Free of Charge // Baekchen

By chenwhinery

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The Well is the nickname given to Byun Baekhyun as he is known to grants favors for a price, so when Jongdae... More



599 48 24
By chenwhinery

Chapter Eleven: Fragment

fragment: an isolated or incomplete part of something


"What happened to you and Yoonmi?" Baekhyun asked, realizing that Jongdae was sitting with them at lunch. The brunet responded with a shake of his head, avoiding the raven-haired boy's eyes. Baekhyun looked to the others for help but they shrugged. Sighing, he tapped Jongdae's shoulder and gestured for the younger male to follow him. With a pout, Jongdae got up and went with Baekhyun.

When the brunet reached out to support Baekhyun, the older male quickly stepped away, "Dont touch me. I'm fine."

I'm not weak, stop treating me like I am.

Jongdae muttered an apology before keeping his hands by his side. Keeping his head high Baekhyun asked, "What happened?"

"Things didn't work out," Jongdae said simply.

"But you two looked so happy!" Baekhyun whipped around to face Jongdae, stopping in his tracks. Baekhyun asked, "Did you want me to find another girl? Or are you ready to come back to me?"

Weird how you put it like that.

Still, the brunet didn't reply. Baekhyun couldn't possible be serious. He had undergone so many incidents, yet he was still offering to help? Why? Averting his gaze to the concrete flooring of the high school, Jongdae asked quietly, "Are you ready enough to resume?"

Baekhyun pursed his lips, eyes slightly narrowed, "Stop doing that. I don't need your pity."

With a thin smile, Jongdae slapped Baekhyun on the good arm, "Who said I was pitying you? I thought you knew me well enough by now."

That was when Baekhyun realized he had been too hard on his friend. The looks and the way everyone had been treating him at school made him sick. They were treating him like a lost, injured puppy. Half of them weren't even sincere. But Baekhyun should have known that with Jongdae, every concern was genuine. Even so he didn't want the help the brunet offered him. Baekhyun could manage by himself. Baekhyun nodded, "I am if you are. Just keep the fact that the well is only open for you a secret. I don't want people flocking around me."

The brunet blinked once, twice, before cracking a smile, "Is that your request, Baekhyun?"

"Oh, please. Spare me," the raven-haired male rolled his eyes. Chuckling afterward, he extended his left arm and gently guided the brunet alongside him. "I won't fail you, Jongdae. I haven't failed any of my wishers before and I'm not starting now. Especially not with you."

At least he lets me near him.

Jongdae glanced curiously at Baekhyun, mentally frowning once the raven-haired boy dropped his arm back to his side. "Why especially not with me?"

Am I special to you?

"Because... you're my friend. My friends always come before other strangers. Not to mention we became friends because of your dilemma and need for assurance. I would look and feel bad if I were to fail you."

"How will you know if you failed me or not? Am I supposed to grade your effort?"

"They day you determine your sexuality is the day I succeed."

The two kept quiet as they entered the lunch room, respectively taking their seats side-by-side across from the other three.

Kyungsoo glanced at one to the other, "Why does Jongdae look so happy and Baekhyun look like himself? Did you guys have a quick sex session while you were gone?"

Baekhyun and Jongdae's cheeks flushed red, their hearts suddenly picking up pace. Chanyeol and Joonmyun stopped chewing, their faces flushed as well. It was Joonmyun who said, "What the hell Kyungsoo? Even if they did, it's not something you ask so casually about at the lunch table."

His laughter died shortly, "Well, did you two do it?"

"No!" Baekhyun and Jongdae shouted in unison.

The red-haired male smirked, "Look, they have already become one." From underneath the table, Jongdae kicked Kyungsoo in the shins and the smirk turned into a grimace. Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes at the brunet seated across from him.

I'll get you back.

Jongdae glared back.

We'll see about that.


Baekhyun sat in his bed, staring at the list of names on the paper as if the letters would magically form the answer he wanted. He didn't want to go around accusing everyone who went to the party.

It could have been Joonwoo.

Either way Baekhyun needed a plan. One person popped in his mind -- Do Kyungsoo. That kid could be a future detective. Baekhyun almost dialed for the red-haired boy, but at the last second he remembered that Kyungsoo was probably spending precious family time with Seungsoo. Cursing under his breath, Baekhyun knew he would have to investigate alone. But first, he need a little more help from Joonmyun.

After receiving a couple of phone numbers, Baekhyun set to work. When he found that one of the guys would be available in about an hour, Baekhyun got dressed and traveled by foot to the cafe.

