Stuck In A Moment

By fandom_lover2005

6K 286 240

The third book in the Bad Things Happen series! Other books in the series include Bad Thing Happen and Life a... More

Gender Reveal!
Dating app.
"Ugh, you again."
What happened next.
The hospital...again.
Peggy, what happened?
Halloween part 2.
"At least the visit is free."
The Trial. *sigh*
The trial. *sigh* continued.
Thanksgiving part two.
Lafayette's birthday!
Me got tagged again.
Christmas part 1.
Christmas part 2.
Christmas part 3.
Christmas Part 4.
Christmas part 5.
Christmas part 6.
Christmas part 7.
Forgiveness... can you imagine?
I have an announcement.
The Grand Finale.
The real announcement.
Making up.
Old rivalry. Still going
Burr ain't happy... is he ever?
Valentine's Day.
Bro time.
The Letter
Well... he's still here.
After the storm.
I state my regret for an incorrect accusation against yee.
A week after the storm.
The clink. (Hope I spelled that right.)
More Jeggy
The trap
The police
Jeggy for the win.


45 2 0
By fandom_lover2005

The snow fell hard, the weather became freezing cold within minutes. Everyone had their heaters on and tried to stay warm.
Eliza snuggled up against Alexander on the couch while he watched a movie.

"You cold?" He asked.

"I have your love to keep me warm." Eliza smiled.

"I recall a time when you said that before." Alexander smirked.

"You're right. And I haven't changed my mind since." Eliza kissed him.

"Well as much as I love you, if you don't come with a blanket, that's gonna be a no for me." Alexander joked.

"That's fair." Eliza rolled her eyes with a smile. "Where's Laurens?"

"I can't call him since the phone lines just went down. But if he hasn't showed up by now, I'd assume he got caught up at your father's house." Alexander answered.

"Why was he at my dad's house?" Eliza asked.

"He went to see Peggy. He was sad that he wouldn't be able to see her for three days." Alexander explained.

"Well now he's stuck with her for three days." Eliza chuckled.

"And I'm stuck with you." Alexander whispered under his breath.

"What?" Eliza glared.

"I was just kidding. I love you so much and I am always happy to be with you." He gave her a short kiss on the lips.

"We need to work on your humor." Eliza smiled.

"I know."

Laurens tried to get his car to restart, but it wouldn't work. He tried calling a large number of people he knew, but the phone lines were down and it was useless to keep trying.
The snow was coming down harder and harder and his only chance was to walk home. But the storm was only getting stronger. He would have to be quick. The only other problem was that his car had to stop working in a bad part of town.

Laurens grabbed his things from his car and started walking back to the Washington house. He made it about a quarter mile before being stopped by a man.

"Hey! You got a light?" The man asked.

"No. And the snow is starting to fall. You might want to get to shelter." Laurens said before beginning walking again. He tried to at least, but the man stopped him.

"I never said you could leave, kid." He threatened.

"Listen, I don't have any money on me. I need to get off the streets." Laurens protested.

"You don't want to make me mad." The man hissed.

"You seem like a really tough guy, but I've had a pretty rough life, and whatever you can do to me wouldn't even be top ten." Laurens stated.

"I don't like people who underestimate me." The man snapped.

"Me neither." Laurens decked him in the face and kept walking. But the man jumped up and followed him. He held a pipe in his hand and when Laurens heard the footsteps behind him, he turned around to be hit right in the forehead by the pipe. Knocking him out cold.

"Shoulda listened, kid." The man sighed. He rolled Laurens over and searched all of his pockets. The snow coming down harder and harder as he did. As soon as he was done, the man left Laurens in the storm.

Peggy and her dad were the only ones in Schuyler Manor. Angelica was with her husband and Eliza with hers. Peggy said that she wanted to take her relationship with Laurens slowly because they didn't want to rush it and have something like the Stephen incident happen again, but also because she knew she was the youngest. Even if her and Eliza weren't even a year apart, her father had always looked at her as the baby of the family, and she knew that he had both of his other daughters marry very young. She couldn't do that to him too.

"I'm glad we get to do this." Philip said. "Ever since you started high school, I haven't gotten to spend time like this with you. My little girl is all grown up now. It's crazy."

"I'll still be here whenever you want me, daddy." Peggy snuggled with her father on the couch. "You might have to share me, but I'll always make time for you."

"I love you, Peg." Philip smiled.

"I love you too."

"Now," Philip began. "Let's talk about something real quick, then we can spend some time together."


"Laurens." Philip explained. "I had this same talk with Angelica when she was with John, and Eliza when she was with Alexander."

"What do you mean?" Peggy asked.

"I know that Laurens is a good kid, which is why he'll probably check off everything on the list." Philip started. "First off, does he have the same religion as us?"


"Does he love your family?"

"Really?" Peggy looked at her father with a stare that asked if he was stupid.

"I have to ask."

"Yes." Peggy rolled her eyes.

"Does he love you?" Philip questioned.


"And the most important. Do you love him?" Philip asked.

"More then anyone else I've ever met. And even though I'm still mad at myself for Stephen, I didn't feel like this before that. I liked Laurens, but now I know. I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with him." Peggy smiled.

"Good." Philip smiled as well. "But let's not experiment with this theory and just stay away from Stephens."


"You wanna watch a movie?"

"You know I do."

Henry Laurens was driving through a rough part of town. He knew he shouldn't be out in the storm, but he had forgotten something at the store and went to pick it up. The snow chains on his tires helped him drive, but the heater in his car did nothing compared to the cold outside. He was almost back to his apartment when something outside his window caught his attention.

"Oh my gosh." He mumbled. "What are the odds of... who am I kidding?"

Henry got out of his truck and ran out into the snow. He saw that it was Laurens and immediately took him to his truck.

"I hope I can remember where you live."

Martha was making hot chocolate in the kitchen.

"Alex? Do you want mini marshmallows?" She asked.

Alexander eyed the kitchen, then Eliza. She looked at him as if he was crazy.

"So mini marshmallows somehow take away your masculinity, but mini corndogs are just fine?" Eliza laughed.

"Are you judging me?" Alexander asked with a slight smile and a slight eyebrow raise.

"100%." Eliza joked. "Two mini marshmallow cups, please."

"Ok, Eliza." Martha called back.

"Thank you, Mrs. Washington." Eliza replied sweetly.

"Honey, you're married to my son. You don't have to be so formal." Martha smiled.

"Sorry, Mrs. Wash... I mean Martha." Eliza brought her hand up to her face in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it. Call me what you like."

Before anyone could say anything else, a large pounding was heard at the door. Washington came out of his study to answer it. He was shocked at what he saw.


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