Moon Child

By Claire_ry

50.6K 4K 4.1K

Meet Son Ye Jin, a ballerina from Daegu with a big big dream; to become a prima ballerina. Born to dance, Son... More

Prologue Moon Child
Chapter 1 Nocturne Op.9 No.2
Chapter 2 Piqué Manèges
Chapter 3 Amen
Chapter 4 Still I Cry
Chapter 5 Brava
Chapter 6 Picture Perfect
Chapter 7 Unspoken Goodbye
Chapter 8 Good Night
Chapter 9 The Red Shoes
Chapter 10 Open Palms
Chapter 11 La Vie en rose
Chapter 12 Falling like the Stars
Chapter 13 Tour en l'air
Chapter 14 Swan Girl
Chapter 15 Pressure
Chapter 16 Angel
Chapter 17 Be Still
Chapter 18 Mr. Obvious
Chapter 19 Soldier
Chapter 20 Circle of Life
Chapter 21 Time Heals
Chapter 22 Waters
Chapter 23 La La Land
Chapter 24 Point of No Return
Chapter 26: Someone You Loved
Chapter 27 Invisible Scars
Chapter 28 Ice-cream
Chapter 29 Superheroes
Chapter 30 Fire on Fire
Chapter 31 Fall on Me
Chapter 32 You Raise Me Up
The Cast
The Apprentices
Chapter 33 Take Me Home
Chapter 34 Clair de Lune
Chapter 35 The Road Ahead
Chapter 36 Waves in Seoul
Chapter 37 Stand in The Light
Chapter 38 Perfect
Chapter 38 Extended Scene
Chapter 39 Rise Up
Epilogue Swan Family
The Tiny Additions (Casting)
Author's Confessions
Bonus 1 Cookie Monster
Bonus 2 A Christmas Prince

Chapter 25 Waves in Milan

1K 73 89
By Claire_ry

Song for the Chapter: Lost Without You (Basically the song used in the Moon Child performance). Wait for the cue!


TTM – 14:00:00

7 AM

Milan was an art form of its own. Picturesque neighbourhoods lined every street, emanating artistic vibes which would give artists a run for their money.

Unlike what they were used to in Seoul, each building in Milan seemed to be unique to itself. From the colours, to the stones, to even the teeniest chip in the paint, there was truly no building that was an imitation of another.

And of course, the scent of the city was different.

Wherever they walked, the delicious dark, nutty aroma of well-brewed coffee and the doughy soft scent wafting off freshly-baked bread filled their senses. It made Ye Jin's stomach rumble even though they already had some breakfast back at the hotel.

Bundled up in their winter clothes with their dancewear hidden under the big puffy winter coats, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin revelled in the quality time they got to spend together, far from Seoul.

In Italy, they were free to be around each other. In Italy, they could freely hold hands on the streets. In Italy, they didn't have to worry about being exposed.

They loved the literal freedom they have been craving since they got together.

As with all their morning walks from the hotel to the dance studio, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin's hands were interlocked in his pocket, keeping her warm and toasty against the biting cold air around them.

But today was slightly different.

They were both walking with a slight bounce in their steps as the rare sunlight during winter smiled down on them.

"It's warm today, aegiya." Ye Jin observed, appreciating the fact that she wasn't shivering as she usually was.

"The sun is out today." Hyun Bin told her, smiling softly at his beautiful swan.

The man's stance was completely relaxed as he took in the waking city with his girlfriend by his side. Ever since that night, it would appear Hyun Bin was freed from his past. Despite the fact that they would be performing tonight on the very stage where the Red Shoes tragedy happened, the man was at ease.

He has finally found it within himself to move on. It wasn't easy and he knew tonight might be a different story, but he was getting there. Right now, his focus was on Ye Jin.

He was choosing to live in the moment which would only solidify his future with his girlfriend.

Because of the sunlight, the lovers were walking at a slower pace, much as they did back in Seoul during their morning park dates.

Oddly enough, a black and white butterfly was dancing around a flower shop, landing lightly on Ye Jin's cheek when they walked past the homely shop. Its paper-thin wings shone with the radiant glow of the sunlight, its tips reflecting the rays as it rested on Ye Jin's cheek.

