Crashed into You

By creatorofworlds

33.9K 515 205

Reader x Sebastian Stan More

The Fall
A Night of Sparks and Laughter
Friends and Asses
A trip to...
This never happened before
Time to meet ....... The Parents
A bad time...
Through New Eyes
* Not an update....yet*
*Still not an update, but im close*
*not an update, but a thank you*
Falling for her
New friends and confessions

Tattoos and Old Friends

2.9K 58 16
By creatorofworlds

Your fashion show went off without a hitch and you received a lot commissions from well paying customers. You were going to be busy, but well off for a while. You decided to celebrate by calling up Seb and going to a tattoo parlor. So far, you had a minimalist dragon curling from your left shoulder down to the tip of your middle finger. You had a tiger on your other shoulder and flock of small birds flying across your collarbone. You wanted to go get a new tattoo and look at couple tats with Seb. You had been discussing getting one, but you had never really settled on one.

"Hey Sebbie! I was just about to go down to the tattoo parlor. I was wondering if you would like to come with me? Maybe they have some new designs we like?"

"Sounds good! See you in 10!"

You hung up and headed out. When you opened the door to the tattoo parlor, the song 'Tattoo' by Van Halen floated out of the speaker. A familiar voice greeted you from behind the counter.

"____! OMG! I haven't seen you 5ever! Where have you been? You have to tell me everything! Have you been getting it on with anyone? Tell me!!!"

"Hey Maddie! I haven't heard from you since you went off to Germany for college! How've you been!"

"I'll tell you after you've told me everything I've missed."

"Okay, well, starting from where we parted, I went to Parsons, cut off all ties with the toxic people in my life, got a dog, but he died. Um, I got with every hot person on campus and off I met. Dated a few. Graduated at the top of my class with several offers to work in lots of really great places. I accepted Chanel's, great place, lovely people. But then Marvel offered me a better paying job and a lot of opportunity, so I took it. And then a few months ago, I meet my current bae."

"OH.MY.GOD! You have been busy gurl! Who's the bae?"

"Nope. Not telling. You..."

Before you could finish that sentence, the door opened and Sebastian stepped in.

"Seb! Perfect timing! Maddie, Seb. Seb, Maddie."

Seb grinned and held out his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you! My name is Sebastian Stan."

Maddie seemed suspicious, but shook his hand.

"Maddie" she replied in a tense tone. "You here to look or do you have an appointment?"

"I was just going to look around, see if there was anything I liked."

"All examples are over there." Maddie pointed to the opposite end of the room.

"Well, I'm here for an appointment. Who does the best realistic flowers?" you asked, hoping to break the icy stare Maddie seemed intent on giving Seb. She turned to you, the ice melting.

"The best of the best would be me! Follow me and we can get started!"

You gave a wave to Seb before turning and following Maddie. We went to the booth in the far back, decorated with realistic tattoos and pieces.

"Now, do you already something on mind, or do you want to pick something?"

"I have already something drawn up. I just need someone to put it on." you pulled the design out of your bag and placed it over your right thigh.

"Kay. I can do that in about an hour, two hours, but that's with no color, just line work and shading. It'll be about $400." (A.N: i have no idea how long or how much tattoos cost, this is a guess)

"Sounds good. Quick question, Why were you acting so cold to Seb out there?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"The moment he stepped through the door, your ice queen mode snapped forward. I'm just curious why."

"Well, I just don't want to see my best friend heart broken and I have heard Seb is quite the player. Doesn't care about whose heart he breaks, so long as he gets his rocks off."

"Where did you hear that? He is the best bae I've had. He respects me, he's sweet, fucking hilarious and he doesn't mind occasionally modeling my dresses when I need to see how it moves."

"I'm not going to apologize for how I acted. I don't like him and that isn't gunna change."

"How about we take you out to dinner. Or go do something so you can get to know Seb better. Please. For me. Just one outing."

Maddie didn't like the fact of hanging out with Seb, but she didn't want to hurt your feelings.

"I get off at 5. My choice or no choice at all."

"Deal. Now lets get me tatted up."

The next hour and half went quick, Maddie getting the line work and basic shading in. You paid and left with Sebastian.

"Why did I get the feeling that Maddie didn't like me?"

"She didn't really go it to great detail. Something about you being a player and she doesn't trust you. She did agree with meeting with us after her shift ends, around 5, to get to know you."

"Then I shall charm her with my sharp wit and good looks."

You both laughed and walked around New York until 5. You picked up Maddie and headed to Times Square at her choice. When you got there, Maddie turned to face Sebastian and told us why she choose Times Square.

"I want you to go up to the nearest reporter and on live tv, tell the whole nation your love for ____. Then I will trust you won't break her heart."

Seb shrugged and agreed. "Okay. There's one right there. Lets go." He hooked his arm through yours and Maddie followed. The reporter was talking about something they didn't get paid enough for. Seb tapped on the reporters shoulder and they turned around.

"Excuse me, but there is something I would like to say to all the viewers at home. I do not love this woman standing next to me."

Maddie gasped and you started panicking.

"I adore her with her every fiber of my being. I would do everything for her. That is all folks!" and you walked off.

"You are going to fucking pay for making me panic. That shit ain't cool." You whispered to Seb while letting out a breath of a relief.

Maddie seemed impressed. "You really did it. I didn't think you would actually do it. You're alright."

"I told you I would win her over with my wit and charms!" Seb grinned.

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