yell at me. I went upstairs, and laid in bed for a little bit. I noticed that I forgot to take my pill, and I thought to myself I will take it later. But then I remembered the headaches I get and decided to go back downstairs and take it. When I got downstairs, I saw Jimin sitting outside with Jin. I was too scared and embarrassed to go out there with them. I took my pill and went back upstairs and lay in bed. I ended up back on TikTok. As I was going through video, I remember the name BTS. I decided to look them up on TikTok. As soon as videos loaded, my phone died. I sighed and plugged it in, and went to go take a shower.

Tae POV - "Why are you so protective over her?" Jungkook asked me. "Because she's 18 and Jimin has no business treating her like that." "I wouldn't mind fucking her, she's hot." Jungkook said. I swallowed hard.  "Fuck you." I walked out of the house. The truth is she is beautiful, and I don't want any of the guys to fuck with her or hurt her. I walk out, and Jin and Jimin started at me walking over to the guest house. I knocked on the door, and there was no answer. I sat at her door step, and Jimin and Jin started talking again. And I went on my phone to post of Twitter.

Carolina POV - After I was done taking a shower and getting dressed I went downstairs. I check the time and it was 3pm. I heard a knock at the door, I was nervous at first. But I went to go opened the door and it was Tae. I let him in, and he went to go sit on the couch. "Can I see your phone?" I went up stairs fast to grab my phone and came back down. I gave it to him. Tae sat on the living room couch, and looked down at my phone and said. "I'm going to download Snapchat on here so we can talk, don't let anyone else add you or don't add anyone else." I nodded my head. After a few minutes he gave me my phone back. "Don't tell the boys about this, okay." He said. "Okay." I said. He gets up, and walks towards the door. "I'm getting us McDonald's for dinner, I promise tomorrow I will try to make something decent for you to eat, it's just been busy." "It's fine!" I said. And V walked out the door. I sat on the couch and watched ICarly for a little while. And I got a snap from V. I opened it and it said "I forgot to ask you what do you want from McDonald's?" I smiled, and took a picture of myself with the dog filter and said "10 pieces chicken nugget meal with a diet coke." After that, I went back on my phone and searched on YouTube "BTS" nothing came up. I just ignored it, and went back to watching ICarly.


There was a knock on my door, I ran over I'm excited because I was so Hungary, and open the door. Tae was there with two McDonald's bags, and 2 drinks. I let him in, and he went straight over to the table, and sat down. I sat across from him, we both ate in silents for a while. "Carolina!" Tae said. I pick up my head, and Tae made himself look like a walrus with his two fries. I laugh and did the same.  "Watch this!" Tae then got his arm, and make an elephant out of his two arm freckles." I smiled and laughed. "I want to do that too!" I said looking down at my arms. V then got up, and walked over to me, and grab a pen off the table. He squatted down, and I look down at him. He gently took my arm, and drew two dots on my arm. And gently pinched my arm, and looked up at me and smiled. "We are elephant buddy's now." I said giggling. He smiled back "Yes forever." And his smiled turned into a sigh.  "What's wrong." I said concerned. He completely ignored me and asked "Did you take your pill." "No I forgot, I will now." Before I look it, he stop me. "You don't need to tonight it's not good to take those all the time. If the boys ask tell them you took it" and he took the pill out of my hand and stuff it in his pocket. "I have to go to the studio with the boys for a while, when I come back, if it is early enough we can watch a movie." He said grabbing his stuff. "Okayyyyy." I sighed, and put my head down on the cold table. Tae walked over to me, and lifts my head up gently and says "Don't worry if not tonight we will watch movies all day tomorrow." I smiled, and Tae left.

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