A kiss of blessing from the heavens.

Ye Jin giggled when she felt the tickle on her cheek, surprised that a butterfly had landed on her once again. Hyun Bin smiled endearingly at his girl before he watched the butterfly fly off into the distance.

"Was that a butterfly?" Ye Jin tilted her head to the side in wonderment.

"Ne, it was. Now, it's my turn." Hyun Bin stole a kiss from Ye Jin.

This was his kiss of blessing from the heavens.

Mortified yet completely enamoured by Hyun Bin's open affection, Ye Jin giggled shyly. Her giggles were light and beautiful, much like the tinkling bells coming from the entrance of a humble store selling finely baked focaccia.

"Mmm, something smells amazing, Binnie." Ye Jin hummed appreciatively, enjoying the warm aroma of freshly baked focaccia.

"Wait here, love." Hyun Bin stopped.

Planting a tender kiss on her forehead, Hyun Bin popped right into the store and ordered focaccia for them to share. Flavoured with olive oil and some herbs, the toasty focaccia wrapped by paper in his hands was the perfect snack for the lovers on the warm, wintery morning.

Arriving at the street which honourably housed the ancient La Scala Theatre, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin disappeared past the heavy intricate doors for their final dress rehearsal before their first performance in Italy.

Their day has just started but the clock was already ticking.

A day which started off so ordinarily to the lovers would perhaps be far from ordinary after all.

What was in store for Korea's Prince Charming and Swan Girl?


TTM – 4:00:00

5 PM

Teatro alla Scala, known for the rich history of art and culture rolled into a respectable and well-loved theatre by its people, was filled with the audience even an hour before the performance was due to start.

The backdrop of wood and red velvet adorning the walls of the theatre was gorgeous, much like the Baroque-era detailing on the balconies.

The familiar illuminating yellowish glow of the walls and deep red of the velvet showed signs of an ancientness which many would never be able to comprehend. There was no doubt that the theatre itself was royalty, and its performers, the servants to their master.

The only change in the past year was the lack of the chandelier hanging in the middle of the stage. Rather, the prop has long been removed and the sole surviving diamond chandelier hung humbly on the ceiling of the main auditorium, overlooking the audience.

But was that assurance enough for a certain prince?

In the wings, Hyun Bin was trying his best to remain the picture of calm for his swan girl who was nervously trying to tune out the overwhelming chattering coming from the auditorium. The whole performance tonight remained a disconcerting experience for them both for numerous reasons.

To Hyun Bin, the unnerving reminder of the past performance was leaving him slightly breathless.

To Ye Jin, the unsettling reminder that this was her first performance for an international audience was making her mind go on overdrive.

The foreign mix of languages was doing nothing for either of them since they were reminded of the fact that they were far from home. They had much to conquer and much to prove and they were merely two humans embarking on a new journey together.

They were the opening act which meant they were handed the responsibility of setting the tone for the whole night.

They had tirelessly rehearsed over and over again as professional dancers serving their beloved ballet community. They were both capable dancers on their own. They trusted each other more than any duet partners could. So why did they feel so unprepared?

It was once again a test of the mind. Their heart said yes but their mind said no. It was tough to be pulled constantly between what the heart desired and what the mind feared.

Every second closer to the performance was another step towards them getting cold feet. It was truly a horrible feeling, what with all the effort they put in during every gruesome but rewarding rehearsal.

"Don't let what life puts on you cause you to forget what is in you. That passion for dance has always been in you, Dino. You make me proud every day."

That sentence slipped into Hyun Bin's panicked thoughts as though Tae Yang was standing there behind him, urging him to clinch onto his dream. In a way, her final note was imploring him to carry her dream with him in this performance.

Last year, he was dancing for himself. This year, he would be dancing for Tae Yang and his future; Ye Jin.

A sense of renewed purpose chased away all his doubt as he glanced over at his love.

Yes, he could do this. For her.

For them.

All he needed to do was calm his swan down.

"Love?" Hyun Bin instinctively reached over to hold her hand.

Ye Jin said nothing as she took a step closer to Hyun Bin, biting down on her lip to quell her nerves. Just as before, she was trying her best to remain brave but it was obvious to Hyun Bin that she was afraid.