Leaning against the brick wall of the cafe scrolling through his cell phone was a young man with the most beautiful brown hair Baekhyun had ever laid eyes on. Approaching the brunet, Baekhyun mentally prepared himself for whatever would present itself.

Kim Minseok saw Byun Baekhyun from the corner of his eye. He had never personally met the young man, however, he had seen pictures at the cafe and the restaurant enough to recognize Baekbeom's younger brother.

"Kim Minseok?" the raven-haired boy said, flustered that his voice had cracked. The college student nodded, placing his phone in his back pocket.

"I can't remember much," Minseok sighed, adjusting the collar of his shirt. When Baekhyun had called and asked for details about the party, Minseok wished he had actually taken up the offer to be Luhan's designated driver instead of asking Jongdeok to come along. Minseok beckoned Baekhyun to come closer.

Where did he vanish off to?

"I only remember... we were drinking at Yonghwa's house and then we all headed to Yoonkyu. I don't... I don't even know why we went there, but I do remember there was an argument and then... that's it. I woke up in my bed. My roommate, Luhan, was in his bed as well, but my other roommate, Jongdeok, he was gone. I haven't even seen him since then."

So you're the one Baekbeom found for Jongdeok.

"I'm really sorry about your brother. There is no way he did it."

"Is that really all you remember?" Baekhyun asked. "What was the argument about? Who was arguing with who?"

But as Baekhyun tried digging for more information, Minseok had begun shaking his head. "Jongdeok would probably be the only sober one that could possibly remember anything. He's not into drinking." That settled it. Baekhyun would have to confront Jongdeok whether Jongdae gave him permission or not. Baekhyun thanked Minseok, but before he could part ways, Minseok stopped him. "What happened to your arm?"

"I was careless."

Minseok saw right through Baekhyun's lie but he simply nodded, "Be careful next time."

From within the cafe, Chanyeol took a double-take and rubbed his eyes, making sure his eyes hadn't deceived him. What was Baekhyun doing talking to Minseok?

"Hey, are you even listening to me?"

Chanyeol quickly refocused his attention to his sister, "Sorry. What did you say?"

Yura grumbled under her breath as she sat back in her chair. Arms folded across her chest, she kicked her younger brother beneath the table, "I was telling you about Seungsoo and me. I had to sit through while you blabbered on about Jaehwa, so I deserve your giant ears." Chanyeol apologized again.


Jongdae abruptly woke from his nap at the sound of the doorbell. Yawning and stretching, the young brunet took his time before opening the front door. He broke into a sleep grin, "Hey Baekhyun."

"Is your brother home?"

It actually took several seconds for Jongdae to find the answer. Gesturing for his friend to enter, Jongdae answered, "Yeah, he should be."

"I want to ask him about the party."

"The party..." Jongdae's voice trailed off as realization dawned on him. Baekhyun was going to demand answers from Jongdeok. "No."

"Come on, Jongdae. He was there, the only one that remembers what happened."

"My brother doesn't know anything. If he did he would have testified," Jongdae immediately responded. He stared hard into Baekhyun's eyes, but he should have known he couldn't win against Baekhyun.

"I will personally approach him and ask him myself. I'm being nice by using you to get to him."

Jongdae restrained himself from planting his fist into Baekhyun's jaw. Teeth clenched, the brunet gave in, "You want him, you're going to have to force me out of here."

Hearing the raised voices downstairs, Jongdeok had emerged from his bedroom to see what the fuss was about. What greeted him was his little brother sitting atop Baekhyun, the latter uselessly swinging his arms at the former. "Hey! What's going on?" Jongdeok hauled his brother off. The eldest of the three helped the injured boy up before refocusing his attention back to his brother.

"Jongdeok, I--" Baekhyun quickly said but Jongdae covered his mouth.

Again, Jongdeok pried the two apart. After a brief explanation, the three soon found themselves in the guest room. Of course, the guest room was where Jongdeok was staying.

Baekhyun made a mental note that he had to share a bed with Kyungsoo when there was a free bed just down the hall. He also noticed that the bedroom was exactly the same as Jongdae's, with the exception that it was mirrored. Baekhyun sat still on a chair that Jongdeok offered. He fidgeted with his cast as he waited for the two brothers to finish their hushed conversation.

Interesting infrastructure.

Finally, the voices stopped. Baekhyun glanced up. Rubbing his hands together, Jongdeok leaned forward, "All right, Baekhyun. What is it that you want to know?"


"Okay then. I assume you've heard of the party the evening before the fire?"

