Soul Dancing (TP! Link x Read...

By BadTendenciess

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REWRITTEN ⚠️WARNING⚠️ Possible Content: Abuse Smut Blood & Injury Sexual Assault/Rape Traumatic Events P... More

01 | Monachopsis: I
03 | Monachopsis: III
04 | Monachopsis: IV
05 | Monachopsis: V
06 | Monachopsis: VI
07 | Introspective: I
08 | Introspective: II
09 | Introspective: III
10 | Introspective: IV
11 | Gnossienne: I
12 | Gnosssienne: II
13 | Gnossienne: III
15 | Altschmerz: I
16 | Altschmerz: II

14 | Gnossienne: IV

722 23 83
By BadTendenciess


Blood & Injury

I've got some important announcements!
First of all, it took me a while to publish a new chapter because I've completely re-edited all my chapters. Therefore yes, I did change a couple things about the story which include:

1. More lively interactions between characters in the first chapters.
2. New details. One would be that Coro actually stitched up Y/N's wound, so I've rewritten that section.
3. Better grammar and explanations.
4. Y/N no longer actually took the box with her mothers name on it with her, she only took her apophyllite pendant and her mother's picture. I figured the box would be too much of a burden.

That'll be all for now!

n. a moment of awareness that someone you've known for years still has a private and mysterious inner life, and somewhere in the hallways of their personality is a door locked from the inside, a stairway leading to a wing of the house that you've never fully explored—an unfinished attic that will remain maddeningly unknowable to you, because ultimately neither of you has a map, or a master key, or any way of knowing exactly where you stand.

Published: June 11th, 2021
Word Count: 10,053


     ༄ "I don't want to do this you know," Link spoke out softly after he removed himself from beside you.

You were sound asleep but his movements woke you, feeling his weight press down on the opposite edge of the bed. His sudden words pierced the silent atmosphere and startled your ears to perk.

What is he still doing up? Do what?

"Any of this."

Your eyes opened widely by the possible chance of an answer to your thoughts.

What the hell is he on about?

Quietly and still, you listened in on the mess he was to spill. Usually it's something major when you have a therapy session with yourself at night, right?

However, he kept his silence, furthering your confusion. You were beginning to become unsure if he'd speak again until a charming chuckle escaped him. "Good to see you've been changing your mind, little by little," he whispered with a completely friendly change of character.

Is he. . .talking to someone or something?

What thought other than that was more reasonable? It felt unlikely that he would speak out of context like that. Unless. . .

Oh Hylia. . .has Link gone mad?

His weight fell back against the bed again, a long sigh escaping his lips. You felt you should try and talk to him, but it would be probable that it'd weird him out or lead him to believe you might've been eavesdropping. Maybe it would be best left a question for another day, especially after the previous encounter.

He wouldn't spill anyway. He never really does.


Huff. . .huff. . .huff.

     ༄ Deep within the forests of Faron, you ran as fast as your feet could carry you. Quickly taking peeks behind yourself, you occasionally stumbled as you desperately searched for any possible safe location to find refuge in. Your attempts however, were to no avail.

     Glancing behind you a last time, you realized the huge wolf that chased you was no longer in sight. You halted your pace, your feet sliding to a hard stop in the dirt as you jerked your head in all directions for any sign of the creature.

     All was silent. The only audible noise be that of your breaths.


     You whipped your head towards a dark crevice where the sharp blue eyes of the beast illuminated, slowly approaching the light to reveal itself once more. Its teeth bared with a vile snarl.


     Without hesitation, you sent running the opposite direction while adrenaline filled your veins.

     You ever heard of persistence hunting, Y/N?

     When the prey runs. . .and runs. . .continuously without stop to flee of whatever predator attempts pursuing them?

     Aren't you tired, Y/N?

     What happens when the prey becomes exhausted, Y/N?

     A wolf is not slow. They tend to catch up rather quickly yet, somehow you're still on the run unharmed thus far. Have you considered the possibility that perhaps you're being played?

     You're in a game. Are you attempting to beat a chase of cat and mouse that you've already lost, Y/N?

     You began to feel your lungs burn at your constant sharp breaths, your legs weakening and fumbling at every thump against the ground.

     Suddenly, a lifted tree root came across your path causing you to trip hard on your face. "Aghk!" You cried out desperately but not due to pain, rather the tormenting fear of getting caught.

     You're tired. Weary. Your lungs burn and your feet ache. You've been running for what felt like hours. The idea of laying to rest and giving up isn't sounding all that bad anymore.

     You don't want to run anymore.

     A vicious growl startled you from your dazed body that lay tiresome on the ground. "Come on Y/N! You've. . .got. . .to run!" You cried out while summing up whatever you could in strength, picking up your pace to continue your escape.

     But it seemed that it was too late.

     A sharp pain shot like a spasm from your ankle up your thigh. With rounded eyes, you feared the worst was soon to arrive. Surely enough, you fell upon the ground once again, feeling the needle-like teeth of the creature ripping through your ankle as it snarled rabidly. You shrieked, looking down at it with mere shock while trying to kick it off with your opposite foot.

     Beside you lay a loose branch that you used to your advantage, grabbing ahold of it and swinging it right across the wolf's face. It whimpered and began rubbing its face with its paws, allowing you a chance for an escape.

     Limping off, you hurried away but your ankle was horridly injured. Even the slightest bit of pressure sent shock waves of pain up your body. You couldn't run anymore.

     Hope began to creep away from every inch of your mind as your eyes welled up of despaired tears. There was not a chance you could outrun the beast further. You fell to your hands and knees, hiccuping back sharp breaths of mangled cries.

I'm gonna die here. I can't do anything about it.

     Your thoughts had formed true; the wild beast had caught up. . .and it did not look so pleased.

     Persistence hunting.

     The prey will run, run, and run until it becomes fatigued, wounded, cornered or overheated.

     What happens when it can't run any longer, Y/N?

     It seems. . .there is no point in chasing you around like a mad circus thrill anymore. You're meat on the platter now.

     In a heartbeat, the wolf lunged itself at you, pinning you beneath it before it targeted your throat and ripped out your artery and esophagus. You could no longer breathe, you could barely choke up your own blood, your face fell paralyzed with those widened eyes of a horrified stare.