"Don't let what life puts on you cause you to forget what is in you. You came here to dance for your dream, Ye Jin. Remember that." Hyun Bin spoke seriously whilst rubbing gentle circles on the back of her hand.

In another fleeting moment of Déjà vu, Hyun Bin has once again imparted another nugget of wisdom from Tae Yang to his swan.

This too shall pass.

Don't let what life puts on you cause you to forget what is in you.

He would always remember what Tae Yang spoke of and now, Ye Jin would too.

It worked. Ye Jin finally found herself relaxing for the first time since they stepped into the wings.

"Let's dance our heart out tonight, aegiya." Ye Jin whispered.

"Let's do that." Hyun Bin smiled softly at her.

Still caught in their tender moment, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin were in high spirits even as the orchestra started their final tuning in the orchestral pit. In the darkness of the stage, Hyun Bin helped Ye Jin into her position before he walked behind her to his starting position.

A hushed silence fell across the audience when the lights came on, revealing Ye Jin in a ball on the ground, the picture of a broken soul looking for hope.

Under that lone spotlight on stage, the audience was already silently admiring the beauty who held more talent in her pinky finger than anyone in the room.

Behind her, in a space where the spotlight would never be able to touch him, Hyun Bin stood, watching over his swan girl even as he got into character.

A few ooos and aahs slipped into the silent room when the screen behind Ye Jin displayed a tall lighthouse overlooking the glistening blue waves, one which Ye Jin appeared to be sitting on.

The lighthouse represented hope to sailors lost at sea. In the same way, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin were one another's lighthouse for they embodied that same hope.

In the face of the light displays, Hyun Bin's charming face could now be seen by the audience. Most of them recognised the prince of ballet for who he was and were excited to savour every bit of this performance.

(It is the first dance in the video! Charity & Andres did an amazing job with Waves! Show them some love!)

The quiet picking of the guitar filled the auditorium as the starting instrumental to Waves flowed across the room. The calming blue waves of the light displays contrasted the conflicting emotions Ye Jin's character was truly feeling as Hyun Bin walked towards her slowly.

Breathing life into the piece, Hyun Bin followed his heart as it led him to Ye Jin, his eyes never straying from her. Once he was beside her, he leaned forward to lay a hand on her shoulder, silently squeezing it to comfort her weary soul.

Lifting her head to acknowledge him, Ye Jin allowed Hyun Bin to hoist her up, only for her to fall back onto him. On his back, his feet lifted her up before his hands followed to support his lover. As though they were the perfect mirrors of one another, they cycled through the air; a beautiful picture of love and reliance.

Even with such a simple movement, it demanded excellence and strength, in which they have successfully raised the bars to how lifts should be performed.

There is a light, in the dark, and I feel its warmth. In my hands, my heart, why can't I hold on?

Hyun Bin flips her then before she reaches for that disappearing beacon of light in mid-air. They delved into each nuance of the choreography together, executing every intricate movement flawlessly and every trick effortlessly, showcasing the pinnacle of their musicality with high precision.

They were passionately perfect in dance and as lovers.

Dancing together, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin remembered and embraced the feeling of what it means to dance.

The light in the dark. This was their story too.

It comes and goes in waves, it always does, always does.

Around them, the visual displays of the raging waves were now coloured by the dancing blood red and lilac of the artificial sunrise. As Ye Jin was struggling with the demons, Hyun Bin was fighting to show her what hope was as a friend, a listener, and a lover.

If the roles were reversed, Ye Jin would be there for him just as he would be there for her.

Lifting her up from the floor, Hyun Bin proceeded to somersault off her back before she instinctively followed after him. With Hyun Bin holding her parallel to the floor, Ye Jin gorgeously executed a body wave that required full control over each minuscule muscle of her body.

Their beautiful sequence of flips one after another was a wonder to watch, their technical form perfection; smooth yet sharp.

We watch as our young hearts fade, into the flood, into the flood.

In that splitting moment, Hyun Bin nodded at Ye Jin as they raced towards center stage hand-in-hand. His eyes were soft as he looked at her over his shoulder, doting just as he was towards her off stage.

They gave a new definition to chemistry in their phenomenal performance. There was no denying that they were always moving and even breathing as one body.

