Furroko: Land of Division

By bloodshotangel

261 56 0

Synopsis: It was a new school year in Silver Leaf University and for this year, they have decided to open the... More

1: An Unexpected Meeting
2: Something's Not Right
3: Where it Came From
4: Welcome Back...
5: The Other Side
6: The Old Days
7: 'A Trip through Memory Lane' as they say
8: A Visit to the Unknown
9: The Wilders
10: The Life of the Successors
11: A Grand Confession
12: The Masquerade
13: The Beginning of Improvement
14: Furroko's Abandoned
15: The Health Department
16: 'Ghost Town'
17: Loyalty to the Mistress
18: Yes Sir!
19: Long Time No See Brother...
20: Let Me In
21: Need to be Prepared
22: They're Gone...
23: How we became who we are
24: Survive and Escape
25: Within A Monster Hides A Poor Soul
26: "Time to Play"
27: Return to a Wasteland
28: -.-- --- ..- || .- .-. .
29: ... .- || ..- .--.
30: .. -. || .-
31: --. --- --- ... . || -.-. .... .- ... .
32: It's Over
33: Still Standing
35: Almost There!
36: Recognition Day!
Thanks to the Reader
Furroko EXTRAS

34: A Special Celebration

10 1 0
By bloodshotangel

Months have passed and it was time for all the territories to prepare for the most awaited 2 week-long celebration, 2 weeks full of joy as all await for Recognition Day. The day many have been waiting for, as Leaders will be passing down their positions to their chosen Successors, marking another generation of Furroko's Leaders. It was the morning and the Successors were in for a very big surprise.

"Good Morning, young Masters...Today is a special day for all of you and your parents have prepared your clothing for this day." The butler greeted to the Successors in the two rooms.

The Successors woke up as they were greeted. They all woke up and saw bags with their names on it. As each of them opened their bags, inside was clothes. Each of the Successors wore them and were delighted to see themselves in the mirror.

"You look really good, brother!" Alice complimented.

"You too, sis. The dress really suits you." Adrion complimented back.

"This is very nice, right Alistair?" Francis said, Alistair nodding.

The Successors came out of their rooms and met each other in the hallway. They all went downstairs up to the dining room until they saw that no one was there. They were met by one of the butlers and they were told that they will having their breakfast outside the Mansion. The Successors were confused but were guided outside and were amazed by what they can say is the biggest picnic they've ever seen.

"Ah, Good morning young ones. We were all waiting for you." Zion said.

"What is all this...?" Francis asked.

"It's a new month...Happy Recognition Day, Future Leaders." Zion said, bowing in front of them.

A cheering crowd has been heard from all territories. They went to the picnic blanket and saw the other territories, being separated by rails to make sure nothing goes into the river. Aiden explained that the walls come down every Recognition day for everyone to see the future Leaders and make this celebration as special as possible because even though they may be separated, they are all united and connected.

"How about we enjoy our breakfast?" Aiden said, inviting the Successors to join the Grand Breakfast.

"There you are! We've been waiting for you." Ethan exclaimed, landing in front of them

"Also...Francis, Alistair, your parents are also waiting for you in their territories. So best be there to spend time with your family." Ethan said.

"We'll be the ones to bring you." Owen said, with Florence beside him.

Francis and Alistair said their goodbyes to the siblings and Ethan, Owen and Florence bringing them to their parents. Ethan then told them to fly over the crowd to not disturb them and that they'll be having breakfast in the border between the Monster and Hybrid territory. They all spread their wings and saw their mother getting ready.

"Whoa...We're having breakfast in here?" Adrion asked.

"This deck is given to us as me and your father want to have breakfast with both of you! It'd be a shame if you both have to separate just to have breakfast, so we decided to have a deck on the river." Elizabeth said.

"Now let's have our breakfast, you all have so much to discover." Ethan said, everyone getting ready to eat.

Music was being played from the Main Gate, Acheros giving the music. Everyone was enjoying their breakfast. All families happily ate their breakfast and bonded. The sun was shining bright and the sky has its clear blue sky. For everyone, this is the best way to start their 2 week-long celebration. Breakfast didn't last long and when everyone was done, the picnic blankets were fixed and they all got ready for their festivals. The Leaders told the Successors to go to the Main Gate as there will be gifts to be given to them by the different creatures from the different territories.

"Welcome Back to the Main Gate!" Acheros greeted when they arrived in the meeting room.

"Acheros!" The Successors exclaimed in joy.

"How was breakfast?"Acheros asked them, gettingvery positive insights from the Successors.

"That's wonderful! Though, I would like to give you something as a personal thank you for saving my life." Acheros said, showing a big box.

"What's inside?" Francis asked, all of the Successors sitting down to see.

