Can i love you ?

By dcfanfic21

50K 2.8K 1.2K

I have always dreamed of experiencing a passionate and intense love, the kind of love that only happens in mo... More

37( Please I don't need more surprises)
38( Happy Birthday)
39 ( it's been 4 years)
40 ( are you jealous M)


959 63 24
By dcfanfic21

"Baby, wake up," Minji said gently, touching my back.

I turned to her, making it clear that I wasn't actually asleep, and looked at her with apparent exhaustion. She responded, saying, "Seems like someone didn't get any rest. I'll get you some coffee." Her smile warmed me and gave me more strength than any cup of coffee ever could. Although, the combined effect of coffee and her smile was undeniably better.

I caught the gaze of the woman sitting next to us, realizing that Minji and Woodz had gone somewhere. I felt a certain awkwardness being alone with a stranger and unfamiliar woman, but I tried my best not to show it.

"I'll go and freshen up," I said, intending to escape the woman's gaze, but she stopped me, saying, "There's a long line."

Just then, Minji returned with two cups of coffee. She looked at me, slightly surprised, and said, "No, there's a huge queue, and I doubt you're eager to stand in line with Woodz. You better keep me company with a cup of coffee."

I put down the toothbrush and towel that I had already taken out of my bag and sat down near the window, unsure of how to act in Minji's presence with a stranger nearby. She sat next to me, placing a cup beside me, understanding my confusion. Without saying a word, she gently squeezed my thigh under the table, bringing my nervous gaze back to her.

"The coffee will get cold," she said with a grin, bringing me back to reality.

"Thank you," I said, taking a sip of the scalding and invigorating drink.

"Good morning, Yoohyeon," Woodz said, returning to us.

"Hi," I replied as coldly as possible.

"I wanted to apologize. Let bygones be bygones. Besides, just so you know, I have a girlfriend," he mumbled.

I simply looked at him, making it clear that his statement was the least of my concerns, but nodded in response.

"Guys are funny. You have a girlfriend, yet you still want another girl," Minji remarked, smiling.

"That's not for you to judge, Miss Minji," Woodz snapped, looking at the teacher.

Minji decided to ignore his remark and found something to do on her phone. I noticed that she was actively engaged in a conversation with someone, and I must admit, it annoyed me. We were about to arrive in Seoul, the city where we had planned to be together, but all our plans had been disrupted by Woodz's appearance. And now, just when this obstacle seemed insignificant and we were moments away from being ourselves, she became engrossed in something or rather someone else. Jealousy? Resentment? Childish? Call it what you will, but it bothered me.

Without saying anything, I headed to the toilet to compose myself. Minji looked at me, her gaze scanning me attentively, seemingly aware that I was upset but unable to do anything. She said, "Kim Yoohyeon, we're close to Seoul soon, so hurry up."

I left without answering, just nodding slightly. Hurry up. Sure. I had no intentions of deliberately lingering on the train. But I returned just as we started to slow down at the station. By then, the woman next to us was already dressed and ready to go, like many others in the carriage. However, the others in our compartment remained seated, not in a rush to prepare for disembarkation.

"Yoohyeon, you're definitely not in need of a ride?" Woodz asked, preparing to button his jacket.

"No," I said, deftly handling the zipper of my bag.

"And what about you, Miss Minji?" the guy inquired seriously.

"Thank you, but someone will be picking me up," she responded, unintentionally catching my attention, which I tried to conceal.

As I prepared to exit, I looked at Minji, who showed no emotions. Woodz lingered, not moving away from us, while the woman next to us hurried to disappear at the first opportunity. It seemed she was already tired of our "show." Minji always understands me, knows my thoughts. This morning was no exception. She understood everything, accepted it, but, as it seemed to me, she was unable to change anything. After all, I don't take the easy path; I choose the challenging ones. She is my challenging path, but in this case, the only path that leads to happiness.

"So, Kim Yoohyeon, come with me. I'll take you where you need to go," she said confidently, clarifying, "You look exhausted."

"Actually, she declined. I was the first one to offer," Woodz interjected.

"Woodz, I'm her teacher, and she has no right to decline me. Besides, this isn't up for discussion," the woman replied, heading towards the exit as the carriage gradually emptied.

"My offer still stands," Woodz said, looking at me intently.

