such a beauty and a mess

Por vaporwavebright

116K 7.1K 853

Complete. AU - A prostitute is the last thing Bright Vachirawait expected to encounter that night. But Win M... Más

Let Lose
Bubble Bath
Subject Change
Standing Ovation
Forbidden Fruit
Dressing Up
That Night
We're High
The Deal
Journey over Destination
Letting Go
Worth It

Take it

3.6K 221 65
Por vaporwavebright

"Steamy, hm? Nice choice of words, considering he just fucked me in the shower," Win remarked, still able to feel the shower door shaking beneath his feet as that engorged dick dug deep inside him. Shit, now Win was wishing Bright hadn't have kicked him out of the shower.

"Ah, so he hasn't thrown you out yet? Surprising. Gotten paid yet?"

Win resented that statement.

"The deal is to pay me at the end of the week."

"And you trust this guy?"

"Hey, it's because of this guy you have your apartment back."

"Tell me why he's having you spend the entire weekend with him again?"

"'cause I'm too damn sexy to let go," Win replied with a grin, hearing the bathroom door open. He glanced across the room, his grin growing wider when he saw Bright in nothing but a towel around his waist. He heard Green sigh on the other line.

"You wish. How about the real reason?" Green asked, but Win was only half paying attention while he watched Bright's eyes travel down his body. Win leaned back, stretching his body out, and wiggled his eyebrows. Bright blushed and went about his business to find clothes.

Win laughed.

"This guy is something else," Win sighed.

"... sounds like you're pretty happy with staying there for a week," Green said suspiciously. Win snapped his eyes away from Bright.

"Well who wouldn't be? Silk sheets, Green. Silk!"

"Uh huh. Well. As much as I love to hear you brag, I'm going to go."

"Give Dim a kiss for me."

"Go to hell."

Win hung up the phone just as Bright was making his way over, now decked in a pair of gray sweatpants.

".. who's Green?" Bright asked, sitting on the bed. He was trying his best to keep his eyes on Win's face. Why didn't this guy know about decency?

"My roommate," Win explained, shifting until his head was resting on Bright's knee. He looked up at the upside-down man with an expectant expression, "So why did I have to stay up?"

Bright raised a hand in the air, and Win noticed he had his cell phone.

"If I call in and say I'm going to be a little late tomorrow, would you want to try shopping again? This time I'll make sure you don't get kicked out."

Win blinked in surprise.

"... won't you get in trouble?" Win asked, frowning. Something didn't seem right about this. Mr. Work-a-holic wanted to skip work? For him?

"... probably. That's why I'll call Mike right now and tell him to inform everyone. They're making me go to dinner to settle a contract tomorrow night anyway. I'll just make up the hours," Bright assured, though he knew it didn't work like that. Frankly, he didn't care. If he could avoid his father and have more time to think about this business decision with Drake, he was all for it.

And, he reasoned, spending time with Win wasn't a bad thing.

Win didn't like hearing that Bright would be home even later due to this little dinner date. Well, if the man was willing to miss work to ease some of Win's boredom, who was he to object?

"... how much money are you giving me?" Win asked slyly. Bright rolled his eyes and flipped open his cellphone.

"You'll have a credit card at your disposal, princess," Bright remarked, punching in Mike's number. Win didn't even mind being called princess when he thought of all he could buy. And the hand that gently brushed against his hair felt nice.

It was an unconscious effort, really, but Bright's fingers twirled within the brown strands as the phone rang.

".. hello?" Mike answered tiredly.

"Hey. I need you to tell everyone I'm going to be a little late tomorrow."

"... Bright, please tell me you aren't backing out-"

"No, I'm not backing out of the deal. I'll go to the dinner. I'm just going to be late for work."

"Your dad was going to talk with you tomorrow."

"... I'll still have time to speak with him."

"..." Mike let out a long sigh, "I feel like there is something you aren't telling me. You've been weird lately."

Bright glanced down at Win and smiled.

".. it's something alright."


"Think this is good enough for them?" Win asked snidely, following Bright down streets filled with stores. With gum smacking between his lips, he glanced down at his clothing with a frown. He was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans, things he had bought with Jeanie the other day. He figured he should have at least one thing somewhat-normal instead of dressy, though Win did not understand why the t-shirt was so expensive when he was sure he could get one that looked just like it for around eight-hundred-fifty baht . Stupid brand names.

"They're going to serve you no matter what you look like," Bright answered firmly, stopping in front of a store and turning around. Win stopped in front of him, glaring at the large glass windows dubiously, "However, you only get respect when respect is deserved. Straighten up and spit out that gum."

Win's glare shifted to Bright at the order, but he found himself righting himself anyway. With a swift turn of the head, the gum launched from his lips, right into a trashcan they were passing by.

