Howling Wolf

By lexigreats

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Howling Wolf is a superhero fiction story that tells the gripping tale of Ella Johnson. A normal teenager who... More

Author's Note
CHAPTER 1: The Three Spirit Wolves
CHAPTER 2: Three Spirit Wolves, Unleashed (WEREWOLF TRANSFORMATION)
CHAPTER 3: A Hero Is Born
CHAPTER 4: "I'm Ready"
CHAPTER 5: Creatures Of Evil
CHAPTER 6: Nightmares
CHAPTER 7: The Calling
CHAPTER 9: A Big Mistake
CHAPTER 10: "Maybe I'm Not Ready To Be A Superheroine"
CHAPTER 11: The Beast Of The Night (I)
CHAPTER 12: The Beast Of The Night (II)
Author's Note

CHAPTER 8: A Wolf's Soul

411 311 36
By lexigreats

At the Demon Wolf's lair -

  "I can sense it. The remaining powers of the sword of the three wolves. Soon, everything will be going well according to my plan. There is no way that foolish mortal who calls herself Howling Wolf will ever defeat me! Once I get those powers, I'll become unstoppable. But Eric, oh pathetic and useless Eric, any time I give him work to do, he always fails. I sometimes feel like destroying him all at once!"

  Eric was overhearing every single word the Demon Wolf had said while hiding behind a big rock before the entrance to the cave. He became worried and thought, "Argh! Why does Howling Wolf always have to interfere in my plans? She makes it difficult for me to get that weapon. But I have no reason to be afraid; I know what I must do at this point."

He then decided to go to his store.

    Unknown to him, a green-looking creepy snake spirit was spying on him, and it followed. It knew he was up to something—something to do with getting the sword back from Howling Wolf.

At Attic Treasures, down in the basement, Eric searched through his two-century-old trunk for any item that could weaken Ella so that it would be simpler for him to seize the sword at once.

Out of the blue, the green snake spirit appeared before Eric, which scared him, almost giving him a heart attack.

        "Oh my god! Who.. or what are you, and what do you want in my store?"

"Hello Eric, an unpleasant surprise visit, I suppose? You should also know why I'm here. I am here to help you retrieve the sword of the three spirit wolves from Ella Johnson," replied the green snake spirit.

   "Well, if you must know, I don't want your help. Thank you! But if I may ask, how do you know my name, where do you come from, and why do you want to help me?"

"I am a spirit and spirits know everything."

      "Ha! I doubt it," said Eric, folding his arms.

  "Listen, this is not a joke unless you want Demon Wolf to tear you to shreds. Ah yes, that's right. You heard what he said about wiping you from existence, or have you forgotten?"

    "No! No, anything but that. So, what's the catch?"

"With my powerful venom, Ella Johnson will be weak and helpless when bitten, but it won't kill her if that is what you're expecting. At least you'll be able to complete your assignment after that, and the Demon Wolf will be pleased."

   "And what's in it for you? How will I know you're telling the truth?," asked Eric.

        "Nothing Eric. I'm just trying to help. Consider me your animal spirit guide," lied the green snake spirit. "And by the way, the name's Rex."

"Alright, I'm with you. Let's get on with it, but do not try to play games with me, okay?"

* * *

Ella's POV

  Ever since I became a superhero, fighting crime, saving lives, and all that stuff, it has not been easy, but all that was worth it for the cause. Now, I even have to face a bigger challenge: stopping the Demon Wolf from taking over the world right after I collect the remaining powers of the sword.

  I recall seeing a lone wolf coming to me after the magnificent woodland was set ablaze in my previous vision.

When I touched the wolf's forehead, I felt more powerful than ever before. It was like I had a close relationship with it, and we could also communicate with each other. Though I still find it difficult to understand what it means, especially when I am the chosen one.

But sure, I now love being a werewolf. It's so great that I can even do all sorts of stunts, but there are also weaknesses I have other than being a human.

  I just wish I could tell my family and friends that I am Howling Wolf and all the things I've experienced, but I promised the spirit wolves that I would keep that secret. I think maybe one day they'll figure it out.

