Marco vs the forces of Life

By snowglitchz

15.5K 415 7

Ever since a girl came to live in his house hold. He came to a life with danger. Something he wanted. What he... More

1. It Started
2. The Vivid Red Eye's
3. Father Time
4. Dreams
5. Upgrade
6. Truth or Punishment
7. Mackie Hand
8. The Dance
10. Visiting Star
11. Back to Earth Summer
12. Right Back to Mewni!
13. The Dreams Again
14. Butterfly Form Star
15. Soulrise
16. Holding the Wand
17. Party
18. Photo Booth
19. Marc-nificent Seven V.S Meteora
20. After the Fight
21. Meeting Globgor
22. Pie
23. Catch Up
24. Hanging with Tom
25. Breaking the Blood Moon Curse
26. The Dreams Explained but.....
27. Getting some Answers
28. Too Emotional to make a Portal
29. The Magic Well
30. Made It to Mewni
31.The Solarian Warriors
32. Worlds Clash
33. After the Clash
34. Cheer Up
35. The News
36. Telling Tom
37. Our Baby
38. Care To Join Me?

9. Rebel Princess

458 12 0
By snowglitchz

I sat on Star's bed watching her pack while I was also on the phone with Jackie. She was telling me some stuff. I responded even though I was only kind of paying attention. "Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay." She made a crash at her backpack. I started to panic. "Right. Y-You know what, Jackie? Can I—call you back?" I hanged up. May have been a bit rude but Star was getting me more worried. "Look, Star, this is a stressful situation, I get that. But would it kill you to slow down for a second? You're going kinda overboard." I bend down to pick up the typewriter that was next to my feet and the drink. "I mean, do you really need to pack this vintage laptop and this purple-y, bubbly tea thingy?" She comes and snatches them from my hand. She continues to still pack shoving everything into the backpack. "Why don't you try some breathing exercises?" She puts the straps on.

"I don't have time to breathe." Star picks up the backpack, and everything inside rips through the bag and sticks out. "I can't waste a... sec...ond!" She falls backward on the floor. She starts to struggle standing up. I get up and walk to her.

"Need some help there?"

"No! I am a strong, independent warrior princess." Star used the wand and blasted herself off the floor and lands. I walk to her mirror call pulling the rope to show it.

"At the very least, you should give your mom a call. Someone has to fill her in." She stood in front of the mirror call.

"No-no-no! You cannot call my mother. She'd kill me if she found out about this. Stole my book! He... He took ! I made this mess. And I'm gonna be the one who cleans it up." She took out the dimensional scissors.

"Your backpack is to heavy Star. You can't possible carry it all."

"I think I can possibly carry my backpack of stuff Marco. Now let's go!" She makes the portal. The first step she takes into the portal she falls in. I follow her through. I hop out seeing her on the floor.

"Told you your backpack was too heavy."

"Buff Frog, I need to know where Ludo's hiding. I think he's planning something big."

"Yes, I know. Did you not get my letters?"

"Letters?" She reaches the papers from her backpack. "You mean these?"

"I thought the babies were sending us fan art." I look at the papers.

"Seriously, who writes warning notes in crayon?"

"Oh, so I not go to school for learn fancy handwriting. Sorry!" Now I feel bad. Buff Frog unrolls a rolled-up paper on the table. "I make this map when I infiltrate Ludo's lair. I mark secret entrance here." Star rolls the paper up.

"Thank you, Buff Frog! This is exactly what we need!" She tries to shove it on her bag but doesn't go. She tries and it makes her tumble back. Buff Frog catches her. "Uh, double thank you." Buff Frog starts to shake her off her backpack.

"You do not need big bag." He moves the bag behind him as Star falls on the ground from being removed of the backpack.


"Only need wand."

"You should listen to Buff Frog," I say helping her up. "Thank you for the help Buff Frog," I say to him giving a smile. "It was nice seeing the babies again. Let's go Star."

"Thank you Buff Frog."

"Goodbye Star and Marco. Now have to try and get babies to sleep..... Again." We exit his home and head to the lair. Star gets a unicorn and we hop on and head straight to the lair. We were at a corn field. We followed the instructions on Buff Frogs map. We got closer and closer to the entrance. We see 2 monsters. One looked like a bear and the other a squirrel. Star blasts the bear monster with her magic and the entrance. Star ignores the Squirrel girl. We're inside the cave. Star blasts a metal chute on the ceiling to knock it loose. We hope off the unicorn and onto the chute she blasted. We ride it down the grinder. We hop off and land. We go to the door. She blasts it open. Monsters turned to us with weapons in hand. We charge. Star blasted them with her wand and I fight them off with my karate! But one of Star's blast blasted me with them which was the Stardust Daisy Devastation.