     The last face you'll ever make.

     "You taste quite fine, although I only wish I would've tried you when you still had all your energy."

     In between fading visions, you caught a glimpse of Link above you; his mouth full of blood as he wiped it off with a thumb.

     "Stressed prey means poor meat quality, don't you know that, Y/N?" He chuckled, leaning closer to your face while caressing a hand through your hair.

     "What a waste," he pouted.



     ༄ Link had greeted you awake when you first opened your eyes. You jerked back at the startling sight of him peering down at you from beside you. He stifled a chuckle, "jeez, I look that bad huh?" He placed a hand upon the side of his neck, facing away from you.

     Confused and frightened, you lifted yourself up and observed your surroundings cautiously before fumbling off the bed hurriedly.

     "Woah—hey, where you going?" Link called out, causing you to halt dead in your steps.

     "I—," you kept your back turned to him, "I'm. . .gonna shower. We will be heading out soon, won't we?"

     With that, you tried to hurry off but you felt a hand tug at your arm. You tensed up in effect.

     "Wait," Link pressed his brows together worriedly, "what's wrong?"

     You slowly turned back to face him, feeling nauseated at the simple sight of him. "N-nothing," your smile twitched.

     Filled of curious confusion, he decided to trust your word, "okay. . .well, if nothing's up, do you think you could stay a little longer?" The weight of his hand on your arm grew heavier when he tried leaning you down towards him.

     Your stomach churned. Swiftly, you pulled your arm away and headed to the restroom. "S-sorry, we should get ready as soon as possible. Don't wanna hold you back," you replied before closing the door shut behind you.

     "That. . .that's off. . ." Link mumbled off to himself while he stared at the door.

     In the restroom, your hands trembled nervously as you turned the shower knobs and rid of your shirt. It seemed the adrenaline from your dream had made its way to the real world. Not only were you frightened but also embarrassed.

     You slapped a hand to your face in the shower.

I shouldn't have treated him that way! It was nothing but a dream.

     Link stepped closer to the restroom door, listening in on the running water with a glum expression.

Why did she reject me? It surely seemed it wasn't 'nothing'.

     The humid aroma of shampoo made its way to his nose from the inside of the restroom. The pleasing smell brought him to inhale a relaxing breath, leaning his forehead against the door with a sigh.

Even shampoo can't change her natural scent, that scent I love so much. Glad to see it hasn't altered after all these years.

     The door clicked open, prompting him to stumble forward before he caught himself on the doorway.

     You gave a startled face, staring up at him while securing your towel around your chest. A sound of choked up surprise escaped him, his face only inches from yours.

How long must I have been standing here? I didn't expect her to. . .

     "H-hi, um," you found yourself tripping upon your words, your insides swirling of jitters, "how—how long you been standing there?"

     Your face began to heat up, you only wished that your cheeks didn't appear as such. However, it was clear that your cheeks indeed reddened considering his gaze traveled from your eyes to your cheeks in an analyzing manner.

     But your stomach dropped when his stare furthered below your face.

I could. . .take her here and now, couldn't I?

     He admired the freshly washed skin of your shining throat and collarbones. Even the plump of your chest pressed against your arm and towel.

     He removed a hand from the doorframe, rubbing down his face before walking away. "Not long," he replied.

     The tension you felt subsided in confusing sparks that exited you in exhales. The encounter left you rattled up, nonetheless. You faced the ground momentarily before speaking.

     "I was thinking," you cleared your throat, "I've. . .been running out of things to wear."

     Link stared back at you, your cute figure at the doorway looking so innocent. "Ah," he scratched the nape of his neck, "yeah. Right. Well." He brought out a shirt folded on the seat and draped it over the chair, "I recently got this new shirt to replace my old tattered undershirt. It's clean, you can wear this while you're in here, but I'm gonna have to go to a laundering service if you need me to have any of your clothes washed."

     You nodded with a hum, "yes, but. . .I'd rather you not, I can just wear something I've worn! I'll get my own stuff laundered or something later!" You smiled at him, heading over to the dress you had left on the floor last night. Link stopped you in your tracks, placing a defiant hand in your way, "no, it's okay, I was thinking of washing my tunic anyway. We're not in a hurry."

Looking up at him with unsureness he only gifted a reassuring smile. "O-okay, you'll be going on your own?"

"Yes," he answered while picking up your ocean blue dress from the floor and your vin rouge from a chair. "But it won't be long, there's a laundering place right across the street. Do you want your Ordon clothes washed too?" He questioned while picking up the neatly folded clothes. He also made sure to retrieve the shirt you'd left in the restroom.

"W-well," you observed the clothing he carried, "we will be traveling, right? I think it would be best I wear appropriate clothes for that instead of a dress—so yes." You hesitated at the next words that you brought yourself to say, "I. . .I think I might kinda need undergarment as well, you know. . ." You flinched your eyes and lowered your voice in a tone that suggested a tad of embarrassment.

"Oh—no problem—I'll have those washed too," he laughed nervously.

"Well thank you, but that's not my only problem," you looked down at yourself, "I kind of need some right now."

     You exchanged an awkward stare with him as he looked you up and down a second. "Oh, well," he thought for a moment, "I'll see if I can find something while your clothes are made to wash." You nodded and brought a hand to your mouth, "I'm sorry if I might be asking too much—I'm not usually in a situation where I have no clothes or undergarment to wear. You're all I got." You chuckled sheepishly.

     "Don't worry," he smiled at you after collecting all your clothes and his own tunic, "I'm glad to help you with anything."

     Currently, he was only dressed in his khaki undershirt and trousers.

     He slipped into his boots, adjusting them with his free hand and making his way to the door.

     "I'll be back, alright?"

     You nodded with a smile and he closed the door behind him after.


     You turned your attention to the shirt he had offered you to wear earlier.


     At the laundry service, a working lady approached Link as he stepped foot in the shop. "Welcome, dear! Would you like these washed?" She gestured towards the clothes he held, a warm smile upon her face. "Yeah," he placed the clothes in a basket she had brought along. "Alrighty sir," she searched through the contents, "so two pairs of underwear, two bras, two dresses, a shirt and tunic, and a cap, correct?"

