Forever Young | Rory Keaner

By f4brays

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β€·β˜…π”£π”¬π”―π”’π”³π”’π”― 𝔢𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔀 π’π‹πŽπ– 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒 "Think about it, Mads. We're gonna be 16 forever and ever... More

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7.7K 276 162
By f4brays

Madi had her head down mindlessly as she walked down the hall, heading for her locker when she was sprayed with cologne, putting her in a coughing fit. "What is that?" Madi asked, waving her hand over her face to clean the air around her as Ethan sprayed the air with his cologne. Ethan turned to Madi, a big smile on his face as he gestured to the cologne. "This'? Harmonia. It's musk. Supposed to tap into a woman's primal nature."

"It's definitely manly." Benny breathed out beside Madi as she pinched her nose. "Like wrestling team laundry bag manly." Madi scoffed as Sarah walked into the hall. Ethan took a deep breath as he stared at her. "Okay, here goes. I'm just worried she'll laugh in my face."

"She probably will if you're smelling like that." Benny quickly said, making Madi shake her head. "No. She'll probably pass out." Madi said, her voice nasally from her pinching her nose. Ethan glared at them, making Benny cringe. "Uh... It gives you one less thing to worry about, right?" Ethan rolled his eyes at the two, walking towards Sarah.

"Joking?" Benny asked and Madi, finally being able to breath, let go of her nose and crossed her arms. "I wasn't."


"I don't care if you have to study tonight, Sarah. We are going shopping." Erica said as her, Sarah and Madi walked down the halls of the school. Sarah rolled her eyes, turning to Erica. "I need to study-" "We are literally gonna be high schoolers for all of eternity. So what if you fail a test?" Erica interrupted Sarah before turning to Madi. "You'll go, right?"

Madi smiled, linking arms with Erica. "I don't have a test to study for." Erica squealed in excitement, nodding her head happily as they passed Ethan, Benny and Rory.

"Hey, ladies. What do you say'?" Benny asked, making Madi's brows furrow as Erica smirked. "Drop dead, geek?" Madi stifled a laugh as Bennys jaw dropped and he slowly started raising his hands in surrender. "Easy, babe, easy."

Erica chuckled, grabbing Madi, who was planning to stop to talk to the boys, pulling her by the arm and continuing on. "Hey, nothing personal. I just don't hang out with dorks."

Benny let out a sigh, pulling something out of his pocket. "I just wanted to see if you wanna sample... this new Dusk Perfume. It's supposed to make even undead people smell like flowers... and other girly stuff. Wanna try it?"

Erica gasped, pulling Madi and Sarah back towards Benny, a huge girl smile on her face. "Yes." Erica screamed as Madi pursed her lips and shook her head and Sarah sighed. "No, thanks."

Erica growled at Sarah and Madi before turning back to Benny. "Oh, please. Just one little spritz." Benny looked at Erica for a couple of seconds before sighing, handing her the bottle. "Okay."

Erica squeaked, taking the perfume bottle out of his hands and spraying it all over her, spraying Madi and Sarah in the face in the process, making Madi cough. "Hey! Erica! Watch where you're spray-" Madi suddenly felt a whirl over emotions and felt herself being pulled towards Rory. Before she could even do anything. She was hugging onto Rorys side. "Hey, there, handsome."

Rorys eyes went wide, looking down at Madi. "You're talking to me. So we're good?"  Madi smiled, cupping his cheek as she moved closer and closer to him. "Yeah, we are." As soon as she finished her sentence, she pulled Rory into a kiss, pulling away as the bell rang.

Madi looked up at the bell, pouting before turning to Erica and Sarah who were doing the same to Benny and Ethan. Madi turned back to Rory and ran a hand through his hair. "Oh, man. We have to get to class."

She quickly went on her toes, kissing Rory's cheek before backing away with Sarah and Erica, waving to Rory. "Bye. Bye." As the girls walked away, Erica sighed, turning back to the boys. "Oh, crap. Almost forgot. Here you go." She threw the perfume bottle back to Benny. The Weir boy dropped the bottle, the perfume in it spilling across the floor.


Madi sat in her math class, mindlessly scribbling 'MADI + RORY' and 'MRS. RORY KEANER' in her notebook.

"Uh... Excuse me, Miss Fine? Can I go to the bathroom?" Benny said, raising his hand slowly from the seat in front of Madi, leaning back slightly, making Madi's desk shake and Madi mess up her writing. Madi groaned, leaning forward and flicking Benny head. "Way to go, Galactica. You made me mess up." Benny rolled his eyes at Madi as Miss Fine turned around to face him. "No."

Madi looked back down, continuing to write in her notebook when she saw a hand come into her line of eyesight from behind. She turned her head and watched as the girl behind her sent a note to Rorys desk beside Madi. Madi whipped her head around to the girl, taking the note out of the girls hands and ripping it. "Back off! He's mine."

"Amazing. Some of you have very eloquent, well thought-nut papers. However, there are exceptions to the rule... and I would like to talk about this paper in particular." Miss Fine said as she walked around the room, placing tests on the students desks before standing in front of Benny, showing off his test with a big '-C' on it.

A knock came from the classroom door, making Miss Fine sigh, giving Benny his test and opening the door. A man wheeled in a cart full of flowers, making everyone's eyes in the room go wide. Miss Fine smiled before looking at who the flowers were for. Her face dropped as she pushed the cart over to Benny. "Here you go."

Benny smirked, reading the card over before his jaw dropped. "'Hugs and kisses from the Cheerleading Squad'? Nice."

