Memories Bring Back You (Klav...

By Manhwa23

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Through highschool, there was one boy you loved unconditionally. Although happy for him in his success, you m... More

Chapter One : I arrived in Tokyo!
Chapter Two : Flashback
Chapter 3 : Home
Chapter 4 : Won't You Come In?
Chapter 5 : Visits
Chapter 6: The Reunion
Chapter 7 : May I Kiss You?
Chapter 8 : Demons
Chapter 9 : A Date!?
Chapter 10 : Pain
Chapter 11 : Forgiveness and Coffee
Chapter 12 : Music To My Ears
Chapter 14 : End of an Era
Chapter 15 : To Make You Feel My Love
Chapter 16 : Tears Shed
Chapter 17: Homeward Bound
Chapter 18 : The Love of My Life
Chapter 19 : My Sweet Y/N
Chapter 20 : Bride and Groom

Chapter 13 : Home For The Holidays

61 2 1
By Manhwa23

(Y/N's POV)

The four of you boarded the plane on a crisp December morning for the flight home to Germany. Arianna and David chatted quietly in the back, while you set up a movie, and Klavier attempted to calm down a frantic Vogel, who didn't like the idea of another plane trip so soon. Everyone finally settled in and the plane lifted off, finally on it's way to Germany.

Klavier leaned over, and took your hand in his. "Our first time together in Germany in almost 7 years, Fraulein." he murmured, contentedly. "I know, I'm so excited to see my parents again..." You trail off, thinking about how much you missed your mom and dad. Klavier turned a bit in his seat, and checked on Arianna and David. Seeing they were seated a couple rows behind, and not in earshot, he leaned in and whispered "I'm quite excited for our lovebirds back there. We'll be coming back to Tokyo with a soon-to-be married couple on our hands!". You laughed quietly in response "You think they're lovey-dovey now, just wait until they're engaged. David already stays over with Arianna frequently but I'm going to have to move in with you if it gets any worse. There's only so many times I can hear "pookie" in one day!" You mimed gagging, making Klavier laugh. "In that case, I will inform David to up the romance so I can drive you to live with me!" he said, jokingly. You laughed, pushing his arm a bit. "Sorry, but the occasional sleepovers will have to suffice for now. Arianna might kick me out when she's married, but for now, I'm vibing with my best friend!" Klavier leaned in towards you "Maybe I'll have to put a ring on your finger so you have no choice but to move in with me..." He whispered seductively, smiling at you. Your cheeks heated up swiftly, as you covered your eyes "KLAVIER! Don't say things like that! Oh my gosh." In response, Klavier simply kissed your temple and rested his head on top of your head, as the two of you watched the show you picked. 

You hadn't realized you fell asleep until you felt Klavier gently shaking you, and pressing a kiss to your cheek. "Hey, baby, we're home. Wake up, my love." You sighed, stretching and blinking in the brightly lit plane. "I'd like to carry you off like a knight in shining armor, but unfortunately, I'll probably have to carry Vogel down since she dislikes the stairs!" He laughed, scratching the dog's head as she waited patiently beside him. You smiled sleepily at him, as you stood up to stretch, and reach for your bag. Your legs were stiff and asleep from sitting for so long, and you fell backwards as soon as you stood up. Klavier's arm shot out, catching you before you whacked your head. You laughed as you stood upright and gripped the chair in front of you. "Thanks for that catch!" Klavier dusted off his shoulder comically. "There's my knightly deed for the night, my princess!" He does a playful bow, before reaching your bag down for you. 

(A/N: Fun story here, but when I was a kid, there was a place that did limo rides for kids, and I used to do them a lot, and I wasn't a super bright kid so once tried to stand up while the limo was moving, and I fell backwards, and this mom (not my mom) who was sitting next to me with her small kid just shot her arm out and caught me by the back of my head. Thank you, random lady, you probably saved young me from a bad concussion! I'm also convinced moms are super heroes with their lightning reflexes. I've worked with kids for a couple years now, and gotten pretty good at catching the toddler before they fall off something, but my reflexes are nowhere near as good yet.)