Link nodded.

"Oh my, what's this?" A rattling noise came from the chainmail armor she'd uncovered of clothing. She struggled to extend it, "it's so heavy!" He chuckled, "ah, right, do you happen to also clean those sort of things?"

"Well, it certainly seems easier than washing clothes since it's only metal—that is if I can even get this out to extend properly!" She lifted it in the air with a bit of struggle, "I'll find somewhere to hang this for washing."

"Thanks," Link smirked. "80 rupees it is, then, it should be done in 2-3 hours," the woman smiled as she placed it within the basket once more. He gave her the rupees she'd ask for and waved a hand before walking out back onto the busy streets, observing the shops.

Now, where could they possibly sell ladies apparel. . .

His eyes stopped at a shop, an appealing feminine armor well-placed on a mannequin.

Well, that looks about feminine, let's see what they've got in store.

He proceeded through the crowd until he made it to the entrance. In here, there were a couple mannequins with attire on display and multiple women shopping across the small isles. After observing, he made his way across the store slowly to try and spot where the undergarment may be. . .but this is a ladies store, he'd never been before obviously.

Receiving looks and glances from the women around, he gulped feeling rather estranged.

"Hello! Welcome!" A polite young woman approached him with a smile, "you appear lost, is there anything I can help you with?" Link's face heat up in embarrassment a slight bit, bringing his fist to his mouth while clearing his throat, "y-yes, where would you keep feminine underthings?"

The lady noticeably seemed dismayed a second but she kept her composure, "o-oh, sure! This way." She led him to some tables full of categorized underwear of different sizes.

Ah, jeez.

"What's the matter? You seem confused," the lady spoke up while she stood by the table. "I. . .I am, is there a difference between all these?" He gestured to the panties laid out in differently sorted containers. "Ah, don't let the different letters scare ya, they're all the same only the size and material changes!" She beamed.

"Alright, thanks," Link brought his focus to the underwear and the lady nodded and walked off. He didn't want to search through it all for the sake of propriety, a man in a woman's shop was strange enough.

But man.

There were lingerie of lace, velvet, cotton, silk, all different types of material. If he would've known, he would've asked you your preference. However, a certain black lace undies of beautiful designs caught his attention the most. He picked them up and extended them to look upon. They didn't seem so inapt, they held their virtue intact by being completely blacked out in the areas where a woman's ladyhood would be.

He grabbed ahold of the bridge of his nose, furrowing his brows.

Never thought I'd have to think about such things. Are these even in her taste?

"Say, why's that young man peering through the lingerie section?" A woman a couple isles down whispered amongst another woman. "I'm not sure—some men do have quite the kinks," she replied, failing to keep her staring inconspicuous.

"Maybe I'll just get a variety and she'll choose what she likes," Link muttered to himself, choosing to take the black undies after all. He then chose some plain stretchy grey ones and—woah.

He spotted a g-string amongst the stacks. He slammed a hand to his face in a facepalm.

Definitely not in good taste.

"Is he embarrassed?" The gossiping woman questioned once again. "Well, you never know, perhaps the sight is getting him a tad too excited, rather."

     "Pfft, men."

Link skimmed over until he finally picked out some white comfortable looking undies with minimal amounts of lace.

White, grey and black. Seems like some neutral colors and some real neutral undergarment.

Finalizing his decision, he walked over to the bra area; obvious by the outlined looks of breasts and not far from the lingerie section.

He thought it'd be best to match the bra with the underwear, so he did exactly that.

"Three bras and undies, will that be all?" The same lady that helped him earlier was at the register. Link nodded. "Hooaakay! Your total would be 105 rupees," she confirmed as she placed the contents in a nice gift bag.

105 rupees? That's more expensive than what it takes to get clothing washed. What's up with woman stores prices?

He began retrieving the money from his pouch. "Ah, so these for the wife?" The lady behind the counter began questioning with a grin, leaning her face into her palm while she waited for him to pay. Her question caught him off guard, sending her a quizzical look, "n-no."

     "Oh," she giggled with curiosity, "a mistress perhaps? Is this a secret? I can keep a secret." Link's gaze began to switch more towards uncomfortable as he placed the necessary rupees on the counter. "No," he replied with a disturbed tone.

This doesn't seem so professional of her.

   "Say," she continued to speak while collecting the rupees and prepping to give back change, "you sure have muscle—you should be careful wearing such shirts! They look so prominent on you, you'll make the ladies swoon!" She simpered, handing him his change, "are you a prince? A knight, perhaps? A duke's son?"

     Link simply shook his head, annoyed, "I'm none of those."

     "Ah," she laughed, "my apologies."

     She stared at him in a daze, a few awkward seconds passing.

     "Well? Don't let me keep you here! Unless you'd like to," she snickered. He pressed his brows together in confusion, subtly pointing at the gift bag she held against her chest. Puzzled, she looked down.

     "Oh!" She stammered, "m-my apologies!" She handed him the bag with a shy smile. "Thanks," he spoke flatly and sauntered off.

     The armored mannequin of before caught his attention, stopping him in his tracks. "How much would it be for that?" He called out to the woman behind the register.

     "Ah—," she hurried her way over, "that's 365 rupees, sir. Would you like me to get it for you?" Link pondered a while as he peered at it.



     ༄ "Hey, I'm back," Link closed the door behind him with his foot, "I've gotten—,"

He choked up his words when he finally looked over at you who lay on the bed in his shirt that fit you entirely oversized.

"Link! You've returned!" You sat up, pulling the shirt between your legs to cover up whatever you could of yourself. "How was it? I hope it wasn't too expensive—I'll pay back however much it was!" You smiled, insisting.

     He licked his lips, his mouth becoming dry at his rising nerves. "Don't—don't worry about it, I've got it," he assured you. You slid off the bed, cautious not to expose yourself although the shirt fell to your thighs anyway. "What's this about?" You motioned towards a large box he held.

     It was hard not to fall distracted by how the sleeves of his shirt fell past your hands no matter how much you'd attempt to flick them back, or how you'd coyly rub your calves together in an awkward manner. Man, you looked good in his shirt.

