Blue Ice

By Queen_M_aepete

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SonPin story Original author: purpledandeli0n More

The End


608 50 16
By Queen_M_aepete

When Perth got up this morning he was feeling anything but happy. Of course considering his situation what else could he be feeling. Everything seemed to fall apart day by day. He didn't know how much more he could contain of this dreadful mess that surrounded him.

He hated this situation. Hated this house. Hated the way Saint treated him. But most of all he hated himself for how weak he was.

He got up from his bed and rubbed with a little force at his eyes. Lazy was how he was feeling, but he had to go out. He made his way in to the bathroom of his room and entered it. The first thing he did was splash some cold crisp water in his face. After grabbing a towel that was placed in the left side of the big white sink, he looked at his face in the mirror and the only emotion that he got was sadness and disappointment.

His face was plain. Nothing particular about it. He felt so stupid that he brought himself to believe that Saint  'liked' him those three months he 'courted' him and then married him. Of course it was pretend. Perth was that kind of person with that kind of luck.

Sure, he was brought up in a healthy family, but all his life had been boring. He himself was boring. The only thing his best friends Yacht and Plan loved about him was his sassiness, and of course Perth didn't find anything special about that. Perth had went only in two dates before he was married and those two dates never brought any special interest in him so he had dismissed those guys without trying to go further.

The only one that had caught his attention had been Saint. When he went to that first date with him - arranged by their parents- the moment he saw Saint oxygen left his lungs. Saint was beautiful.

Saint's deep voice, perfect died hair, perfect puckered pink lips,the way Saint looked at someone could hypnotize anybody, the way he moved his hands when explained things, everything about him.  All in all Saint had been perfect. But of course, since it was Perth we are talking about, Saint shattered all his dreams that first night into the married life and we all know how that went.

Stop it, Perth!

He interrupted those thought's immediately there. He was far deep as it was. Thinking more about it would make him go far deeper and that is the last thing Perth wants.

He brushed his teeth and then made his way into the shower. Weighing his options he decided to have a cool one. It would help him wake up. He washed his hair with his cinnamon and vanilla shampoo and then rinsed them. After, he foamed his body with his strawberry body shampoo. A little feminine choice, but he never was masculine to begin with.

After what seemed as the longest shower he has had in a long time, he grabbed a black towel placed near the shower cabin and dried his body and hair.

Perth went to his room and started looking at his clothes to decide what to wear. He decided to go with a pair of red jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a pair of white Vans. He cuffed his pants at his ankles and then decided to go and fix his hair.

He grabbed his phone and started to see if anyone had thought about him. A notification from his Instagram about three people adding him and a message from Yacht.

Yacht: what r u doin 2day?

As soon as he saw the message he decide to respond to his best friend.

Perth: going to my university. I have to hand in some documents for my diploma.

Yacht: ur hubby is goin 2 be with you?

Perth: no

Could everybody stop mentioning Saint? It was difficult to get him out of his mind as it was.

Yacht: do u want 2 come at one of my concerts? Bring Saint too.

'No I won't.' That's what Perth wanted to write, but of course he couldn't.

Perth: I'll think about it Yacht. Talk to you later. xx

Yacht: bye xxx

He checked the time after receiving the last message from Yacht. He had time to eat something before he went to Uni.

He got out of his room and started to walk through the big hallway to get to the stairs. He got to the first floor of his house and made his way to the kitchen.

"Hey, Orn. Good morning!" He greeted Orn the only person who worked for him in the house. She pretty much did everything.

Saint had not wanted to have a lot of employers there. 'The fewer the people that know about this fucking situation the better' he had said. Perth felt bad that Orn had to take care alone of such a big house, so that's why he helped her most of the time.

"Morning Perth. How are you feeling today?" She smiled at him and gave him a little kiss on his cheek. She was cooking something in the pan placed on the stove but Perth couldn't see what it was. Probably what Saint ate every single day.

"What are you cooking?" Perth fixed his hair looking at his reflection on the big window of the kitchen.

"The usual for the Sir."

"Better make it good. We don't want him anymore bitter than he already is." Perth said with a half of snort.

Orn shushed him and gave him a little laugh. That laugh died as she looked behind Perth and started maintaining a more serious posture. 'That could mean only one thing', Perth thought.


"Is my breakfast ready?" Saint asked Orn, completely ignoring Perth.

"Good morning. Yes, sir. It will be ready in five minutes. Please take a seat." Orn said. "What do you want Perth?"