~Friday, July 25~

Jongdeok sighed, weighing the decisions in his head.

"Are you coming or not?" Luhan asked, a hint of irritation in his voice. He held out the car keys, jingling them in front of Jongdeok. With a roll of his eyes, Jongdeok slapped Luhan's hand away and threw on a sweater. With a satisfied smile, Luhan bolted out the door to the car.

Luhan had the radio blaring so loudly, Jongdeok felt like vomiting. The entire car was shaking as if it were going to explode. Jongdeok had yet to adjust to his friend's volume preference. Even Minseok seemed as if he was ready to explode.

The one hour drive went by in a blur. Somehow, Jongdeok had managed to fall asleep, only to be violently shaken awake by Luhan. They had arrived at a small house where two other guys were entering through the door. The man who had allowed them entrance was also the man who owned the house. Recognizing the three, the man waved them over with a smile.

"Hey, glad you could make," the host of the party grinned. "I'm surprised to see you here, Jongdeok. Did you finally change your mind?"

Luhan laughed, slapping Jongdeok's shoulder, "We needed a designated driver to get us home. I hope you prepared enough drinks, Yonghwa. I am here and I am ready."

"Okay," Yonghwa chuckled. "Don't get carried away. The night is still young." But Luhan had ignored Yonghwa after stepping inside. Minseok followed closely behind to keep an eye on his over-excited friend. Yonghwa said to Jongdeok, "Baekbeom said he might be here, though we shouldn't hold our hopes too high."


"Yes, but she's the one who wants to him come. He's afraid to leave her alone. Oh, and uh, I invited Minkyu and a couple of his friends. My sister's blackmailing me with the party."

"She's not here, is she?" Jongdeok asked, his stomach churning at the thought of meeting both Minkyu and Seohwa. Jongdeok honestly would have stayed home if he knew Minkyu was at the party. He would rather have Luhan be pissed at him than to meet Minkyu once again.

Yonghwa shook his head, a hand on the younger male's shoulder, "No, she isn't. And don't worry, if anything happens you've got us to help you. Most of us here aren't big fans of that asshole."

Let's hope not.

Jongdeok thanked him, although he doubted anyone would be able to understand the situation with all the alcohol and drugs coursing through their veins. Minseok and Luhan had asked him to tag along and be their driver later. They knew he disliked alcohol and drugs and therefore, wouldn't be partaking the substances. There were a couple of females, but overall, the attendees were males. Much to his surprise, Jongdeok recognized some of the guests -- Joonwoo, Seungsoo, Yura. Those three were the smartest college students he knew and never once did he imagine to see them at a place like this. Luhan pointed to Jondeok and said something to another person before laughing and popping his bottle cap open.

Great. What do I do now?

Jongdeok found an empty corner and pulling out a stool, sat by himself as he busied himself with his phone. The laughter of the other party-goers often times caught his attention, causing him to scan his surroundings for a brief second, but for the most part Jongdeok managed to keep himself occupied.

People came and went. Every once in a while, Jongdeok would glance up to see unfamiliar faces mingling amongst the crowd. A soft sigh escaped his lips as he checked his emails in case his professors decided to assign a last minute report or chapter reading. When Baekbeom finally arrived, carrying an armful of liquor bottles, Jongdeok was dozing off. Upon trading the liquor for the money Yonghwa handed him, Baekbeom noticed the lean brunet hiding in the corner. Taking one of the bottles from the ice chest, Baekbeom advanced toward Jongdeok.

Jongdeok gazed at the wall, his mind blank and empty. He should have just stayed home and came to pick up his friends the next morning. Why didn't he think of that?

Cause I'm an idiot.

Baekbeom waved the brown bottle in front of Jongdeok's face, catching the young brunet's attention. With a smile, Baekbeom pulled out another stool and sat down beside Jongdeok. Uncapping the bottle, Baekbeom said, "Didn't expect to see you here."

"Did expect to be here, but Minseok and Luhan needed a driver. Luhan got tired of not being able to drink to his heart's content and Minseok wasn't planning to cut down his intake."

Baekbeom chuckled, taking a sip of the drink. The cold liquid ran down his throat, a familiar yet foreign feel. He hadn't had a drink in a long while because he was trying to quit the drugs and alcohol. Smacking his lips together, Baekbeom noticed that the young brunet was shivering. "You cold?"

