Clara Kent Superwoman

By PercabethJackson1

40.8K 1.4K 119

The El's had a daughter, Kala El, rather than Kal El. She is sent to earth and her gender drastically changes... More

Chapter 1: Start of Something New
Chapter 2: Scarecrow
Chapter 3: Lex to the Rescue
Chapter 4: Farmers Market
Chapter 5: Contracts
Chapter 6: Newsletter
Chapter 7: Who Should I Be
Chapter 8: Dr. Swann
Chapter 9: Laser Vision
Chapter 10: Football
Chapter 11: 18th Birthday - Part 1
Chapter 12: 18th Birthday - Part 2
Chapter 13: Tour of Town
Chapter 14: Coach Teague
Chapter 15: Apple Pie
Chapter 16: Call From Mother
Chapter 17: Halloween
Chapter 18: Lois Lane
Chapter 19: LuthorCorp
Chapter 20: Pre-game Routine
Chapter 21: Thanksgiving
Chapter 22: Travellers
Chapter 23: The Gala - Part 1
Chapter 24: The Gala - Part 2
Chapter 25: Aftermath
Chapter 26: Lex Reads the Article
Chapter 27: Meeting with Wayne
Chapter 28: Local Celebrity
Chapter 29: Abilities
Chapter 30: Christmas Shopping
Chapter 31: Christmas Decorating
Chapter 32: Christmas
Chapter 34: Krypto - Part 2
Chapter 35: Krypto - Part 3
Chapter 36: Krypto - Part 4
Chapter 37: Formal Announcements
Chapter 38: Winter Formal
Chapter 39: Interaction with Lex
Chapter 40: Admitting Feelings
Chapter 41: Telling Lex
Chapter 42: Testing Abilities
Chapter 43: New Skills/Forgiveness
Chapter 44: Flying

Chapter 33: Krypto - Part 1

578 27 0
By PercabethJackson1

"It was the night before Christmas and just like a wraith, a quadruped figure was opening a safe."

The Golden Retriever turned the dial with a clawed paw, ears twitching for the clicks until finally the lock snapped. He bit the handle, turned and pulled and wagged his tail as he looked at the contents. He turned behind him and used his teeth to drag over a bag, and then used his paw to tip the wads of cash and jewellery into it. Then he delicately zipped the bag with his teeth, picked it up, and exited through the dog door in the kitchen. But it hadn't been a Cat Burglar, but a Dog Burglar.


"How did we do?"

Zack Greenfield unzipped the bag on the examination table, pulling out wads of cash and jewellery.

"Mutt did good. There's about $2,000 in cash and around $1,000 in jewellery. Gotta love people too paranoid to put their goods in the bank."

Josh Greenfield was kneeling by the Golden Retriever in question, who was looking at him with big brown eyes and his tongue lolling out.

"Who's a good boy Einstein? You're a good boy!"

Josh scratched the dogs head and Einstein barked in approval, tail wagging. A Rottweiler in the cage in the corner barked in protest at the lack of attention coming his way. Josh looked over and smiled, taking out two sausages from his pocket and giving one to Einstein and getting up to drop one into the Rottweiler's cage.

"You're a good boy too Hercules."

Zack dumped the contents back in the bag and gave the dogs a disdainful look.

"It was genius to hit the house while they were away for the holidays, that'll teach Mr Houston to fire me from the grocery store."

"That was 7 years ago Zack!"

"Revenge is best served cold."

Josh led the obedient Einstein into his cage across the room from Hercules, and he dutifully curled up as the door was shut.

"Does this mean we can stop Zack? We've got £20,000 dollars over the last month from the surrounding towns. That's enough to get us out of here and start somewhere new."

"Not yet, I've got another target in mind, then we'll get out of here."


"Why, Lex Luthor of course. His dad fired you without severance pay; I reckon you're entitled to a little compensation."

"Luthor? But, I don't think Einstein could handle that, he's probably got more security than Fort Knox! What if he gets caught?"

"Then they'll bring him here, we're the only vet practise for small animals in Smallville. And if the Mutt gets himself shot we have enough of that Meteor-Rock cocktail to make another Super-Dog. They're just animals Joshy, they're expendable."


Zack turned round and grabbed Josh's shoulders.

"I may be the youngest, but who looked after you when Dad ran out and Mom got sick?"

Josh looked down in defeat.

"You did."

"I've always done what's best for you haven't I?"


"Tomorrow is Christmas Day, most of his staff will be home for the holidays, hell, even he might not be there. We send in the dog, get the money and we're out of this Podunk town. We'll send in Hercules as back-up if you want?"

"No, Hercules is for attack, he isn't meant for stealth. Einstein can do it; I know he can do it."

"Good, shoot him up with his smart-juice again tomorrow, and we'll be having a very Merry Christmas. Then we'll put them down, and get out of here."

"Put them down?"

"We don't want to have any evidence on us do we? Put them both down and then we'll go."

Einstein was staring at the two intently, tail still and a plan forming in his enhanced Canine mind.

