Dishing The Dirt: Tommy Lee •...

By _MissH_

58.1K 1.7K 805

(#1 in motleycrue 5th April 2021) ❤️ Vanessa is a shy girl. She isn't really great at anything and knows a lo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 35

809 29 7
By _MissH_

I woke up to Sophia kicking and moving around again, honestly as much as it hurt sometimes, I'd never get tired of feeling her move around just to let me know she was still there. I could feel a hand interlocked with mine that was resting on my bump. The smell of cigarette smoke and aftershave made all the memories of last night come flooding back to me. I smiled to myself as I kept replaying them over and over again in my mind. Even though I came over to talk to Tommy... we really didn't talk a whole lot hahaha.

I fluttered my eyes open and a beam of light instantly struck my eye. I quickly tightened them and nuzzled into my pillow.

I started rubbing the haziness out of my eyes and moved my tongue around my mouth, trying to create some moisture and wake myself up. I sharply inhaled as I opened my eyes again and started looking around the light grey and lavender coloured room. I felt so happy and content in this moment, well, that was until I looked over and found Tommy drooling on his pillow next to me, snoring away with some of his dark brown curls covering his face. It wasn't exactly as magical as it was in the movies, but I guess to me it was still the perfect way to start my morning, especially after missing him and waking up alone for so long.

Sophia was lying right on my bladder so as much as I wanted to enjoy feeling Tommy's warmth and the peace it gave me, I really had to go pee.

I threw on one of Tommy's T shirts just like I used to every morning and closed the closet door. I stood in front of the mirror with my arms out by my side and smirked to myself. I didn't know if it was from me gaining so much weight or if Tommy had shrunk all his clothes... but I literally looked like Winnie the freakin' Pooh!

"God damn it" I whispered to myself as I tried to take his shirt off but I got a little stuck. I was trying every method I could think of to pull it over my head but it felt like it was about to rip my skin off! I thought for sure I was gonna look like Freddie Krueger by the time I managed to get it off.

"What the hell are you doing!?"

I bent forward, looking through the big hole that was meant to be around my waist, at Tommy. "I need help, I'm stuck..." I giggled. I was trying to be all cute and have that girl next door look about me but it was me, nothing ever went to plan when it came to me.

He rested all of his weight against his arm as he held himself up, with one eye closed, smiling at me. "Yeah I can see that, here, let me help you" he cackled as he got up out of bed.

He was still naked and no matter how many times I saw his third leg, it always left me a little flustered. That thing wasn't even remotely normal, it was more like a weapon of mass destruction. No wonder he got me knocked up so easily.

He grabbed the shirt and started to pull it towards him, while I tried to pull my body the other way. It got stuck around my nose and it was covering one of my eyes while the other looked like it was being pulled in about 8 different directions and my arms were trapped in the air. Tommy stopped and was hysterically laughing. I turned around and looked in the mirror to see what he was laughing at, and honestly I couldn't even be mad, I looked so fucking ridiculous.

"Tommyyyyy! Heeeelp meeeee!" I whined as I carried on laughing at myself.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! But... How in the fuck did you get yourself stuck in the first god damn place!?" He giggled as he grabbed the shirt and carried on skinning me alive... I mean... helping me take his shirt off.

"Ugh, I was just trying to look cute I guess... I needed to pee and then I was going to make you breakfast in bed so I threw on one of your shirts and... well then this happened" I smirked as I tried to pull away.

I was so freakin' embarrassed! I was trying to be all sexy and seductive but I was a real hot mess! Why did I always have to be such a goofball!?

Tommy started pushing my head through the hole and I was shouting at him as I tried to pull myself away.

"It's not working, we're just gonna have to use the scissors" he said, a little out of breath.

"Scissors!? You are not cutting me out of this!" I said a little wide eyed.

His shirt was practically glued to my neck, and as much as I trusted and loved Tommy, there was no way I was about to let him get that close to me with a pair of scissors.

"Well then you're gonna have to go all Hulk Hogan and rip it off" he shrugged, giving me a cheeky side smile.

I could see his eyes glistening at the thought of seeing me topless. Since getting pregnant he was obsessed with my boobs, and I kinda was too. They were super perky haha!

I pulled the shirt back down, pouted at him and waddled into the bathroom. I grabbed a pair of scissors and stood in front of the mirror, working out a little plan of how I was going to free myself. I'd seen Sharise do this like a gazillion times so I thought it was be a piece of cake! I pulled it forward and started carefully cutting from the neck down. I was such a klutz and kept getting confused with the mirror so I'd be cutting away at thin air and then I'd get a little stressed with myself, then I'd accidentally chop a piece of my hair, and then I'd almost take my finger off... it was just a mess.

I caught Tommy leaning against the door frame, watching me, through the mirror. I let out a sigh as I looked back at him feeling completely defeated, but I melted as soon as I saw him smiling at me.