Jongdeok was cold. The warmth of his woolen sweater wasn't enough. Minseok and Luhan had failed to warn Jongdae that Yonghwa kept the air conditioning blasted up because no one wanted to be in a crowded room full of hot, sweaty bodies. Everyone was too busy to take notice of the brunet shivering to himself in the corner of the room.

Baekbeom shrugged off his jacket and placed it over Jongdeok's shoulders, depsite the younger male's attempts to decline the gesture. "Stop it. You need this more than me," Baekbeom forced his jacket onto Jongdeok's shoulders.

"Thank you."

The cold slowly ceased to exist the longer Jongdeok was buried beneath the jacket. Jongdeok would be always be grateful for Baekbeom's presence. Byun Baekbeom was like the older brother he never had, the older brother he could never be. Jongdeok reached for his necklace, fingers wrapped around the cool exterior, wondering if Jongdae still wore his.

Several minutes later, Yonghwa summoned everyone's attention. "Well, it's time for the real party to begin. So those of you who aren't interested in the goodies, party's over." Several of the guests shouted and cheered while others got up and bid everyone farewell, including Yura and Seungsoo. New guests began filing in as well. "Your most prized possession goes in here," Yonghwa said, indicating the brown canvas bag he held out. "I will start by placing my lighter in here. If you don't have anything, you can leave." The bag slowly circulated the room, each guest dropping one item in.

Jongdeok frowned, shooting a dark glance at Minseok and Luhan, who in return flashed him brief smiles. Minseok nudged his head to Jongdeok's necklace, "Put that in. You'll get it back." Jongdeok waited as the bag circulated around the room.

Once the bag returned to Yonghwa, the host of the party grinned and gestured for Joonwoo and his younger brother to leave. To the remaining crowd, "Well, then. Let's get the party started, shall we? You know the rules: no fighting, no murdering, no sex."

"You're joking, right?" someone questioned.

"Why do you think you gave up your most prized possession?" Baekbeom smirked. "Whoever breaks the rules, Yonghwa will kick out and he'll get to decide what to do with the item."

Someone near Jongdeok groaned, "Well, shit. I handed my car keys in."

Yonghwa smiled, "Also, I don't want to have to deal with dead bodies or nasty body fluids. It also is a sure way to prove you were here and I'm sure more than half of you here aren't supposed to be." He kept his eyes on the bag, making sure not to single anyone out.

Jongdeok's insides twisted. Everything about that night was giving Jongdeok bad vibes. Baekbeom reached into his pocket for his phone and quickly left the room, leaving Jongdeok awkwardly standing around beside Minseok. "You want to try some?" Minseok thrust a small bag to Jongdeok to which the younger male politely refused. "Your body is a temple, yeah yeah, I get it. You should have a little fun too. I feel kind of bad for dragging you along."

Luhan swung an arm around Jongdeok's shoulder and held out a bottle of alcohol, "Just take a sip."

Jongdeok shook his head as he heard the front door shut and Yonghwa appeared. After a couple more minutes of Luhan weighing him down, Jongdeok broke free from his apartment buddies and approached Yonghwa, "Did Baekbeom leave?"

With an affirmative nod, Yonghwa sighed, "Something about Bohye." Jongdeok's shoulders sagged, but then he remembered he was wearing Baekbeom's jacket. They would have to meet again. Yonghwa slapped Jongdeok's back, "We should get going to Yoonkyu. Joonwoo just texted me."

"Won't we get in trouble?"

"Only if we get caught," Yonghwa smirked.


The group entered the school, following Yonghwa's lead through the hallways. For some, the experience of entering an empty school at night sent eerie chills down their spines but everyone kept quiet, the only sounds being their feet shuffling and their breathing.

Jongdeok shivered, but not from the cold. He hugged himself, the warmth from Baekbeom's jacket comforting him. It reminded him of his first year at Yoonkyu when he met Baekbeom, in a rather strange way. He reached for his necklace, only to remember that it was inside the bag that Yesung was holding. Jongdae sighed inwardly, wondering why he was even here with them. Parties weren't his thing, especially ones involving drugs and alcohol. He tried it once out of curiosity, only to have his body react violently to the substances.

Yonghwa stopped before a classroom and slid the door open. Once they entered, Jondeok realized where they were. Because Yoonkyu was the first of the four high schools to be built, it had five stories, but the fourth and fifth stories remained unused and abandoned. Only once did Yoonkyu open up classes on the fifth floor and that was during his first year because of an overflow of students. Jongdeok found a chair in an empty corner where he took out his phone and began checking his emails again. It was really going to be a long night.