"I'm sorry, but I can't decline my teacher," I replied, heading towards the exit, mustering a smile.

"You could have just told the truth that you didn't want to go with me," he muttered.

"Fine, I simply don't want to go with you. Is that what you prefer?"

Woodz didn't respond and proceeded towards the exit, where Minji had left a couple of minutes ago. Only I remained in the carriage, realizing just how tired I was from this journey. Taking my bag, I made my way to the exit.

On the platform, Minji was standing next to a well-dressed man who appeared older than her. She looked at him, smiling, causing a pang in my heart. Woodz followed my gaze and said:

"So, who's the lucky guy?" asked he."Husband? Lover?"

The man, without hesitation, took the bag from Minji and looked at her intently. However, after her words, he turned his gaze towards me. I couldn't hear their conversation, but Woodz's question lingered in my mind, leaving me at a dead end. Who is he?

"Alright, Woodz, take care," Minji said, hinting at his departure. Woodz didn't argue, realizing that his words held no significance for me or, even more so, for this confident and stunning woman.

"Minji, when you said you didn't come alone, I imagined an older companion with you, or at least a guy," the man confessed, examining me closely.

"Not very politely," she replied, addressing the man. Then she turned to me and said, "Yooh, this is Suho. And he's the one who will give us a lift."

Minji noticed my surprise and distress. It was no secret to her that the reason was not solely Woodz, but something else entirely. Now, the main issue stood right in front of me, and I had no idea how to react.

"Yes, I'm sorry, young lady. I'm Suho," the man introduced himself, taking the bag from my hands.

"Um, Yoohyeon," I said uncertainly.

"What a brave student you have," Suho smiled. "Alright, let's get to the car. It's getting cold here."

Minji, noticing my state of surprise and unease, approached me, buttoned up my jacket, and took my hand. Her gentle voice made me calm down and believe, but my heart was still racing.

"Tell me it's not true," I pleaded, my fear evident in my gaze.

"Yooh, this is my brother. I thought you would recognize him," Minji said, squeezing my hand tighter.

"But...," a flood of thoughts rushed through my mind—our outing with the girls, the café, Minji with a man. Exactly! It was him. This was the man who made me jealous for the second time. I needed to trust her.

"I'm sorry," I said, squeezing her hand in response. "It's just that this trip has thrown me off balance, and then there's this handsome man beside you. I forgot that you have a brother."

"Let's talk about it at home, okay? Besides, I sense that someone is feeling cold," Minji suggested, leading the way towards the car.

"How did you introduce me?" I asked as we headed to the car.

"I said that I came with someone close to me," Minji answered honestly, causing me to feel embarrassed.

It was nice that she had told her brother the truth as much as possible. But what was I doing? I was getting jealous without reason and not taking any action. I hadn't talked directly with my parents, and I had been postponing the conversation with my mother, even though I knew it was inevitable. I was behaving like a child. Or maybe it was because I still am a child? No. I wanted to be an adult for her. I wanted to be the same support for her that she was for me. I wanted to, and I would.

We didn't say anything during the car ride. We were both exhausted from the long journey, tired of Woodz, and weary from the masquerade we had to play. Suho stood near the car, smoking and looking in our direction. Only now did I feel a sense of calmness. As we approached, Minji said:

"Shall we stop by the store? You know, I rarely have the chance to visit my apartment," she said, opening the car door.

Suho simply nodded, continuing to smoke and occasionally glancing at me. It made me feel self-conscious, so I averted my gaze, which couldn't escape the attention of both of them.

"Minji, when did you develop an interest in shy students?" the guy asked mockingly as he got into the driver's seat. I struggled to understand his attitude towards me, towards us. It was difficult to grasp his hints—did he realize how close we were?

"Suho, does it bother you that my partner is my student? Or perhaps her shy personality specifically?" Minji asked, sitting down in the back seat next to me. I didn't want to be left alone in the front seat; I didn't want her to be separated from me. She understood me without words.

"You surprised me a little, but no, it doesn't bother me. Quite a nice student, by the way," he remarked, looking at us through the rear-view mirror as he started the car.

"You're embarrassing the girl, brother, and I must admit, it's starting to bother me," Minji responded with a smirk, while holding my hand.

"That's what amuses me," he admitted, pulling out of the parking lot.

"How are you?" she asked me, paying no attention to Suho, even though his focus was on the road.

