Lady Dimitrescu Vs Karl Heise...

By SamV73

159K 6.4K 2.9K

[this story has a reader with they/them pronouns, also you kinda take place as Ethan] (y/n) was a recruit sen... More

[R/D]chapter one: a night of bloodshed.
chapter two: Ben the boy.
[R/D]chapter three: a 'friend'.
[R/D] chapter four: the false exit
[R/D]chapter five: a 'lively' woman.
[R/D]chapter six: a wolf hunting a rabbit.
[R/D]chapter seven: the rush of a hunt.
[R/D]chapter eight: a liking to the cold.
[R/D]chapter nine: the vampires favorite pet.
[R/D]chapter ten: in darkness, hope shines.
[R/D]chapter eleven: persuasive.
[R/D]chapter twelve: a plan for playtime.
[R/D]chapter thirteen: the flowers
[R/D]chapter fourteen: Angie's new toy.
[R/D]chapter fifteen: a horrific dream.
[R/D]chapter sixteen: fear.
[R/D]chapter seventeen: a mysterious moral.
[R/D]chapter eighteen: blood.
[R/D]chapter nineteen: taken.
[R/D]chapter twenty: livid.
[R/D] chapter twenty one: a new motive.
[R/D]chapter twenty two: boom boom BOOM!!
[R/D]chapter twenty three: the beasts chase.
[R/D]chapter twenty four: the death of a fish.
[R/D]chapter twenty five: cuts and bruises.
[R/D]chapter twenty Six: murderous crush.
[R/D]chapter twenty seven: Rabbit hunting.
[R/D]chapter twenty eight: overkill.
[R/D]chapter twenty nine: an odd way of shopping.
chapter thirty: memories and malace.
[R/D]chapter thirty one: a horrific hallucination.
[R/D]chapter thirty two: anxiety.
[R/D]chapter thirty three: chop chop..!
[R/D]chapter thirty five: PTSD.
[R/D]chapter thirty six: old scars.
[R/D]chapter thirty seven: broken hearted.
[R/D]chapter thirty eight: Heisenberg's buttercup
[R/D]chapter thirty nine: marvelous escapes the monster
[R/D]chapter forty: malicious love.
[R/D]chapter forty one: broken hinges.
[R/D]chapter forty two: snow storm.
[R/D]chapter forty three: reunited.
[R/D]chapter forty four: cleaning the officer.
[R/D]chapter forty five: gut feeling
[R/D]chapter forty six: a new family, a new threat.
[R/D]chapter forty seven: quiet before the storm.
[R/D]chapter forty eight: rerun of the past.
[R/D]chapter forty nine: mystery man.
[R/D]chapter fifty: the bird and the snake.
[R/D]chapter fifty one: a way in.
[R/D]chapter fifty two: showdown
hello there other hoomans- [A/N] fucked, arent i- [A/N]
chapter fifty three: a splitting of paths
hehehehEHEHEH- [A/N]
[R/D]chapter fifty four: the soldiers book closes.
why hello- [A/N]
A G A I N [A/N]

[R/D]chapter thirty four: fireside bonding.

2K 109 112
By SamV73

Ghost writing and writing this book is proving to be a bit hard...i shall not stop, Heisenberg deserves love and so does Lady Dimitrescu!

(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Are you sure you can carry that?"
I ask.

"Hell yeah, i do heavy lifting all the time."
Karl says...hes holding like, six logs, yeah they're chopped up, but he could use help....i could've carried that scrap metal he used, but he seemed pretty keen on keeping it back in the forest once we used it.

"Why cant i lift any?"
I ask.

"Because...just no."
Karl says.

"I'm just as strong! Im a special forces officer!"
I growl.

"And you haven't eaten in almost four days, maybe more, who fucking knows, but you're definitely not strong enough to help right now."
Karl says.

"...when i eat, im gonna help you do heavy lifting shit, im just as strong..!"
I say.

"Whatever you say, Little officer."
Karl mumbles.

We finally reach the yard of the factory, im greeted with the familiar smell of metal and oil...i've come to love it, i guess spending time with Karl has made me like the smell.

"Just sit it here."
I say, pointing to the area beside the pot, he does as i say and sits the logs on the ground.

"Now how do we light it?"
Karl asks.

"...any more magic?"
I ask.

"The magic of throwing you out a window."
Karl says.

"..we're outside."
I mumble.

"Than in a window, something with a fucking window."
Karl says.

"...why not just match a fire? Like, hit some metal and make sparks..!"
I suggest.

"...that could work."
Karl says, he raises his hands and two metal sheets get dragged towards him, landing in his grasp as usual...i will never ger fully used to that.

"Soup here we come.."
I mumble.

He hits the scrap together and ignites some sparks, but The sparks lands on the cold ground.

Karl grumbles.

"Its fine, just try again."
I say.

Karl hits the metal a second time, to which more sparks fly, but they all miss the wood...we aren't all that lucky tonight, are we?

"How?? I'm standing right above the fucking wood!"
Karl growls.

"Well...third times a charm?"
I mumble.

"Second time was our lucky charm last time, not sure why it isn't this time."
Karl says.

"Maybe we didn't use the charm right, and it just...broke."
I say.

"Yeah...maybe so."
Karl mumbles.

Karl hits the two metal scraps together one last time, a large spark bursts from the friction and lands onto the logs, sparking a fire that slowly grows, i quickly sit the pot full of our food onto the fire.