The brunet dozed off, only to wake from loud laughter. Grumbling to himself, Jongdeok stretched and checked the time. It was a little past midnight. He made himself as comfortable as possible when Yonghwa approached him, "Hey, have you been hiding here this whole time?" Jongdeok nodded slowly. Yonghwa handed out a bottle of liquor, but Jongdeok refused.

Jongdeok smiled up at his friend, "Don't worry about me--"

"Hey!" a voice shouted. Jongdeok and Yonghwa shifted their attention to the group of guys bunched up near the wall. Immediately, Yonghwa rushed to the crowd to intervene.

Jongdeok remained at his spot until he recognized who the conflicting parties were. Yonghwa stood in between the crowd, "What is going on?"

"Thish racisht assh jusht inshulted ush," Luhan slurred, barely able to stand upright. Jongdeok came to Luhan's side to help Minseok support the drunk.

Minkyu snorted in disgust, "Bitch can't even talk right."

Luhan began screaming insults and curses at Minkyu as Jongdeok and Minseok held him back away from his target. "Luhan," Jongdeok pressed his fingers into the older male's shoulder.

"I don't understand why we had to invite these foreign losers," Minkyu spat. "This pathetic trash was bad-mouthing me with the others and I know it!"

Enraged, Luhan began screaming at Minkyu again. "We weren't talking about you and even if we were ya desherve to be called every foul thing that existsh."

Minkyu's eyes narrowed and he stepped forward, "As if you even know me."

"I hear enough of the shit you'd done," Luhan replied. "You a paranoid, jealoush, talking dildo."

"Luhan stop," Jongdeok warned.

Ugh, he gets too emotional when he's drunk.

"You don't desherve to be treated like shit by shit, Doggie," Luhan said to his friend, cheeks red and hair matted to his sweaty head.

When Minkyu advanced to Luhan, Jongdeok released Luhan and blocked Minkyu's path. Minkyu growled under his breath, "Move--"

No one expected Jongdeok to throw the first punch. Minkyu staggered back, cupping his jaw, eyes wide in surprise. Without waiting for a reaction, Minkyu launched himself forward, striking Jongdeok in the nose. Jongdeok saw stars as he fell back against someone, his nose burning , warm liquid dripping down. Too late, he wiped the sleeve of his right arm under his nose, staining Baekbeom's jacket with his blood.

"Hey! What did I say about violence?" Yonghwa snapped, silencing everyone in the classroom except Gu Minkyu.

Instead, Minkyu approached Jongdeok with outspread arms, "What? Can't handle a little heat? You should take that jacket off."

Yonghwa intervened, shoving Minyuk back, "Keep your mouth shut, Minkyu."

Again, Minkyu acted up. He returned the shove, his voice rising, "That asshole punched me first. What about you, Yonghwa? You were cool, but now you're just as low as Baekbeom. You invited him over when he doesn't even care about you. Not only that, you invited Jongdeok and those dickheads." Minkyu indicated to the people behind Jongdeok.

Luhan clumsily stepped forward, only to be blocked by Yonghwa's arm. Yonghwa nudged his head toward the door, "You should get out of here, Minkyu. You and anyone else who has a problem with my friends. I am sick and tired of your attitude, if my sister knew better she'd know what an ass she was dating. Yesung, get the bag."

But the bag was gone.

Yonghwa threateningly approached Yesung, "Where the hell did you put the bag?!"

Yesung shook his head uncertainly, "It was on the desk--"

"Dude! I entrusted it to you for a reason!" Yonghwa snapped in alarm.

Everyone in the room scrambled for the brown bag containing their prized possessions. After setting Luhan down on a chair, Jongdeok joined the others. "Is everyone here?" Jongdeok asked. "What if someone took it and ran away?"

"I'll fucking murder them," Yonghwa slammed the drawer shut. He briskly rubbed his hands together as his eyes scanned the crowd. "It's going to be my fucking fault cause I trusted a dipshit like Yesung--"

"I'm sure it's here somewhere," Jongdeok quickly said before separating himself from Yonghwa. It wasn't until Jongdeok went to check up on Luhan that he caught a whiff of something that reminded him of camp. Burning wood...

Yonghwa was the first person out the door, frantically searching for the source of the smell. Jongdeok immediately followed after. The fire was in the classroom over. Yonghwa and some of the others attempted to put out the fire, but the flames ceased to die. Panicking, Jongdeok shrugged off Baekbeom's jacket and began beating at the flames, successfully ridding a part of the fire. But the rest continued on. Yonghwa grabbed Jongdeok's arm and dragged him away, causing the younger male to drop the jacket. "We have to get out of here!"



