Territorial Boyfriend

By pretty_hwan

23.2K 1.1K 276

Watanabe Haruto, a twenty-two year old well-known Chief Executive Officer of the famous Hilteum Hotel in Seou... More



1K 56 44
By pretty_hwan


So Junghwan is about to sleep, but his phone made a beeping sound because of a text message. He picked up his phone from the desk and read the message, then he frowned.

Hi there beauty, still up?

What the hell? Maybe this person texted a wrong number, he just shrugged it off and closed his eyes yet another notification disturbed him again.

This is your monster who loves ice cream.

Oh so it's you, but where did yout get my number? Junghwan whispers with a frown.

Right, hello there Mr. Childish.




Arraseo, you are disturbing my sleep.

Are you tired, baby?

Tsk, yeah. What's the matter?

Oh nothing, Junghwanie.

Seriously? Who told you my name?

Your stubborn student :)

Unknown :
Sweetheart, you should sleep now, it's already 10 pm.

Don't let the bed bugs bite you,

Unknown :
'cause you can eat them, your mouth is big. Good night, baby ;)


You're annoying, don't text me anymore!

Sure, sweetheart.

Unknown number is calling...

He's crazy damn it. Then why did he answered the phone call? ksksksks

"Hello there, baby." the monster greeted, Junghwan rolled his eyes as he heard the man's deep voice. Why would I fall for that kind of voice.

"I'm tired, don't talk to me." Junghwan softly muttered as he hug his pillow.

"I know, I just want to tell you something." The man continues with his deep voice.

"Faster, what is it?"

"You're a fucking thief, you stole something from me."

"Wow, let me slee"

"My heart, you stole my heart!"

"Excuse me?"

"Just kidding. Good night, sweetheart." The stranger's voice sounded so sweet this time that brought shivers to Junghwan's body and blood rush to his soft cheeks.

"Yeah, good night, monster." Junghwan muttered with a soft chuckle and finally ended the call. He's really tired now and happily went to sleep.

"Sir, here's the monthly report for Janury to April and—oh." Haruto's secretary mutters, then she notice the smile of her boss.

"Put it in my table." The CEO commanded as he scroll on his phone with a handsome grin.

"You got a pretty kind of smile, Sir. It suits you well." The secretary compliments him, yet he did not even thanked her, he's too busy reading his convo with Junghwan earlier.

Monday, back to school again. Junghwan woke up from his heavy and dreamy sleep, he looked at his phone then his eyes widen,  it's already 8:37 am in the morning. He should be in school around 6:30 because his class will start at exactly 8:30 in the morning. He quickly took a shower and dressed himself, he will surely eat his breakfast later, after the class. He went outside his apartment and locks it then he ran until he reach the outside but he got surprised when he bumped to someone.

He looked at the person and he was frozen, it's the monster who loves ice cream.

"Hi baby, let me drive you to your school." The monster says as he showed his car at his back. Junghwan's eyes lit up, it is his first time to see a black shining lamborghini in his entire life.

Then he suddenly became curious, where did he get his address?

"Alright, let's go, I'm already late for my class. My students are waiting for me." Junghwan said and pulled the monster's wrist. The handsome man grinned and opened the car's door for him to get in.

"Why are you grinning, do I look funny?" Junghwan asks as he checked the notifications on his phone.

"No, I'm just happy to be with you." The flirty monster said with a handsome grin.

"Crap it, drive now." Junghwan commanded and fixed his eyes on the window, tiny blushes are starting to be visible on his cheeks.

"Put your seatbelt."The monster says while looking infront, he looks so damn sexy.

"I don't need it—" No buts, what the monster wants, the monster gets.

The handsome man moved and went closer to the Teacher, he pulled the seatbelt making their position closer to each other. Junghwan got surprised and stared at the hot figure in front of him doing his seatbelt while smirking, after doing it the monster winked at him and went back to his seat with a small smile. Junghwan deeply blushed and covered his face with his hands, the monster bite his lips trying to hide his smile yet he failed, the teacher beside him is freaking cute to his eyes.

He started to drive, as minutes passed Junghwan realized that it is not the direction of his school. He panicked and looked at the smirking man.

He will kill me for sure, oh jisoos help me. I still want to repent!  He said in his mind and secretly prayed.

"Sorry, but I already asked the principal in your school to cancel your class today." Junghwan frowned and came back to his senses.

"WHAT? HOW ABOUT MY STUDENTS?" he asks looking at him with a cute annoyed face.

"I asked my men to send them textbooks, school supplies and ice creams at their home for an exchange." The monster confesses, then made a surprising u-turn that made Junghwan startled and held the handle of the door.

Aaaaah he really wants to kill meee, yeah that's what thought. Uh maybe you slapped him too hard that he want to spank you now? ksksksks


"You heard it right, Sweetheart. I'm fucking starving. Don't worry, I will not eat you—unless you want me to. Okay, chill babe—We will just eat outside. So, calm down and just stare at my handsome face." The monster confidently says, winking at Junghwan. He's so shameless!

O TO THE M TO THE G, he will surely poison my food to kill me, aaaah heeeeelp. He thought again and prays for his life.

The man noticed him and gave a small chuckle. Junghwan noticed him and got even more scared!

"Why do he need to give me this purple yam flavored ice cream hmp, I said my favorite is strawberry!" Eunseo whines and licked the ice cream. She received those at exactly eight am in the morning. The little kid is now coloring the books that the monster gave as a gift.

"You know him?" Her mother asks as she look at Eunseo's drawings.

"Yes, he's a monster who loves ice cream. He cancelled our class today because he wants to eat my teacher!" Eunseo's words made her mother giggle.

"Maybe, he likes your teacher." Her mom exclaimed and wipes the ice cream on Eunseo's cheeks.