     "Link?" You called out, tilting your head.

     "Yes," he snapped his attention to the box you asked about, "yeah, it's something I've gotten for you." You raised a brow, "is it another dress, Link?"

     He laughed, walking over to the table to set the box down with the gift bag atop it. "No, I know dresses don't appeal to you so much—it's something much better," he leaned against the table, giving you his undivided attention. "Really, now? Link—you don't have to be spending on me! It makes me feel real guilty!" You whined, crossing your arms.

     "Hey, it's because I want to, Y/N. You don't owe me anything," he rubbed your shoulder reassuringly, "here, now I need your opinion on the undergarment I chose."

     You peeked into the gift bag, pulling out some grey undies. "Ah, how comfortable, these are a great choice!" You giggled while stretching at them slightly. Placing it back down, you searched further to find three bras of three different colors. You gasped, "Link, let me find out you got me matching pairs! You only had to get me one bra!" He scratched the nape of his neck, "yeah? Well I want you to have a variety, don't want you feeling dirty."

Since when does Link care to treat you so much?

     You sent him a look of suspicion, proceeding to retrieve white panties, "oh, how pretty! And comfy! Were these expensive at all? They seem it!" He simply shook his head with a smile, "don't worry about it." You dove in for the last item.

     Freezing up, your face slowly turned to a fuming blush.

     "Wh-what is it?" Link peeked over.

     Slowly, you brought out the elegant lace lingerie of a black color, "th-these."

     "Do you like 'em?" He gave a confused expression. "Y-yeah! I—I do! They're real pretty—sexy even—but. . .I didn't expect you'd choose these, I really thought you were gonna bring some every-day, cheap granny panties."

     "I thought they'd look good on you," he shrugged.

     Your blush deepened, "you WHAT? Link, why does it matter if they look good on me?!"

     His face turned red in the span of a second, "h-huh?! D-don't get the wrong idea—." He face palmed, "I just thought you'd like them—is what I meant." You choked back a laugh, "ah, well glad to see you're in touch with your feminine side, I appreciate these so much."

     "Yeah, no problem," his face expression was strained, "um, here, take a look a this." He removed the gift bag from the top of the box and uncovered it, a jumble of metals shining from the lighting through the curtains. "What's this?" You questioned, picking up the heavy spiked metal that seemed like some type of armor, "jeez, it's pretty heavy."

     Link assisted you in lifting it, showing its shape to you, "this is a pauldron, it belongs on the shoulders and although heavy it's a great defense against crucial strikes to the shoulders and neck."

Damn, his longest sentences tend to happen when he's geeking out about armor and weapons.

     "How cool!" You squealed, taking ahold of it but feeling yourself get dragged down when Link let go of it. "It's only an addition, if it's too heavy it can be a burden so you don't have to wear it," he explained, moving on to a tight fitted short jumpsuit of lycra. "This bodysuit goes below this chainmail," he continued to elucidate as he reached in for some chainmail in the box, "and there's also this belt and leather corset that goes above the chainmail and these half-lycra-half-leathered shorts—that go below the chainmail."

     The concept was quite difficult to grasp. Not because you were uninterested in weaponry and armor but more due to the fact you didn't understand the reason he even bought you this in the first place. Also, you were completely naked below this shirt. You kind of need to put on some panties now.

     "Y/N, you grasping the concept?" He turned his attention to you after pointing out important areas of armor. You brought your hands to your chest, "y-yes—but. . ." He placed the contents down, diverting his awareness to you.

"Well," you fiddled, "I kind of need to put on some underwear now."

He immediately appeared apprehending, "ah, yeah." He turned his face away, gazing through the transparent curtains. You picked out the grey undies, slipping them on quickly.

"Um, Link," you called and he replied with a hum, "so. . .what's the point of the armor?"

He returned his eyes to you, "this world is dangerous now, lately. Figured that if you'll be venturing you should have some protection." You hummed in question, "are you saying you're taking me with you from now on?" He reacted remorsefully to your question; a face he often gives when the answer's something you may not agree with. "I. . .I cant. But I promise I'll come around as much as I can," he tried to ease your worries.

Here we go again.

You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms, "this again, Link. You know, maybe you should've left me in Ordon. It's almost the same thing anyway."

He bit back the guilt derived from the poison that spat out with your words. "Well. . .you're not here for me, are you?" He questioned, "I thought you wanted to explore for the sake of your mother."

His answer riled you up, angering you although you couldn't sum up anything to reply with considering it was true. That was the reason you had to come out here. You began to feel paining pressure build up in your heart. It seemed best to just walk away at this point, so you did. You made your way back to bed.

However you were instantly pulled back by the arm, your face crashing right on his chest as he wrapped him arms around you. Surprised, you furrowed your brows in slight annoyance, "a hug won't change anything."

"Don't be mad at me," he pleaded, keeping his grip firm around you. You held an unamused face, "I think we're well past that point." You attempted to rip from his grip, planting your hands on his stomach to push. But he wouldn't budge. "Link," you squirmed, "let me go."

"Not until you're not mad."

You huffed with irritation, "how can I not be mad?" Continuing to push away from him, you sighed, "oh you are not doing this right now.

"Yep, I'm doing this right now."


༄ "Hey."


"Y/N! Y/N, why are you ignoring me?"

Link followed Y/N around as she collected small flowers in the spring. She kept her back turned towards him at all times.

"Is it because I pushed you too hard at tag yesterday? I told you I was sorry!" He exclaimed, holding his hands out expressively. But Y/N didn't give a hint of concern. "Hey," he waved his hand in front of her face, interrupting her picking session. Again, she acted as if he weren't there and moved on to another batch of pretty flowers. Link frowned.

Y/N could no longer hear his footsteps following after her so she assumed he'd given up. She turned back, noticing he was no longer around. Shrugging, she continued about her humming, peacefully adding to the collection of flowers she'd already picked.

This'll be a nice addition to the vase in the kitchen table.

Out of nowhere Link's face appeared right in front of hers, startling her to shriek and stumble back. He laughed, hanging from a tree branch above where Y/N once stood.