"If you heard the music from breakfast, I was the one who played the tune...And before I even thought of being a Leader, I was fascinated by music and have been learning to make music boxes." Acheros explained, bringing out four big music boxes from the box.

The Successors were amazed by the structure of each music box given to them, as the box had their names carved on the front and the designs of the exterior are heavily inspired by the surroundings of their respective territories. They each opened their box and heard a very familiar tune. The Successors had an emotional moment for a while and they all thanked Acheros for the gift.

"It's a good thing that your parents allowed me to listen to your lullabies so I can make them for you..." Acheros started.

"I'm happy that you enjoy the gifts I made." Acheros said.

"Hmm...It seems the festivals are going to begin later in the afternoon, best be ready to explore! It's a very special day for all of you!" Acheros said.

"Acheros! How are you? And a Happy Recognition Day to you, Young ones" Aiden greeted, knocking and entering the meeting room.

"I'm doing well, and they're very happy about the gift I made." Acheros said, Aiden giving him a pat on the back.

"Your skills are a gift, Acheros." Aiden said, making Acheros smile happily.

"Thank you Aiden but it's not that much." Acheros said, not trying to show off.

"Classic Acheros. Anyway, I came here to tell you that the festivals have opened! You can roam around wherever you wish!" Aiden said.

"Acheros, We'll be having a meeting in the Mansion now. Best let our future leaders have their fun for the rest of the day." Aiden said, Acheros nodding.

"We'll be going now, you can leave your music boxes here so you can get back to it later. Have fun!" Acheros said before he and Aiden left the Main Gate.

The Successors decided to go up to the watchtower and see what each territory has to offer. They saw many booths and crowds, with the Main Gate's doors to other territories are open so every creature can go around. From what they were informed, Recognition Day's 2 week-long celebration is the only time where all territories are free to go anywhere around the land without any need to ask permission. The Successors decided to start from the Human territory and going around. They all went downstairs and entered the Human territory, introducing them to their Sci-fair. A fair where all aspiring inventors show off their creations and sell them as well, whether it be becoming their apprentice or their own small creations that can help their everyday life. As they walk around, they see many different inventions. Some are variations of existing inventions, while others are completely new.

"Is that a VR booth!?" Francis exclaimed, getting the attention of some from the crowd.

"Let's ask." Alice said, coming up to the owner of the booth.

"Ah! Hello Young Mistress, are you interested in trying out our VR system?" The owner bowed down as he greeted her and asked if she wanted to try the VR system.

"The Young Doctor would like to try it out! Right Francis?" Alice said, Francis being excited.

"Of course Young Doctor! Just enter the chamber here and the headset will be there for you to wear." The owner said, guiding Francis.

"Are you ready, Young Doctor?" The owner asked, Francis giving a thumbs up.

The owner loaded the world, Francis gasping in amazement. The world was an apocalyptic setting, where everything has been destroyed and the only things left are the forests and damaged buildings. Francis was amazed by the sight of this and he was given a mission to get to the signal tower of the city and break its source, doing side quests every now and then. Unfortunately, it only serves the first 2 chapters of the game, meaning you'll have to pay for the rest of the game if you are interested.

"We should let Francis play the game. Let's go somewhere else while we wait for him." Adrion said.

"Of course, Young Commander! I'll be informing you via messaging if the Young Doctor is done with the sneak peek of our new game." The owner said, giving them his messaging profile.

"Of course, he seems like he's really having fun!" Alice said, smiling as he looked at Francis' excited demeanor.

The other Successors left Francis temporarily and went to see what else is in store. They walked around a little bit more and Alistair saw something that interests him. It was a humanoid robotics display, showing off humanoid robots and what they can do. They went to the display and so many of them.

"Welcome to our Humanoid Robotics display! Come and discover what our inventors have to offer!" The announcer greeted everyone that was present.

"Whoa, that's so many..." Alice said, looking around.

"Yeah, These guys are really good. Right Alistair? Alistair?" Adrion said, wondering where Alistair went.

"He's right there...It seems he's very interested in the small Humanoid robotic dolls." Alice said as they went to Alistair.

"Which one do you like Myst?" Alistair asked, Myst being too excited to choose which one he wants.

"Sorry I left you guys, Myst just really wanted to get one of these dolls." Myst apologized.

"No need to apologize to us, at least you're having fun. Just like Myst over there trying to pick which one he wants the most." Adrion said, he and Alice sitting beside Alistair to see which one Myst will be choosing.

"Ali! Ali! This! This!" Myst exclaimed, Myst pointing at a doll that looks similar to Alistair.

"You want that one?" Alistair asked.

"He really likes you Alistair, the doll he chose even looks like you." Alice said, giggling a bit.

