๐€๐ง๐ ๐”๐ฌ

By kiikiisaidfuckyou

1.1M 53.4K 109K

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๐‚๐Ž๐๐˜๐‘๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“ ๐๐€๐†๐„


27.1K 1.5K 3.6K
By kiikiisaidfuckyou

𝐀𝐭𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚, 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐚
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐲𝐚 𝐋𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬

I looked over at Dejhari who was whining in his sleep like literally whining. It sounded like something was wrong and I was getting scared for him so I did the only thing I knew how to do.

"Baby, wake up." I said shaking him. "Wake up!"

His eyes shot open and he looked at me. I noticed that his face was wet and his eyes were red. Now I was really scared because I didn't know what was going on with him. I thought we had a good night.

He didn't say anything. He just looked at me. I rubbed his face and wiped his tears away as he laid there watching me. "You ain't dead." He spoke up.

"Huh?" I asked with my eyebrow up.Only thing that could be dead right about now was my coonchie, I mean his drunk tale was sexing me like he was getting some type of revenge or something. He wasn't lying about making me cry because he did.

"You ain't dead." He said shaking his head. "I thought you was dead."

"Dejhari what are you talking about?" I asked. "Ive been alive this whole time. What? Baby I'm confused." I said waving my hand around, he huffed.

"I thought you- I just had a dream that I was at your funeral." He said sitting up before running his hand down his face. I looked at him and held my hands in my lap as he breathed.

I gulped in fear. I didn't know what that meant. Hell, I'm just learning what things mean and now this?

He looked at me with sad eyes causing me to suck my bottom lip in my mouth. I felt so bad that I didn't know how to help him. "What's wrong with me?" He asked, his voice cracked.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him. I felt my neck get wet as he held onto my waist closely. I rubbed his back as he cried. I couldn't help but cry as well because I knew he was tired of having nightmares. I know he didn't understand it.

We were just having a good week. 

"Baby, it's ok." I whispered rubbing his back. "I'm ok, everything's ok." I said kissing his shoulder.

I didn't know how to help him. Shit, I barely know how to help myself and that shit was stressful. I just wanted us to be on good terms. I wanted us to both be happy and I knew Dooda wanted the same thing.

He laid back and pulled me on top of him. He laid down and put his head into my neck as I laid there. "Do you dream about me?" I asked with a frown.

"All the time.." He said softly before tightening his arm around my waist. "I ain't ever had one like this though. I don't even know what this shit means."

"I don't either." I said shaking my head. "I had a dream that you died the other night."

"Whats wrong with us?" He asked, I closed my eyes.

"Maybe," I started off. "Maybe we really do need to see someone. I mean, we both have traumatizing things that's lingering in our life from our past. Maybe a therapist would help." I suggested.

"Yeah, prolly." He said. The room went quiet as I rubbed his neck, my eyes began getting heavy and I had the second mind to go to sleep but I wanted to make sure he was ok.

"Are you ok?" I asked, he nodded.

"You sleepy?" He asked, I laughed a little.

He knows me so well.

"Yeah," I said. "Can you go back to sleep?"

"I don't know." He replied, I yawned.

"Well I'm not gonna be able to sleep until you go to sleep so I guess Ill just watch you fall asleep." I said, he laughed at me.

"Yo, you weird as hell." He said.

"You love me. Now try to go to sleep." I said squinting at him, he smirked at me.

"Put me to sleep right fast," He said. "It's my birthday so you should give a nigga some of that fat shit." He added rubbing his hand on my vagina from the back, I smirked a little.

"I don't feel like sex right now," I said shaking my head. "I only feel like head. So get the eating."

He smacked his lips. "Ion feel like doing alla work." He said before looking at me with a pout. "It's my birthday. See how you do me on my birthday?"

I laughed. "It's 4 in the morning and we both just finished crying. Why would I be wanting to have sex right now?" I asked eyeing him. "Why?"

"Because you love this dick." He replied, I blushed.

"I love my sleep much more," I said. "We have a lot to do tomorrow. Go to sleep."

He smacked his lips and held onto my waist. "I love you baby." He said. "Thank you for being there for me and my bullshit."

"You're welcome." I said closing my eyes.


"NO BECAUSE YOU GOT ME FUCKED UP!" I heard. My eyes popped open and I sat up on the bed, I looked over and noticed Dejhari laying there holding his penis.

"He's such a horny freak." I whispered getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom. I looked at my face and noticed my swollen eyes. I had one lash on and my lips were swollen and pink.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I could hear them arguing downstairs and I just knew that it was going to wake Dejhari up. So I had to stop them because he needed his rest, we both had a rough night.