"All that hard work for that one little cut?" He smirked as he walked over. He grabbed hold of the frayed fabric and completely ripped it open. I had to admit, it was a little sexy.

"There, done. See, it wasn't that hard" he said.

"See, it wasn't that hard" I said, mimicking him. I turned around to head towards the toilet but I felt Tommy spin me around, pick me up and start kissing me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and kissed him back.

It was getting a little heated between the two of us... again... when I got a super hard kick to my tummy. Me and Tommy instantly pulled away and his face lit up with amazement as my bump started moving. It always reminded me a little of a water bed. Tommy placed his hand over the area she was kicking and he had this huge, super proud smile on his face.

She'd been so active since being around Tommy. It's almost like she could sense her dad was there. I just knew for sure she was going to be a daddy's girl.

"You realise this is just the start, right?" I smirked. He frowned at me a little, not knowing what I meant. "All the interruptions... you better get used to it" I cackled as I jumped down.

Tommy groaned and rolled his eyes. "Ugh don't, I've already had enough Mick was already telling me that".


Me and Tommy had cleaned ourselves up and finally put some decent fitting clothes on. We were sitting at the breakfast bar and we'd just finished eating breakfast. Tommy was stacking the plates and licking the chocolate from the pancakes that had melted onto his hands.

I cleared my throat and used my foot to turn his stool round so he was facing me. "I think it's time we talked about... you know... everything" I said.

Tommy straightened up and wiped his hands on a wipe I'd given him before he even started eating. He was always super messy. I knew I was really gonna have my work cut out with both him and Sophia.

He pulled my stool closer to him and put his hands around my waist. "Before you say anything, I just want you to know that I'm truly sorry for what I did... I wish I could explain why I did it but I-I just can't... I'm trying to fix what I did a-and" he started to ramble.

"Tommy, I know... I know... I can see you're trying and I love the fact that you are but we both know our relationship got so toxic so quickly after Greece and we really need to figure out why and work out a way to stop it happening again... I think we should really give therapy a shot" I said.

He nodded his head and looked up at me, giving me that puppy dog look. "I just want you to come home, Nessa. I miss you and I wanna be there for you. I don't wanna be that guy that's never there for his family. I want us to make memories and turn this place into a real family home... I don't wanna be angry all the time, I wanna be the best dad and husband I can be, so if it means I have to go to therapy then that's what I'm gonna do" he said softly as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and brushed his thumb against my cheek. "I love you, Vanessa" he said.

I let out a little sigh and rested my head against his hand. "I love you too" I whispered as I rested my hand against his knee.

"Move back in with me?" He pleaded. "We don't have to sleep together, you can have the bedroom and I'll sleep in the spare room, we can go on dates and take it at whatever pace you feel comfortable with, I just... I don't want to feel like I've got you back only to have you ripped away from me again. I know all of this is my fault but, I want you to see that I want this and I'm gonna work hard and do whatever it takes to get it right" he said.

As much as I wanted to, I was scared to dive straight back in with Tommy. I knew neither of us could be trusted with one another. We'd say that we'd give each other space but I knew exactly what the pair of us were like. We'd literally be in separate rooms for all of 20 minutes before we ended up back in the same bed, making out and doing who knows what. The problem with me and Tommy was that we were young, naive, scared, inexperienced and what we felt for each other was something deeper and more intense than love. It was almost like we were obsessed with each other but in the nicest, most uncreepy way possible.


"Vanessa, you're pregnant! You can't keep moving from house to fucking house every couple of months. It's freakin' stupid and all the stress isn't good for you or Sophia. The baby books say that if I talk to her, she can recognise my voice when she's born and it helps create a better bond and that's what I want. The only way we're gonna make this work and bring Sophia into a happy and loving home is if we really make an effort and try. So I'm asking you, please just come home" He said.

It was so freakin' hot seeing Tommy take charge, and hearing him say he'd been reading baby books made me melt. There were so many guys out there that didn't give a shit, they never went to classes or even looked in the direction of those kinda books, they left it all to the woman, but Tommy really wanted to plan an active role and it made me love him even more for it. After seeing the house and how Tommy had got his shit together, it kinda dawned on me that even though Shelly was doing a great job of taking care of me and helping me through my pregnancy, Tommy made a lot of good points, he wasn't as naive and immature as I thought.

"Alright, I guess we can give it a trial run" I said, flashing him a little smile.

He covered his mouth with his hands and his eyes widened. "Really!? You're not kidding are you?" He asked.

I giggled at him and held his hand. "I'll call the therapists office first thing tomorrow, but I swear to God Tommy, if it starts getting toxic between us again, I will leave" I said sternly.

Tommy practically pounced on me and wrapped me up in a hug and started kissing my face repeatedly. "Thank you for giving me a chance, I promise I won't let you down again" he said as he squeezed me tightly.

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