Seconds later, the pair defied gravity with a powerful yet difficult lift which ended with Ye Jin standing on his shoulder.

It took a great deal of trust and practice for Ye Jin to find Hyun Bin, let alone his shoulder which she had to stand on at the risk of falling and injuring herself.

Likewise, Hyun Bin had to support her well, knowing he had to hold her up fully. Ye Jin placed her full trust in him and he was not going to betray her trust.

They were partners through and through and nothing was ever going to change that.

Hope ignited in their chest as the chorus came up and Ye Jin took that leap of faith as she jumped off his shoulder.

The freedom of falling, a feeling I thought was set in stone.

The trust between them was unrivalled. The audience gasped as Ye Jin fell fast before Hyun Bin caught her. Even in dance, they were teaching each other to fly beyond their limits, supporting each other in their flight to the stars.

As one, they spun, flawlessly dancing to the climax of the piece, pouring their hearts into their characters in every turn and every leap.

They felt freed.

Their smiles were telling of the lightness they felt which were reflected in their movements across the stage.

It slips through my fingers, I'm trying hard to let go.

The golden lights joined the flash of colours bouncing off the tips of the blue waters as their hands met right before they crashed gracefully onto the floor together. Such dynamic movements would have merely caused a small splash if they were dancing on water, for they were extremely precise with their landing.

It comes and goes in waves. It comes and goes in waves and carries us away.

In the final lines of the piece, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin hopped and leaped together, transiting easily from a front flip ending with a backflip. They landed lightly on the balls of their feet and Ye Jin wasted no time in running to him.

Hearts and spirits were high, conveying hope even in a situation where all of it was lost. Once again, Hyun Bin lifted her up with his strong arms as Ye Jin turned to sit on his shoulder just as the final notes to Waves faded away.

With Ye Jin on his shoulder, the lights of the sunrise had the pair practically glowing after their performance showing their coordination, endurance, discipline, musicality, grace, power, flexibility, and heart.

Simply put, they were legendary.

In one of the most ancient and beautiful theatres in the world, Prince Charming and his swan girl left their mark.

Even with an audience hailing from the different parts of the world, they received a standing ovation, proof that their chemistry could touch anybody's heart.

Past the curtsies and bows, Ye Jin and Hyun Bin left the stage hand-in-hand, feeling accomplished after another successful performance which left them giddy with exhilaration.

An ordinary day was now extraordinary because of their performance. For the first time since they began their Europe tour, the lovers could finally set down the stone in their hearts to truly enjoy the full experience.

To them, this performance was the beginning.


TTM – 2:00:00

7 PM

Hours later, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin were on their way back to the hotel with the bouquets of flowers they received after the closing act where they ended the whole night with another rendition of Moon Child.

The lovers were conversing freely, evidently living on the high of their two items. Next to Ye Jin, Rose walked listlessly, as though she was losing control of her limbs from how tired she looked.

Neither of them noticed Rose's languid state until they finally settled down, back in the hotel room. By then, Rose could only lay on the floor unmoving, whimpering occasionally from her bouts of sickness.

The poor thing was lethargic and was finding it increasingly difficult to breathe. It was clear Rose needed medical attention asap but she could only look helplessly at the couple who were in their own little bubble of love.

Minutes later, Rose's whimpers became louder, instantly catching Ye Jin's undivided attention as she sat up from the bed.

"What's wrong, Rose?" Ye Jin knelt down next to Rose and gently ran her fingers through her beloved friend's fur.

She was startled when she felt how hot Rose felt. It was clear that Rose was running a high fever and Ye Jin felt bad instantly that she didn't notice any sooner.

"Hyun Bin, she's having a fever." Ye Jin's voice shook.

"A fever?" Hyun Bin checked as he got down next to Ye Jin to check on Rose.

Like Ye Jin, he panicked when he felt how hot she was. Judging by Rose's drooping eyes, she was feeling tired too. It hurt Hyun Bin to see Rose struggling to breathe and his mind scrambled to get her help.

"Binnie, we need to do something." Ye Jin's voice shot up an octave as she hugged Rose to her and nuzzled her face against her fur.

"Breathe, love. I'll think of something." Hyun Bin quickly attempted to assuage her fears.