"Holy shit, it worked...we did it."
Karl says.

"Yeah! We did it!"
I cheer.

"I thought we'd die of old fucking age before we got it."
Karl jokes, grinning his usual grin.

"We got the soup!"
I exclaim, sitting down near the fire, Karl sets the metal sheets beside us and sits with me.

"Hey..i've wanted to ask for a while, what are those numbers on the sleeve of your shirt?"
Karl asks, pointing to the numbers on my mangled officer was fine before the acid rain Moreau spat at me, now Its hanging on threads.

"Its like a code name, if we speak over phone we use the numbers, and if one of us is missing or in danger we say the numbers of them and ask for assistance."
I explain.

"So yours is '956'?"
Karl asks.

"Yeah, special forces doesn't have a lot of officers, at least not in my state."
I say.

"...does anyone ever use it?"
Karl asks.

"I was only on the force for a few days before this happened, so...just once or twice."
I say.

"A few days?"
Karl repeats.

"Yeah, this is actually my first mission...or was, im not too sure if I'll stay in the force after this."
I explain.

"Damn...sent to total hell blindly...what did they tell you when they shoved you here?"
Karl asks.

"That...that i would be going on a solo mission, one that would be perfect for me. I was supposed to be handed a sheet telling me what to do once i was here, but...i guess i burned in the crash."
I explain.

"So you came here, completely unaware?"
Karl asks.

"Yep, knowing nothing but the code word i was supposed to be called by when they picked me up."
I say.

"Huh...i could call you nines."
Karl jokes.

"Don't you dare."
I say with a smile.

I start to press the thin metal sheet into something, like an origami swan...i don't even remember when i learned this, but its sure as hell a good time passer.

"What the hell are you doing?"
Karl asks.

"Making an origami swan."
I say.

I finish it and set it in-between me and Karl, smiling at my little swan kinda reminds me of those geese from that lake, except this doesn't want to eat my soul.

"...wanna see something?"
Karl asks.

I say, Karl grins and raises his arm up.

The metal swan slowly floats into the air, moving in circles like its in water, karl manipulates the metal to make it move around the two of us...its beautiful.

I mumble, looking at it as it travels around us.

"Yeah, since it metal i can fuck around with it."
Karl says.

"Its amazing..."
I whisper, karl smiles, instead of his dumb grin or cocky smile...its an actually soft one.

"Yep...really amazing."
Karl mumbles, i look at him with a smile, expecting him to see him focusing on the metal swan...but he's just staring at me.

"You're a great guy."
I say.

"And you're a great Officer...for once im not gonna be an asshole,'re cool."
Karl says.

The swan drifts to me, poking my nose with its beak before slowly falling, Karl moves closer to me so it falls into his hands, once it does, we're less than a few inches apart.

"Thanks for making this with me..the soup, i mean...thanks."
I say.

" need food, humans need food and shit like was pretty fun to fuck around in the village though."
Karl says.

"Yeah, it was...and now we can have hot food and sleep all night, a perfect end to the adventure."
I say, smiling a little, he smiles as well.

"Maybe it'll be calmer tomorrow...less fucking chaos and more of just sitting around."
Karl says.

"I hope so..."
I mumble.

"Who knows how much relaxing time we'll have, after Miranda's gone you and Ben will be off to wherever you're from...i wonder what I'll do...maybe fuck around and scare kids."
Karl says.

"Well, I told you that I'd like you to come with us to my town...that hasn't changed."
I say, he tilts his head with a confused expression.

" still confused, Why do you want me to come with you?"
He asks.

"You're great, You're kind, and You're the reason im even going home...i want you to have a great life after we escape...and I'd also love to see you a lot after this."
I say, putting my hand on his shoulder.

" surprise me daily."
He whispers, smiling again.

"Well im Heisenberg number two, of course im a damn mystery!"
I joke, he chuckles and takes his sunglasses off, putting them over my eyes, i stare at him through them...he actually has really pretty eyes, brown, but almost completely covered by gold what i saw in the dark when i met him in the castle.

"There, now you really are Heisenberg number two."
Karl says.

I mumble, putting a hand on the part that goes beside my ears.

"Well...No problem...."
He says quietly, putting his hand over the one i have on the glasses.

Its silent for a few seconds, its just us sitting by the fire...its so peaceful, just him and i....its like we aren't even in the village.

"Oh, the-uh...the pot."
I mumble, letting go of the glasses, his hand falls as well as i turn back to the soup.

"Oh yeah, forgot about it.."
He says.

"I think its done, can you do your metal thing and get us a bowl?"
I ask, he shrugs and raises his hand.

A metal cap-like thing flings into his hand, its around the size of a bowl, but i think its something like a plane cap.

"We can use this."
Karl says, scooping it into the pot, he hands it to me once its filled with the smells amazing!

I praise.

the fire starts to lessen quickly, its getting cold...but the fire is what's keeping the soup from freezing in this temperature, we need it.

"Shit, do we have any more fire wood?"
Karl asks.

"Nope...i have a sweater in my backpack, you could use that for a kindle cloth if you want."
I say.

"Sure, its in the lab, right?"
Karl says.

I say, karl gets up and walks to the factory door, as he opens it, he turns back.

"And no-"

"No getting kidnapped, i know."
I say with a smile, he grins as well.

"Good Officer."
He says, closing the door behind him.

I trail my eyes to the 'bowl' in my'll probably taste great, but..i know somebody who'd probably love it too, someone other than Karl..

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