Blue Ice

By Queen_M_aepete

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SonPin story Original author: purpledandeli0n More

The End


628 43 12
By Queen_M_aepete

Plan felt exhausted when he got home. He slammed his body in the first thing his eye caught. Fortunately it was his couch. What Perth had told him, had stuck with him. Not only because he felt so bad for what was happening with his best friend's marriage, but knowing that his love was involved in that mess too.

Sighing, he got up from the couch, even though his body protested. He went to his fridge and grabbed a cold bottle of water, when he heard his front door knock. Plan swore to himself if it was any of his neighbors needing something from him, he was going to call the police.

Without asking who it was, or even checking Plan opened the door. Mean was there and his face transmitted worry and anger.

"What do you want Mean?" Plan turned his back to him, leaving the door open, so Mean could follow him.

After closing the door, with key too, Mean spoke "I have been calling you for 3 hours now. I got so worried."

Plan scowled and sat on his couch, placing his head on his hands. "When were you going to tell me Mean?" He asked ignoring Mean's words.

"Tell you what?" The lawyer furrowed his eyes and didn't even try to sit down.

"Don't act stupid Mean. You know very well, what I am talking about." When Mean didn't change his position nor his facial features Plan added, "I am talking about Perth."

Mean decided to sit down this time. It looked like the blood drained from his face as he got paler. Swallowing he spoke, "He told you."

Plan looked at him incredulously shaking his head. "Yes Mean. My best friend told me the miserable situation he's in. How his husband, isn't really his husband cause he treats him worse than a street rat, and cheats on him with a lot of people. Oh, what else? Let me think..." Plan put his index finger under his chin. "Oh yeah. You knew about it too from the beginning. How could you Mean?"

"I swear I didn't-"

"Don't tell me you didn't know, or you are getting out of my life this instant!" Plan stomped his foot.

"I didn't know Perth was such a nice person. I was just backing my best friend without knowing the situation too well. When I knew, I demanded Saint to stop. I swear I did." Mean got up from the chair he was sitting, and got between Plan's thighs grabbing his face to look at him.

"But why did you agree Mean? You didn't even tell me, my friend was going through hell." Plan's eyes filled with tears, and it was a rarity, because Plan didn't cry easily, and usually was a reserved person. Mean wiped his tears away and then kissed his knuckles.

"I know baby, I am so sorry. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I couldn't tell about a situation that isn't mine. It was Perth and Saint's marriage."

"My best friend's Mean. How would you feel if it was Perth treating Saint that way and I knew it all the way, but didn't tell you nothing. And you felt so useless, because there is nothing in your hands anymore that you can do to help your friend. Hm, Mean?"

"I would feel terrible baby. So so bad. I am so sorry." Mean kissed his cheek when Plan didn't even move.

The painter looked at his boyfriend after a couple of minutes."You are lucky Perth forgave you and asked me to not break up with you. He is an angel. Too good for this world."

"This is what makes me feel worse for the way I acted. He is such a good person. I actually feel pity for Saint and not for him. Saint is losing someone exceptional and isn't even acknowledging it."

"Don't mention him. If he wasn't your best friend the first thing I would've done was kick him in the balls so hard he thought it was Christmas." Plan huffed and crossed his arms, resting his back on the couch, Mean still in between his legs. " And you!" Plan pointed at him, "If it wasn't for Perth you would be sleeping in the dog house tonight, without eating nor drinking."

Mean smiled, crinkling his eyes and got closer to Plan's face. "I know baby, I've been such a bad boy." He said before leaning in and kissing him, making Plan's anger immediately disappear.

It was early in the morning when Perth entered his house. He felt his eyes heavy and his body tired as he hooked his jean-jacket at the little closet near the main door.

The house was silent, well it was pretty early so it was expected to be that way. He looked around the hall, to the entrance of the kitchen, the living room, and then the stairs. He sighed, closing his burning eyes from the lack of sleep and rubbing them harshly, and started pacing quietly towards the stairs to get to his room.

A cold nice shower, that's what he needed. It would wake him up and a nice cup of coffee would do the deed to keep his brain functioning.

After telling the truth to his friends yesterday, Yacht had refused to let him go just yet, and invited him to sleep over at his house, since he lived alone. After a couple of "no's", Perth, had agreed and slept there. Plan instead went to his flat, deciding he would be up for it another time.

Yacht had ordered Sushi, played some Fifa with him, refusing to let Perth win out of pity, which sounded great to Perth since the last thing Perth wanted was pity from his friends.