"I cannot believe you just did that," Bright commented, making Win grin. With that, Bright leaned down and grabbed Win's hand within his own, pulling him into the store.

Win looked down at their hands in surprise. What was he, a child?

... he didn't really mind, though.

"Excuse me!" Bright made his presence known. Immediately, a sales woman came to the rescue, and Bright dropped Win's hand.

"Yes sir, how may I help you?" She asked kindly, cupping her hands together in front of her body.

"I would like to see the store manager. Is he available today?" Bright asked politely. Behind the man's back, Win scrunched up his face and mouthed the neat words in mocking, followed by a light gag. It apparently wasn't light enough, for the sales woman curiously leaned to one side to try and see Win clearly.

"Um, sir, are you alright?"

"Haha, peachy," Win grinned, ignoring Bright's questioning look. The sales woman nodded, unsure, before looking back up at Bright.

"I believe he's in, if you'll just wait one moment," she spoke, bowing lightly before scurrying off to the back of the store.

"What do you need the manager for?" Win inquired, glancing over wracks of business suits.

"It's easier to get exactly what you need if you ask the man in charge," Bright answered, grabbing a shirt and holding it up to Win's body, "... red looks good on you."

"... anything looks good on me, Brightly," Win retorted, making Bright chuckle and put the shirt back on the wrack.

"Wear that dress Jeanie gave you and then tell me that."

"I just might!" Win exclaimed, smiling as he continued browsing. His face suddenly took on the expression of surprise, "Hey, you let me call you Brightly just then!"

Bright balked, not even aware himself that he'd let that slip. However, he was saved by the store manager's arrival.

"Good morning, sirs. I'm Asawa, the store manager," he greeted with a light accent.

"Well, Asawa, my name is Bright Vachirawit," Bright started, and Win couldn't help but notice the store manager's eyes light up in recognition, "and we're going to need a few people to help us out today. This man plans on spending an obscene amount of money in here, and I plan on letting him do it, so I would love to see some sucking up happening within the next minute."

Win stared at Bright with wide eyes, while the manager looked positively elated.

"O- of course, sir. We will help him in whatever way we can. Ladies! Gentlemen!" The store manager yelled, clapping his hands to get attention.

"An obscene amount of money? Just for clothes for a week?" Win whispered to Bright.

"Get whatever you want. They're at your beck and call," Bright responded with a grin.

"... you do know I'm going to take that statement to heart, right? Whatever I want?"

"Whatever you want."

"... why?"

Bright was taken aback by the searching gaze. He had to think for a bit, before leaning in closer to Win's face.

"I'm just offering you a day where you can do whatever the hell you want. No expectations, no judgments, no questions. So just take it," Bright replied earnestly, repeating, word-for-word, the phrase Win had first spoken to him on the night they met.

Win was stunned, staring into the mocha pools in front of him before Bright pushed him toward the sales clerks who came rushing over with choices of clothing in their hands.

Many, many outfits and a frazzled Win later, Bright's pocket started vibrating. With a quick word of leave, Bright walked away from the dressing frenzy and took out his cell phone.

"Bright, you have to come to work right now. We have two clients here that have been waiting to meet with you all morning and your father is in a horrible mood again!" Mike fretted over the phone. Bright sighed, holding up his wristwatch. Ten thirty.

"Fine, I'll be able to get in there before lunch. Any word from Drake?"

"His secretary called this morning to assure the meeting was still under way. It seems his wife will be accompanying him as well."

Bright scoffed. He had kind of wished Drake would cancel it.

"On my way," Bright replied, snapping the phone shut.

"Bright! How does this look?" Win exclaimed, holding his arms out wide.

Bright blinked. Why the hell Win was dressed like a magician, top hat and all, Bright would never know.

"Are you planning to pull a rabbit out of there?" Bright asked humorously, watching Win turn toward the mirror and grab at the edge of the hat.

"Nah, all that magic stuff is fake. But it's kinda fun to see how I look in all these outfits," Win said, turning back to him with a smile, "I'm going to be a pilot next. Better watch a man in uniform."

Win winked when he said this, and Bright's lips curled upward, before he swiped his hand down on the edge of Win's top hat, making it tilt forward and cover his eyes.

"Hey!" Win whined, pulling the hat off his head. He was surprised to see that Bright was no longer in front of him, and watched as the brunette snatched his suit jacket from the armchair. Dropping the top hat, Win scurried after him, "You're leaving?"

"Yeah, I have to go," Bright responded, looking up at the sales clerks, "He has my credit card."

"And we'll help him use it, sir!" The store manager piped in happily.

"Ah... Bright!" Win said, walking after him. Bright stopped at the door, turning around with a raised eyebrow. Win hesitated for a moment, frowning, "Uh... just.. thanks for this."

Bright waved his hand in the air like it was no big deal.

