Better together 🖤An MLB Fanf...


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I suck at descriptions but ~ Cat Noir can't help but feel heartbroken every single time he's rejected by his... Еще

One: A Brief Encounter
Two: Thoughts
Three: It's all my fault
Four: A Little Present
Five: I promise
Six: A lucky guy
Eight: But what if you weren't?
Nine: Grateful
Ten: Anger from a certain brunette
Eleven: Photoshoot
Twelve: Scared kitty
Thirteen: It's all coming at me...
Fourteen: Thinking of her
Fifteen: You liked him?
Sixteen: Thank you Note
Seventeen: Nightmares
Eighteen: I've moved on
Nineteen: I kissed her
Twenty: Confessions
Twenty One: Admiring you...
Twenty Two: Only for you
Twenty Three: Nervous
Twenty Four: I love you
Twenty Five: Are you friends or something?
Twenty-Six: Missing you
Twenty-Seven: French Plaits and Fluffy Hair
Twenty-Eight: Halloween Shopping
Twenty-Nine: Here for you
Thirty: Sleepover
Thirty-One: Sleepover Pt. 2
Thirty-Two: In your arms

Seven: Museum

96 1 10

It was a Saturday which meant no school and more sleep, but Adrien disliked the weekends because he was never able to go out and see his friends. But luckily today was gonna be different. 

He was currently staring at his computer with pictures of Ladybug blaring on the screen, her dark-blue hair, bluebell eyes, baby pink lips, and delicate skin stood out to him as he stared at the picture with a sigh.

Meanwhile Plagg was sighing to himself in annoyance at how he would react when he figured out he had pictures of his classmate and close friend as his wallpaper. He shrugged to himself, it wasn't his problem, and tossed a piece of cheese in his mouth. Nathalie walked in and Plagg hid, Adrien quickly closed his computer and turned around to face his father's assistant.

"Adrien," she said in acknowledgement. "Your father is allowing you to spend time with your friends today as you have no photoshoots or anything else scheduled, if anything changes however, you will be informed. Your bodyguard will be with you close by and you aren't allowed to leave anywhere alone. If you're ready you're allowed to leave and don't consider saying goodbye to your father, he's very busy right now," she continued in the same monotone voice.

"Yes Nathalie," he said with a small smile as she nodded at him, closing the door behind her on the way out.

After she left Plagg flew out in front of him as Adrien let out a sigh, "Imagine being too busy to say goodbye to your own son," Adrien said rolling his eyes.

"Don't sweat it kid, go ahead and have fun for once," Plagg encouraged.

Adrien smiled remembering his friends as his mood shifted, he was gonna spend the day with Alya, Nino, and Marinette, then spend the night with them at Alya's place.

He quickly grabbed his backpack and other necessities while Plagg flew into his shirt pocket, he walked out of his room and down the long stairs, his footsteps being the only sound in the quiet mansion he lived in. He mumbled a goodbye to Nathalie who gave him a nod in response before heading out the front door and into the limousine, his bodyguard holding the door for him.


Meanwhile Marinette was in her room having a melt down about everything.

"Calm down Marinette! How are you going to spend a night over there if you can't keep it together?" Tikki said.

"I know Tikki but it's my first time spending that long with Adrien," she sighed to herself, "and Alya and Nino," she quickly added.

"He may be your crush but he's still your friend, you can do it," Tikki encouraged.

"You're right Tikki thank you," she said hugging the little red and pink kwami who giggled.

She finished packing the rest of her stuff and opened up her trapdoor, climbing down the steps.

"Bye maman! Bye papa!" She said waving at her parents.

"Have fun sweetie!" Tom called out.

"Don't get yourself tangled up in any clumsy situations!" Sabine said.

"Mom!" She groaned as her parents laughed.

"Oh take this, for your friends," Tom said handing her a box of red and black macaroons.

"Thanks papa!" She said kissing her fathers cheek before running out the door. A silver limousine screeched to a stop in front of her causing her to nearly fall and drop her macaroons. She let out a sigh in relief as she caught the box back in her arms and looked at the car in front of her. 

Isn't that Adrien's limo? She thought to herself as the door opened and a blonde boy was sitting inside wearing a smile.

"Hey Mari, I was on my way to meet up with Alya and Nino then realized you lived nearby, do you want a ride?" Adrien asked.

She shook her head composing herself before plastering on a smile, "I-I w-would l-love to take a ride with you alo-I mean to meet up with our friends," she said calming down towards the end.