After that, they had talked all night about Perth situation and then Perth had decided to lift the mood by bringing up Sammy, and keeping up with his best friend's personal life. Apparently Yacht was still too shy to ask her out. Yacht?! Shy?! This was beyond Perth to understand.

He was startled and stopped in his tracks in the top of the stairs when he heard a door being closed harshly with an enormous thud.

"Where were you last night?" Saint, apparently, asked when Perth turned around to face him, with a hand over his chest. Saint looked tired too, his eyes droopy and the bags under his eyes slightly visible.

Saint crossed his arm and arched his brow expecting an answer, while Perth breathed in and out. "Well?!" He shouted. Perth winced.

"Oh stop it Saint, it's too early for you to start screaming at this time in the morning," the boy rubbed his index fingers on his temples.

Biting the corner of his bottom lip in frustration, Saint spoke again, "I'm going to scream and shout-"

"And let it all out? Didn't take you for a Black Eyed Peas' fan." Perth snorted.

"Sassy feeling today, aren't we?" Saint walked two steps closer to him and pointed at him with his index finger, "Stop being a smartass and answer my question! Where were you last night?"

"Why do you even care, Saint? I am tired and I wanna sleep, but I have to go to work in an hour and a half, so if you please, just let me be." Perth sighed and rolled his head back closing his eyes. He could tell Saint easily that he was at Yacht's, but he didn't want to quench his husband's thirst just yet.

"Wonder what kept you up all night and got you this tired..." Saint tilted his head and raised his brow again.

"Think whatever you want Saint... I'm exhausted."

"Perth, for your own good answer me where you were? Now!" The lad said through gritted teeth, his jaw clenching.

"Oh Lord! I was at Yacht's! Happy now? Can I go to my room? Jesus!" Perth answered and turned around again to get to his room, now that Saint got his answer. Why did he want to know, was beyond Perth, but the smaller boy was fatigued and didn't want to drag that conversation any longer.

"Uh... Mean?" Perth said as he poked his head in Mean's office. The lawyer was swimming in files, and his brows were furrowed as if he was concentrating and reading something he didn't liked. Perth felt bad for interrupting him, but needed to talk to him immediately.

Mean raised his head, and smiled when he saw the boy standing uncomfortably by the door, "Oh, Perth. Please do come in!"

Clasping his hands in front of him after closing the door, Perth stood in front of Mean's desk after refusing to sit down. "I have to talk to you about something, I hope I am not bothering you."

"Nonsense!" Mean said shaking his head getting up and stuffing his hands into the pockets of his pants, "What's bothering you?"

"Well," Perth scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "I know this might sound as stupid, but Saint said that today, the agency will send me the candidates for the position as my assistant and they did, but all the candidates are um... how do I put this without sounding mean?" Perth shifted his weight in his feet looking around the room.

"Hey, no worries. Go on." Mean patted him on the shoulder.

"The candidates are all women that look over fifty-five. Now, I am not a person to judge on age, but I need younger people with a lot more energy to help me and be my right arm. Do you think you can talk to the agency and ask if there are more people rightful for the position, always if you can."

Mean closed his eyes lowering and shaking his head. He seemed to think for a few minutes and then patted Perth on the shoulder again, "Let me talk to Saint first, and then I can see what I can do. I'm sure we can do something. Thank you for telling me."

"Thank you so much for helping me. I'll not send away the ladies yet, if the agency doesn't have other options." Perth said with hopeful eyes, and left Mean's office.

Mean scoffed, straightened his jacket and left his office to go to Saint's. His friend needed some more scolding.

He knocked on the door, and then entered it without waiting for an answer. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Mean said as he closed the door.

"Sure, let me just sign these." Saint said without bothering to raise his head. A few minutes later he looked at his friend, "What did you want?"

Mean turned around from where he was looking out the window and looked at his friend incredulously, "What do you think you're doing Saint?"

Saint rested his hands on the arms of the chair, furrowing his brows, "Do you mind explaining to me what are you talking about?"

Mean scoffed, "Don't you think I would've guessed it you were the one to tell the agency to bring only old women as an option to be Perth's assistant? You are really insulting my intelligence."

Saint lowered his head, looking at his lap, "I don't know what you are talking about. The agency brought the options they had, I have nothing to do with it." Saint rushed.

"We've been best friends for over ten years Saint, I know when you're lying. Why did you do that? Are you afraid Perth is going to be better than you?" Mean tilted his head raising his brows.

"I'm not afraid of anything!" Saint shouted, getting up from his chair, pointing at the desk.

"You practically admitted you did it. Then if you're not afraid of anything, why older women? Ohhh... I get it now." Mean chuckled running his hand through his quiff.