"I'll have some cereal and a glass of orange juice. Don't worry I can manage it myself." Perth answered and started opening the cupboard that held the bowls. He poured some cereal in the pink bowl he chose and then added some milk. After that, he grabbed a glass and served himself some fresh orange juice.

Saint was standing there the whole time eyeing him suspiciously. 'What now?' Perth thought. He didn't speak to him though and sat in one of the chairs near Orn.

"You are not eating in the living room?" Saint's voice came to his attention, cold and uninviting.

"No." Perth simply answered not lifting his eyes from his bowl of cereal, then grabbed the spoon and started eating. He could feel Saint's stare to his back, but he didn't make any move.

"Why don't you want to eat with me darling? Orn might think we have problems." Saint's voice was filled with sarcasm. He started walking towards Perth with big but slow steps.

Perth didn't respond nor didn't move for the first seconds. Then he placed the spoon on his unfinished bowl, took a big sip of his orange juice and then said "Orn I am going to Uni. Don't know how long it will take me. Any plans?"

"I will have to make some grocery shopping so probably I won't be here either," Orn answered.

Saint had stopped in his tracks, fuming by the lack of response Perth was giving him. Sure he didn't give a damn about Perth, but being treated like he wasn't even there made him very angry.

Perth gave Orn a little kiss on her cheek and then walked past Saint. Once he made it outside of the house, Perth told Tine he would take a taxi so he could wait for Saint to go to work.

Fifteen minutes later he was walking through the big front door of his Uni. He would miss this place. Very much. Before he could hide from Saint by being here and study in its library but now he didn't even have a place to go and hide.

He climbed the stairs and went to the second floor where the 'Secretary' was placed. There was a big pile of students in front of the door. 'Just my luck' Perth mumbled to himself.

Half an hour passed and there were three people to go in before Perth. He was tapping the floor with his right foot and checking his phone once in a while since he didn't know what to do.

"Impatient?" An unknown voice asked him. He looked to his left where he felt the voice come from, and there was a tall guy smiling at him. He didn't remember knowing this person.

"Yeah. Been waiting here for some time. Sorry, do I know you?" Perth asked while hoping not coming off as impolite.

"No, we have never met. I saw you waiting. I am waiting too. I thought I could start a conversation since we have nothing better to do." The guy smiled. He had dark brown hair, the same color as his eyes and a sweet smile that he gave to Perth after each sentence he spoke.

"Good thinking. So... you study here?" Perth tried to initiate a dialogue.

"No finished Uni a couple of years ago. Thank you though for making me feel younger."

"No problem. Why are here though? If you don't mind me asking." Perth turned his body in his direction completely, to show the boy he had his attention.

"I am waiting for my father. He teaches here." The guy said stepping out from the wall he was leaning and started making a few steps in Perth's direction.

"Really? Who's your dad?"

"Professor Pongtiwat. He teaches Psychology."

"Really? Are you kidding me!? He is my favourite professor. The way he explained everything and talked to us as if we were friends and not actually student's, was what made me like him the most. He made lectures really interesting. So incredibly nice to all of us." Perth gave the guy a genuine smile.

"Maybe I can put a good word for you if you want?" The guy winked at Perth, and Perth shifted on his feet under his gaze.

"Eh that would have been awesome but I finished my studies. I am here just for my diploma today." Perth tried to look nonchalant.

"Such misfortune. Wish we could have met sooner... erm... I didn't catch your name," The guy looked confused.

"Oh. Perth. Perth Tanapon." Perth blushed when the guy shook his hand. "And your na-"


The  boy turned his head from where the voice came. He saw Plan walking towards him. With Mean.

Oh no.

"Hey Plan. Hello Mean." Perth gave Plan a hug than shook Mean's hand.

"What are you doing here?" Plan asked him smiling. Mean instead was eyeing him up and down with an unsatisfied look on his face.

"Oh. I was waiting for my turn. I have to hand in these documents" Perth showed Plan the documents in his hand " for my diploma. Then I met this guy-" Perth turned around but saw nobody there and a frown formed on his face. Where did that guy go? He didn't even got his name.

"Who?" Plan asked him with furrowed eyebrows.

"It was a guy. We were talking about university. I was just bored and engaged in conversation. Anyways... what are you doing here?"

"Same as you. Mean decided to come with me so we could eat something later. Right babe?" Plan smiled at Mean with big bambi eyes and Perth felt so happy that at least his best friend had found someone who appreciated him.