He lightly laughed and Marinette slipped into the limousine placing the box of macaroons beside her and buckling in her seatbelt.

"I'm surprised your father let you go out," she said nervously.

"Me too, I'm really glad about it," he smiled to himself then turned towards her. "What's that?" He asked gesturing to the box.

"My parents made macaroons for us," she said smiling. "Do you want one?"

She didn't wait for him to answer because his expression said it all, she reached inside the box and pulled out a red macaroon holding it up to him. He took a bite from her hand before grabbing the rest of it, their fingers brushing against each other as Marinette slightly blushed.

It's funny that Chat did the same thing last night, She thought to herself smiling.

"These are really good, please tell your parents I said thank you," he said smiling.

"I will" She said happily. "You remind me of a friend, he seems to love treats as well," she said absentmindedly, then widened her eyes in realization.

"A friend huh? We must be pretty similar," Adrien said with a sly smile.

"No! You two are like polar opposites! Like the sun and moon!" She blabbered.

He looked at her with an amused expression, "Really?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah, but he's funny though," she said smiling to herself. "But the guy sure loves puns."

"Puns huh? That's quite interesting," Adrien was holding in his laughter clearly knowing who she was talking about.

"They can get a little annoying though, like the other day I smacked him for one of them, I think," she stopped thinking to herself.

"Ouch you probably hurt his feelings then," Adrien said laughing. He remembered when Marinette smacked him about the cookies when he visited her as Chat.

"I hope not," she said rubbing her neck nervously.

"Is that why you're so tired then, because of your friend?" Adrien asked innocently.

"He's quite chatty you could say," she laughed lightly.

Adrien smiled to himself liking the way Marinette was talking about his alter ego. She was boosting his ego but also kind of deflating it at the same time.

"So do you have a crush on this kit-I mean guy," Adrien quickly covered his slip up.

She frowned, "I don't know him that well, he's a great friend though," she said smiling to herself.

Adrien felt his heart sink a little at that but he quickly replaced it with a smile.

"I'm glad you're friends," he said placing a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up. Marinette noticed something in his bright green eyes that she couldn't seem to decipher, before she could further investigate though, the limo stopped outside the museum.

"Well guess we're here!" Adrien said excitedly. He unbuckled his seatbelt and practically flew out the car in a matter of seconds, a door opened to her right and her blue eyes glanced over to them. She unbuckled her seatbelt and smiled as Adrien held the door open taking his warm hand in hers. 

Stepping out of the limo, she watched Adrien wave to his bodyguard who drove away and would return to retrieve them later. 

"I wonder where Alya and Nino are," Marinette frowned pulling out her phone. She dialed Alya's number and held the phone to her ear as it rang.

"Hey girl! We're inside the museum, meet us there," Alya said before hanging up.

She blinked placing her phone back in her purse and absentmindedly played with the necklace Chat had given her. She saw Adrien's gaze on her, watching her intently, but before he could ask any questions she interrupted him.

"They're inside," Marinette said and began walking, Adrien jogged up to her walking side by side. Their hands brushed against each other a few times as they mumbled out sorrys and Marinette's cheeks tinted pink.

"There they are," Adrien said pointing towards them. Before she could look however, Adrien had grabbed her hand and practically dragged her towards them, not that she was complaining or anything though.

"Took you guys awhile," Alya said smirking as she glanced down at their intertwined hands. Marinette suddenly let go blushing a crimson color as Adrien's hand nervously scratched the back of his neck.

"Sorry, I don't get let out a lot so I got excited," he said sheepishly as Marinette smiled at him.

"So did you see anything interesting so far?" Marinette asked glancing at Alya's phone who had taken a few pictures.

"We've seen a few things, but there's definitely way more ahead, c'mon," she said dragging Marinette who let out a yelp. Tikki nearly fell out of her purse and she quickly pushed the little kwami's head inside before anyone could see.

What is with people dragging me today? Marinette thought to herself.

The 4 teenagers glanced at numerous artifacts gaping as they took pictures of them while walking around. Marinette had nearly tripped over some areas while looking around but Adrien had some pretty fast reflexes and caught her in time steadying her.

 I wish I wasn't so clumsy and nervous around him compared to how I am with Chat, Marinette thought.

Tikki poked her head out and gave her a reassuring smile easing the poor girls nerves.

"I heard there was a miraculous in one of these exhibits, a lost one apparently," Alya said staring at her phone.

