Blue Ice

By Queen_M_aepete

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SonPin story Original author: purpledandeli0n More

The End


728 46 19
By Queen_M_aepete

"Tomorrow night you said?" Perth asked as he was typing on his laptop, some data information for the new assistant he had hired.

"Yes Perth, I want you to meet Sammy too. Maybe, you know, you can warm up to her, so she can feel more comfortable around me." Yacht's voice was muffled and low. Probably he was rehearsing for his gig, and trying to not be heard.

Perth narrowed his eyes playfully, even though he knew Yacht couldn't see him. "So the only reason, you're inviting me is for your own benefit. You bastard!"

Yacht laughed. "No, you idiot. I also invited Plan, he is going to bring Mean too. Maybe...erm... you know... you could... " the lad hesitated.

Perth knew what was about to come. "No! Do not even think about it. I am not going to invite him. He doesn't even know yet that you and Plan know. If he comes tomorrow night, he is going to know for sure."

"Perth! I am not going to do or say anything to him. I just wanna know him a little bit better. See what kind of  guy he really is. I've only met him twice. One, when you introduced us, and two, when I was at your wedding. Come on Perth!" Yacht said raising his voice a little.

Perth rolled his eyes, and rested his forehead on his palm. He wanted to enjoy one, just one night out with his friends, have some nice time and forget about his situation at home. Now, that Yacht and Plan knew about what was Perth's life really like, they wanted to meet Saint properly, to show him that Perth wasn't alone, even though Saint wasn't aware about their knowledge. "What for Yacht? Please, don't make me invite him. I don't want to.''

"I can tell Mean to invite him."

"And make him doubt? Nuh-uh. I don't get why you insist. It's not even that big of a deal." Perth closed his laptop since he couldn't concentrate on doing two things at a time anymore.

"I insist, because I want for you to somewhat feel better. Come on Perth. Just this once. Don't make me beg!"

Perth sighed and shook his head. "Fine. Just this once. Okay?"

On the other side of the phone, Perth heard a victory scream. "Okay. Thank you, Perth. See you tomorrow night. Bye!"

"You need a psychiatrist. See ya!" Perth put his phone down. It was beyond him, what was Yacht hoping to achieve by bringing Saint there, meeting him. Perth was fine. He didn't need help. Perth could do this alone. Perth had gotten used of doing this alone.

The lad got up from his chair and got out of his office straightening his jacket.

"Margaret, there are some documents on my desk that need to be filed in their rightful places. Please, do it in an alphabetical order, and put it on the computer too. I hope you can do it before I leave today. Okay? Thank you." Perth said quietly as soon as he saw his assistant. She agreed and smiled, then got up immediately and entered Perth's office.

Margaret had been a great choice. Despite her older age, she was very skilled and always on time. Perth had been working with her for about a week now, and he could undoubtedly say he was very content with his decision.

He walked towards Saint's office and saw Namwan's desk empty. The bitch was on his husband's office without a doubt. Perth inhaled deeply and then exhaled for the view he was about to witness. Nothing, absolutely nothing could prepare him for what he was about to see.

Before he could knock, he heard some voices from inside Saint's office.

"Come on Saint! Let me get you off. I miss you so much... don't you want me anymore?" Namwan's voice was heard a little muffled. This bitch didn't know no boundaries. They were in their work place for God's sake! Perth's blood started to boil and he wanted nothing more than to grab her by her hair and slap her annoying face, even though he was trying very hard to remain silent and calm.

"Not now, Namwan. I am busy. I don't have time for you." Saint said firmly, from where he seemed to be at his desk.

"Please Saint. I miss you so much. It's been a long time since the last time we were together. Don't you miss being between my legs, hm?" She purred.

Perth wanted to claw his own face and suffocate in a puddle of vomit. Was this girl thick? Saint had numerous lovers. Did she really think she was the only one? Perth bit his tongue hard, and rested his forehead quietly on the door, trying to not to be heard.

"I don't care. Leave me alone." Saint's voice, which was leaking disinterest, was heard again.

"If you don't want me there are plenty of men who want me, Saint. I can go anywhere and they would beg me to be with them. If you don't pay me attention I may find someone else to fulfill my necessities." She said with a huff.

"Do whatever the fuck you want, see if I care. Now get out and bring me the data I asked you to." Saint nonchalantly dismissed her.

If Perth was honest with himself, it didn't surprise him at all. Saint didn't know how to love, and the fact that he didn't care for his mistress to cheat on him, spoke loudly; Saint wasn't the jealous type because he didn't care.

Perth stepped back a little, trying to look as if he had just arrived there, when Namwan opened the door, her eyes filled with tears. Perth didn't feel bad for her. It would be stupid, because; one, she was his husbands mistress; two, she didn't care she was at work and asked Saint for sex there; three, she treated Perth like she was better than him, when in reality she should've felt ashamed for sleeping with her boss, and the other boss' husband.