"Where's Ludo?" I shake my head to get it straight.


"Don't you play dumb with me. I know he's here!"

"Hey, guys, I know it's lame, but we gotta make a chore chart or something. That shower is grody!" I turn to look to see an elephant monster with a shower cap and towel, holding a scrub brush, and covered in water.

"Oh, no. Violence."

"Okay, what is going on here?"

"We're not, like, fighting monsters. We're "alternative" monsters." I pick up the weapons.

"Then what's up with all the weapons?" One walks up to me.

"We found them here when we moved in. They're perfect for tearing fashionable holes in clothes." I feel my Jacket pulled and I look back at the weasel girl seeing she stabbed my hoodie with a spear she held.

"You're one of us now, dude." I don't know why but when she said that, I felt a bit happy....

"Come on Marco." I follow her and we start exploring the abandon corn mine.

"This place really is abandoned." Star groans.

"This was all a waste of time. Oh, poor Glossaryck. Who knows what horrible things Ludo's doing to him?

"Well, you tried. And now we can both agree it's time to call your mom for—"

"For the last time, Marco, we're not calling my mom!"

"Whoa, hey! Calm down. You're not seeing the situation clearly," I counter.

"Seeing clearly? ...That's it. I'll use the spying spell!"

"Since when do you know a spying spell?" I was with her most of the time when she practiced her spells so when did she know one?

"Uh... since I learned it. A while ago. You weren't there." She started to push me back to the other room where we first came here with the monsters. "And I need to do it alone. No distractions!" She slams the door behind her.

"Nice jeans, dude. Can I dye them for you?"

"Hard pass."

"Suit yourself." He sounds like a chill dude. I look back at the door. I bit my lip. I walk to the door and place my ear on it. I heard a thud from Star. I slowly open the door and take a look. I see the spell. It was like a tear? I try to get a better look. That's Tom. Ha. It changed showing me? "Marco!"

"Sorry!" I go back to the yak monster. Man. I look seeing the Yak Monster still dyeing pants. I look back at the door. No, I should let her concentrate...... Okay just to check. I walk back to the door peaking again. I see her on the ground.

"Star?!" I run to her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, my hand's fine." I grab her hand and pull her up. "That's not what I meant."

"Well, Glossaryck is no longer on the team."

"I never really saw Glossaryck as a "team player" anyway."

"Oh, my gosh." We turn seeing two monsters. "It is her. We just realized you're Star Butterfly! We're your biggest fans!" Elephant and bear monster run up to Star and bow to her.

"Um, I think you're confused. Monsters hate me."

"Well, sure, it's not popular to like you, but we're not about that," Elephant Monster said.

"Yeah! You're the rebel princess!" Bear monster said.

"Rebel princess?"

"Yeah! You do things your own way! Like us!" Bear yelled.

"Please, shoot us with a spell! Rip some awesome holes in our jeans! Something!" Elephant yelled.

"Um, I guess I could cast something. How about... Super Strawberry Shake Quake?" They get up. Their clothes have burns and rips now.

"Wow! That is awesome!"

"Look at this sweet rip!"

"Let's go show the guys!

"Dude, I can't believe we met Star Butterfly!" They run back to the others.

"So, what now?"

"Now... I call Mom." She pulls out the scissors and makes a portal. We walk through and were back in Star's room. She walks to the mirror call as I close the portal. She looks at it. I walk to her and place a hand on her shoulder.

"You got this Star. I'll be here if you want or I can-"

"No I.... Want you here. Please?" I nod. "Call Mom."

"Calling Mom." Star held her breath and they answered.

"Hi Star!"

"What d-"

"Mom... Dad... I have something to tell you." They stopped talking knowing Star was not herself. She explained what happened. She explained as much detail as to what happed yesterday night. "So... that's pretty much it." Star's parents were in shock.

"Oh, no, this is really bad, huh? I messed up! I really messed this one up! I am so sorry, Mommy and Daddy!"

"Sweetie, it's... it's okay."

"But the book of spells! Our-our-our family history! It's all gone!"

"Don't worry. It's just a book and a little magic man," Her dad reassures her.

"What matters is you're safe."

"But isn't there anything I can do?"

"Don't "do" anything. We'll handle this. You just sit tight."

"Good night, sweetie." Her parents hang up on her.

"Whoa. That went way better than I expected," I say giving her a smile.

"Uh... yeah. I guess so." I walk to her.

"You know, you should just take your parents' advice and sit tight."


"Good night," I tell her leaving to my room. I was already tired. I walk to bed. I take off my hoodie. I yawn. I change into my clothes letting sleep take over. 

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