Pulling out his phone, Hyun Bin thought hard about it before he contacted the one person who could help them navigate the whole of Milan for a good vet.

While he was desperately praying for Evelina Russo to pick up the phone, he was glancing worriedly at Ye Jin and Rose. His girlfriend was fussing over Rose, trying to get their doggy family to drink some water as the tears streamed down her face.

Seeing Ye Jin in such a state, all Hyun Bin wanted to do then was hold her close to him.

With one hand still holding onto the phone, Hyun Bin knelt back down to place his arms firmly around Ye Jin's shaking shoulders. Wordlessly, he attempted to comfort her.

In such a position, he could feel Ye Jin tense up every single time Rose whimpered helplessly. Rose was in pain and because of that Ye Jin was too. As her man, he would do anything to help her.

"Pronto," Evelina answered in her usual peppy tone.

"It's me, Evelina. I'm sorry to call you this late." Hyun Bin said in a rush.

"Hyun Bin! Your performance was amazing tonight. I wanted to congratulate the both of you in person but my nonna insisted we took photos at every corner of the theatre." Evelina laughed.

"Thank you. We really appreciate that but I'm sorry, I have a favour to ask you." Hyun Bin jumped straight to the point.

"What is it?" Evelina asked.

"It's my girlfriend's dog. She's sick. Do you know any good vets around?" Hyun Bin was practically begging for an answer now.

"Oh goodness, that's terrible! I'll help. I'm sending my chauffeur there as we speak. He'll know where to go." Evelina offered immediately.

"Thank you. I owe you one." Hyun Bin spoke, grateful for Evelina's help.

"Anytime. Let me know how it goes." Evelina said before they hung up.

With the arrangements to the vet out of the way, Hyun Bin could finally breathe better and focus on consoling Ye Jin.

"Help is on the way. Hang in there, Rose." Hyun Bin laid his hand gently on Rose's head before he kissed the side of Ye Jin's head.

With a heavy heart, he watched as Rose's eyes slid shut and another whimper escaped her. Now, they could only wait.


TTM – 1:00:00

8 PM

"We'll take a look at her. Please do rest for now while we observe her." The vet gestured over to the waiting area before she disappeared into the room.

With Ye Jin practically leaning onto Hyun Bin for support, he had to carefully manoeuvre them to the waiting area with no news of Rose's condition. They could only entrust Rose in the hands of the professional and hope it was nothing serious.

After such a long day, Ye Jin's eyelids were growing heavy as she fought with her worry. She was half-blaming herself for not noticing the deterioration of Rose's health. Surely Rose's sickness wouldn't have taken such a turn for the worse so suddenly?

This was her fault. She was being a bad friend and family to Rose who has always been there for her.

Still in tears, Ye Jin couldn't choke back the sobs as she nuzzled her face into Hyun Bin's chest, slightly comforted knowing she had him. But, a part of her was guilty. Rose had no one beside her now. She wanted to hold Rose's paw but she couldn't. This was so unfair.

"She has to be okay." Ye Jin sniffled shakily.

"And she will be." Hyun Bin said firmly.

"I'm scared, Hyun Bin. I should have noticed sooner." Ye Jin confided in him.

"We should have noticed sooner. If you're going to blame yourself, I'm at fault too. This is not something for you to bear alone, love." Hyun Bin rubbed Ye Jin's arm soothingly.

"Rose doesn't deserve any of this. All her life, she has been protecting me but I couldn't do the same for her. I feel horrible." Ye Jin sobbed.

"You tried your best, Ye Jin." Hyun Bin reasoned.

"You don't understand." Ye Jin argued, still deep in her turmoil.

"Then help me understand." Hyun Bin pressed gently.

A pause.

"After the accident, appa tried his best to help me. I was still young and everyone around us was confident I could learn to live with the blindness with the right help. They were right but that doesn't erase the fact that it was a never-ending struggle." Ye Jin started, shuddering slightly whenever a sob would escape her lips.

"The first few years was spend in school, relearning how to do daily tasks without anybody's help. Appa tried to find a doctor who could perform a miracle on me to help me see again but you know how that ended."