He got out of the way as soon as she passed him and entered the office, knocking first. Saint seemed to be in a bad mood from what he had heard, so he tried to speak as slow and clear as he could.

"Can I talk to you?" Perth asked entering the office after Saint demanded him to go in.

Saint raised his eyes from the documents and closed them when he saw that it was Perth. "Speak," Saint said gesturing with his hand in Perth's direction.

Perth knew he shouldn't stutter in front of Saint and he shouldn't hesitate, or Saint would mock him or get angry with him. He mustered some courage and spoke, " I spoke with my friend Yacht today, and tomorrow night he invited me to one of his gigs. He told me to invite you too. Mean and Plan are also going to be there."

Saint looked at him with a blank face, and Perth shifted uncomfortably on his feet under his gaze. Why was Saint getting so long to answer?

"Tomorrow night you said?" The lad finally spoke. When Perth nodded, Saint added "Where and what time?"

"At 'Moonlight'. 10 o'clock." The smaller boy rushed.

"Do you want me to go?" Saint raised his brow. Perth didn't understand the implication of the question. What was he supposed to answer?

"I mean my friend invited you, so yes." Immediately as soon as he said these words, Perth regretted them. Saint was surely going to say 'no' now, just to bring Perth down.

"Okay. I'll be there."

"Come on Saint, just this once- What? You are coming?" Perth asked baffled, trying to elaborate his husband's answer.

"I don't see why not. I don't have anything better to do." Saint rested his back in his chair, twirling his black pen on his index and middle finger.

"Great. I am going to tell Yacht. I'll leave you alone now." Perth gave him a half of smile, just to show that he was grateful Saint didn't gave him a hard time, and turned around to get to his own office once again.

"Orn?" Perth shouted as soon as he entered his house that afternoon. The woman had said that she was going to come back today, and Perth couldn't be more happy. It wouldn't feel as alone as it did.

He heard footsteps approaching the hallway and seconds later Orn appeared. He gave her a big hug as soon as his eyes met her's. He had missed Orn very much indeed.

After he put his suitcase and jacket in the closet near the door, the both of them went and sat together on the living room. Orn told him about her kids and grandkids, while Perth informed her what happened the weeks she wasn't there.

"I'm so glad your kids are fine. I missed you so much." Perth gave her a half hug with his right arm.

She smiled at him and patted his cheek like a mother would. "I missed you too Perth. I was just folding some clothes actually. You did a pretty good job, maintaining the house these weeks."

"A pretty good housewife aren't I?" Perth half-joked looking down at his hands on his lap and Orn gave him a comforting smile.

"You are so much more than that, my beautiful son, and you know it. The fact that you are keeping it together, and being so strong in this situation, speaks so highly of you. Never doubt in yourself, because you shouldn't."

He didn't respond but hugged her once again. "Were those my clothes you were folding?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Orn confirmed, getting up from the couch they were both on.

"Give them to me. I am about to change, and have a shower, might as well put them on my closet." Perth smiled and Orn gave him a kiss on his forehead.

After being handed his clothes, Perth went to his room. He put them on his bed and went for the bathroom. Taking of the white dress shirt, and pants, he entered the shower. It had been a hell of a day with a lot of documents to deal with. Yacht's phone call hadn't made the day easier.

He dried his hair with a towel and went to his closet. He picked a pair of jean shorts, and a dark blue shirt since the weather was being warmer. He went to the pile of clothes Becca had handed him, and started placing each piece of cloth in it's place, when he saw a dark grey sweater with a green writing in it's front. It wasn't his, it was Saint's. Orn might have mistaken it for his.

Perth left his room, and got on Saint's room. His husband was bound to come later at home, so maybe Perth could go and place it without Saint realizing that he had been there. After entering the room, he went to Saint's closet to put the grey sweater there.

Of course, Saint would pick the tallest shelf to place his sweaters as if to find another way to punish Perth. The boy sighed. He tried to jump a little and put the sweater there, but that way the piece of clothing would be half hanging out the shelf or end up crumpled. Perth looked around the room to find a chair or a stool. He looked to the bathroom and found a little white stool; for which reason Saint kept it there Perth didn't know.

When Saint entered his house that evening, he expected to eat dinner, watch some TV and maybe read the News on his laptop. He expected to go to his room, wash away the tiredness of the day and just have a good eight hour sleep. He didn't however, expect to find his husband, while he entered his own room quietly, on top of a little stool on his tip toes trying to put there what seemed to be his grey sweater.

Saint drank the tiny figure on top of the stool from up and down. Perth's legs looked sinful on his jean-shorts, while standing on his tip toes, putting his bum even more in display. Saint couldn't stop looking even if he tried and the dirty thoughts that crowded his mind immediately didn't seem would go away that easily.