"What is it that you get?" Saint squinted his eyes, crossing his hands over his chest.

"You didn't want younger guys around Perth didn't you?"

"That's not it!" Saint's face got a slightly redder shade. "You're talking bullshit!"

"Your red face says it everything. You like him don't you? That explains the fight too. Hah, could've guessed!" Mean's face morphed in an amused one.

"You need to get your brain checked Mean. I don't like him." Saint turned around to get himself a glass of whiskey. Mean didn't talk anything as he filled it with the alcohol and gulped it down in one go.

"Now that's a denial I am going to believe," Mean said as he walked out the door, and slammed it shut.

After talking to Saint, Mean decided to tell Perth, that the ladies were the only options. He hated to lie to him, but he didn't want his best friend to have a harder time. Maybe, Perth and Saint could get closer working together. He could only hope for the best.

"Of course I can take care of my Yim, she's my sweetie-pie! I've missed her so much!" Perth said to Yihwa as he was pouring some tea on his mug. He had just came home after a stressful day at work. After being told by Mean that the ladies were the only options, Perth had decided to hire Margaret, who seemed to have more experience and appeared to be a willing-to-work person.

"We called our baby-sitter, but she couldn't make it tonight. Since it's Natee and I's anniversary we decided to treat ourselves in a five-star restaurant. My Yim need's constant attention and mom and dad are too old to run after her." Yihwa replied while she sounded as if she was speaking with her phone between her ear and her shoulder.

"Don't be silly. I would love to take care of her. You know how much I love her." Perth said adding some milk to his tea. "When do you think you can be here with my Yim?"

"About half hour, forty minutes max."

"Great, I can take a shower meanwhile. I'll be waiting for you."

"Where's my brother?" Yihwa asked.

Perth rolled his eyes and sighed. His only interaction with Saint for the day, had been only in the morning when he had asked Perth where he had been. "He's still at work. I think he'll be here later than you."

"Fantastic. I'm gonna go now. See you later."

"See you later." Perth put down his phone and took a sip of his tea, reading today's news. He was lacking sleep but he was excited for meeting his Yim again. It had been long since he had last seen her.

After a long shower he felt much better. He put on a pair of grey sweaters since it was chilly tonight, and a black shirt. As if on cue he heard the door bell. Brushing with his fingers, his bangs away from his face he went to open the door. Orn hasn't been back still.

"Hi baby." He took Yim in his arms and the little girl immediately curled her arms in his neck. He patted her back and kissed the side of her head. "Hey Yihwa. You look fantastic tonight."

"Hello, thank you, Perth," the woman kissed his cheek and entered the house. "What were you doing?"

"Oh nothing, just waiting for you." He diverted his attention to the little girl in his arms. "I was so excited to pass the night with my Yim. We're gonna have so much fun, aren't we?"

"Yes!" She raised her hands in excitement, "My Perth is the best! I missed you so much." She pouted.

"Aww, I missed you too baby. Very very very much!" Perth brushed his nose against hers.

"Sorry to interrupt the happy couple, but here are her clothes and her favorite toy. His name is Fluffy." Yihwa placed a big white bag on Perth's shoulder, and the white rabbit toy on her daughter's hand.

"We're gonna have a great night, don't worry Hwa. Just try and enjoy your night. Tomorrow morning we'll be here waiting for you." He said smiling at his sister in law.

"Mommy, Perth and I will be fine. Bye!" The little girl waved at her mommy as the latter one kissed her forehead.

"Once again," Yihwa said walking out of the house, "thank you so so much Perth."

"It's nothing. Stop thanking me!" Perth waved at her dismissively. "Good night!" He closed the door and went for the kitchen. He placed the white bag at the counter and sat Yim on it too.

"So, what do you think we should do tonight hm?" He bopped her nose.

She squeezed his cheeks in her hands. "I know, I know! We should make mac n´cheese, and then watch all the Disney movies there are!" She spread her arms.

"That is an amazing plan. First thing's first let's put your bag to my- um our room. Your uncle's and I room." Perth coughed.

He grabbed Yim again, climbed up the stairs and put the little girl's bag in his room. He changed her clothes, putting on her pyjamas.

They went back to the kitchen and started cooking Yim's favourite dish again.

"When is uncle Saint coming?" The little girl asked as she took the wooden spoon from Perth's hand and started stirring the dish.

"It shouldn't be long till he is here. Why?" Perth answered as he licked his fingers.

"Nothing just wondering. Uh... you love my uncle so much don't you Perth?" The girl asked without raising her eyes from where they were looking at the pan.