   I must, however, finish my mission for the time being, and I am certain that I will be successful.

* * *

  Ella came to the conclusion that she would look for the remaining powers of the sword of the three spirit wolves at night, even though the full moon was rising to the horizon. She also puts the sword inside her backpack, assuming that she will have to use it to absorb the powers.

She informed her dad that she would be spending time with Kate for a sleepover and left the house sooner. On the other hand, she used that as an excuse to leave the house and go to the forest. Ella had to go to Kate's house first and ask her whether she could stand in for her in order to prevent Mr. Joe from learning that his daughter isn't with her buddy.

  However, Kate's house was a magnificent building. The house shone as if it were made of gold. Inside, it had 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, two large living rooms, and behind the house, a big swimming pool. Anytime Ella comes to pay a visit, she'll always feel comfortable, like a queen. The house was probably a mansion.

"Hold it there, I say. You want me to cover for you? What for?," asked Kate.

  "There's a place I have to go almost outside the city. It's kind of a big emergency," replied Ella, scratching her head.

     "And does this place have a name I should know about?"

"I can't tell you, sorry."

  "Just like that? Come on, El, don't be silly."

    "I am dead serious!"

 "Yeah right, that is very original."

  "Please, Kate, can you help me just once?"


   "With a cherry on top?"

"Hey, if both of our parents discover that we were pretending and lying, at least we will both be grounded for a year."

   "Well, I don't care."

     "Are you for real?"

  "Listen Kate I'm doing this for the good of everyone on this planet."

"What? Are you saying the world is about to end?"

  "Okay, I don't have time for this."

"Ella! What are you hiding from me? We're friends, and friends don't keep secrets from each other."

   "Yes, and I know it's a lot to take in, but look at the bright side; you still look... What's the word I should use? Intellectual."

  "Well, if you really want my help, you need to tell me why you're doing this."

"I'll tell you when the time is right. Come closer."

   "Yeah, I'm close."

"A little closer."

   "Okay, I am confused," said Kate as she moved a bit closer to Ella.

"I have something very special that you would not resist."

"You wish," Kate scoffs.

  Ella brings out a ticket to the 5QS1 concert, which Kate has been dying for. However, 5QS1 is one of the most famous K-pop boy groups, made up of seven members.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Where did you get this?"
Kate tries to grab the ticket, but Ella doesn't allow her.

   "So, we have a deal? Are you going to help me or not?"

"Yes, yes! Now give it to me!"

   "Wait first, help me, and you shall have your ticket."

"Alright, I'll cover for you, but you owe me big time. Both the explanation and the ticket."

   "That's what I thought. Ok, great. I'll be back as soon as possible."

  Ella left Kate's house and was on her way. The spirit wolves had already displayed the map to the forest on her palm, and she was to use it to guide herself there. As she went, she saw Ray taking out trash. She tried to avoid being seen, but it was too late, as he had already seen her.

"Wow, iz thus how we're always gunna meet each other?," asked Ray, smiling.

  "Ray, how's it going? You are trashing stuff in the middle of the night?"

   "Yeah, that's a very good question. I'm taking out the trash. What are you also doing here in the middle of the night?," asked Ray, suspiciously.

"Ehm, I'm going to a particular place; it's an emergency, and I have to get going."

   "Woah, slow down. Do you know where it is? I can help. Let me take you for a ride."

"No, you are too kind. I can go on my own, thank you."

  "Ella, it might not be safe out there, especially when you're alone. That's why I will assist you, and this time, I will not take no for an answer."

"Why do you care about me? I'll be fine."

   "It's because it's the right thing to do, and I'm like that."

  That's when Ray said something that seemed sweet and stubborn to Ella. She didn't want to tell him where she was going, but it would be a good advantage for her to get to the forest on time if she agreed to his help.

"Ok, I may need your help. Can you understand this map on my palm? I know it will be strange, but..."

  "Hmm, very interesting. Wait, I know where this leads to."

Off they went with Ray's motorcycle, and they finally reached their destination 45 minutes later.