Saint couldn't stop imagining where he would even begin with Perth's body like that; soft, tanned and oh my God does he shave?! Saint needed to lie down. After that, he needed to have a serious talk with his dick too.

A heavy inhale of breath was what diverted Perth's attention and he nearly fell off the stool from the shock. He surrendered from trying to place the sweater, and clutched it in his hands, turning slowly around. He was pretty sure, he looked like a little kid when he was caught trying to steal a cookie behind his mother's back.

Saint's cough was as he was woken up from his gaze and daydream. "Uh... what are you doing here?" The taller lad tried but failed so miserably to keep a steady voice.

Perth stepped down carefully from where he was, and kept the sweater in his hands. "I... uh... was trying to put your sweater on the shelf. Orn seemed to have mistaken it for mine."

Saint raised his brow, and a little smirk appeared on his face. "Why did you need the stool though? Hm?"

Perth reddened even more on his face, from embarrassment and from anger. "I uh... couldn't reach it."

"Aww couldn't tiny Perth reach it? It seemed that the stool wasn't helping that much either." Saint started walking closer to Perth and stopped right in front him. "Here tiny Perth, let me help you."

Before Perth could understand what was happening, Saint placed his hand's on Perth's waist and without much effort raised him up. Perth's feet missed the pavement before his brain could register it and the smaller boy started squirming. "Stop squirming. You can place the sweater now." Saint curled his arms on Perth's middle and couldn't stop his shivering from feeling Perth's skin there, soft and warm.

Perth placed the shirt, and patted Saint on the shoulder, the older boy seemed to not have understood Perth might have be done with his task. Saint raised his head and looked at Perth, and the smaller boy forgot to breathe for a moment. If his heart could beat faster, he could undoubtedly say it would fell out of his body. Slowly, Saint put Perth down, their faces merely inches from each other. They stayed there for a few seconds, just looking at their faces, Saint's arms still on Perth's middle, holding him strong.

Perth pushed slightly at Saint's chest pressing both of his palms there and stepped back, when his husband finally released him from his arms. He still wasn't ready for Saint to laugh at his face then say once again that nothing would ever happen between them, and he was just joking with Perth. "I'm gonna go now." Perth said pointing at the door and looking at Saint's chest, too afraid to look at him in the face again.

Saint inhaled deeply and closed his eyes for a few second's before he responded "Okay. Good night." He stuffed his hands on the pocket's of his dress pants as if that would prevent him from grabbing Perth's arm, turn him around then take him and own him right then and there like he wanted to.

Perth walked quickly passed him and Saint couldn't help looking at his back with his brows furrowed and being so mad at himself for being so weak.

Getting ready for Yacht's show tonight had been more stressful than it should have been. Considering, that Perth hated the night life too. Why had he agreed to it, Perth couldn't even remember the reason anymore, but he hated himself so much for ever even considering to say yes to this. Add to that going with Saint too. Hopeless. As always.

He was getting busy with his fringe when Saint knocked on his door. Saint. Knocking. When did Saint even knock? Before Perth, could even find the answer to that question he had said come in, and so Saint did.

"Are you ready?" The older boy said. He was wearing a black silky shirt with flowers on it, black skinny jeans, and his grey glittery boots. Saint at work was so different from Saint on a night out. Perth couldn't make up his mind to which of the two he was more attracted to.

Closing the bathroom door, Perth checked the pockets of his jean-jacket and his skinnies for the keys and his phone. When everything seemed to be there he answered "Yes, let's go."

They left the house then got on Saint's Audi R8, and Perth started rubbing his palms on his jeans, hoping everything would go smoothly.

Perth had agreed to meet with Mean and Plan outside the bar and meeting with Yacht there together. As soon as Perth saw his friends he greeted them both with a one-arm hug. Plan gave Saint a handshake trying to smile, and Perth really appreciated the effort. He texted Yacht and informed him that they were there. Not more than two minutes passed when Yacht responded by saying to come in.

They entered the bar together, while Yacht was waiting for them there. For a minute, Perth feared Yacht would do something as soon as he saw Saint, but all the lad did was give him a hand shake and a small smile. Perth couldn't be happier that his best friend kept his word.

When Yacht motioned for the table, Mean and Plan sat near each other, Plan between Mean and Yacht, and Perth on Yacht's right arm. There was another empty chair near Perth too, which the boy thought was for Sammy without giving it a much further thought.

"Alright lads what are we having?" Yacht said all of a sudden. They gave them their order, and then lad went to get the drinks, informing them that their first ones were on the house, since the owner of the club was his friend.

Perth looked around the crowded club, and hummed quietly to the slow song playing in the background. Yacht was supposed to sing later as it seemed. He started getting off his jacket since it was warmer there and he could just stay with his T-shirt.