Hyun Bin hugged Ye Jin closer to him in a show of support for her. If she was feeling weak, he would be her pillar of strength. This time, it was his turn to be strong for them both.

"And then, we signed up to have a guide dog attached to us. But that still took years. We had to wait for the puppies to be trained and even then, they weren't a guaranteed match. It was difficult to find a dog I could click with naturally and the first few of them I was attached to had to be sent back. I was torn and feeling absolutely unworthy of a furry companion during that period." Ye Jin continued, remembering the struggles she faced as though it happened yesterday.

"I slipped into depression and was officially diagnosed at the age of 20. There were days I wanted to take my own life. It was ridiculously easy to do so too. If I mistook the red light for a green light, I could have died. If I so much as overestimated the distance of the steps, I could very much roll down one." Ye Jin shared, her tone dark over one of the lowest points of her life.

Hyun Bin's tightening grip around her spoke of the ache in his heart. His heart hurt for Ye Jin like there was no tomorrow. It was scary to think he would have lost her when they were 20 and he wouldn't even have known who he was missing.

Even back then, he needed what he didn't know yet; Ye Jin's love. Now that he has gotten a taste of what he didn't know, he never wanted to lose it. He would protect her and their love up till the very end.

"That was when Rose came into my life. She was one of the natural guide dogs at the centre since she graduated early from the batch. She was a year old when I first met her and we clicked instantly. She had the sweetest personality and it didn't take me long to fall in love with her."

"Maybe it was because she sensed I was sad, but for a week, she never left my side. No matter what, she refused to leave even when I would scream at her when I had one of my mental breakdowns."

"One time, I even scratched her by accident when I was trying to hurt myself. I thought that that was it for us. That appa would have to send her back because she would be scared of me. How could we function together if she couldn't trust me? But that didn't happen, she stayed and protected me. That day, she nuzzled her face close to me so that I couldn't hurt myself and I knew she was the one." Ye Jin said in a small whisper.

Hyun Bin's heart clenched hard at Ye Jin's confession. He had no idea what Ye Jin had been through before he met her again. All this time, she had been so focused on helping him that he neglected that fact that she was someone who went through her own fair share of mental attacks as well.

"We went through thick and thin together after that. The last time I felt this scared for Rose was when she stopped me from jumping off a building. She had no choice but to drag me away and ended up biting me by accident. Appa was furious and I was so afraid he would misunderstand and send Rose away."

"It took some begging and he finally understood. Since then, I told myself I would become stronger so that nothing would ever happen to Rose again. She saved me, Hyun Bin. I owe her my life and now..." Ye Jin had to turn her head back as she let out another strained sob.

Hyun Bin was silent for a minute as the tears slipped freely down his face. All he could do was hold Ye Jin close to him. All he could feel was gratitude towards Rose for protecting his swan all these years. All he could think was that Rose had to be alright.

He finally understood why Ye Jin was feeling that way about Rose's condition but that doesn't mean he wanted Ye Jin to blame herself. He was at fault too. When he decided to embrace Ye Jin, he took the responsibility of ensuring Rose's well-being to heart too. Like Ye Jin, he was feeling helpless, except, he had to be strong for them.

"Hush, love. Let's not jump to conclusions. From the sounds of it, Rose would never leave you without a fight. She's precious to you and I'm sure she feels the same way. Breathe, Ye Jin. This too shall pass." Hyun Bin brought forth some hope into the whole situation.

"I..." Ye Jin said unsurely.

"You've been brave. So very brave, Ye Jin. Hang on just for a while longer for Rose. When we can't do anything, all we can do is hope. Let's just pray for Rose's recovery." Hyun Bin spoke gently.

Kissing Ye Jin's forehead, Hyun Bin drew Ye Jin closer into his warm embrace.

This too shall pass.


TTM: 00: 30: 00

8:30 PM

"Doctor, how is she?" Hyun Bin got up while helping Ye Jin up from her seat as well.

Ye Jin was on high alert instantly as they waited for some news on Rose's condition.

"It's pneumonia. Don't worry, she's stable now. It's a good thing you came when you did. Any longer and it would have gotten critical." The doctor said.

"Does that mean she's okay?" Hyun Bin checked, knowing Ye Jin needed that confirmation from the doctor.