I walked out the bathroom and grabbed my phone off of the bed. I quickly starting to make my way downstairs to where Treasure had Gleesh by his hair, they were clearly fighting. Well she was.

"What's going on?!" I said lowly standing off the steps. I didn't want her to swing him into me and knock me down, I'm petite.

"He got a bitch pregnant!" She yelled. "And then he thinks Ima stay with him. He really think I'm going to stay with his ass! Like how could he play me like that?" She asked. Her eyes had tears in it but her hands had him in them.

I watched as she pulled her hand back and punched him in the face repeatedly. I didn't know what to do.

"Peaches stop!" I said lightly. "Please stop."

"I've been holding this nigga down since 8th grade Mama!" She yelled at me. "Like what the fuck!"

"Ok, but let's just walk away and talk about it because you're waking people up. Let's just walk away and calm down because this is too much." I said waving my hand, she looked down at Gleesh who was looking at her with pleading eyes.

I watched as she dropped him on the floor and walked away towards their room. "Thank you yo, she crazy as hell." He said shaking his head, I rolled my eyes and walked away as well.

I followed Treasure to their room. I closed the door behind me and watched as she flopped down on the bed and pulled her phone out. "Let me let this bitch know she can have his ass," She said. "I'm so dumb for even taking him back after he turned his back on me after I got exposed for sucking dick on film."

I watched as tears came down her face. "Where the fuck am I going to stay now?" She spoke up. "What the fuck Mama, like literally. What did I do to him for him to do this to me?"

"You can stay where you were staying before you moved in with him. You got me. You'll always have me." I said sitting next to her, she looked at me.

"A baby doe?" She said. "He disrespected me. He doesn't respect me at all. He had a whole baby on me. A entire baby Mama."

"How do you know the baby is his?" I asked.

"The girl told me and he's saying it isn't his but never denied fucking her while we were together." She said. "It's a chance that the baby is his."

"Who is she?" I asked.

"Some girl name Lilly," She said with a shrug. "Olivia is her sister so there is a chance that the baby is his."

I sighed. "Wow." I said. "Just wow."

"It's ok," She said wiping her eyes. "I am a Queen. I refuse to cry over a nigga who doesn't even value himself enough to wrap it up. He could have given something to me but he says he loves me."

"Let's get tested when we get back." I said, she nodded and smiled.

"Thank you for always being here for me." She said.

"You're welcome." I said before looking at my phone to see the Chef was here to make Brunch. "Let's let this Chef in so we can decorate for his birthday breakfast."


"Lemme see what you got me." He said looking at me, I smiled before shaking my head.

"Take your gifts from your friends first." I said.

"Yeah nigga, you gon like this." Mario said sitting down next to Meena who was leaning on her fists texting on her phone.

Treasure was sitting next to us typing on her phone with her gift bag in her hand. Dejhari wouldn't let me sit next to her because he said something about emotional support is gained through physical touch.

"Ok, we're going to all hand out our gifts one at a time. I will be going last because, that's what I wanna do." I said with a small laugh. "Cruddy you go first."

"Here." He said passing him the bag. Dejhari pulled a shoe box out of the bag. He opened it and pulled out one of the shoes to see they were customized air forces with his name on it. I liked them.

"Oh, these hard," He said nodding his head as he eyed the shoe. "Preciate it broski."

"It ain't shit." He said waving him off.

Jammo grabbed his bag and handed it to me. I grabbed it and pulled the small box out. I opened them and showed it to Dejhari. It was diamond earrings. "Preciate it, I fuck with these." He said.

Dejhari didn't really show much of any emotions during the gift sharing portion. I mean, he thanked everyone for the gifts but it seemed like he was disconnected from the whole thing.

"Ight, let's see what you got him." Meena spoke up, I nodded and unlocked my phone. I was nervous because I wasn't sure whether or not he would like it. I knew Dejhari didn't like much attention but I wanted to do something different for him.

"Ok, it's on my phone." I said scrolling down my messages. I tapped the thread I was looking for and then scrolled up some more. "I really got him something so don't think I am lying."

Treasure laughed. "I know you got him something."

"Ok here," I said once I found it. I passed him the phone and then hid my face with my hands. "Do you like it? Do you like? Is it to sentimental? I should've got it on a chain? Huh?" I asked.

"What she get him?" Jammo asked.

"She got me a painting of Me and My father," He said. "This bitch hard as fuck." He added.

I moved my hands and looked over at him to see he was staring at my phone. Everybody talked amongst us but he was in his world, his own secluded world.

"Are you ok?" I whispered to him, he looked at me and nodded his head slowly. "Why you look all sad?"

I noticed his facial expression now was the same as it was last night. I felt bad. I didn't know how to help. I thought the portrait would make him happy but it seemed like it only made his sadder.