"I mean, he's been around me for a long while and it doesn't seem that he'll let go anytime soon...But I'm happy with that! I have a little friend beside me always." Alistair said, Myst hugging him.

"Hello there Sir Alistair! Are you interested in any of the little dolls here?" The seller asked, Alistair nodding.

"I would like to get this one please..." Alistair asked, the owner picking it up, removing the tag and and giving it to him.

"Here you go Myst." Alistair said, Myst hugging tightly.

"Yay!" Myst exclaimed in joy.

"It seems your little friend really likes the doll!" The seller said, being pleased by how happy Myst was.

"It reminds him of someone special, so it really makes him happy." Alistair said, smiling.

"Oh...I forgot, how much was that?" Alistair asked.

"It's only 100 tribians, but we would give you a discount since you are the Succesors." The seller said.

"It's alright...I'll give you 100 tribians, no need for the discount." Alistair said, insisting he won't be getting the discount as he sees as unfair to everyone else just because of his position.

"Oh, thank you for your purchase then Sir Alistair." The seller thanked Alistair.

"It's no problem...What about you guys? D you wanna get something?" Alistair asked the siblings.

"It's alright, we'll look around a bit more." Alice said, Adrion nodding as they humbly decline.

Alistair, Alice and Adrion left the display and continued on their way. While they walked around, they were called by the owner of the VR booth and they went back to pick up Francis. Once they arrived, Francis was there happy and holding a bag.

"Heyo!" Francis exclaimed.

"Did you have fun?" Alice asked.

"It's amazing! I knew what a VR it is but it's so different when experiencing it!" Francis said in joy.

"So when I got their game, it's a good thing that it's compatible with the console I have back home." Francis said, showing the game.

"We can try it out back at the Mansion. The owner, gave the first headset and console before he was given the permit to advertise his game and console." Adrion said, making Francis' jaw drop.

"That's right! We give our first set to the Leaders and Crystals for quality control and be able to get a permit for selling." The owner said happily.

"Well, I won't be holding back your trip around the festival!" The owner said.

The Successors said their goodbyes and went back to walking around the festival. After a while, Adrion saw a shooting game close to where they are. He called everyone to join him and they were met by the owner of the game booth. The unique thing about this booth is that you will be shooting your targets while it's in pitch black and flashing lights.

"Heyo There! Wanna try it out?" The owner said energetically.

"You guys wanna try with me?" Adrion asked, Francis declining first.

"I think Alistair is a bit occupied with Myst, how about we both have a go?" Alice said, challenging him.

"Another round of who's better?" Adrion said, smirking.

"Of course!" Alice exclaimed.

"We'll be watching you guys here, Hope you guys have fun!" Francis said, sitting on the side with Alistair.

Adrion and Alice were given their guns for the game and were led into the black box. The television outside was turned on and the door was closed. Inside the box, a screen lit up and gave the instruction. Giving a thumbs up after reading and understanding the rules. The siblings gave a thumbs eventually and the room became pitch black. 5 seconds later and the flash of lights started, initiating the game. The lights will be on for every 5 to 10 seconds, and their targets are unsettling masks. The game lasted for 5 minutes, Francis watching what happening. After 5 minutes, the game was over and the light inside the box was turned on.

"That's a lot of masks." Adrion said, Alice agreeing.

"Well done Successors! You have completed the game!" The owner said as he opened the door.

The siblings were led outside and were given some time to rest. The light after dark experience can make anyone want to sit down after being in such a dark room with flashing lights. After a while, the scores were recorded and surprised to see that they were tied in score.

"Amazing! Both of you were tied!" The owner exclaimed, congratulating them.

"Guess no one won this time." Alice said, laughing.

"That's alright, at least we had fun right sis?" Adrion said, Alice smiling.

A tune has rung, everyone saying it's now lunch time. From the watch tower, Zion announced that everyone can take a break and be with their families to eat together. Everyone around took their breaks except for food booths and families gathered around. Zion continued, calling the Successors and Leaders to come to the Mansion. The Successors did what they were told and shortly arrived to the Mansion, being met by their parents.

"How was your festival so far?" Finn asked.

"We only visited the Humans, but maybe we can visit another one after lunch." Francis said.

"How was it?" Finn asked a follow-up, arriving at the dining room.

They all sat down and we presented with a luxury buffet for lunch. Exotic fruits and vegetables with freshly cooked meat were served. They all thanked for their meal and started eating. They let the Successors talk about what they have seen and done in the Human territory. It was an interesting conversation as there is a lot to see from just one festival, making the Successors excited for what to see in the other territories.

"I would recommend visiting the Apparition Territory later, because their Halloween celebration is much better experience in the dark." Owen suggested.

"Halloween!" Myst exclaimed.

"Do we need to wear costumes when we arrive there?" Alistair asked.