  "This is it, I think. Thanks. Now I should be going, so see ya."

"Before you go, may I ask why you want to go there?"

   "I said it was a big emergency, or did you forget what I said before? I have to go alone, and you are not needed."

"Fine, but be safe, Ella."

   "I will, I promise."

  While Ella left, Ray decided to stay behind in case she came back. Ella eventually found her way to the heart of the deep woodland after much searching. She brought out the sword, and then something suddenly happened: her body started to glow with vein-like lines. A big yellow circle with ancient symbols appeared before her very eyes, which was the same circle the three wise men were using to create the sword of the three spirit wolves.

  In her mind, the spirits told her to place the sword in the circle. Ella obeyed and stood back. The remaining powers came out of the circle and went into the weapon.

  When that process was finished, the sword was 100 percent ready for action. She grabbed it up, and the logo on her super-suit also glowed as it was becoming part of her with the new powers she possessed, therefore making her more powerful than before, enough to defeat the Demon Wolf.

But things were going to get ugly for Ella as she overheard Eric's voice talking to someone she wondered about. Suddenly, a bullet was shot, which knocked the sword right off her hand.

The snake spirit, in a flash, grabbed it, gave it to Eric, and said, "Nice job, Howling Wolf. At last, you made our work so easy. Now that we have the weapon, our master would be pleased."

   "Not on my watch! Hi-yah!". She did a front kick, and it bashed onto Eric's chest.

  After Ella finds the sword on the ground, she closes the distance with the sword raised, preparing for what appears to be a mighty overhead strike. With the sword still raised, her actual attack is a hard kick to Eric's' groin or midsection. Her sword is raised to intercept against him if the kick is unsuccessful or to attempt to deliver a follow-up strike on her momentarily staggered opponent.

     "Did you miss me, El? You know, every day I used to wonder why I gave you the sword in the first place, and I thought maybe after you figured out how to release the spirit wolves, you could at least give it back to me. By now, I would be rich, but not because of you; you made my life so difficult!"

"That is not true, Eric; you have to cut the ties. I'm telling you the truth: the Demon Wolf is using you so that he can have the sword all to himself. The things he promised you will never be fulfilled, because I know that's how he is. He cannot be trusted," warned Ella.

   "Expertize your influence to change my mind; it will never work, and you'll always lose." As he wanted to make another shot, Ella's eyes changed into her wolf's after she growled, preparing for another attack.

"Wait, Eric, save it for later. Let me handle this mortal," said the evil green spirit.

  "Don't worry, Rex, I got this." Before he could continue, Ella wasn't there anymore. "What? Where did she go?"

Without him noticing, she slides underneath him, and behind him comes a hard strike on his lower back, which almost made him fall. With anger, he brought out silver bullets filled with lots of wolfsbane; with that, it will definitely make Ella very weak. After he loaded them on his gun, he tried to make a very clear aim. He made four shots but missed when she jumped on the trees, one by one.

"You can't run forever! You hear me?!"

      "If you really want to win this fight, you're out of luck." Ella sprang for the gun and hurled it into the air, slicing it in half with the sword in a matter of seconds.

"No! You will pay for this!" yelled Eric angrily.

  "I told you, let me handle it," said the evil spirit as he circled around Ella. He spoke to her, saying, "Ha-ha-ha! You mortals cannot defeat me!! With my powerful venom, you will be weak and helpless. All hail, Acacius! Now give me the sword!!"

"You wish, let me see you try taking it from me!" Ella replied. "And hey, I have not heard of that name before? Acacius," she thought.

   With the sword, she performed a special move; she bent down, quickly spinned the sword, and it hit the evil spirit (since the three spirit wolves were in her body, she had the ability to have physical contact with other spirits).

But after hitting Rex, there wasn't even a single scratch. She was puzzled.

Unfortunately, before Ella could step in and prepare to deliver a full-force overhead attack on the evil green spirit with speed and intent, the evil spirit went through her body and used his venom to make her weak and dizzy.

"Ahhhh!" she winced.