"A m-miraculous?!" Marinette asked nervously.

"Yup but I'm not sure if it might still be here, I think someone stole it," Alya said.

"That's pretty terrible," Nino said sighing.

"Yeah especially if it gets into the-"

"Wrong hands," Adrien finished for Marinette. They looked at each other and smiled sheepishly as Alya rolled her eyes at the oblivious lovebirds.

"Didn't you find something about Ladybug here?" Marinette asked Alya.

"Oh yeah, well that she's 5000 years old," Alya said with a laugh.

"She doesn't look a day over at least 15," Adrien said with a laugh.

"Y-Yeah," Marinette said laughing nervously. 

More like a day over 14, she thought to herself.

"Wait! I think they added another Ladybug and Cat Noir statue near the front," Alya said excitedly. "Let's go check it out, it'll be great for the Ladyblog!"

Before Marinette could change her mind she and the others were dragged towards the front area that Alya was talking about.

"There it is," Alya beamed and walked towards it, Nino following behind her. 

No one noticed the way Adrien and Marinette walked over hesitantly to view the statues.

"Wow it's perfect," Marinette said looking at the statue of her and her partner.

"Sure is," Adrien sighed staring at them in awe.

Alya continued to snap pictures, it had been a couple hours since they had been in the museum and people had slowly begun to leave.

One of the security guards had walked towards them with a friendly smile, "Hello kids, the museum's going to be closing in approximately 10 minutes, make sure you've got everything before heading out," and with that he walked away.

They nodded at him with friendly smiles before walking away from the statues, "Do you guys wanna head back to my place then?" Alya asked.

"Yeah I think it's a good time," Marinette said glancing at her phone.

"I'll call my driver then," Adrien said pulling out his phone. Once he was done they all walked outside into the chilly evening air and waited for Adrien's air.

Nino and Alya were huddled together because it was cold while laughing amongst themselves, Marinette hugged her shoulders after zipping her purse to ensure Tikki was safe and warm.

A hand wrapped around her shoulder and she looked up to see Adrien smiling at her warmly, "You looked cold," he said. 

She didn't say anything and slightly snugged into his shoulder as he looked at her with adoration. She looked so small and adorable, it made him smile.

Remember that she's a friend, he thought to himself. A couple minutes later his silver colored limo had arrived and everyone huddled in. Alya and Nino sat beside each other, while Marinette looked out the window as Adrien watched her.

He realized that he didn't think of Ladybug much that day which surprised him, he couldn't seem to go a second without thinking of his Lady, meanwhile Marinette couldn't get a certain kitty out of her mind. She didn't understand why he was glued in there, she had talked with her partner numerous times, they fought villains together for cheeses sake, but why couldn't the sly black cat leave her thoughts.

She realized she wouldn't see him tonight as she was staying at Alya's and felt a little disappointed before shrugging it off, not realizing that her kitty was literally sitting right next to her. Adrien on the other hand was excited to hang out with her, maybe he could get her to talk more like she did with Cat Noir.

Marinette had dozed off to sleep for a few minutes until the limo had come to a sudden stop jolting her forward.

"Cats!" She yelled out as the other three looked at her amusingly.

"Cats? Really Mari, that's what you dream of," Alya mused as the poor girls cheeked tinted pink.

"Dude what's with you and cats lately?" Nino asked confused.

"I was having a dream about little black kittens, they were cute okay," she yawned rubbing her eyes.

"I'm sure they were Mari I'm sure they were," Adrien said amusingly as she buried her face into her hands.

She stayed like that until they made it to Alya's house as Marinette muttered curses to herself and mentally slapped herself. Alya put a hand on her shoulder, the same amused expression on her features as Marinette playfully glared at her.

Adrien said goodbye to his driver who sped away quicker than expected and they walked into Alya's house.

"Hello!" Alya called out, "Alright we're alone as expected, Nora's at a friends place and the twins are at a sleepover," she explained. "You guys get comfortable, me and Mari will be right back," she grabbed Marinette's hand and led her upstairs.

The two girls unpacked their things and Marinette changed into a tank top and joggers to be more comfortable.

"Don't think I didn't see you and Adrien," Alya said to her with a smug expression.

"Alya you know he doesn't see me like that," Marinette sighed and poked her finger causing her to yell.

"Everything okay up there?" Nino called out from downstairs.

"Yeah we're fine Nino!" Alya called back. "Friends my a-"

"Here!" Marinette said throwing a plushie towards her friend.