Picking herself up, she fumed, "not funny, Link! Leave me alone!" She began storming off but turned to yell one more thing, "and that's not what made me mad! You didn't even help me when you pushed me, only Ilia was nice enough to help me up! You're mean!" She continued stomping off.

But before she could leave the spring, Link had caught up and grabbed ahold of her hand, bringing her into his arms. "L-Link, what are you—," she struggled against his grip, "let me go!"

"No!" He tightened his grip, "not until you're not mad!"

Breathy struggles escaped her, "wh-what are you even doing?!"

"I'm hugging you!"

Y/N stopped struggling, her eyes opened in surprised confusion, "h-hugging? Why?" Link pondered a second before shrugging, "I dunno, I see the adults do it all the time!"

A shy blush creeped up on her cheeks. "Oh. . ." She relaxed her shoulders, "well. . .I like it."

"It's nice, isn't it?" He laughed, "I like it too, I've never done that before. Have you?" Y/N shook her head, "I. . .I don't think so. Only mommy would hug me."

Link pulled away from her, gifting her a bright smile, "so does that mean you're not mad at me anymore?" She dodged his gaze, a small smile creeped up on her face unavoidably, "I—I guess."

Cheering, he pumped his fist in the air, "yes! I promise I won't be too rough anymore! And I also promise I'll hug you anytime!"



༄ Picking apart a rose from its petals, you lay on your side horizontally in bed. Link lay beside you, catching up on some Z's while he waits for the laundry to be ready. He would occasionally drift in and out of sleep, smiling tiredly when he'd see you only to fall asleep again.

     It brought you curiosity how he'd periodically awaken, almost like a guard on shift.

     Earlier, you'd given into the hug after a while. It was the only way he'd let you go. Except he didn't quite let you go, instead he dropped sideways into bed with you claiming he was exhausted. Out of boredom as he slept, you pulled a rose from the flower arrangement Vince had gifted you.

Say. . .how is Vince? He urgently left yesterday. . .

You let what was left of the rose to fall on the bed, taking whatever petals you'd picked into your palm and squeezed them. They were still live and soft.

Staring at Link's resting figure, you tilted your head. You then chose a petal from your palm and gently reached over to place it on his nose, giggling.

Immediately, his hand slapped a firm grip on your wrist and his eyes shot open only to soften when they met with your shocked eyes. "Oh, it's just you," he murmured, closing his eyes once again and pulling your hand to rest upon his cheek, "missed your face."

You felt your cheeks heat up, unsure of whether to remove your hand or not, "oh, th-thanks?"

"Hey," he called out with a deep breath as he scooched closer towards you, "think you can sing again?" He kept his eyes closed, seeking comfort in your aura. You scoffed, "what am I, your mother?"

He only whined, "you sing amazing, Y/N."

Sighing, you watched his calm breathing, feeling awkward about humming him to sleep. But his resting state was so peaceful.

     Quietly, you hummed him a loving melody while you gently brushed your fingers through his hair. His warm skin emit heat to your cold fingers as you caressed down his cheek and up his ear, fiddling with the blue earring he's always worn.

     A long relaxed exhale left him and he scoot closer once more, a steady hand of his made its way to your waist. You brushed your hand down his arm, confused but before you could ask any questions he pulled you closer.

You could feel his breathing on your collarbone.

     You felt your body heat up and your heart palpitate in increasing speeds, you were almost sure he could hear it.


     Link jolted up, his gaze instantly diverting to the door.

     Two men in various robes and concealed faces broke in, charging a dagger straight for Link.

     In the blink of an eye Link rolled over you, prompting the man to stab the bed instead. From there, Link grabbed ahold of you and jerked you off the bed behind him.

     The other man ran up beside his buddy and aimed to strike Link. He deflected his attack with a slap to the hand, disarming him and quickly spinning for a roundhouse kick to the face.

You planted yourself against the wall, appalled by the sudden situation as you observed the room for any items of aid.

The first man that had attacked him stepped in and swung his dagger twice; diagonally and then horizontally, both of which Link dodged backwards for. But he was running out of space, his back was nearly pressed against you.

After his two swings, Link swung a fist to his face and caused him to stagger back.

Second man jumped in from the side, shoving Link to a choke against the opposite wall while he was off guard.

Instinctively, you grabbed ahold of the lamp on the nightstand beside you, hurrying to smash it over his head.

Your action caused the man to be distraught, giving Link an advantage. Swiftly, he reached his arm upward and turned his body, slamming his elbow down on the arms that held his neck to free himself before elbowing the man in the face. He then grabbed ahold of the dazed man's head, swinging his knee up to slam his head right into it.

Meanwhile, the first man grabbed ahold of you from behind, dragging you back towards the door.

"No!" You cried out, struggling and kicking.

Alerted, Link brought his focus to you and immediately ran to your aid, "duck, Y/N!"

You quickly did as he asked, bending yourself over the mans arms and kept your head held down as far as you could.

Link preformed an instant tornado kick to his face and the man stumbled off you, causing you to drop forward.

Before Link could dive to you, the man he'd kneed earlier tackled him from behind and dropped down on him on the floor. The one who'd captured you earlier attempted to go after you, but you scurried off towards Link's sword that rest beside the table.

Quickly, you grabbed ahold of its handle.

But, why is it sizzling?

You screamed, feeling your hand burn at the touch of the blade's handle. Regardless, you pulled it from its scabbard and swung it around behind you, slashing the man who was inches from grabbing you once again. He fell over, yelling in pain as he held ahold of his wound.

After, you ran for the man atop Link, holding the heavy sword with both hands.

"Die!" You cried out, swinging the sword across his body feebly. He groaned, falling sideways off Link who looked up at you and quickly took the sword from your hands.

He finished the job for you, stabbing his sword through the man's chest.

Behind you, the other man you'd wounded attempted to crawl towards you, grabbing ahold of your ankle. You yelped.

Link gave a quick look, slicing the mans hand off at once.

The man shrieked in pain, clutching onto his severed arm with his opposite hand. He stared in horror as he watched blood spurt out of his wound.

Link pulled you behind him, kicking over the man before unmasking him.

"Who sent you?!" He growled.