"I ain't sad." He said shaking his head. "I really appreciate this li painting. It's different. It got meaning and shit." He added.

"So you like it?" I asked, he nodded and flashed a smile at me. I leaned over and kissed his face repeatedly. "I'm happy you like the gift."

"Let's go to the room right fast," He said tapping my waist. "I got you a gift too." I blushed before standing up.

"Ya nasty." Meena said shaking her head at us.

She needs to mind her business.


𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫...

"They wan throw me a cookout and shit." Dejhari said as I held Nene on my lap. I was trying to finish this assignment for school but Dejhari came in the house talking and stuff which woke Nene up.

"Who is they?" I asked analyzing the document up on my computer as Nene whined and kicked. "Please get her."

He walked over to us and picked Nene up off of my lap. I watched as he kissed her cheek and smiled at her. "Wassup gangsta!" He greeted her causing her to giggle, I shook my head and went back to my work.

I didn't know what Dejhari big obsession with baby girls. He always wants to hug them, play with them, buy them stuff, and stuff. I didn't see his big obsession considering he was always saying it wasn't our time to have a baby.

"But Meena and em wanna throw me a cookout for my birthday since I ain't spend it here with them like I usually do." He said with a shrug.

"Are they mad that you didn't spend it here?" I asked. "Because I didn't know that you spent your birthday here. You never said anything."

"They ain't mad." He said shaking his head. "Shit Ion know if they do gotta problem but if they do they ain't gon say shit. I'm grown, if I wanna go outta town with my girl then I can."

I rolled my eyes and highlighted a important sentence. I was so tired of school. I was so tired of being 17. I was just so tired of my life right now. I wanted to just go to sleep. "Wassup with you doe?"

"I'm doing homework." I said simply.

"Oh," He said. "You need help? A nigga used to be onna honor roll in High School." I felt a kiss on my cheek and neck indicating that he was now on the bed about to start bothering me.

"No, I'm ok." I said typing up some notes.

"How was your day?" He asked. "Nene was irritating today? Want me hire a nanny?" I am getting irritated like really fast, really soon.

"No I don't want you to hire a nanny Dejhari." I said typing on my laptop. I finished up the assignment and turned it into Canvas.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"You're stressing me out. And distracting." I said flipping my hair out the way, he smacked his lips.

"Fuck you talking bout? I'm being nice. I'm asking  your mean ass about your day and you got a attitude." He said, I rolled my eyes.

"I don't have a attitude. You're talking to me while I'm doing my homework." I argued, he smacked his lips and made a funny face at Nene.

"I ain't see y'all all day. Niggas can't talk to they girl without allat attitude? Like wassup?" He said.

"Nobody is saying that Dejhari, like literally." I said mugging him. "I'm trying to do my homework and relax because I've been taking care of Nene all day. I have school to do, I can't play Mommy all day and then whenever you decide to come home throw my work to the side so I can play interesting happy girlfriend too."

"Muga, I ain't doing this shit with you." He said mugging me, I rolled my eyes.

"Nobody said that you had to." I said standing up off of the bed. I grabbed my laptop and walked out of the room towards the stairs. I went into the living room and sat down. I needed space so I could finish my work.

"Yeah, she got a li stank ass attitude but come over here if you dare." I heard, I looked up and noticed Dejhari walking down the steps with Nene in one arm and his phone up to his ear. "Actually just come later cause she got a lot of work to do."

Thank god.

"Nigga cause I know my girl! She say she stressed and shit so leave us alone. We happy." He said before hanging up, I shook my head and went back to my work. "You wan snack? Niggas finna make dinner and shit."

"Um can I have some Cheez-It's?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said putting Nene into her walker. "I be back."


"It's hard Mama. My dick keep screaming her name and I keep telling him that she don't love us no more. Like Pickle just not understanding." Cruddy said shaking his head with his head in his hands, I huffed and folded my arms.

"Well you and Pickle needs to understand that you're with Kianna now. You like Kianna, right?" I asked.

"Yeah but she ain't giving none out. She got this stupid ass three month rule and I can't help but think her pussy trash," He said. "Like I'm trying not to cheat but it's so hard. Them bitches in Atlanta looked so fucking good!"

I blinked. "Something is wrong with you." I said.

"No something wrong with her! Stupid ass bitch wanna wait three months to fuck!" He cursed. "If she would let me fuck then I could start thinking about Journey and then yeah."

"You're making yourself think about Journey." I said, he smacked his lips.

"No Im not." He said shaking his head before snapping his fingers. "That stupid bitch manifested me! She did that li Voodoo magic shit on me and now I'm retarded for her!" He yelled.