As soon as Perth got off his jacket, Saint couldn't stop looking at his exposed collarbones. The red wine shirt looked amazing, Perth collarbones looked delicious, and the only thing the lad wanted to do is leave his mark on them. Perth smoothed it out delicately, and the motions weren't helping Saint much either.

The harsh way his Scotch was placed by Yacht in front of him was what brought him back. He gulped down a big part of his beverage and winced when the strong alcohol went down his throat.

Perth thanked Yacht, grabbed his drink and sucked the straw of his cocktail, then licked his lips as if to taste any drop of the beverage there. Saint needed fresh air.

"Blue!" Yacht suddenly shouted in direction of the podium, to who must be on of the guys there. One of them, turned around and smiled. He was tall, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, wearing a white dress shirt, with black pants, an expensive watch on his left wrist. The guy motioned with his index finger 'one moment' while smiling to Yacht, and continued to explain something to one of what seemed to be the sound guys.

After a couple of seconds, Blue, like Yacht said, patted the guy's shoulder and started walking towards the table. Yacht got up abruptly, and gave him a hug motioning to the table. The guy started giving his hand to each of them starting from Plan.

When Perth got up to give him his hand too, an interesting look and a small smile appeared on the man's face. Perth just smiled back.

"Hey," Blue said, "I've met you before." Perth looked at him in embarrassment trying to remember if he had ever met this guy, and most importantly to figure out who he was. Saint raised his brow at the guy, then furrowed them in Perth's direction waiting for his response. Why was this Blue still holding Perth hand again?

When Perth wasn't speaking, Blue added, "We met about a month ago, at university, you were handing some documents for your diploma, and we had a small conversation while we were waiting. My father is professor Pongtiwat." Blue weighted his hands as if to help Perth's memory.

Perth's brows rose in surprise when he finally remembered. "Right, we were in front of the secretary. You offered for a good word to your father for me, after I told you he was my favorite professor."

"You remember! I thought I was embarrassing myself." Blue smiled and sat on the chair near Perth.

'You look pretty embarrassing to me' Saint thought.

"Oh no, please, even if I didn't remember you, I really appreciate that you still said it to me. How do you know Yacht?" Perth placed his hands on the table, rotating his body to Blue's direction. What. He is good looking, okay.

"Oh, I am the owner of the club. I know what you may think with my father being a professor, what am I doing owning a club? Well, teaching wasn't my thing, that's why he let me chase my dream, as soon as I finished university. So, here I am today." Blue shrugged and then motioned to the waiter to get him his usual drink.

'What a snob!' Saint thought again.

"It's amazing," Perth responded, "professor Pongtiwat was one of the best, glad seeing he is an amazing father too." Perth couldn't help but show his respect for his teacher.

The pub owner nodded. "What are you doing here though?" Blue added smiling after having a small chug of his pint.

'Who was this punk again?' Saint darted his look between them. An ugly feeling began on his chest, and Saint didn't like it. Not one bit.

"I am one of Yacht's best friend. He wanted so badly for me to be in one of his gig's so here I am." Perth shrugged and smiled.

"So you're Perth Yacht always mentioned. I was starting to think you existed only in his imagination. Should've made the connection though, that the Perth Yacht said, with the Perth I met at university are the same person."

Perth giggled. "I can't believe you remember me and my name."

Blue got a little closer, "Couldn't forget a face like yours that easily, now could I?" The man winked. Perth flushed and lowered his head.

'Oh hell no!'

Seeing as Yacht had already gotten up from the table to get ready for his song, Saint got up from his chair, and sat on Yacht's. He coughed and put an arm around Perth's back. "Hello, Pink was it?" Saint made a fake questioning face, looking at Blue.

"Um... Blue actually." The pub owner said uncomfortably.

"Still," Saint added putting his chest on Perth's back, and Blue looked questioningly between them, while Perth looked around the club nervous, "I don't know if we met properly before, I'm Saint, Perth's husband." Saint reached his hand at the other boy. Blue raised his brows in realization, his mouth hanging open. Saint shook his head in approval while smiling.

Blue shook Saint's hand and Saint did too, a little too harshly as if to prove a point.

"Nice to meet you," Blue half smiled, and got up from the chair "So, it was a pleasure meeting you guys."

"I'm sure it was. Especially for us too. Right, baby?" Saint kissed Perth's temple.

Perth bit the inside of his cheek before answering "Right." He wanted to punch Saint for as always acting like an asshole, but mostly for kissing his temple and making his insides tremble and ache for more.

When Blue bid them goodbye, Perth expected for Saint to get up from where he was, and get back to his chair. It didn't happen though.

When Yacht started singing with his guitar, Saint stayed there. When Yacht finished his round, Saint stayed there. When Yacht returned to the table, Saint still stayed there. Right by his side, with an arm resting on his chair, not moving one bit.

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