Maven Run Track Team || n.h a...

By hanns1D

483 28 2

"We're moving to Ireland!" More



60 3 1
By hanns1D

"Wh-what?" I stuttered. I couldn't have heard them right. We are not moving to Ireland. We live in Raleigh, North Carolina! I don't want to leave everyone behind. I won't! Oh no.


How am I going to tell her? 'Oh, hey person I've been best friends with since kindergarten! I'm moving across an ocean for who knows how long and I have no clue when we'll see each other again! Nice to know you!'

Did my parents really expect me to take this well? They were ripping me out of my comfort zone; out of my life for pete's sake!

"Mom, dad, are you kidding me?" I asked with a surprisingly calm voice.

"No, really. It's the perfect time! Kyle is going off to college in London, and you can go to a college somewhere in Europe, or you could even come back to America!" My mom answered.

"But guys, this is where I grew up! All I know is this tiny town in North Carolina, and everyone I know and love are right here! I can't just up and move to another country; another continent." I argued.

"Listen, Grace, our family is barely making it by on the money your mother and I are making. If we keep going at this rate, we will be on the streets in two years. You don't have a say in if we go or not. We thought we should warn you two months in advance, so you could start packing and doing everything you needed before we left. But, this is the final decision. We are moving, no ifs, ands, or buts." My dad said, anger slipping through his words.

Without saying a word, I turned around and stormed up the stairs to my room, where I slammed the door shut.

With music blasting through the speakers, I laid on my unmade bed, trying to think about anything but Ireland. Stupid, stupid Ireland.

Without realizing it, I had picked up my phone, my thumb hovering over my best friend's number. Without a second thought, I clicked it, listening to the monotonous ringing on the other end. Right before I was about to give up, I heard a sleepy sounding guy on the other side.

"Grace? Why are you calling me at twelve o'clock in the morning on a school night?" He asked. Dang, time flew listening to music.

"Louis, I need to talk to someone. Can you come over?" I pleaded.

"Won't your parents see me?" He grumbled, still half asleep.

"Not if you come in from the balcony, like always." I retorted.

With that, he gave me a curt goodbye, saying he'd be there in five minutes.


"What was so important that you interrupted my beauty sleep?" He yawned as he stepped into my room.

I took a deep breath, this was it...

"I'm moving to Ireland."

He froze. At first, a look of confusion settled on his face, then it morphed into complete shock.

"You're joking, right?" He whispered. I was afraid if I spoke I would start to cry, so I just shook my head no. My plan failed, though, as one tear escaped my lower lashes and slid down my cheek. Louis looked up at me and saw that I was crying, and I saw that he was close to doing the same.

"Oh, Grace." His voice cracked as he pulled me in for a bone crushing hug.


After wiping our tears and I explained everything to Louis, he offered to stay the night with me. Of course I agreed, and we ended up falling asleep snuggled together listening to Green Day.


The next morning, my alarm woke me up at seven o'clock sharp with the most annoying buzzing. After successfully turning it off, I realized that the once occupied side of my bed was empty and cold. I frowned to myself, until I saw a note on top of the pillow.

I left earlier this morning so your parents wouldn't find me laying in bed with you. That wouldn't have looked good. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I left and wasn't kicked out, and that I'll see you at school.
Love you loser,

After reading the note, I hopped up and got undressed, and turned the shower on. Once the shower was warm enough, I got in and started to wash my hair. All of a sudden, I remembered that I needed to tell Cara that I was leaving in two months. This was going to be harder than I thought.

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