"Dont say that." I said shaking my head. "The R word is a bad word. Don't say that word." I added.

"My bad." He apologized.

"You need to focus on your relationship with Kianna. Act like Journey doesn't exist. Forget about her and the threesomes and focus on what you and Kianna have." I explained, he huffed.

"What do we have?" He asked resting his head on his fist, I shrugged and got on my phone.

"Clearly something if you brought her around Meena." I said going to my instagram. I needed to check my instagram to make sure I got enough likes so that I could get this partnership.



itskataleyaa "think i made a wrong turn back there somewhere" - Erykah Badu

I huffed. I didn't get enough likes.

We outside

I smiled and stood up off of the couch. "Come on," I said looking at Cruddy. "Are you still helping me surprise him?" I asked unlocking the front door.

"Yeah," He said nodding his head. "Go outside and act like you got hit by a car." He added, I squinted my eyes in confusion. I swear, some of the stupidest things come out of his mouth.


"Just do it." He said pushing me.

I put Kodi on a leash and went outside. "Hi," I said waving at him. I already paid for what he was dropping off but I was just waiting for his shop to be done customizing it for me. "It's so pretty."

He nodded. "Thank you." He said. "You said he always get his cars customized?" He asked.

"Yeah, see." I said pointing towards the driveway.

"Damn, those nice as hell." The guy said in amazement. "He dedicated. Y'know how much this mothafuckin Exhaust cost?" He said looking at Dejhari's car closely.

"Where she at?!" I heard, I looked up and Dejhari was running down the driveway looking around for me. "Ion even see no car out this bitch!"

"Nigga calm down!" Cruddy yelled.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked with a frown.

He smacked his lips and wrapped his arms around me. He held me close to his chest as I looked around confused. He kissed my forehead before walking away and shoved Cruddy. "Why you tell me she got hit by a car!" He yelled, Cruddy smacked his lips.

"She told me surprise you!" He yelled back.

"Guys, calm down." I said. "I got you something for your birthday. He was supposed to only get you to come outside not make you scared."

"Oh." He said scratching his head.

I looked at the guy who was taking pictures of the extra piece on the back of Dejhari's red eye. "He's going to show it to you." I said pointing at him.

"Yo! what you doing?" Dejhari asked.

"This exhaust is going for five grand on the black market right now." He said, Dejhari shrugged.

"Yeah, I got it from my customs shop." I said.

"You own one?" He asked.

"I got shares in it. Why?" I held onto Dejhari's arm as I watched the two talk. I didn't know what the big deal was so I stayed quiet and just watched and listened to them two.

"Lemme show you what ya girl here had me do for you." He said pointing at me before walking over to my gift. He pulled the cover off of it and revealed the customized slingshot that said Duke on the hood.

"Oh shit." Cruddy said in shock.

I looked at Dejhari with a wide smile. "Do you like it? Do you like the color? I should've got green huh?"

He didn't reply to me. He just looked at it in shock.

I got it customized in Blue. It was really nice. I loved it. His name was on the hood but the design of it really made the vehicle harder than I thought.

"Bae this bitch hard as fuck!" He said with wide eyes. "You see the design? The art onnis bitch! Who designed this bitch?" He asked looking at the guy.

"She explained how she wanted it and I just added a li bit too it." He explained. "I did alla dis."

"Man, you talented." Dejhari complimented.

"Preciate it'" The guy said with a smile. Dejhari started walking around the vehicle. He reached in and touched the seats that had his initials on them.

"Come on bae, get in!" He pushed, I shook my head.

"I have to go get Nene. You take Cruddy." I said.

"She good. She sleep." He said. "We only going up the street, come on baby."

I thought about it. I was scared to leave her in the house alone but I got in anyway. I handed Cruddy Kodi's leash and put the seatbelt on. Dejhari sped off out of the space. He was literally speeding in this thing.

"Babe! Slow down!" I yelled looking at him as he smiled. I was happy that he was happy but this boy drives like a daggon maniac when he's excited.

"Yo!" He yelled. "Look at the hood!" He yelled.

I noticed that it was glowing and so was the sides. No wonder this guy charged me a arm and a leg for this daggon thing. Thank god Crunchy helped me a little but it was still very expensive.

He slowed down and started pulling back up in front of the house. Once he stopped, I started taking my seatbelt off because I had to get the eff outta here before he tries to speed off again.

"Thank you muga, I love this." He said pressing on the gas. Thank god he had the brake on this thing.

"You're welcome." I said with a smile.


Ok this all I got. Kiss my fat ole ass.

Im playing but Dejhari's birthday is over. It's time for a time jump but I don't feel like doing one.

See y'all next chapter.

Any thoughts? Any hopes?

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