Zack and Josh Greenfield turned off the lights of the veterinary surgery, and locked the door. Zack neglected to notice a window he'd left unlocked.

Listening intently and hearing nothing, Einstein the dog used his teeth to unlock his cage door. For a dog that could open safes, a dog-proof cage was nothing. Once out he shook himself and looked to his compatriot who was whining in his cage. Einstein padded over and undid the cage, and Hercules bounded out. They both climbed out of the window and into the night.


Christmas Eve had been an interesting experience for the Kent family with the addition of Martha's father. Although he and Jonathan actively avoided talking to each other, dinner had been pleasant, the rest had made nice small talk, and gifts had been exchanged but not opened as it wasn't Christmas day. William Clark had embraced his daughter and granddaughter, shaken hands tensely with his Son-in-Law, and gotten in his chauffeur car to go to Metropolis Airport. The gifts had been placed under the tree, and they'd all gone to bed.

Christmas Day went to its usual routine, they woke early and tended to the animals, feeding them a little extra as it was Christmas and did their rounds of the property to make sure all was well. Breakfast consisted of pancakes, and then they opened their presents. Jonathan how had a new sweater from Clara and a scarf from Martha, Martha has a carved Jewellery box from Jonathan and a new set of cushion covers from Clara, and Clara had a new patchwork quilt from her Mom and a carved wooden chest with her name engraved into it.

"Dad, this is awesome! Thank you!"

"I think you've outgrown your old one. If you decide to room in Metropolis for college you might want to bring a little of home with you. Open it, there's a surprise."

Clara opened the chest and her Dad showed her that the trunk had a false bottom, underneath was a compartment big enough to hide items, and carved with the symbol of the house of El.

"Just in case you need somewhere to keep things safe."

They hugged, and then worked together to start preparing dinner. Jonathan washed and peeled while Martha and Clara began to cook. Dinner as always was delicious and they rounded off the afternoon by playing chess and other board games. Their Christmas had been regular and peaceful, until 7pm when a car screeched into their driveway and frantic knocking rattled their door.


Lex Luthor twisted his food round on his fork while sat at his elaborate dining room table. The catering team had prepared everything in advance, and he'd sent them home last night. He'd reheated everything but now didn't feel much like eating. He was sick of eating alone. Still, he was thankful his father hadn't decided to make an appearance, being alone was better than being with him. Clara was probably with her parents now, eating dinner and enjoying a life he had never had. He wasn't even sure if he was capable of it. Luthor's destroy everything they touch eventually. He took a sip of his brandy, which so far he hadn't touched and then looked at it and pushed it away in disgust. He wasn't going to resort to drink. Lex decided he was going to get out of this living tomb; he was going for a drive.

Lex put on his coat and gloves, neglecting his ineffective Gucci scarf, and slipped on his leather driving gloves. The roads surrounding his property were almost pitch black, pure country only illuminated by his high-beams and the moon which was waning half full. He drove further and further from his property, heading into the highway that led to town. It was Christmas Day, everyone would be with their families, and the road was ominous in its emptiness. Lex felt his mind wandering and in that moment a gold blur ran in front of his car and he swerved, clipping the gold figure and causing him to run off the road. When he halted he was stunned for a moment, then realised he had hit something. As he moved he saw he was unhurt, and he climbed out, searching for the cause of his crash. He heard a high pitched whine, and he turned back, taking a torch from his glove compartment, and pointing it towards the road as he searched. His heart raced a mile a minute as he located the source of the noise and there on the ground was a Golden Retriever lying on its side and keening in pain. Damn it, he'd hit a dog, now he was the Luthor that had probably killed a puppy. Kneeling by the dog, he didn't see any blood, but there was probably internal damage. It was Christmas day, there would be no veterinary practise open, and he didn't know where it would be anyway. Looking around him, Lex realised he was only 3 minutes away from Clara's farm, the Kent's dealt with animals for a living, perhaps they'd be able to help.

Carefully, he lifted the dog, which thankfully didn't snap or bark at him, but did give a hurt whine which caused Lex's heart to clench. Huh, he did have empathy after all. He placed the dog carefully in the back seat and laid his jacket over it, and started towards the Kent's, way over the speed limit. In 2 minutes he came to a screeching halt outside, got out, and collected the Golden Retriever from the back seat, using his foot to knock at the door.

Jonathan Kent answered the door to the sight of a bedraggled Lex Luthor holding a Golden Retriever wrapped in a designer coat.

"I'm sorry to disturb you on your holiday Mr Kent, but this dog ran in front of my car and you were the only person I could think of who could help."

Jonathan sprang into action.

"Bring him in Mr Luthor. Martha! Clear the kitchen table please, we've got a patient."

Martha Kent arrived in the hallway to see the commotion.

"Hello Lex, oh dear, what's happened here" she said, reaching to pet the dogs head and walking with them as they headed to the Kitchen. She cleared the table and laid a blanket that was hanging on the chair on top of it. Clara walked down the stairs to the sight of Lex and her parents hovering over a dog on the kitchen table.