  "Ooh, what's the matter, Howling Wolf? Can't get up?"

The venom was flowing through her bloodstream and then to her veins as it was showing in her.

   In a weak voice, she said, "You will never defeat me!"

She got up and shifted into her wolf; at least some of the venom left her, but the remains were still in her body, causing her wolf to act wild. With her claws, she chased the green spirit away along with Eric, and she gave him a scratch on his upper arm. He could feel the blood dripping down warmly.

    Then, Howling Wolf let out a powerful Alpha roar, which sent both of them back as light as a feather to where they came from.

She shifted back to her human form and still had the sword. But they will be back for it, and she will be ready for them.

  "Ella! Ella!! Where are you?!"

From afar, Ella heard her name being called out. She knew it was Ray thanks to her wolf's sense of hearing.

  "Oh geez, I need to find Ray and check on him. My only hope is that he hasn't heard all that commotion."

Alas, she finally found him.

   "There you are; I was looking everywhere for you. Where have you been?" asked Ray.

       "No time for questions. Ray, we can deal with this later, but for now, this place is not safe. A man who is insane is chasing me. We have to get out."

"What man? Ella, what's going on? What was happening in the forest?"

"I'll explain later, I promise, but we must go now."

    Unknown to Ella, Eric was standing behind a big tree, quietly looking at her with Ray. As he was about to bring out a smoke bomb filled with wolfsbane, Ella sniffed the scent and turned around, only to see him.

Immediately, he gave her a hard pound on the lower jaw. She collapsed to the ground, shaking and crying, as her enemy towered over her weak form.

  "Ella!" shouted Ray as he rushed to her. He glanced at Eric, asking, "Who the heck are you?! How dare you strike her?"

Eric, with a sinister expression, grinned viciously while rubbing his fits, and knocked Ray out cold.

  Before Ella could get up and fight back, Eric deployed the smoke bomb on her, causing her to become dizzy and unconscious. The snake spirit therefore snatched the sword away from her grip and announced, "Yes! The sword is in my possession once again. Now I can give it to him myself."

 "You mean I will give it to him myself. After all, I found that sword first, not you," argued Eric.

  "You are correct, but the deal is off. You have been a failure right from the start, Eric. You will never get what you always wanted in your life. You know, you should have listened to the girl. The Demon Wolf has been using you, and he probably knew you were going to screw this up. That's why he sent me to do it," replied Rex.

   "Well done, Rex," said a deep, hollow voice from the background. "You have done well."

  It was the Demon Wolf, and he appeared from nowhere and was descending from the lightning and thundering skies. He collected the sword from the evil green spirit and drained all the powers from it. When he had successfully done that, he grew enormously and became 1,000 times more powerful.

   "The powers of the sword are mine! Now I can take over this pitiful world!"

The Demon Wolf looked at Ella, who was still unconscious, and he continued, "You foolish mortal, you think you could hide the powers from me?! Well, you lost; now I shall destroy you!"

  "ACACIUS!" yelled Eric.

"What? How dare you call my name?!"

  "How could you, after everything I have done for you? I gave you my loyalty and my respect, and this is what I get? You are just going to double-cross me? You lied to me!!"

   The Demon Wolf laughs maniacally and replies, "Eric, Eric, do you have any idea who you are dealing with? I am a demon; I am the darkness; I am superior; I am immortal; I am Acacius!"

Immediately, the skies turned bloody red all over the world, unleashing the negative energy. The Demon Wolf's army came from the underworld and encircled around their master, rejoicing that they were ready to execute his plans to conquer the entire world.

  He then set the whole forest ablaze, like he did before in ancient times.

    "This world is mine; every mortal will submit to me, and no one will be able to stand in my way!"

Demon Wolf and his army went into the city while Ella, in pain, was lying flat on the ground. Eric left in disbelief, and Ray was still knocked out.

"Master, what about Howling Wolf and Eric? Would they try to stop you?" asked Rex.

   "They wouldn't be a problem, and besides, I have taken the so-called hero's powers, and they both served their purpose," replied Demon Wolf.

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