"Yes, but she'll have to stay for the night. Your dog still needs some oxygen therapy before she can function normally again. After this, we will prescribe some medication." The doctor explained clearly.

"Can we see her?" Ye Jin whispered, clutching onto Hyun Bin's arm.

Translating the question to the doctor, Hyun Bin was relieved that they could. Following the doctor to the room, Ye Jin could finally breathe again when she heard Rose bark, albeit a little weakly.

"I'm so sorry, Rose. Thank you for being okay." The tears welled up in Ye Jin's eyes once again now that she was reunited with her doggy friend.

A tearful reunion later which consisted of apologies and whimpers of love, Hyun Bin joined the pair and smiled down at Rose.

"I'm glad to see you, Rose." Hyun Bin patted Rose's head.

Rose inclined her head slightly in greeting before turning back to her best friend. The only thing that scared her more than falling sick was being away from her best friend. Now that Ye Jin was with her again, Rose didn't want to leave her side.

Unfortunately, they had to leave.

When Rose heard that, she began to whimper once again. It was a pitiful sight to see and Hyun Bin had to press down lightly on Rose to keep her from standing up.

It didn't take a genius to figure out why Rose refused to stay at the clinic. For the past 7 years, she has never been far from where Ye Jin was. This whole experience was daunting to the pair of friends and Hyun Bin could sense their hesitation. They were in for a long night.

"I'll take care of her, Rose. Please just rest for tonight." Hyun Bin promised her.

Hearing the sincerity in Hyun Bin's voice, Rose finally laid back down and stopped whimpering, her eyes conveying the trust she had in the man. For tonight, just for tonight, Hyun Bin would take on Rose's role in Ye Jin's life.

Minutes later, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin left Rose to rest.


TTM: 00: 59: 59

9 PM

A street away from the clinic, the couple walked slowly with a tense silence hanging over their heads. Occasionally, Ye Jin's steps would falter before she would force herself to walk further and further away from the clinic.

It was taking all of Ye Jin's willpower not to run back to the clinic but Hyun Bin had insisted that she needed rest too. As much as she didn't want to leave Rose behind, she knew that Hyun Bin was right. She only wished Rose could come with them.

Dying to cheer Ye Jin up, Hyun Bin broke the tense silence when they came across a stall selling Puccia. Even back in Seoul, food never failed to cheer Ye Jin up. This was no tteokbokki but it would do for now.

"Love, let's get some Puccia. You must be famished after the performance." Hyun Bin suggested lightly.

Ye Jin nodded her head mutely, not quite comprehending Hyun Bin's words with her thoughts revolving around Rose.

Keeping her close to him, Hyun Bin led them over to the stall, only letting go of Ye Jin's hand so that he could pick the ingredients for their Puccia. Observing how silent Ye Jin was, he decided to pick for her too, giving his girlfriend some peace to her thoughts.

During that time, a quiet whimper caught Ye Jin's attention. The whimper was so soft that it would have been easy to miss if one were to simply walk past the street. It would appear Ye Jin was the only one who heard the whimper for Hyun Bin was still focused on their order.

Her ears perked up when she heard the whimper again and she unwisely left her boyfriend's side, following the whimpers to a drain sandwiched between the pavement and the busy road.

Still in a daze, Ye Jin's sole mission was to track down the whimpers which sounded very much like a puppy in dire need of some help. For a second, Ye Jin got excited when she identified where the whimpers were coming from.

Bending down, Ye Jin could feel a small lick on her hand and the feel of a coat of fur beneath her fingertips. Cooing gently, Ye Jin tried her best to calm the puppy down as she felt around the drain. The puppy was stuck between the gap, but it would be easy for her to pull it out once she found a good opening.

"It's okay. I've got you." Ye Jin whispered before she effortlessly helped the fallen puppy out.

Now past the danger, the puppy yipped appreciatively at Ye Jin and she giggled. After shaking off his trembles, the puppy padded away into the back alley, leaving Ye Jin alone on the foreign street.

That was when Ye Jin realised her grave mistake.

She was alone without a walking stick. She didn't have Rose or Hyun Bin beside her now. She had no way of knowing which direction she came from.

Ye Jin was very much lost.