In response, the man simply chuckled, "you. . .you think I would tell you that?" His breathing heaved, "just. . .just kill me already. . .the one who sent me would haunt me to hell if they found out I spilled anything to you."

Link pressed his foot against the mans chest, pondering a second. "So what will he do if he finds you alive and unable to complete your task?" He questioned. "I wouldn't wanna know. If you're planning on killing me just do it," he grunted with spite. Link's face blanked.

     "I wasn't exactly planning it. You put your hands on my woman, I'm not really in the mood for mercy," he spoke flatly, removing his foot from him, "you can tell the guards the truth and endure your boss's chew out."

     You furrowed your brows in confusion.

His woman?

     The man cackled as he held onto his severed arm with cloth, "I'll bleed out by the time that happens. Kill me or not, I'm still a dead man. Should've thought about that before you sliced my hand off."

     Link peered outside, royal guards already jogging their way to the site, "I would reconsider that."

     The man's smirk faded.

     "Grab whatever stuff you might need," Link called out to you, grabbing his equipment from the table. He hung his scabbard belt over his back, sheathing his sword and placing his shield over it, "shit, I'll have to get my tunic at the launders later. Are you ready? Leave the stuff I got you, I'll have someone come get them later!"

     "You won't get away with this, you and your bitch," the man spat. Link walked on over and punched him across the face, earning a well-deserved groan.

     "Um, Link," you called as you put on your shoes, "I'm in underwear!"

     He looked back down at you.


     "Alright, hang on," he swooped you up in his arms and began storming out of the room. Down the hall, he made a sharp turn to the stairs but the clattering noises of armor could be heard approaching. "Dammit," Link grunted, turning back to search for a means of escape.

     "Link," you pointed to the end of the hallway opposite of your room, "a window! We have to go!" You pushed off his arms and began running to it.

     "Y/N! Fuck!" He darted his eyes down the stairs, the soldiers could be heard right around the corner.

Fuck it.

     He sprint his way towards you, catching up before tackling you into the air and wrapping his figure around yours as you both smashed right through the window. He flipped below you, bracing you both for impact. You held onto his shirt tightly, squinting your eyes shut.

     "Gghhk!" He grunted, teeth gritted as the back of his shield took the damage from the fall. But even then, the impact caused his head to rebound onto the hard floor.

     You tried to calm your breathing, slowly lifting your head from Link's chest and analyzing your surroundings. "Link," you muttered. You coughed out the pressure you felt in your lungs, bringing your gaze to him.


     Crawling closer to his face, you realized he was unconscious. "Link!" You whimpered, slapping on his face, "Link, wake up! We have to get going!" You panicked, bringing your ear to his nose for any signs of breathing.


     You felt his hand entangle itself through your hair and you faced him. "Link, thank Hylia!" You cupped his face in your hands. "Hey there, you're a sight for sore eyes," he smirked as he got up, "and I'd like to keep you in my sights longer, so we should really get going."

You giggled in relief.

He swooped you up in his arms again and made a run for it. "L-Link! Should you be running? Carrying me? I can walk! You might have a slight concussion!" You worried for him. "Nah, dealt with much worse," he brushed off your concerns and picked up his speed.

"We'll go out through the east exit by the hospital, it's usually empty. I'd go for Telma's bar but that's all the way down south of Castle Town," he huffed as he ran by the hospital, "they've left the gate unguarded. How convenient. We'll come back once it's settled down."

Jostling past the gate, he stomped down the bridge.

"Isn't this where I got assaulted two days ago?" You questioned, squinting at the dark tunnel up ahead. "Yeah, should be cleared now don't worry," he reassured.

Eventually, you both finally made it far off enough.

     Link draped a blanket he'd unlatched from Epona over your shoulders, "here."

     "Thanks. . ." You shivered at the windy fields as you rest by a boulder with him.

     He had called Epona over with a horse call plant you'd come across earlier. Now you both sat in wait, but being caught without pants was the worst thing that could've happened to you at the moment. You hugged your knees, "how will I go back to Castle Town like this?"

     Link pondered for a moment, "you can take the blanket with you. . .but, you might not have to." You sent him a look of confusion to which he only returned a smile to. "Well, we still got some daylight left," he spoke as he stared up at the sky, using his hand to block out the sun, "and we might have to wait at least until tomorrow to go back at best, so. . ."

     He then turned to you with a smile, "do you want to see Colin and the kids again?"

You smiled brightly, nodding, "you said they're in Kakariko village, right?" Link chuckled at your eagerness, "yeah."

It felt best to find a safe place to rest too.

Besides, I have way too many questions to ask Link. When we're safe, perhaps I can.


༄ "Y/N?!"

"Colin! Talo! Malo, Beth! Come here!" You squealed as you hopped off Epona, tossing the blanket you wore to Link. You ran towards them immediately, dropping on your knees with your arms opened.

"Y/N! You're actually here! You're actually here!" Talo exclaimed as he beat everyone else at arriving within your arms. You hugged him, keeping your other arm open to the rest of the kids.

"Y/N! I missed you so much!" Colin beamed as he threw himself onto you as well, Malo and Beth following right behind into your arms. "Well, I've missed you all so much," you felt tears welling up within your eyes, giggling, "even if you are all a little annoying."

Link walked up behind you, smiling at the sight.

"Link!" Colin laughed excitedly, "you brought her here, didn't you?!" Link nodded.

"Hello, Link," a man with long hair and native robes approached, "who is this famous Y/N that lifts the children's spirits so?"

You glanced up at him between the children's heads, enchanted by his calming nature and powerful aura.

"Hi!" You stood upright, offering a hand shake and a smile, "that's me—I'm Y/N." He scrutinized your being, trailing his eyes to your hand. "Is that so? Well, hello Y/N," he revealed his hand from beneath his robes and shook your hand.

"Renado," Link approached, "this is Y/N, my friend from back home." Renado switched his gaze from him to you, "Ordon, huh? I'm Renado, Shaman of Kakariko. Welcome." You smiled, bowing your head slightly, "thank you." He nodded, turning his attention to Link, "what's happened? Is she in need of shelter?"

He shook his head, "not exactly. We just need a hotel for the night."

"Of course," Renado replied apprehensively, "you're always welcome to stay at ours whenever you need."

