Forever ~~ Carl Grimes Love S...

By shadowlady200

58.9K 1K 88

Rori Rhee has survived this long, been through so many death. Yet she still had Carl, her parents, and the re... More

Cast 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Cast 2
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Cast 3
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Cast 4
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Cast 5
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Matt's Letter
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Last Book

Chapter 2

1.6K 21 3
By shadowlady200


"Was that your first kiss?" Carl asked when he pulled away. He leaned his forehead against mine. 

"That bad, huh?" I laughed lightly.

"No, it was great. It just, that was my first kiss," Carl said/

"Yeah, mine too." I smiled slightly before leaning back in and kissing him. I knew I shouldn't. I had a boyfriend for fucks sake. It just felt so good. I quickly pulled back.

"What's wrong?" Carl asked, his eyes searching mine.

"Will! Will, he's taking on a whole herd! I have to go back," I said walking past Carl.

"Woah, slow down," Carl said as I began to run.  

"Sorry, Carl! No time to waste," I called over my shoulder. The two of us entered the woods. I retraced my footsteps and began to see dead corpses. Only dead corpses. No Will. "No! He was here!" I cried, falling to the ground.


"No, Carl. He's here! He has to be," I said, kicking some corpses. 

"Rori, he's not here," Carl said. 

"Will," I screamed. 

"Rori! You're gonna attract more walkers! Stop it!" Carl hissed. I looked at him with wet eyes.

"He was here and now he's gone. He's dead," I sobbed. Carl came over and hugged me tightly. I didn't feel numb anymore but I wished I did. 

"We should get back to the house before any more come," Carl said. I didn't say anything. Just cried. Carl pulled me to my feet and wrapped one of my arms around his shoulders. My knees shook and my eyes were red and puffy. Carl kept his hand on my side and began dragging me back to the house they were staying at.


I sat upstairs on a bed, crying. Carl had gone downstairs to check on his dad. Apparently, Rick had been unconscious for almost two days.

"Come back, please," I whimpered, gripping one of the throwing knives Will got me. I missed him. We had only been dating five months but I had grown attached. And my parents. They were gone too. 

"You couldn't protect Judith!" I could hear Carl scream. Judith. Oh, Rick sweet baby girl was gone too. I decided I should probably go check up on Carl. I slowly climbed out of the small bed and crept downstairs. 

"You couldn't protect... Hershel or Glenn or Maggie. Michonne, Daryl, or mom. You just wanted to plant vegetables." My eyes burned with fresh tears. I didn't know I even had any more tears to produce. "You just wanted to hide. He knew where we were and you didn't care! You just hid behind those fences and waited for...They're all gone now. Because of you. They counted on you! You were their leader!" Carl began to sniffle and sat down. 

"But're nothing," Carl said and then began whipping his eyes.

"He is everything," I said through shaky breaths. My cheeks were warm with fresh tears. 


"No, don't. Just because you're angry at him doesn't make it his adult. He sent Michonne almost every day to look for him. That's being a leader. You make risky calls and protect the people you care about. He did all of it. And he did a good job," I said. I squeezed my eyes shut to try and stop the tears. Carl didn't say anything. He just stood up and dumped out our food. 

"I'd be fine if you died," Carl spat angrily. I watched him walk out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I called out to the boy.

"Places where your not!" He replied.

"Carl, wait!" I yelled but it was too late. He had already left the house. I decided not to go after him. I knew he needed his space. I sighed and sat down by the couch, my back leaning against it.

"Come on, Rick. I need you to wake up. Carl needs his dad," I cried softly. My gaze was locked on the wall ahead of me. "Heck, I need you. I can't protect us and Carl pretends he can but he can't. And Will, he's gone. I just don't know what to do."

"L-love him," Rick muttered. 

"Rick?" I asked. Hope seeped into my voice. He wasn't dead yet. His eyes were barely cracked open and shut quickly. "No, wait! Rick, come back!" I collapsed against the coach after realizing he wasn't gonna wake up again. 


It seemed like hours before Carl came back. He didn't seem as grumpy, thankfully. He also had one less shoe. And it was dark out.

"Hey," I greeted, still sitting by Rick. 

"Hey. Listen, I'm so-"

"Don't. It's alright," I smiled slightly.

"But your wrong! It's not alright. I had no right to say those things," Carl sighed and came to sit beside me. 

"Maybe so. But that's in the past. I'm just glad your safe," I said. Carl gave me a small smile. 

"You should get some rest. All the doors are boarded up. We're as safe as can be," Carl said.

"Okay. will you go to bed soon then?" I asked, standing up and grabbing a blanket.

"Yeah. Soon," Carl nodded. I laid down on the floor, pulling the blankets up to my chin. 

"Night Carl," I said. 

"Night, Rori." My eyes fluttered shut and I fell into a light sleep.


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