Perth gulped and looked at her for several seconds. It's true that kids understand somethings better than adults. "Yes I do."

"I know. You look at him the way my mommy and daddy look at each other. But Uncle Saint doesn't look at you. At all." The little girl trailed the last words quietly, but Perth managed to hear them. It hurt that even a four year old could see so clearly that Saint despised him. Perth knew it, very well but getting it confirmed even by a little girl, hurt more. Kid's don't know how to lie.

Perth coughed, and wiped his eyes quickly. "We should open the window, get the smell out of the kitchen. It smells like cheese in here." Perth tried to change the subject and joke, but hated how his voice betrayed him in the end.

After finishing the dish, Saint came home. Perth hoped Saint wouldn't say anything before he saw Yim, so that's why he got to him before he could. "Hey Saint, Yim is here." The boy said with the little girl in his arms.

"Oh, okay. How are you doing sweetie?" Saint pinched her cheek.

The little girl moved her head away, "Fine." She simply answered, looking at him bored.

"So, we made some mac n´cheese if you'd like." Perth tried to look as genuine as he could.

"Great. I am hungry."

"And now we're going to see The Little Mermaid. You can join us if you'd like." Perth gave him a half of smile.

"I shall see. You can start without me." Saint said hanging his coat on the hanger.

"As if we'd wait for you. Let's go Perth." Yim squirmed in his arms to get him to go to the living room.

They put on the movie and got comfortable in front of the TV. Yim laid down on the couch with her head on Perth's lap. Perth started brushing his finger's on the little girl's head and she exhaled from liking the gesture.

Half way on the movie and Saint joined them on the couch. Yim immediately got up on Perth's lap, with her head on his shoulder. Perth smiled at her and didn't dare to look at his husband.

"Is this your favourite Disney movie Yim?" Saint asked.


"Why do you treat me this way darling? I am your uncle, not your Perth." Saint pouted.

"Because Perth is sweeter than you. Now hush and let me watch the movie." The little girl huffed and crossed her arms on her chest.The final act reminded Perth of Saint. She had his eyes too, and his character a little, being stubborn and with her in-your-face attitude.

"Shhh sweetie, don't talk to your uncle like that." Perth hushed her by patting her head.

"But Perth!"

"No, baby. Now let's watch the movie." He turned his eyes to the TV in front of him.

They stayed silent again, for about ten minutes, when Yim started moving closer to Perth's ear. With a hushed voice she spoke "Perth?"

"Yes, Yim?" He answered the same way.

"Uncle Saint is looking at you the way we talked before. The way you look at him."

Perth's eyes widened and looked at her in surprise. He didn't know what to say or how to respond. He waited a few seconds before turning his head. Perth met Saint's gaze, from where he was sat cross-legged, his arms resting on the couch, putting merely inches distance from each other. As soon as their gaze met, Saint turned his face to the TV again and coughed awkwardly.

It couldn't be, could it? Probably, Yim was wrong. Saint didn't look at him in any other way that wasn't disgust. Perth knew that look very well. He had been living under that look for more than five months now, and it wasn't going to change. Not now, not ever. Maybe Saint was looking at his niece, and she made a mistake thinking he was looking at Perth. Little kids make mistakes all the time, right?

He smiled at her as if to reassure her that everything is fine and looked back at the movie, which didn't seem to end anytime soon.

'Well', Perth thought, 'Everyone with a basic common sense doesn't trust a purple octopus with bad make-up , especially if they're named Ursula. What parent in their right mind names their kid Ursula? And people get surprised that she turns out to be an evil bitch. The woman got traumatised by that name since she was a kid.'

Rocking her gently in his arms, Yim yawned, and blinked slowly, snapping him out of his thoughts. It was late for her. Probably Perth should put her to bed, sleep with her too, since he lacked sleep as well.

"Sleepy Kitty?" He asked kissing her forehead.

"Mhmm..." she murmured. Perth put his hand gently on her back and rested her head on his shoulder. "Come on baby, let's get you to bed."

"Where am I going to sleep?" She asked with a quiet and sleepy voice.

Perth cooed from the sweetness. "With me, baby in my... uh... in the guest room."

"Nooo.... I wanna sleep in the big bed with you and uncle Saint." Perth swallowed hard at the little girl's words and felt Saint's gaze on his back as he got up from the couch.

"We can't sweetie, you kick and move too much in your sleep, and we don't a grumpy uncle Saint in the morning, do we?" Perth managed to make up lies trying to get out of that situation.

"I don't mind." He heard Saint's voice from his back. Perth turned around, his mouth gaping and looking at Saint with moon eyes. What was going on, on Saint's mind? Was this some kind of a sick joke?