"Well, here's my gift to you." Miss Fine said, pushing the test she left on his desk closer to him, making Bennys mood dampen. "Next time, try reading Pride and Prejudice. You'd be amazed how much you don't have to make up, like the part about aliens. I may have to assign you a study partner." The girl behind Madi that was flirting with Rory jumped up, throwing her hand in the air as did every other girl in the class besides Madi.

Strings of 'ohhs' and 'pick me!' and even a few 'I'm really smart!' rang through the air as the bell rang, making Miss Fine groan. "Class dismissed."

Madi let out a happy cheer, closing her notebook and throwing it in her bag. She skipped over to Rorys table, linking her arm with his and pulling him up to stand before dragging him out of the class.


"I still can't believe we got her to stop studying." Madi said as she, Erica and Sarah walked through the mall. Erica cheered as Sarah rolled her eyes. They looked through the rack of clothes when Madi felt a sudden anger wash over her. She felt angry at Rory. She slowly turned to Erica and Sarah, the two girls looking just as mad as her. Erica growled under her breath, looking back and forth between Sarah and Madi. "Lets kill them."

Sarah and Madi nodded, all three of them walking out of the mall and into the parking lot. When they were sure no one was around, Erica and Madi each grabbed one of Sarah's hands before flying to Ethan's house. They landed in front of three girls with pitchforks and swords, fangs out. "That's my man you've got there." Erica grumbled at one of the girls.

"And the cute one is mine." Sarah mumbled as Madi growled at the girls. "So back off."

"Thank goodness you girls are here." Madi could hear Benny cheer but Madi shook her head, pointing at Rory behind her in the bushes. "No one is gonna kill him but me."

"And us." Erica said, her and Sarah taking steps closer to the other girls. "What?!" Rory screeched as the girls across from Madi, Erica and Sarah took slow steps towards them. "Over our dead bodies."

Madi tilted her head, smirking slightly at the girls words. "So be it." Madi ran for the girl across from her. The girl went to stab Madi with her pitchfork but Madi grabbed the end of it, twisting it, making the girl scream in pain.

She yanked the fork out of the girls hands before spinning around, kicking her in the face, knocking her out. Madi tried to catch her breath, moving hair out of her face as she turned to Sarah and Erica who had just finished fighting. The two girls turned to Madi and they all nodded, walking towards the boys.

"Do you think this cage will keep them out?" Madi heard Benny ask as she, Sarah and Erica walked towards the cage. "We're gonna find out in any-" Ethan was cut off by the girls jumping at the cage, trying to rip it open, making the boys scream, jumping back.

"Come on out, Ror. I wanna go inside and make popcorn with you." Madi growled out, her eyes turning brighter yellow as Erica and Sarah shook the cage.

"I don't think he can fit in the microwave." Benny screeched, making Madi angrier. "Oh, I'll make him fit." Madi growled and Ethan laughed, pointing at her. "The Eternity Cage is impregnable." "Not the prop. I hope." Madi snapped, flashing the boys her fangs, making them jump back, huddling together.

"Stop! Don't make us use these." Ethan yelled as he and Benny pulled out holy water-guns, spraying the girls. Madi hissed in pain at the feeling in her hand, Sarah backing away at the pain in her hand. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Ethan yelled as Benny laughed. "This is like being in a shark tank."

"How long does this Shark Week last?" Rory asked, slightly terrified as he watched the girls. "Well, they loved us for about six hours. If your grandma's right, they're gonna hate us for about five more." Ethan cried out as the three girls continued to shake the cage.


At morning, Madi, Sarah and Erica waited outside of the cage, Madi twirling the key around her finger, waiting for the three boys to wake up.

When the boys did wake up, they jumped awake, falling onto the metal floors of the cage with groans. "What do you think we should do?" Erica asked, turning to the two girls beside her. "Kill them." Madi grumbled from the middle of Sarah and Erica, still twirling the key.

"You said the spell would've warn off by now." Rory screeched, hugging into Ethan. Madi raised her eyebrows, nodding her head. "Oh, it did."

"Now we're just mad at you." Sarah yelled, making Ethan sigh. "Guys, look, we are really, really sorry."

"Well, you should be." Erica said as Madi smirked, taking a step closer to the cage incase the boys didn't see the key. "Because look what Sped-Ex just dropped off."

"Gah! I get it. You guys wanna punish us. Totally." Benny said, pointing at the three girls. A hand on Madi's shoulder made her evil smile grow ten times bigger as Bennys grandma stared at the three boys. "Not them, lover boys. Me."


"Oh, Ethan, you missed a spot." Sarah screamed from beside Madi on the porch steps, pointing at the hood of her car. Ethan sighed, going to wash away the spot. "This is not haw I envisioned spending my Saturday with Sarah."

"Oh, boys, I need someone to come over here and massage my bunions." Bennys grandma sang and Benny and Ethan quickly turned to Madi who raised her hands in surrender. "Rorys inside getting drinks. So it's gonna have to be one of you." Ethan whipped his head to Benny, the Weir boy instantly dropping his jaw in betrayal. "Don't look at me."

"Dude. It's your grandma." Ethan snapped, making Benny sigh, throwing the rag he was using on the roof of his car and walking towards his grandma. "Coming, Grandma. Left or right foot?"

"Left." Bennys grandma said happily, sticking her foot out at Benny as Rory walked back outside from the house, holding a glass of lemonade. "My lady." Rory greeted, handing Madi the lemonade. Madi smiled, taking the glass from Rory before looking into the cup, her smile instantly falling. "I said extra ice. This has none." Madi said, waving the cup around in Rorys face.

Rory sighed, ripping the cup out of Madi's grip as he sighed, looking down at her. "Will that be all?"

"That will be all." Madi said, sending Rory a small wink. Rorys eyes went wide as he smiled, walking back into the house.

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