"I feel better when we're together," I replied.

"To be honest, you don't look very well," Minji admitted.

"It's been a tiring road, annoying companions, and an unexpected acquaintance," I began to list.

"Are you angry with my brother?" Minji asked, carefully studying my expression, trying to read my thoughts.

"No, although you never mentioned him," I confessed.

"I don't particularly enjoy talking about my loved ones. Besides, I didn't expect him to be in Seoul. He often goes on business trips," my woman explained.

"I'm glad you didn't keep our relationship hidden from him," I said, squeezing her fingers wearily.

"He's one of the few people I trust. If not for him, then no one else. Don't be afraid of him; I won't save you from his jokes and remarks. But I think you can handle it. Just relax," she finished, embracing me tightly.

We drove for about thirty minutes, during which I fell asleep. My sleep was interrupted by their quiet conversations, the content of which didn't reach me clearly.

"Minji, sit in the car. I'll go to the store. Tell me what to buy," said a male voice.

"I'll go. You stay with her," Minji replied.

"What did you do there?" Suho asked quietly, smiling.

"Let's just say it wasn't the most successful company. Just don't bother her," she said, gently shifting me to the seat.

As Minji disappeared behind the car door, Suho turned to me and spoke up.

"Still sleeping?" he asked, noting my groggy state.

"Not really," I replied, my voice hoarse from sleep.

"Are you her student?" he asked directly, causing me to involuntarily tense up. Despite what Minji had told me about him, he was still a stranger to me.

"Yes, do you condemn it?" I asked, trying to muster some courage.

"To be honest, I don't know. I hadn't thought about it before. As a man, it stings a little to see such a cute girl end up with such a gorgeous woman, but on the other hand, if you've chosen this difficult path, then you must be seriously hooked. I love her as a sister, as a person. And the fact that you're a student doesn't bother me much. Minji is usually too serious when it comes to her work; she wouldn't do something she doesn't believe in," he reasoned, more for himself than in response to my question. But his words held weight, resonating with my own understanding and vision.

"Don't break her heart," he concluded, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"I love her," I blurted out, not entirely sure why I felt the need to share that with him, but it felt necessary for my own peace of mind.

"I hope you know how to love at such a young age," he chuckled.

"You can't be too young for love," I muttered.

He simply smiled. The music played softly in the car, a jazzy tune. Suho rolled down the window, intending to light a cigarette, but then stopped himself. Yes, Minji didn't like cigarettes, I remembered, and it seemed he remembered too. I couldn't help but smile, and I asked:

"Will Minji be mad?"

"Do you smoke?" he asked in surprise.

"No, but I've absorbed her attitude towards tobacco," I answered, understanding the reason for his question.

"Yes, she doesn't like cigarettes. After the incident with our father, who almost burned the car smoking as usual, she developed a strong aversion to it," he admitted, his words coming out in fragments.

"She didn't tell me," I said honestly.

"She doesn't like to share such things. She wants to appear stronger," he replied calmly, catching my eyes in the mirror.

At that moment, the door of the Audi opened, causing me to flinch. Minji returned, placing a bag of groceries on the seat and taking her original place. She asked cheerfully and confidently:

"What are you discussing?"

"I was explaining why you're so negatively disposed towards smoking," Suho said calmly.

"Suho, my attitude towards smoking isn't connected to that incident," Minji replied sternly, cutting him off.

"As I said, she wants to seem stronger," he concluded, disregarding his sister's protest.

"Someone's going to get it now. And Kim Yoohyeon, if I ever see a cigarette in your hands again..." Minji warned, her tone firm.

"It wasn't even on my mind," I said, grinning at her reaction.

"Someone said she doesn't smoke," Suho teased.

"She just wanted to try that stupid thing," Minji replied, giving me a sideways glance.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm willing to try anything as long as it's with you," I responded.

"Ah, sister, find me a young student who's ready for any adventure with me," Suho joked, grinning mischievously.

I blushed, realizing the innuendo in my words. Minji pressed against me and whispered in my ear:

"Puppy, I missed you so much."

With her right hand, she pulled me closer around the waist, and with her left hand, she squeezed my thigh, causing a suppressed groan that I tried to hold back. Minji only smiled at the effect she had on me, pressing her lips against my cheek. I whispered back to her:

"You're never enough for me," Minji whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of desire and longing.