"You brought them!" Alya said excitedly.

"Well you did threaten me over the phone so," Marinette muttered. She watched her friend hug the small Rena Rouge plushie in her hand that Marinette had stitched a while ago.

"Well what's a sleepover without our favorite superheroes," Alya said smiling at her plushie.

"Yeah, yeah," Marinette waved her off and grabbed the other three in her hand. She left her backpack but brought her purse, not wanting to leave Tikki alone in Alya's room. The two girls walked down the stairs and saw Adrien and Nino thumb wrestling.

"And I win again!" The blonde boy said excitedly as Nino let out a groan. 

"Not again dude, you're way too good at this!" Nino said in exasperation.

"Here Nino, this'll make you feel better," she said tossing him the Carapace plushie.

"Yo dude these are so cool, did you make them?!" Nino asked his gaze lingering on the plushie as something flashed across his eyes.

"Yup!" Marinette said with a light laugh, "Alya made me bring them over."

She looked at the Ladybug plushie and smiled at Adrien, "This one's for you," she said tossing it towards the blonde haired boy who caught it with ease. 

His eyes glinted in amusement and he smiled at it, "Thanks Marinette," he said.

"If you want the Cat one you're free to take it, or the kitty's staying with me," she said snuggling it.

Adrien let out a small laugh, "I think I'll be fine with the Ladybug one, the cat one looks better with you anyways," he said winking at her.

"Yeah I like him too," she said grinning. They sat down on the two couches, Alya and Nino sat on one couch while Adrien and Marinette sat on the other.

"It's like we're always third wheeling," Adrien whispered into Marinette's ear as she giggled.

"What's so funny?" Alya asked raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing!" The pair said in unison at the confused couple.

"So what are we watching?" Adrien asked, putting an arm on top of the sofa.

 "The Ladybug and Cat Noir movie that Thomas Astruc directed, the guy who got akumatized during his premier," Alya said.

"W-what why?!" Marinette sputtered out.

"You know I'm a dedicated fan Mari," Alya said.

Marinette sighed while Adrien smiled to himself as the credits began to roll. The blue-eyed girl muttered curses to herself as it began to play.

"I'll go make popcorn," Marinette said getting up.

"I'll join you, please don't leave me third wheeling," Adrien winced.

Marinette let out a small laugh as she glanced at her other two friends who were already engrossed in the movie. She shuffled around, opening the red colored cabinets in Alya's kitchen until she found what she was looking for.

"Aha there you are!" She said looking up at the box which held popcorn bags. She stood on her tip toes trying to reach it but she was unfortunately too short. Marinette sighed to herself and muttered curses about her height while an amused Adrien stood a couple steps behind her listening to her rambling.

He walked over towards her and reached up to grab the box, Marinette felt shivers down her spine at their close proximity.

"Here you go," he whispered in to her ear as her cheeks tinted pink.

Now Marinette don't be a spluttering mess, she told herself internally.

"T-Thanks," she said sheepishly as she turned around but Adrien hadn't moved. They were super close to each other, their breaths fanning against each other as Adrien stared at the adorable girl in front of him. He looked at her bluebell eyes that always brought a sense of familiarity to him as she stared at his bright green ones mesmerized.

"Dudes hurry up with the popcorn! It's getting interesting!" Nino called out causing Marinette to roll her eyes and step back while Adrien awkwardly rubbed his neck stepping away.

She walked over to the microwave as Adrien's eyes followed her and she shook himself from his thoughts.

"Get a grip kid," Plagg mumbled from his shirt, his tiny head peeking out, and Adrien glared at him. 

Plagg hid back inside his shirt as Marinette leaned against the counter beside the microwave, patiently waiting as she fumbled her fingers, a habit that she picked up when she was nervous.

Adrien hopped onto the counter and sat down waiting as well, none of them said anything because of what had just happened seconds ago and they awkwardly looked anywhere but at each other. The microwave beeped loudly causing Marinette to yelp and jump and Adrien chuckled at her.

"Not funny," she grumbled grabbing the bag of popcorn. "Hot! Hot! Hot!" She yelled out and threw the bag into the air, Adrien caught it in time as she let out a groan blowing on her fingers. 

He set the bag down beside him and walked up to her, "You alright Mari?" He asked concerned.

"Y-Yeah I'm f-fine," she said continuing to blow on them lightly and shook them. 