While Link gave a thanks, Renado's sight stopped at your pendant. His stare lingered as his friendly face fell expressionless. Awkward seconds of silence befell the three of you as the children played around you obliviously in circles.

     "Yes," Renado spoke up as he turned to head off on his way, "make yourselves at home. I'll see if I can acquire some clothing for miss Y/N."

     "Oh," you spoke up, "I—I greatly appreciate it!"

      You both watched him walk off.

     "Hm. . .wonder what happened there," you thought out loud. Link shrugged, "don't take it personally, he's a wary and observant man." You shrugged it off as well, diving in for Colin who happened to run in front of you.

     "Y/N!" He squealed, giggling. You laughed, placing him back down and kneeing at his eye-level. "Say, Colin, it seems you've gotten closer to Talo and the rest," you whispered. He smiled widely, "y-yeah, I guess I have." He pointed up at Link, "he helped me learn how to have courage, it brought me closer to them—I guess they respect me a bit more now."

     Link kneeled beside you, grinning at him warmly, "no, Colin. Courage is something only you can awaken within yourself." Colin replied with a motivated smile, throwing his arms around Link's neck. "Alright now," Link patted his back, "go play, there's little daylight left." Colin nodded, waving at you before running off after the rest of the children.

     "Hey," Link began after you both stood up, "back at the hotel. . .you didn't get hurt, did you?" He brushed any hairs from your face, inspecting you head to toe. "No," you smiled reassuringly, "I'm fine."

     He returned the smile, however it soon faded when he caught a glimpse of your knees. "Y/N," he crouched over to inspect them, placing his gentle, gloved hands beneath your knee to get a closer look. Small abrasions littered your knees.

     "Link!" You squeaked, pulling the shirt you wore down to cover yourself, "I probably got it from when I slid down to hug the children, it's fine!" He frowned and got back up, his towering height intimidating you. "Then what's this?" He grabbed ahold of your hands, revealing your blisters.

I must've gotten those from the sword, you gulped.

"We should get you inside," he suggested, keeping a hand steady on your waist while he led you to a nearby hotel.

     Inside, the hotel appeared knocked up and unsteady. There was no clerk or any source of liveliness that would indicate that the hotel's active.

     Noticing your face, he answered your unasked questions, "we don't have to pay to stay here, things in Kakariko have been run down since the attack." You nodded in acknowledgement.

    After making it upstairs, he led you into a room and sat you down on one of the beds at the far end where a window lay. He sat down on a small stool by the bed and in front of you.

     "Thanks," you thanked him for the escort, but there was a lot of other things you were grateful for today. He nodded.

     "So. . .where's Ilia?" You tried to keep awkward silences at bay, considering Link had gone quiet and seemed rather ponderous. "She's usually at the Shaman's hut, the large building we were by, by the spring," he replied, his stare fixed on the floor.


     There was so many things to say but it felt it wasn't the time for that conversation. Renado said he'd obtain clothes for you, therefore you were prone to getting walked in on mid-discussion.

     "H-hey," a familiar voice rang by your ears. You turned back and noticed Ilia at the door with clothes in her hands.

     "Ilia!" You smiled, standing up immediately to go hug her. "Ah," she squeaked, her shoulders tensing at the feel of your embrace. You pulled away, holding her by the arms, "I'm actually glad to see you! You still smell of Ordon—we miss you back home!" She looked down, seeming nervous of the encounter.

     "I'm. . .I'm sorry, I don't remember you," she sent you a look of sorrow. Your expression fell, feeling a bit dumb you'd forgotten about that when you saw her.

She looked exactly like she did when she was taken away at the spring. You never expected you'd actually miss her, but you did. No quarrel is strong enough to make you want to lose your Ordon friends, not ever. Not even if they don't speak to you for months.

     "That's alright," you smiled at her, "we'll get there. Don't be too hard on yourself. How have you been?" A smile seemed to creep up on her, "I really appreciate that. I've been. . .well, it's been a lot, but I've been okay from what I remember."

     "Here!" She handed the folded clothes to you, "I've got you these! I'm sure it's unpleasant to go around exposed!"

     "Thank you," you laughed happily, "it really is."

     Link stood up, walking over past the both of you, "I'll head out so you can change, I've got some stuff to do." He walked out before you could say anything.

     You gave a pensive look but decided to focus your attention to getting dressed and Ilia.

     "So this is all Renado's daughter, Luda, could find you," she walked over to the bed and you followed after. She helped you extend the contents. "This is a deerskin skirt and a poncho from his late wife," Ilia explained, "it's hard to make out exactly until you put it on, here." She held the skirt's hole open for you to place your legs in.

     "His late wife? Why is he lending these to me, then?" You wondered, lifting each leg individually to place in. "I'm not sure, even I am surprised he trusts you with them," she helped you lift the skirt above your hips before looking at you, "he doesn't even talk about her when asked. Not even to Luda, at least that's what she told me." You gazed down at the skirt thoughtfully.

"I'm thankful nonetheless."

She grabbed a bra of golden silk, "here, you might wanna wear this below the poncho." After you took ahold of it, she turned around and readied the poncho, "I won't look. Let me know when you are ready."

You raised a brow, beginning to remove the shirt Link had let you borrow, "don't worry, Ilia. We're both girls here."

"Oh, ah. . ." She let out a bubbly laugh, "I—I guess that's true." After the shirt, you began to put on the bra. "Would you mind helping me clip it?" You asked, turning your back to her and removing any hair that may be in the way. "Of course," she rushed her hands to assist you.

"You know," she began, "I apologize if my behavior might come off as giddy, im just real happy to have another girl my age around." When she finished clipping them, you turned around and she placed the Poncho over your head, adjusting it.

"Wow, Y/N, you make anything look good!"

You thanked her with a smile, "I appreciate the help."

     Ilia stood silent for a second, trouble visible on her face. You furrowed your brows curiously.

"I know I've lost my memory and I can't even remember my own name, all I have is Ilia to go by as you all keep calling me. . .but I feel I know you," she explained, holding her hands together at her thighs, "if we were close once, I'm sorry that I'm probably dimming any relationship we had."

