The Wondering Mind

By Cait_m_2002

842 113 8

Just a little book of stuff I wrote like short stories and poems More

A Flower
Plastered smiles
my book
Story of my soul
hard truth
Its Hard
The Animal In Me
Winter Days
Follow pt1
Follow pt2
Understand This
The Garden
The Silence
Sleep tight
The Forest
The Problem with Isolation
The Feeling
A Kiss
Ex shorts
The wind has changed
Love and time
The Process to leaving You
Volcanic anger and rippiling dpression
Flower dance
I see you
New Beginnings
Im fine
tired hearts
A Soldiers Poem
Christmas morning
small towns
Beating Anxiety
Moon Child
late nights
A Dance with Fire
Sit awhile
Hear Me
The Echo

what Do You See

12 2 0
By Cait_m_2002

What do you see? 

Do you see the battles that have been raging inside that head for weeks?

Do you see tired eyes and broken hope?

Tell me what do you see?

Do you see the broken wings and shattered hearts?

Do you see the battle scares littering the brain, the soul?

Or do you see the warrior standing in front of you smiling?

You see weathered hands gentle as a feather.

You see a tender and strong love coming in like a morning tide never once faltering.

You see what they want you to see. everyone has their own battles to face and that's something that is quickly forgotten.

You see a smile but miss the spark that's faded from the eyes.

You see cheery attitudes but miss the hollow soul residing within.

Kindness goes a long way friend remember that because you never know what you've missed in a person who only shows you what they want you to see. 

A friend, a coworker, a stranger we all have battles that we all get tired from them sometimes a little kindness or a simple smile goes farther than you'd ever imagine. 

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