"Right." Mean pecked Plan's lips and smiled.

"Hey, do you want to come with us? Please." Plan asked Perth, making a pleading gesture with his hands because he anticipated his friend would say no.

"No no. You two go together. Bet you want to enjoy each other in your own privacy." Perth said putting his left hand on his right arm.

"We got to do that all the time. Come on man. I want you to know my boyfriend. Right, Mean?" Plan narrowed his eyes at Mean and the later started shifting in his feet.

"Right," Mean answered when Plan gave him a little push on his back.

"Okay." Was all Perth said. He could feel that Mean didn't want Perth to go with them but the little pout Plan gave him after he had said no, made him change his mind about going. Could anybody say no to Plan's face? He already knew the answer.

After they finished handing the papers, all three of them decided to go at the little cafe that was near their Uni.

They entered the cafe and went to the booth Perth, Plan and Yacht always sat. Perth wished so much that Yacht was with them right now. He would definitely make the situation less awkward with his stupid jokes and his never-ending hunger.

Perth sat on one side while the lovebirds sat in front of him. He didn't miss the suspicious eyeing Mean gave him.

Mean was Saint's best friend. He knew Saint was married to Perth. Heck! He even was at the wedding, so the jealousy or fear that Perth could take Plan away from him was out of the question. Perth didn't recall ever being impolite to Mean. He had barely met the guy. Why was he acting like this towards Perth?

"Hey, Perth! You zoned out for a minute there bud. What are you going to have?" Plan brought him back by snapping his fingers in front of him.

A waitress was standing by their table with a note pad in her hands waiting for their order.

"Oh sorry. Um.. a caramel latte please." Perth said feeling a little bad for zoning out.

"Nothing to eat?" Plan asked raising his brow.

"No no. I ate at home. Don't feel bad, you go on and eat something. I don't mind really." Perth smiled at him hoping it was convincing.

Mean and Plan gave their orders. Plan rested his head on Mean's shoulder. They really looked happy. In love even.

All his life that was what Perth had wanted. The way Mean smiled when Plan gave him a little hug and the way Plan leaned his head at Mean's touch. The look on their eyes when they looked at each other. Dreamy.

He had wanted those simple things. With Saint. But he would never have that.

Without wanting to interrupt them from their own world Perth decided to talk, or it would get even more awkward. "So Mean... what do you do?"

Mean moved his eyes from Plan, eyed Perth again, and Perth started feeling like he was being judged. "I am a lawyer actually. Saint's lawyer. Of course, not only Saint's but you get the idea. But Saint will always be my first priority no matter what." His words were hinting something. But what?

"Saint will be your priority huh?" Plan asked him after swallowing a piece of his pancakes and then pouted a little.

"I was speaking in a friendly way, baby. You know no one's more important than you." Mean kissed Plan's shoulder.

"It better be." Plan sing-songed turning at his plate."Perth, what do you think you are going to do now that you finished Uni?"

"I don't know. I think I will work at the firm. After all I am business major aren't I? But enough about work. I spoke to the Leprechaun today. He invited me at one of his concert at that pub."

"Only you? What about Saint?" Plan asked.

"Oh. Him too." Perth quickly added.

"Maybe Perth has to go alone," Mean said with an ironic smile.

That look again. What was with that-...Oh, God!

Mean knew.


"What's that suppose to mean?" Plan furrowed his brows and turned his head a little to look at his boyfriend.

Mean looked at Perth and then replied "I was talking about how much Saint has to work you know, with being the CEO of the firm."

"Well, he has to make some time for his love if he wants to keep his husband happy," Plan replied nudging his best friend at his fore arm.

Mean rolled his eyes knowing that Plan couldn't see him but Perth could. The air felt thick and Perth couldn't stay there any longer.

With a quick excuse about having to be at home, he left the cafe.

Except he didn't want to go home, but where could he go? His family didn't even live in Bangkok. His friends didn't know anything about his situation. The only thing he could do was have a walk in the park.

So he did. After twenty minutes he arrived there. He started walking looking at everything that surrounded him.

He wanted to scream though. He felt trapped. Being treated like an animal by your husband was one thing. Knowing that someone else knows about this, and this person isn't even your friend was worse. Nobody could help him.

Of course, Mean wouldn't understand Perth. He was Saint's best friend. He would take Saint's side.