You descended the platform and took a deep breath, the frosty December air hitting your lungs. Smiling, you made your way to the bag station to collect your luggage. Klavier poked your shoulder while you were checking your luggage, "Baby, I think there's someone here to see you..." He whispered. You stood up and turned around, seeing your mom and dad standing there. "Oh my GOSH! Momma! Papa!" You squealed, running towards them and throwing yourself into their arms. "Hey Kiddo! How you doing?" Your dad said, ruffling your hair, "Dad, I missed you so much," You said, happily grasping his hand. Klavier walked over with Vogel, and set down his bag on top of your suitcase so he could shake your father's hand. "Ah, my boy, how are you doing? You better be taking care of Y/N!" he said. "I'm doing great, Sir." Klavier replied, shaking his hand "And of course I'm taking care of her, she's the love of my life." He finished with a smile. You turned away from you mom and looked at Klavier "How do you so casually deliver lines like that? To my parents, no less!" Klavier laughed and patted your head. "I'm a rockstar, nothing bothers me anymore!" Your mom pushed you aside a bit to hug Klavier. "It's nice to see you again, dear." she said, patting his shoulder. "We should probably get on the road, since its late now, Momma." you suggest. "Oh yes, of course. You guys are probably tired." (In case you're wondering, Arianna and David went to greet Arianna's German residing relatives.) Arianna and David already went to her family house, and you had already informed your parents that you intended to stay the nights at Klavier's aunt's home. Your dad had already teased Klavier plenty, accusing him of stealing his daughter away, to which Klavier confidently responded "Indeed I am." true to his nature. You got in the car with your mom and dad, and Klavier slid in beside you. "Hey, Y/N!" Your mom said, turning around with a mischievous smirk, "I meant to tell you, but you left these in Germany when you went to college." She turns around, and passes you your old Gavinners T-shirts, (You had 3 from different album releases) and your old sketchbook, where the last page was a full on art study drawing of Klavier Gavin from his 'Atroquinine, My Love' Single. "OH MY GOD, MOM!" You say, rubbing your forehead, "Do you ever lay off? It's like Klavier's your favorite and he's not even your own kid!" you moaned in annoyance. "I/he will be soon, though!" Your mom and Klavier both piped at the same time. You playfully swatted at Klavier. "That's the fourth time you've 'proposed' to me this week, Klavier." you stated, jokingly. Klavier caught your hand, and brought it to his lips, kissing your palm, "One of these days, it will be for real. Prepare yourself, my Love." You brought your free hand to your forehead and sighed, while your dad shook his head and muttered "kids these days..." 

Your mom and dad dropped you and Klavier off at Aunt Liesel's home, and you walked in through the door, immediately being enveloped by the warmth of her home. "Klavier, my dear nephew, and my lovely Y/N. How I missed you children so much!" Liesel said, embracing you and Klavier gently. Klavier kissed his aunt's cheek, as you returned her hug. "I missed you, too, auntie!" you said. Klavier pulled back and inhaled deeply, "Do I smell your famous chocolate Christmas cake, Aunt Liesel?" he asked, an excited smile growing on his face. "Indeed you do, my dear!" Aunt Liesel said, pulling them to the kitchen. "I baked it today in anticipation of your arrival!" she said proudly. You looked at the cake in awe. It was a masterpiece of chocolate and cream, and topped with sifted confectioners sugar, looking like snow on the glossy hazelnut surface. (A/N Inspired by the cake my mother makes us every year for Christmas, it's really a masterpiece.) "Why don't you two sit down with me and have a piece before you go to bed?" Liesel suggested. "There's no way I could sleep knowing this cake is downstairs, Aunt, so of course!" Klavier laughed. Liesel began serving up the cake on plates, "I'll have to teach your young bride over there how to make the cake, so you two can enjoy it at Christmas when you can't come visit!" You shook your head, deciding to ignore being called his bride for the umpteenth time, "That wouldn't be a good idea, Auntie. I can't cook at all. Klavier's the chef around here, and he really does spoil me. I think I've gained some weight since starting to date him." you say with a smile in Klavier's direction. Liesel 'tsks' as she sets the plates down. "All the more reason for me to start teaching you to cook, my dear. After all, couples should share the burden of housework, yes?". You nodded at that "Oh, I agree! I'd love it if you could teach me not to burn everything I touch, Auntie." Liesel clapped her hands, "Well then, I suppose I could give you a couple lessons before you leave!" she said with a smile. The three of you sat down at the table in front of the cake, Klavier picked up a piece on his fork, and tasted it. "This is the best cake you've made, hands down, Aunt Liesel!" He proclaimed. You tasted a bite of cake as well, and gasped as the flavors hit your tastebuds. "Oh my goodness, you weren't kidding! This is amazing!" You said in awe. Liesel chuckled proudly. "I'm glad you like it. Now hurry up and finish so you can go to bed, you have a big day tomorrow!" You and Klavier had informed her about David's plans to propose in the square, and tomorrow was the 21st, the day of the tree lighting. You nodded at Liesel, and finished your cake quickly. "Thank you, Auntie! That was delicious!" you said, kissing her cheek affectionately. 

You and Klavier quickly prepared for bed, and settled in, his arms around your waist, your head tucked against his neck, you felt happier than you had in a long time. "It's good to be home..." Klavier sighed, tugging you in closer, and kissing the top of your head. "Yeah, it is." you agreed, contentedly "Lets go to sleep so I can have more of that chocolate cake tomorrow!" You added playfully. Klavier laughed merrily. "I love you, Y/N." 

(A/N, Sorry this chapter is so long!!!! I want to make this story feel like real life, and include plenty of cute Y/N x Klavier moments!)

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