"This is my thanks to you, no need for that. I don't know exactly when I'll be back tonight."

"Right, the dinner..."

Bright stared at Win, who cast his eyes elsewhere.

"... have you ever been to an upscale restaurant?" Bright asked slowly. Win's ears perked in interest.

"Yeah. Once or twice. Years ago."

"Well, you would have to listen to a bunch of boring business talk, but if you want to come-"

"Yes!" Win exclaimed, immediately looking embarrassed for the quick reply. He tried to cover it up with a shrug, "... you know, I guess, since it'll be boring in the room."

Bright chuckled.

"Then I'll call you. Don't stay here too long. I wouldn't want you to buy out the entire store."

"Don't give me ideas," Win warned as Bright turned around and walked out. Win watched until his back was out of sight.

"Metawin? Which one did you want?"

Win turned around to see one of the sales clerks holding up two of the same shirt; one blue, one red.

"... red," Win answered, walking back toward them with a grin, "and while we're at it, let's order a pizza!"


Bright stretched, rolling out the kinks in his neck. Lunch time had come rather quickly, and now he craved a cup of warm, sugary coffee to take care of some of the underlining stress. Stress involving both his clients and the fact he had left his credit card with Win.

... the man wouldn't really buy the whole store, would he?

Bright stood, intent on going to get that cup of mocha, when his office door opened.


"... father."

"Were you heading out?" Mr. Vachirawit asked, shutting the door behind him and taking a seat. Bright sat back down in his own.

"Just to get a cup of coffee, but that can wait," Bright responded, leaning his elbows on the desk.

"I'm sure you've heard Drake's wife is accompanying him tonight?"

"Yes, Mike told me this morning."

"I believe it would be proper to do the same. Bring a date along, I mean," Mr. Vachirawit said, eying Bright closely. Bright's eyes narrowed.

"It's a business transaction, not a friendly social."

"Weeraya would undoubtedly be pleased to be invited as your escort," Mr. Vachirawit pushed. Bright sat back in his chair.

Weeraya Nevvy had been the most potential bachlorette for him since he had become a co-owner in his father's company. Bright had no problem with her. He'd met her on numerous occasions and thought she was a good conversationalist. But it didn't go beyond that.

"I don't want to bother Weeraya over a trivial matter. Besides," Bright replied, tapping his fingers on the armrest of his chair, "I am already bringing company with me tonight."

He watched his father's jaw tighten.

"You can't possibly mean that-"

"My lover? Yes. I won't out him, so no need to worry," Bright responded, continuing his lie.

"I don't even want to hear that word from your lips!" Mr. Vachirawit raised his voice, leaning forward angrily, "Your mother wants to see you settle down, and I need heirs for this company! You have absolutely no future with this man!"

"You may have some say in what I do in this company, but my private life is my own," Bright said through clenched teeth, "And I am certainly not going to settle for anyone just because you want to keep your precious little company in the family."

"It's your company too! And it's about time you started acting like it, taking responsibility for it! Again, you're letting your emotions for this man get in the way of reality!"

'Maybe because reality is a bitch,' Bright thought gloomily.

"If you want me to settle this deal with Drake, Win is accompanying me," Bright challenged.

"You're playing with fire here, son."

"I'm fine with that."

The two stared each other down, until there was a knock at the door. Almost immediately after, Mike poked his head in with an apologetic look and two cups of steaming coffee in his hands.

"There are some technicians looking for you, Vachirawit," Mike announced. Mr. Vachirawit looked at his wristwatch and frowned at the time.

"Don't mess up this deal," Mr. Vachirawit said to Bright, standing up and making his leave. The door shut behind him.

Mike walked up to Bright cautiously, holding out one of the cups.

"Six packs of sugar, just how you like it," Mike said as Bright gladly took the cup from his hands.

"Thanks," Bright sighed, taking a cautious sip of the hot liquid. Mike shifted his weight from one foot to the other, glancing around the room, before opening his mouth.

"... who's Win?"

Bright paused, lips still on the cup, before turning accusing eyes up at Mike..

"... eavesdropping is rude, you know," Bright said dryly, making Mike look sheepish as he took the seat Bright's father had previously been occupying.

"Well sometimes it's necessary when you want to find out what is wrong with a friend. I've known something was up lately."

"How much did you hear?"

"Got to the door just on time to hear from your father that you have... emotions for a man?" Mike asked, his eyebrow raising. Bright groaned, leaning his head back, "Is it really true? I never really took you as gay-"

"Does it bother you?"

"... well, no, not really. But... who's this Win person?"

Bright took a deep breath and another sip of his coffee before answering.

"A prostitute."

Mike blinked, and then chuckled.

"Very funny."

"I'm serious."

The smile on Mike's face vanished.

Then, Bright quietly explained the situation.

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