"Rowoon-ah, how's the ice cream?" his mother asks, he got the strawberry flavored one instead of his favorite chocolate one.

"Tastes good, mommy! I thought monsters are bad, but he's an exemption!" Rowoon exclaimed with a cute giggle.

Then he suddenly thought of Eunseo, he asked his mom to call his friend's mother.

"Hello?" Eunseo's mother immediately answered the phone call.

"Hi Auntieeee, where's Eunseo?" Rowoon greeted while eating his ice cream.

"Oh it's you, Rowoonie. Omo, wait she's here! Eunseo, come here. Rowoon wants to have a talk with you."

"Bye, Rowoon." Yes, Eunseo is still dramatic.

"Yah! I'm still on the line. I got strawberry flavored ice cream! How about you?"

After she heard it, she sobs again HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Sorry for making fun of you, cutie Eunseo)

"Why do he need to give me this purple yam flavored ice cream if there's strawberry ice cream aaah!!!" She began to cry again, ksksksks.

"We're here, wait." The monster said and went outside of the car. He removed his coat and loosen his tie, he also removed the three buttons of his shirt. Then he went to the right side and opened the car's door for Junghwan. The teacher rolled his eyes and went out.

"This is my favorite restaurant, they always cook the best seafoods here." The monster said and went closer, then he pulled Junghwan by his waist. The teacher flinched, he felt his cheeks hot when the monster held his waist. He can also smell his strong cologne that makes him even more handsome and attractive.

(Damn, Haruto why so pogi?)

They're already inside the restaurant, the handsome man picked the private room that he always using every time he have meals there.

He will surely kill me here. Junghwan dramatically thought and prays for his life AGAIN AND AGAIN.

Junghwan was about to seat on the opposite side of the table but the monster pulled him that made him fall, gladly the man catches him before he could hurtly fall.

"Sit beside me, babe." The sexy man commanded and pulled him until they reached the sofa with tables in front of it. Yes, Junghwan obeyed him and awkwardly sat beside the man.

"You will kill me right? I did not even slapped you hard! Wait, I will repent first! I don't want to go to hell aaah!" Junghwan whines and bows down, he dramatically prays for him to be accepted in heaven. The sexy monster chuckled and leaned to his ear.

"Do you want to reach and feel the heaven?" He asks nearly kissing the younger's ears, his hot breath made Junghwan shiver.

The teacher immediately pushed him and screamed. The monster only chuckled and pulled him again.

"Are you scared? Oh, you don't have to be." The man reassures making Junghwan even more scared. The man stared down on Junghwan's lips that is currently pouting, the younger immediately covered his lips with his hand.

"You're a rapist! I will call the police!" Junghwan screamed and quickly dialed a number on his phone. Gladly, someone answered it.

"Hello, this is Seoul Department, how may I help you?"

"Someone wanted to rape me here! Please, help me! He also wants kill me huhu" Yes, Junghwan was dramatic, but the dispatcher just laughed.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. So Junghwan. Your monster who loves ice cream told us not to believe you. Sir, he just want to eat breakfast with you, there's nothing to be scared. Have a nice date!" The dispatcher said and ended the call. Junghwan is now cutely annoyed and is about to stand up to walk out, but he was pulled by the handsome man making him fall on top of the monster.

"You can't escape from me, sweetcheeks." The man sweetly warned, then he pushed Junghwan to the sofa and changed their positions. Yes, he's now on top of the world.

"SERIOUSLY? YOU WILL RAPE ME? AAAAAH" Junghwan screamed and covered his face.

"The room is locked, it will open later 10 am." The handsome man said with a sexy chuckle, he leaned closer to tease him and Junghwan forcely closed his eyes, he don't want to look at him.

"How dare youuu!!!"

"It's only 8:49 am, we can still have two rounds here." When those words came out from the monster's lips, Junghwan screamed again as if he's crying.

"Or maybe three haha. Plus, the table is good, I want you to bend there." The monster added and now chuckling in front of Junghwan's salad.

"Go away, I'm hungry! I want to eat now!"Junghwan whines and showed his puppy eyes to him wanting to escape from his arms.

"Sure, sweetheart. Damn, I will eat breakfast with my dinner." The handsome man said again and Junghwan just glared at him and grabbed the fork and knife to kill him—I mean to eat.

Fast forward, they're already done eating. Junghwan is now smiling, the foods are very delicious. He even took photos before he ate those.

"Sweetheart, do you want to have dessert?" the younger's eyes lit up hearing the word dessert.

"Sure! I would lo—" Before the younger could finish his words, he noticed the monster removing his belt then he quickly understood the situation.

"PERVERT! NO! AAAAAH!" Junghwan yells again and covered his eyes before he could see the glory.

"Just kidding, where do you want to go next?" The monster asks and fixed his clothes.

"What? I don't want to be with you anymore!" Junghwan screams and pouted, he crossed his arms with an annoyed face. There's still 10 minutes before his freedom.

"Are you already breaking up with me, Sweetheart?" The monster asks with his sad dramatic tone but Junghwan just glared at him.

"Excuse me? There was never an us and it will never be! I don't even know you, especially your name. Tell me your name, I will add you to my death note." Junghwan says and looked at him with a cute mad face.

"Are you that curious, baby? So, you're interested. Soon, you'll know my name and my surname will also make your name longer." The man said with a chuckle that made the younger even more irritated.

Before the younger could slap, punch, kill and bury him under the sofa, the door finally opens. Junghwan sighed and stood up, he quickly walks but the man trailed at him holding his waist.

"Let me send you off, darling." The man says andthe younger just annoyingly nodded.

They're back in the car, having two moods. Junghwan, being annoyed and irritated while the monster is happily chuckling.

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