You grabbed ahold of her hands, "don't worry about that, Ilia." You sat her down with you on the bedside.

"Listen," you began, "I want you to know that we can start new, rebuild a friendship from the start without any hard feelings."

You paused for a moment, looking down at both your intertwined hands ponderously before returning your gaze to her much more softly, "I mean this, and I still do even after you regain your memories. You probably won't understand this until you remember, but I never hated you, even if you hated me. I'm sorry if you've felt mistreated."

Her face appeared of wonder as she listened attentively to all you said.

"Th-thank you," she teared up, "you've really given me a source of comfort, although I may not understand the last part yet." She threw her arms around you, leaving you surprised.

"I'm sure I never hated you, Y/N. You're too good of a person."

"Is that all?" Link wiped sweat off his forehead as he pierced the shovel through a mound of earth.

"Yes, I appreciate you helping me fix up the fences," Renado nodded, "it appears some sort of beast dug below it. The King of Bulblins also jammed past the gate pretty roughly."

Link had bordered up any broken and concerning holes in the fence and reburied a hole below it.

"Yeah, I bet," Link sighed.

They both walked off back towards town.

"Link," Renado began as they walked together. Link turned his head attentively. "This Y/N girl. She was not born in Ordon, was she?" He asked. Link's countenance seemed confused.

Why is he asking me about Y/N?


"Ah, I figured as much," Renado acknowledged. He then turned to Link who held a slight face of disturbed curiosity.

"You hide your emotions well, but even I know what that look means," he chuckled, "it's okay to ask questions when you're concerned." Link appeared surprised at Renado's observation.

He faced the ground again, "okay, in that case. . .why do you ask?"

Renado hummed, strolling down the path leisurely, "I knew her mother. Wanderlust, that one."

"Yes! It was amazing, the things your friend can do!" Ilia explained with a laugh, "not only did he fight off multiple foes all on his own, he also did his best to multitask and save us from fires the nasty Bulblins would set to our wagon." You stared in wonder as you both sat criss-crossed on the bed, giggling about your experiences to one another.

"That's incredible, I've always known he is a good fighter but that's far crazier than I imagined!" You smiled, "earlier, we were attacked at Castle Town by some type of bandits. That's why we had to come here, but he fought them off singlehandedly with just his fists!"

Ilia cheered, "how crazy! I'm glad you were in his care, he's definitely a person I would trust my life with and already have."

"Well," you motioned to yourself pridefully, "I may have lent him a hand when he was pinned twice by the bandits and I may have had something to do with our escape." You laughed and so did Ilia. "I don't doubt it, you seem like the smarts of the two," she complimented to which you smiled with a thanks.

"I think you guys would make for a great couple," Ilia beamed.

Your smile faded and you stared at her dumfounded. "C-couple? Don't be silly! Ilia, you and I have known him for ages!" You felt your cheeks turn red.

Ilia's laugh loudened as she point a teasing finger at you, "you're blushing!"

"I'm not!"

"Oh, sure," she sarcastically spoke as she calmed herself. You rolled your eyes playfully, "but enough about him, tell me about you, what's the first thing you remember?"

"Me?! Oh, well. . ." She seemed to think hard with her fingers to her chin, "I think. . .well, I think I remember dragging along with me a Zora child for help. But it's faint. After that, I just awoke in a bar; luckily with a real nice lady for an owner."


"Yes," she yelped, "how did you know?!" You giggled, "I've met her! She is real nice." Ilia's eyes rounded and she grabbed ahold of your arms, "how is she doing?! I miss her tons, she helped me out a lot y'know!"

"Is that so?" You smiled, "guess it's in her genes, that great woman. She's doing fine."

Ilia sighed in relief, "I'm glad."

"You're brave," you spoke up.


"You're brave, Ilia," you smiled wholeheartedly, "you said you saved a Zora child although you were in bad shape yourself."

Her cheeks flushed red, "thank you. But so are you!"

"Thanks," you smiled, but you felt yourself beginning to falter. "What's wrong?" Ilia asked as she observed your saddening state.

"A lot," you admitted.

She frowned, "talk to me about it, you know I'm here." Sighing, you decided to trust her since her memory wasn't intact anyways. Even if it returns, it wouldn't really matter if she spilled your troubles around. It's not significant.

"Well," you began, "I guess I feel helplessly lost. My mother, I've been trying to follow in her footsteps to understand where she originates from, but I don't feel I'm getting any closer."

You brought out the picture of your mother that you had stored in a small pouch tied to your knee-high sandals. You had moved it there considering your shoes have stuck to you while your clothing constantly changes.

"This is her," you handed it to her for her to inspect, "it's the only image of her I have."

She observed it, her eyes softening. "Y/N, this is. . ." She looked up at you, "this is a big deal for you, isn't it?" She gazed at it once more. "Coventina, huh?" She placed a hand upon the image, "don't you worry, mom, your daughter has grown to be an exceptionally intelligent and beautiful young woman, a beauty that I see is now obtained from you."

Your heart gleamed as you let out a small laugh, "Ilia!" She handed you the image, "what? It's true!"

Smiling, you stared at the picture once more before storing it.

"Don't worry, Y/N," she comforted, "I don't know what you're going through exactly, but from this glimpse I see that you're definitely getting somewhere. Don't give up."

Your tears began to well up and you gifted her yet another hug.

"Thank you Ilia."


Breaking up the hug, you and Ilia turned your heads to the door.

"May I come in?" Link's voice was heard on the other side.

You and Ilia exchanged glances. "Uh, sure, come in," you called out.

     He walked in, trudging his way towards you. "What's up?" You questioned with a puzzled look at his expressionless face.

     "Ilia, Renado called for you."

     Ilia hurriedly got off the bed, "oh, okay! I'll see you later Y/N!" She hugged you a last time before walking off out of the room.

     Link sat in the same stool of before, facing the ground with his arms leaned over on his knees. You scoot closer, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"What is it?" You wondered.

"Those clothes look good on you."

You gave a puzzled look mixed in with a slight blush, "thanks?"

A few moments of awkward silence befell the both of you.

     "We need to talk," Link faced up at you. Your confused expression faded.

     "I was about to say the same thing."



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