"Clara, could you fetch your father's vet supplies from the barn please" said Martha.

Clara ran at human speed until she left the house, then at super speed to the barn and back. Lex was too worried when she arrived to question the time discrepancy.

"Clara-Lily, why don't you take Lex out to the barn while your father and I work?"

Clara understood, her parents didn't want Lex hovering and worrying, it was better to try and get his mind on something else for a while, until they knew if the dog was alright or not.

Jonathan Kent was feeling the dog's limbs and trying to find any breaks while it whined. Clara's heart and stomach clenched, she hated to see anything in pain. She saw her mother preparing a syringe of what she suspected was a pain killer, and she took Lex and his jacket out of the house.

The December air was crisp and cold as they walked across the property and Lex's shocked mind was puzzled by the fact Clara was leading him to the barn. She opened the door and then led him up a set of planked steps into a loft, and Lex did not see what he expected. Instead of bales of hay there was a small round carpet, a bright red couch with a crochet throw, fairy lights strung across the walls, a shelf full of books, a small wooden chest (which he assumed was used as a coffee table) and a large cut out window with shutters which were closed, beside it was a telescope and stand. There was a wooden desk and chair in the left corner covered with papers and assorted brick a brack was dotted throughout the space.

Clara turned on a space heater near the couch which was really more for Lex's benefit than hers and invited him to sit down, but instead he was looking around.

"What is this?"

"Oh, this is my loft, my Dad made it for me. He calls it my "Fortress of Solitude."

"It's nice, it suits you."

Lex noticed a brand new chest by the back of the couch, it had Clara's name engraved on it.

"Is this new?"

"Yes, my Dad made it for me for Christmas."

"It's really expertly crafted."

"It's a hobby of his; he's taught me a few things. I mostly carve though, I don't build."

Lex observed a shelf full of different carved animals, varying in skill. Clara must have improved immensely over the years; it showed the evolution of her craft.

"These are good."

"I like doing it; I've gotten a lot better since I've practised more."

Lex saw the carving of a dog on the shelf and felt his gut wrench. What would Clara think of him if the dog didn't survive?

"I hope the dog's okay" Clara said, echoing his thoughts.

Her next question surprised him.

"Are you alright, it must have been a shock, him running in front of you like that."

Lex looked at her puzzled.

"How did you know that?"

"I heard you tell my Dad, I was only just upstairs."

Not everyone could have heard what he had said, he didn't exactly shout it. Enhanced hearing was now on the list. But he let it go.

"But you didn't answer my question, are you alright?"

"I'm fine Clara."

Lex stood still next to the shelf and Clara knew he was lying.

"You wasn't your fault. These things happen. It was dark and the roads around here can be pretty treacherous."

"I hit a dog Clara, he came out of nowhere. I don't exactly have a great track record for automobile accidents."

"But you cared enough to bring him here" she said, walking towards him and coming to stand by him "I'd say that conscience of yours is working. It's alright to be upset, it must have been scary."

"My father taught me long ago that Luthor's can't feel fear."

"You're not made of stone Lex. You're human; it's alright to feel what you need to. Anyway, I thought we'd agreed your father isn't right about everything."

Lex's lip twitched at that, and he did feel better. Clara always made everything seem brighter.

Lex involuntarily shivered as a gust of wind went through the barn and it made Clara remember.

"Oh, I guess while you're here I might as well give you your present."

"You didn't have to buy me anything Clara."

"I didn't" she said, her lip lifting and she went to her desk to retrieve a lumpy package. She'd put it there so it wouldn't get mixed with the presents under the tree.

"Merry Christmas Lex, I know it's not much but I thought you needed it" she said as they sat on the couch.

Lex looked at the package curiously and then opened it; the wrapping was neat as possible for a lumpy gift, bright red, with a blue bow and ribbon.

Carefully pealing back the paper, Lex revealed a soft royal purple and navy clue striped scarf with tassels. It was warm to his fingertips, and had no labels, tags or insignias.

"Did you make this?"

"Yes. You don't like it do you? I'm sorry, I just remembered you admiring the scarf my Mom made me and..."

Lex cut off her apologies "Clara, I love it. No one's ever done something like this for me before."

Lex pulled the scarf out reverently, feeling the softness of the yarn and looking at the neatness of the stitches. Then he wrapped it around his chilled neck and felt warm inside and out.

"Thank you Clara" he said in earnest "I would give you my gift, but considering the situation I don't have it with me."

"You didn't need to get me anything."

"I wanted to, and I have."

Clara and Lex looked at each other, just enjoying the company and Lex was exceedingly glad he got to see her today. Despite the tragedy of the dog, spending time with Clara had made the terrible day a little better.


artha Kent's voice came from below.

"Clara sweetie, the dog's going to be alright. Why don't you and Lex come in from the cold and have a hot drink!"

Lex exhaled the breath he didn't know he was holding. He wasn't a murderer.

Not this time.

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