"Our stuff is in there," Minkyu said, eyes wide. "We can't just leave!"

"Unless you want to get caught in the fire, forget everything and go," Yonghwa spat at him before throwing Luhan's arm around his neck. Not knowing what to do but listen, Jongdeok hastily pulled Minseok after him. Everyone scrambled out the building like the drunks they were. Jongdeok, Yonghwa and Minkyu were the few who were still functioning and able to gather everyone out.

"We have to call the fire station--" Jongdeok took out his phone but Minkyu immediately grabbed the phone.

"No! We can't let anyone know we were here!"

"But the fire--"

"Let the damn school burn. The party never happened. We were never here."

Jongdeok turned to Yonghwa to protest, but the look in Yonghwa's eyes pierced into Jongdeok's soul and reluctantly, Jongdeok and the others parted without a word. Minkyu returned Jongdeok's phone without meeting his eyes and took off. As soon as Jongdeok shoved Minseok and Luhan into the car, he quickly took off, his heart begging for release. Jongdeok wanted to hurl. They were going to get caught. They were going to prison.

Fuckfuckfuck. What's going to happen?

Jongdeok's hands gripped onto the steering wheel so hard he was sure his fingers were stuck. Luhan and Minseok were completely out of it. With a quick glance at the rearview mirror, Jongdeok could see the two has passed out entangled in each other's bodies. Jongdeok slammed on the brakes with a startled cry when his phone broke the unnerving silence. Quickly recovering himself, Jongdeok pulled over to the side before answering his phone.


"Jongdeok, I... wait, is something wrong?"

"N-Nothing. Nothing at all. What did you-- uh, what d-did you need?"

"Where are you?"

Jongdeok glanced around, but he honestly had no idea where he was. He must have missed a turn. "I don't know. I was driving home and then... and then you called." He checked the backseat of the car where his passengers were a pile of mess. He put the phone on speaker and went to buckle Minseok and Luhan's seatbelts.

"Driving home? What happened? Are you alone?"

Jongdeok returned to his seat, changing the gear to drive before continuing down the dark, empty roads. "It uhh... ended early. Hey, listen -- I need your help. I'm-- I'm freaking out. I don't what to do. I'm scared to death-- oh my god." Jongdeok tensed at the sight of a patrol car on the opposite side of the intersection he was stopped at. But nothing happened. He proceeded safely down the street once the lights turned green. He should be okay. Yoonkyu was far behind him. Besides, it wasn't as if he burned the school. Some drunk idiot must have accidentally done it.

"Jongdeok! Are you okay?"

"God damn it, Baekbeom!" Jongdeok shouted, jumping inside his skin. "I-I'm fine. Where are you?"

"I'm at a telephone booth near a medical clinic at Seokdo."

Jongdeok's heart nearly leaped out his chest as the upcoming sign read Seokdo. He frantically turned the steering wheel and took the exit. After about ten minutes, Jongdeok had miraculously found Baekbeom. After calming down, Jongdeok jumped to the news of the fire.

"Wait," Baekbeom stopped the young male. "All our stuff was in the fire?"

Jongdeok nodded dejectedly. "I'm afraid so. I'm so sorry Baekbeom. Your watch and your jacket. I will take responsibility for them. If anyone asks, just say you let me borrow them."

Baekbeom wet his lips as he tried thinking of a solution, "Your father's a defense attorney, right?" At Jongdae's nod, Baekbeom said, "Let me handle everything."

Before Jongdeok could protest, the elder male held up his hand for silence. Jongdeok couldn't believe what Baekbeom had just said. Baekbeom had left early and missed out on everything, yet he was somehow going to handle everything?

"I'll call Yonghwa and discuss with him about what happened. Don't panic, Jongdeok. You're innocent."

"So are you."

Baekbeom shushed him, guiding him to the car. "Just continue on home. Take care of those two drunks. They most likely won't even remember what happened."

Jongdeok got into the car, not knowing if trusting Baekbeom to 'handle everything' was such a good idea. But since when did he ever disobey Baekbeom? Jongdeok started the engine and, after a wave of farewell to his friend, began driving back to the apartment.

I hope you know what you're doing.

~ Present Day ~

Baekhyun softly sighed, covering the upper half of his face with his left hand.

Stupid Baekbeom wanted to play the hero.

After some time to ponder about the story, Baekhyun thanked Jongdeok and left. Now he knew why there were so many objects being recovered at the school. But Baekhyun was still confused.

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