He gently took her hands in his causing her to look up and gently began to blow on them. He ran his fingers over them and placed a small kiss on them, "There, all better," he said.

Marinette felt her cheeks get redder by the minute but she covered it up, "What are we 5?" She asked with a half smile. 

Adrien felt his own cheeks tint pink, "I was trying to make the pain go away," he said.

"Silly ki-I mean you're silly! Yeah!" She said with a nervous laugh and grabbed the bag of popcorn and walked away leaving Adrien stunned.

"Oh Adrien, what is with all the girls?" Plagg said is a sing song voice.  

"Oh shut up Plagg, you know she's just a friend," he said smiling at the kwami who face palmed himself. 

Adrien followed after her and comfortably sat down on the sofa, Marinette had already handed a bag to Nino and Alya who were engrossed in the movie, while Marinette just looked bored as she lazily munched on the popcorn.

"I'm guessing you don't like Ladybug and Cat Noir?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"No! I like them, but the movie isn't even accurate. That's what I don't like, but I can't tell that to the director, or he'll get akumatized again," Marinette muttered.

Adrien let out small laugh beside her, "That's true, they're not even an actual couple," Adrien said.

"Right! But they make it so inaccurate!" She pointed to the screen as Nino and Alya shushed her.

She folded her arms and let out a sigh before putting her legs up on the couch, she glanced at Adrien wondering how it would feel to be cuddling next to him, but she knew a girl could only dream. He caught her eye a few times but Marinette would abruptly focus her attention back on the movie, which didn't go unnoticed by the blonde boy.

Nobody else was talking except for Nino and Alya making small remarks on the movie. Marinette felt her eyes close at the same as Adrien did, and the two ended up falling asleep on one another. Little did they know that two kwamis were watching them in amusement and Alya and Nino had captured a picture of them. 


"Wake up dudes! You two slept through the whole movie!" Nino said causing the pair to flutter their eyes open. Marinette realized she was laying on a warm chest, and not just anyone's chest, but Adrien's chest. Adrien realized the adorable blue-haired girl was snuggling into him sleepily and a small smile appeared on his face as he gently stroked her hair before she had woken up. 

She practically jumped off of him muttering out an apology as her cheeks flamed, "Is it finally over?" She asked Alya stretching.

"Yup, you two completely missed it," Alya said laughing while giving Marinette a knowing look.

Marinette leaned against the edge of the sofa while Adrien furrowed his eyebrows.

Does she not like being near me? He thought to himself.

"Hey Adrien wanna play a video game?" Nino asked excitedly.

"Sure dude," Adrien said getting up, he glanced at Marinette one last time who was looking in the opposite direction and frowned. He walked over and sat next to Nino who handed him a controller. 

The two boys continued to play together loudly and Alya took Adrien's seat, she didn't talk with her though and scrolled through her phone smiling to herself. Marinette felt tired so she fluttered her eyes closed and fell asleep once again. 

Another hour went by and the other 3 started to feel tired as well and Nino turned off the gaming console placing the controllers back. 

Alya let out a yawn, "I'm gonna head to sleep guys, Nino, you and Adrien will be alright here right?" She asked.

"Yeah Alya we'll be fine," Nino said as Adrien nodded at her smiling warmly. They had already set up the blankets and pillows they'd need to be comfortable, they didn't wanna risk Alya's parents, especially Nora, seeing them all sleeping in the same room and get other ideas.

"We just have one tiny problem," Alya said and motioned to Marinette who was softly snoring to herself.

Adrien looked over at her sleeping peacefully and didn't have the heart to wake her up.

"I can carry her to your room Alya," Adrien offered.

"That'd be great, thanks Adrien! I'll be up there in a second," Alya said walking over to Nino.

Adrien nodded as he walked over to the pretty girl snoring away on the couch and smiled at how adorable she was. He gently picked her up, careful not to wake her, and adjusted her head gently in his arms while walking up the stairs. Her head was snuggled into his chest as a lazy smile presented itself on her face. 

He reached Alya's room and gently pushed the door open and laid her down where Alya had set some blankets and pillows. He moved strands of her hair from her face slightly pushing her fringe and pulled the blankets up to her shoulders. 

He bent down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead with a small smile, "Goodnight princess," he said softly before walking out of the room and gently closing the door. He drowned out Plagg's mumbles from his shirt and felt a small flutter in his chest. 

Hope you guys liked this chapter! There'll be some MariChat in the next one! <33

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