So, after all Saint hadn't kept his promise about nobody knowing their situation. The bastard. How much did he hate Perth? What had Perth done to him? The only thing that the small boy wished was that his best friend didn't get the same treatment from Mean. He knew Plan wasn't though, because Plan was stronger than Perth was. He wouldn't let anyone treat him like the lad treated Perth.

Since the boy was in public, he couldn't cry nor scream. Then after walking back to get out of that park, he decided to go home.

Walking home never felt so exhausting. He took out his keys and opened the front gate. A red Porsche was parked in front of the house. Perth didn't recognise the car.

He opened the front door. After placing the keys in the little bowl that was in a small table near the door, he made his way for the living room. No one was there.

He went to the kitchen and called for Orn. She wasn't there either.

He started climbing the stairs to the second floor when he heard a laugh.

A women's laugh.

She was walking out of Saint's room. Saint's hands were on her waist while she was trying to bat them away. So Saint knew how to love and care for somebody?

He knew Saint had lovers. Lots of them. But being faced with one of them was like getting hit in the face with a ginormous brick.

The women had dark brown hair. She was tall with a perfect fit body and was wearing a red dress, even though the dress wasn't completely zipped.

Saint raised his eyes and looked at him straight in the eye as he kissed her neck. She laughed again.

Perth had been stuck in the middle of the stairs from the horrific situation that was his life and he wanted to crumble right there where he was.

The women turned around and saw Perth. Beautiful body and a beautiful face. Of course.

A mischievous smile crept across her face.

"Bye love. See you later." She turned around and blew Saint a kiss while Saint winked at her and stayed there leaning with his arms crossed at his bedroom door.

She started climbing down the stairs, her heels clinking to the floor. Each clinking of her heel felt like a stab to Perth's heart. She shoved the small boy out of her way and waved her hair out of her face with her hand, some hair brushing through Perth's face.

Perth had enough. He climbed the rest of the stairs that had remained and made his way to his bedroom.

"Had fun at Uni?" Saint's voice stopped him in his steps. He was shirtless only a pair of sweats hugging his lower body.

Perth turned around. Saint looked at him with an amused face. The younger of the two started to walk towards the other. "You are an animal. A filthy animal!" Perth emphasized with each step, pointing at Saint with his index finger.

The amused face vanished from Saint's face and an angered one crept through."Who do you think you are talking to?"

"You, Saint Suppapong. I have never met an eviler human being. I am so sick of you!" Perth stepped right in front of him trying to not be intimidated from the height difference.

"Oh, so kitty has paws. Where have they been hiding huh? Don't forget your fucking place, Perth. No one disrespects me!"

"I have tried my best to make this situation better. Since you don't want me, I tried to be friends with you. I never replied to any of your insulting. But now I am done! I am so sick and tired of your games. You know what?! Fuck you Saint! Fuck you, you fucking fucker! God, it feels so good to finally say it!" Perth shouted at his face and for a moment Saint seemed to be taken back.

He looked at Perth with incredulous eyes. Saint had not expected this. At all.

"Didn't your parents taught you manners 'perfect Perth'? It's bad to curse. Good boys don't do that." Saint got closer to the little boy.

"If you want to insult me, okay! Do it! I don't give a damn anymore. But leave my parents out of this. Because then I will not hesitate to harm you." Perth walked even closer, their faces merely inches from each other.

"What will you do exactly?" Saint raised his brow a smug smile appearing on his lips, his arms crossed over his chest.

Perth didn't know how it happened, but his palm was stinging from the slap. He looked at his hand and then at Saint's face. The taller boy was cupping his left cheek, anger building inside of him, his face red not only from the slap. Saint caught both of Perth's arms, causing to make the latter fall to the floor with Saint on top of him.

"Don't ever. Do. That. Again!" Saint snarled at his face. Perth didn't talk, while the other boy kept looking him from eye to eye, each hand keeping Perth's wrists in the sides of his head.

Saint's weight felt heavy on top of him, but having him this close felt heavier. He could see every detail of the boy's face. Saint's chest felt warm against his own. Saint's breath felt like a little breeze against his own lips and his heart started beating faster. He wasn't used of having Saint this close.

But... being this close to Saint he could smell the perfume of a woman in him. Her perfume. So when Saint started to lean in, he shoved him back, gathering every force in him, making the boy stumble back.

Perth rushed to his room and crashed into his bed. The only thing he heard for hours to come, was the muffled noise of his own crying. Again.


Wait because you will hate Saint more and more🤷🤦

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