"You will be given the option to wear costumes or not." Isabel responded.

Lunch time passed by quickly and the Successor got ready to visit the Apparitions to join their Halloween festivities. The Leaders, Crystals and Acheros on the other hand visited the other territories or were around the Mansion. The Successors arrived at the Apparition Territory and saw many of the creatures wearing costumes, mainly children. There was also haunted houses, trick or treat, even game, display and food booths. The children saw Alistair and they all ran up to the Successors.

"Hello there." Alistair said.

"Hi Sir Alistair!" The children exclaimed, excited to also see the other Successors.

"Meet the other Successors." Alistair said, showing the kids the other Successors.

The children were so excited that they became much more energetic than usual. After meeting each of the other Successors, the children tried to convince them to join for trick or treat. The Successors accepted and they were pulled into a booth for renting costumes, free of charge.

"You can borrow costumes here!" One of the kids said, pointing at the booth.

"Let's see what they got." Adrion said, coming inside the booth.

The booth was really big, costumes being seen left and right. The kids said they'll wait for them outside and they were left with the booth keepers and a wide array of costumes to choose from. After a few minutes, the Successors came out with their costumes. Their clothes are given to them in a bag and put in a locker so when they return, they can change back. Francis was an experimented mad scientist, Alice is a demonic swordsman, Adrion is an undead soldier and Alistair is a hunter with plants growing from his body. The children were very happy that they were dressed for the occasion and they all started to trick or treat from door to door. All Apparition families were delighted to see the kids having fun and always greet the Successors. While trick or treating, they came across a haunted house.

"Oooooh!" The children said in awe.

"How about we take a look inside?" Adrion asked, the children exclaiming yes.

"Let's go!" The children exclaimed.

At the darkness of night, they all went inside and the door slowly closed behind them. They started going around and looking at the paintings, statues and many more. Every room makes one feel suspense as the house was soundproof, making sure no outside noise is heard and instead wind and small noises are heard all around. They reached the dining room and heard the ticking sound from a grandfather clock. Soon after a broken plate was heard, making them flinch and look around. Continuing onto the house was a lot of jump scares and unexpected suspense all around. They were reaching the end and so they decided to calmed down a bit until they screamed from terror from an unexpected jumpscare. They continued on their way until they reached the open entrance, meaning they can leave.

"That was so cool!" The children said, happy to have gone in the haunted house.

"I'm not really used to that kind of suspense..." Alice said, looking goofy.

"Are you guys...okay?" Adrion asked, looking at Francis and Alistair.

"Y-Y-Yeah...We're good!" Francis said, giving a thumbs up.

Alistair didn't say anything and just looked down emotionless. After a while, he went back to normal. After buying some treats and playing games like bob the apple and ring toss, the children's parents are calling them back.

"Guess our time together has come to an end." Alice said, the children pouting.

"Hey, at least we got to have fun today right?" Adrion said, cheering them up.

The children's parents picked their children up and they waved goodbye to them, as they thanked the Successors for being with them today. They went back to give their costumes back after taking pictures in the booth as memorabilia. They went back to the Main Gate, being met by the Crystals and Acheros.

"How was the Halloween festivity?" Florence asked.

"It's was really fun! Halloween here is much more realistic." Francis responded, Owen smiling.

"Well, Apparitions like me know how to scare...For fun of course!" Owen said.

"Let us join your parents for dinner now, and we can continue the visits for tomorrow." Aiden said, all of them making their way to the Mansion.

As they went on their way, the booths close and everyone else gets ready for dinner and for the next day. They reached the Mansion. They can do anything they want while they wait for dinner time, so they decided to share the candy they were given before and see what they got, keeping it for tomorrow. They also decided to watch something, choosing a comedy to get some laughs for the night. As they were almost halfway into the movie, they were called for dinner and have to cut the movie for a while.

"How was Halloween for you here?" Ethan asked them, getting positive reactions.

"I see you really enjoyed your first Halloween here." Lily said.

"What costumes did you wear?" Elizabeth asked.

"I got to be a demon swordsman...And Adrion was an undead soldier." Alice said, looking at Adrion after.

"How about you Francis? Alistair?" Leon asked.

"I dressed as a mad scientist that went through a failed experiment." Francis responded.

"I became a hunter with a plants growing out of my body..." Alistair continued.

"The costumes were very well made, it's even looking so real at some point." Francis complimented.

"That's dedication to a festival, as they say." Zion said.

After dinner, the Crystals and Acheros greeted goodbye, leaving the Mansion to go back to the Main Gate. The Leaders and Successors continued the movie with small desserts. After the movie, they all got ready for bed. As the land once again goes into slumber, they await until the sun rises again for the second day of the slowly upcoming Recognition day.

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