~Unknown Markings~

By Maiiiiiiiiiiii001

266K 9.7K 3.3K

Ever since Draco can remember he also seemed to get small cuts and scars without having done anything to caus... More

~Breaking and Entering~
~Detention with Umbridge~
~The Missing Book~
~The Missing Book~
~I Should Have Never~
~Where did she go?~
~Ron finds out~
~Potential Possibilities~
~Stalking Slytherins~
~Dangerous Dice~
~The talk with the Slytherin Portrait~
~Slytherin Sherlock~
~Nothing but the truth~
~Midnight Meetings~
~Playing Detective~
~The Art of Misdirection~
~Plans gone sideways~
~A Malfoy Christmas~
~Draco Logic~
~A little bit of Convincing~
~Getting Help~
~Muggle movies are the best~
~New Arrangements~
~The Creation of an Army~
~Closer to Caught~
~Inner Conflict~
~a not so secret society~
~Attemped messaging~
~Easter Break Begins~
~Unexpected Visitors~
~Some extra storage~
~Family Meetings~
~The Department of Mysteries~
~Back Home~
~The Falling~
~Life and Death~

~Secrets Can't be kept~

3.4K 144 20
By Maiiiiiiiiiiii001


I have been secretly living with the Weasleys for about two days now. With all of Molly's remedial potions and charms, the healing process went very quickly. She reminded me of Madam Pomfrey in that way. You would imagine that in a house with that many people somebody was bound to discover. Thankfully we had Harry, Arthur, and Molly on our side which made everything easier. 

Once I recovered enough to walk, my mother and I were moved to the attic, where we could keep each other company and distance ourselves from others. Harry snuck up here from time to time when he could get away. My mother tried to turn a blind eye to us and coming out to her, not to mention saying that I was dating Harry Potter was one tough conversation. One of which I was grateful for Harry being a part of. 

Today was Easter morning and Molly said that she had an easter egg hunt planned for her children. To keep the spirit is what she said. 

A result of this was that my mother and I had to be very quiet so that nothing would be suspected. From downstairs, I could hear the faint squealing and laughter which drifted through the house. 

On the other side of the room, I watched my mother's reaction to the sounds of glee. She just looked sad and avoided any eye contact with me. I knew why. 

She and Father never did these sorts of things with me. They gave me a bunch of meaningless gifts and moved on with their lives. She knew that I had never experienced a free childhood. But instead, a childhood filled with consequences for even doing the slightest thing wrong. 

It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I guess I'm just used to it. I heard loud footsteps and gave a small sigh. 

"Ron there's nothing up there. Come back down!" The yell from Harry echoed up the stairs to the attic but the footsteps grew louder still. 

"Come on Harry! You never know until you look right? Besides my mum has been coming up here a lot lately." Came a distinct voice from right under the trap door. I scrambled to where I would be least noticed if he were to open it. 

"Hey, I think I heard something up here!" 

"Ron! Wait!" 

The trap door folded upwards to reveal a mop of messy red hair, noticeable unkept. Blue eyes trained on me, the source of the noise. I tried to freeze, or move, or just do anything to get myself out of this situation. His eyes then darted over to my mother who was just in the middle of getting out her wand. 

I admit the situation did not look good. 

That however was hardly my fault. Then something occurred to put the galleon on the gold. Ronald Weasley screamed. 


Harry POV: 

I was shortly behind Ron up the stairs to find that he had pulled out his wand and aimed it threateningly at my boyfriend. There was no doubt that everybody in this house heard the scream. Which explains the number of feet stomping up the many staircases. 

Draco was crouched over in the corner looking terrified. Narcissa was even paler than normal, and was completely frozen, staring at Ron's wand. 

"Ron! Please, put down the wand!" I said frantically and reached for his arm to pull it back but he shrugged me off. 

"Are you mad!? We have Malfoys in our house! I have every right to panic!" He spat, just as Molly came up the stairs behind me. She shoved past me, which I didn't mind, to get to her son. 

"Ronald Weasley! Put down your wand this instant!" She commanded and Ron looked hurt, confused, and ultimately torn. Despite his mother's wishes, he did not do as she said. 

It took all of my strength not to rush to my boyfriend and help him. By this point, the twins had appeared on the staircase as well, which was already far too many. 

"Okay! Everybody," Molly shouted gaining the eyes of everyone in the vicinity. "Everybody-" She looked at every single person, including Draco and Narcissa. "-Is going into the living room and we are all going to have a talk. That includes you, Ronald Weasley." She put emphasis on his name. 

Ron lowered his wand defeated and, Molly, Ron, and I all got off the staircase after the twins had started going down. Behind us followed Draco and Narcissa, who both looked like they were faintly shaking. Not that I blamed them at all. 

In less than a minute the living room was densely populated with nearly all the members of the Weasley family, excluding Charlie, Bill, and Percy who had decided to stay at Hogwarts. Nearly all of them stared daggers at the seemingly unwelcome guests before someone started to speak. 

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