"Binnie?" Ye Jin called out desperately, hoping she didn't walk too far from her lover.

When Hyun Bin never responded, Ye Jin's blood ran cold. What was she going to do now?

(Cue music)

Over at the Puccia store, Hyun Bin's blood was equally cold as he ran down the street in search of his girlfriend.

How on earth did he manage to lose her when she was right there next to him? How could she disappear completely in the span of a few minutes?

"Ye Jin!" Hyun Bin shouted, highly distressed when he still couldn't see her anywhere.

Panicked thoughts filled his mind with a billion worst-case scenarios as Hyun Bin raced faster down the street, turning his head to check out every nook and cranny in search of his swan girl.

"Damn it!" Hyun Bin cursed when he met another dead end.

He promised Rose he would protect her. He promised himself he would protect her. And now, she was gone.

Puffs of breaths escaped his lips as he ran his fingers through his hair. Back on the main street, Hyun Bin raced over to the traffic lights, using the cross junction to his advantage to find Ye Jin.

Time was running out as Hyun Bin searched desperately for his swan girl. Frantic now, Hyun Bin wasn't aware he was sweating even in the cold chilly night. He was terrified.

Where did she go?

Logically, she couldn't have gone far but all semblance of logic left him as he stumbled forward, letting out a frustrated scream when he still couldn't find her anywhere on the streets.

Could he make it in time?

Time was running out.

Meanwhile, the lost swan was walking aimlessly, her throat bitter over the fear gripping her as she chastised herself from straying away from Hyun Bin's side.

Was he looking for her now? Was he worried?

She didn't want him to worry. She only wanted to find him.

"Did I make a left turn or a right turn?" Ye Jin asked herself, rubbing at her arms which were icy cold to the touch.

She was freezing and she swore she was getting frostbite soon.

She made such a stupid mistake and this time, she was all alone.

Her steps froze as despair filled her heart. In that helpless moment, Ye Jin squatted down, burying her head in her hands as she tried to get a grip of herself.

Blinded to the true danger she was in, Ye Jin stayed in that position, wishing that she could turn back the clock right then and there.

She didn't even have her phone with her...

Just as she was about to give up all hope of being found, she heard a familiar baritone shouting for her. Relief washed over her as she stood up and shouted back. The heaviness disappeared from her heart knowing that Hyun Bin was here.

"Hyun Bin!" Ye Jin waved blindly, successfully capturing her boyfriend's attention.

But the next few seconds would unfold in a horrifying way just like the climax of Moon Child.

For those fatal few seconds, relief was replaced by horror as Hyun Bin stared at his swan girl, unable to think or move. His steps faltered as the world came to a halt.

Nothing moved. Not a puff of air swayed. Not a whisper of speech could be heard.

Nothing moved except for a black and white-winged butterfly that had just landed on Ye Jin's shoe, having reached the end of its lifespan that winter.

Ye Jin was in danger.

Because standing in the center of a road with a dull yellow car hurling in her direction with a loud warning beep was his swan, his love, his Ye Jin.

Ye Jin once asked if the past would repeat itself. Now, Hyun Bin could see that it was repeating itself in the most horrific and twisted way possible.

There were times when the world sounded like a rush of wind, mixed with distorted sounds and muffled voices.

During those times, photographs of memories played behind your eyes until it slows and stops at a particular scene.

The scene where it all ends.

The world would stand still, simply waiting. Waiting for you to feel the impact and the weight of seeing the person you love in danger.

So you run.

You race against time in hopes that that split millisecond was on your side.

That this time, that millisecond would save the life of the person you love.

Even if...

Even if it means, you die.

This was why she saved him.

Screech! BANG!


Time Till Moon Child – 00: 00: 00




I'M SORRY! Don't kill me! This chapter was more angst than I intended it to be originally. I guess now everyone knows what TTM stands for a while I wished it meant Time Till Marriage, it unfortunately means something far from it. Time Till Moon Child because this whole incident parallels the actual dance for Moon Child. And yes, I've been hinting at this incident since the Prologue just like I hinted Ye Jin's blindness. And yes, some of you were right about the rather sus pale yellow car and the butterflies.

Explanations out of the way, I AM VERY SORRY and a warm virtual hug to everyone.

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