"What are you doing?" Perth mouthed at him. Here was Perth trying to get to change Yim's mind, for Saint to get them deeper in this situation.

Saint just shrugged.

"See Perth? Uncle Saint doesn't mind. Now carry me to your room." Yim motioned with her hand towards the stairs. Perth narrowed his eyes at Saint. There was something going on here. If Saint agreed this easily to Perth sleeping in his room, there was some sick plan behind it. Maybe he was going to spill cold water on him, while Perth was asleep.

Walking quietly towards the room, Perth shushed quietly at the little girl in his arms. The last and only time, Perth had slept in this room had been when Saint got home beaten up, and Perth fell accidentally asleep at the side of the bed. He didn't get to even sleep properly. He sighed in misery and laid Yim gently on the bed.

Perth went to his room, to change into his pajamas and brush his teeth. He looked at himself in the mirror. Was he really going to do this? Sleep in the same bed as Saint?

His heart beats faster than normal, and his hands turned clammy. He couldn't stop himself from getting nervous, and to think that this was his husband he was sharing a bed with. Well, Yim too. If it wasn't for Yim this would've never happened.

Perth closed the door of his room gently, and paced to Saint's room, finding him there. Saint had changed too, in comfortable clothes, and now he was getting Yim in between the sheets, in the middle of the bed.

He looked at Perth and motioned for him to get in bed. Hesitantly, Perth walked in the other side of the room, and got in bed trying to be as quiet as he could to not wake Yim up. As soon as Perth rested his back on the bed, the little girl instantly latched herself into him, placing her head in his shoulder.

A few moments later, Perth felt as the bed sank. He didn't dare to turn his head and look at Saint. He felt uncomfortable as it was, and Perth didn't need another reason to feel even more nervous.

He closed his eyes and tried to even his breath. Counting to one hundred never felt so useless. Yim was breathing in and out tiny puffs of air, and it was calming in a kind of way.

"I know you're not asleep." Saint's voice echoed through the dark room, lightened only by the street lamps.

Perth closed his eyes harder as if it would help him sleep and get Saint to shut up. "I'm trying." Perth smacked his lips.

"Try harder."

The urge was stronger than him, so he turned his head to look at Saint. His husband was laying on his back, arms crossed over his chest (typical), looking at the ceiling. As if he felt Perth eyes, he rotated his body towards Perth's direction and looked at him straight in the eye.

"What is it to you if I don't sleep? Try and sleep for yourself." Perth said whispering.

"Are we really going to argue over sleeping? Pathetic." Saint rolled his eyes.

Perth huffed. "You started it." He whispered again and looked at Yim's face to see any sign of her not being asleep.

"And I am going to finish it. Sleep." The taller man ordered as if sleeping could be done on cue.

Perth didn't respond, but maintained his eyes open, looking at Saint and challenging him. They stayed looking at each other for a long time, till Perth lost and fell asleep first.

When Perth woke again, he felt a little hand and a sheen of light on his face. He also registered a heavy weight on his back, as he was on his stomach. It was too heavy to be Yim, as she was too small to be this heavy. Perth opened slowly his eyes, and the first thing he saw was Yim's smiling face.

He tried getting up, but someone's torso was on his back, and a few strands of white hairs falling on his neck. Saint? When did they get in this position? Saint's arm was resting in front of him, engulfing Perth even more to his body. Even though the thing that Perth wanted the most, was staying there and enjoying Saint's body warmth he knew he couldn't. Heart beating faster, the smaller lad tried to get out of Saint's arms as slow as he could. When he tried at first getting rid of his husband's arm, Saint curled his arm strongly. He patted his arm calling his name slowly, and the boy barely moved but the smaller lad managed to get out of there.

When Perth got out of the bed, he saw Yim giggling and covering her mouth with her hand. "Morning Yim. What is it so funny?"

"Morning Yim," the little girl threw her arms at Perth's neck, "I woke up cause I needed to pee, and when I turned from the bathroom uncle Saint was already on you. I think I was the only thing that stopped him being on you all night."

Perth's eyes widened. He knew Yim was just a little girl, and she didn't mean for the words to sound the way they did. "Yim! Enough you little minx. Let's go wash our faces and brush our teeth. Then breakfast? Sound good?" Perth hoisted her up, and walked to the bathroom.

"Does breakfast include Cheerios?" Yim narrowed her eyes.

"Of course it does." Perth said with a 'duh' face.

"Yay! You're the best Perth I know it. Uncle Saint knows it too."

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