At that moment, the driver pulled up to a house entrance. Minji leaned back and said to Suho, the driver:

"Suho, I won't invite you in for tea. We're both too tired. Next time, okay?"

"Don't worry, I understand. If you ever feel like it, give me a call. And I'd love to get to know the student better," Suho replied, smiling through the rearview mirror.

"The student's name is Yoohyeon," Minji informed him.

"Of course," he responded, still wearing a smile.

We stepped out of the black Audi and made our way towards the entrance of a gray ten-story building.

Minji stood near the elevator, waiting for me, holding a large package of groceries and a bag in her hands. I attempted to grab the bag, but she just grinned and didn't let go of her burden.

"Give it to me," I muttered.

"Why?" she asked playfully.

"I want to help," I insisted, making a second attempt.

"I think I can handle this," she said, entering the elevator.

I didn't say anything further.

Entering the apartment, Minji invited me in, saying, "Come in. It may not be the most comfortable place, but it's better than staying in a hostel."

"Don't talk nonsense. It's a great place," I retorted, savoring the warmth that enveloped me.

"We'll divide the responsibilities: I'll make a delicious lunch, and you can do a mini-cleaning, okay?" Minji began to assign tasks.

"Wow, here's my teacher," I teased, grinning as I started taking off my jacket.

"Don't you like to obey, my dear?" she asked ironically, causing me to blush at the ambiguity of her words.

"I love it, I can do it, and I practice it, but only with you," I replied, feeling myself relax.

Minji just grinned and headed to the bathroom, most likely to freshen up, while I continued my struggle with my jacket and boots.

Minji quickly left me, retreating to the kitchen, and I took the opportunity to explore the apartment. Despite Minji's long absence, the apartment felt welcoming and filled with love. The room boasted a large plasma TV, a comfortable sofa, and a bookshelf stocked with numerous books, which caught my attention. The gray carpet added to the cozy ambiance, and the blue curtains provided a cooling effect. The photos on the shelves breathed life into the space.

The cleaning that Minji had mentioned didn't pose much trouble. I had expected to spend a couple of hours dusting and wiping, but it turned out to be quicker and cleaner than anticipated. Quietly making my way into the kitchen, I watched Minji skillfully handle the vegetables while simultaneously frying the meat and tending to various pots and pans. She exhibited a professional touch in everything she did—teaching, scientific projects, driving, and even cooking. I realized that I had a lot to learn and grow to match her level of expertise.

After observing for a moment, I approached her from behind and hugged her, savoring her familiar scent and reveling in her warmth. In response, Minji said:

"Is my girl hungry?"

"Your girl won't refuse food, but she won't refuse something more enticing either," I whispered, sliding my hands under her jacket.

Minji grinned, turning to face me. She set aside the knife and vegetables, her laughter filling the air as she spoke:

"Somebody will be the cause of burnt meat now, and remember, there won't be anything left to feed the hungry student later."

"Fine, I surrender," I conceded, taking a step back, although Minji didn't allow me to fully retreat. She caught me by the waist, pulling me back in, her hand finding its place on my buttocks, which made me involuntarily shudder. Our lips met in a passionate kiss, leaving no room for resistance. I loved it when she took control, when I could feel her strength and character—similar to the way she was at the university, but now on a more intimate and profound level. I surrendered to her touch, cherishing the pleasure it brought me. After a moment, Minji released me, whispering in my ear in a seductive voice:

"I hope my actions don't scare you. I just really want to feel you, my dear."

"Your actions turn me on," I admitted softly.

"That's what I like to hear," she said, looking at me attentively and with a hint of irony. Then she continued, "Where did my shy puppy go?"

"It seems like you've asked me that question more than once," I replied, taking a seat at the table. Minji grinned, still cooking, and asked:

"Are you implying that I'm not original?"

"Perhaps," I replied, smiling.

She didn't say anything more.

I sat there, watching Minji skillfully maneuver around the stove, admiring her culinary prowess. My stomach grumbled impatiently, eager to taste the delicious dinner that filled the air with its tempting aroma.

The rest of the day, we lounged on the sofa, realizing that we lacked the energy and desire to go out anywhere. Physically and mentally, we were in need of some well-deserved rest.

Have a great day!

(I edited the grammatical mistakes)

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