His Soft Spot

By Reegan1324

908K 14.4K 12.5K

She showed him that it is okay to love. >>><< Warnings: Mature themes such as: Sex Killing Blood Weapons sw... More

part one {One}
{ Update }
{Twenty One}
{Twenty Two}
{Twenty Three}
{Twenty Four}
{Twenty Five}
{Twenty Six}
{Twenty Seven}
{Twenty Eight}
{Twenty Nine}
{Thirty One}
{Thirty Two}
{Thirty Three}
{Thirty Four}
{Thirty Five}
{Thirty Six}
{Thirty Seven}
{Thirty Eight}
{Thirty Nine}
{Forty One}
{Forty Two}
{Forty Three}
{Forty Four}
{Forty Five}
{Forty Six}
{Forty Seven}
{Forty Eight}
{Forty Nine}
{Fifty One}
{Fifty Two}
{Fifty Three}


21K 377 668
By Reegan1324

The next day was quick and simple. I avoided Gio, that blond mad, Chris was 'flirting' I guess with me. Liv sent glares at Gio.


After I got out of the shower that night, I realized it was 8:57pm. Shit! I'm supposed to be on call with Dante in five minutes.

I quickly put on my clothes and walked out of my room in a rush. As I walked I combed through my hair. I took big steps as I walked down the hallway, trying to be on time.

But of course I wasn't, because I got stopped by Chris. "Hey gorgeous, where are you rushiing off to?" He asked in a flirty manner.

"Somewhere." I said and tried to push past him but he stepped in my way, "can we talk later, I have somewhere I need to be?" I asked in a fast pace.

"So there is a later." He smirked and winked.

"Chris, I have to go." I pushed past him and walked down the hallway, turned left, then kept on walking to the end where Dante's office was. I went to open the door but it was locked.

"For fucks sakes." I muttered. I ran my hand above the door frame till I found a piece of metal, then grabbed it. Weird, a mass murderer would keep a key in the plainest place. I shrugged off the thought and pushed the key into the lock and unlocked the door then walked into the room.

The first thing I looked at was the clock on his way. "Fuck!" I exclaimed after I saw it was 10 after 9. I walked up to the phone and pushed random buttons till the recents history came up. The latest call was at 9:00 on the dot. That must've been Dante.

I debated on whether I should call him back. Would he be angry. Probably not, I can just tell him Chris stopped me in the hallway and that is why I was late.

Before I could pick up the phone, the phone rang, and it was showing Dante's number. I picked it up quickly, not wanting to leave him for any longer. How did he know to call though? "Hello." I spoke.

"Do you know what fucking time it is?" Dante growled from the other end of the phone.

"It's only 10 minutes." I snapped, I didn't mean to come off in a harsh tone. I have to admit, I'm more brave in front of a phone than in person.

"Watch your tone, kitten." Dante warned me. If he is going to be in a bad mood the whole time, then I'm just going to hang up. But I probably won't because he could order one of his men to kill me or something. And I don't feel like dying tonight. "Well, are you going to explain to me why you made me waste my time and call you, only for you to not pick up?" He hissed.

"Well, I took a shower then I realized I only had three minutes- and I would've made it in time, but Chris stopped me. And he just kept on talking to me so I couldn't-" I got cut off my a very angry Dante.

"You were with Chris?" He barked in a loud voice. I flinched and moved the phone away from my ear. "Why the fuck were you with him?" He growled and I brought the phone back to my ear.

"He stopped me in the hallway, and just kept on talking. I tried to get away, I really did, but he didn't let me move." I told him with fear in my voice.

"I don't want you to be talking to that fucking asshole." He told me.

"Why? He seems nice." I said. To be honest, I would be fine not talking with him, but I wanted to see why Dante was so mad.

"I told you- I tell you to do shit, and you do it with no questions asked." He breathed heavily in anger and I scoffed, a little too loud though and he heard me. "Don't get me mad, kitten." He warned.

"What can you do? You aren't here." I snapped. Callie fucking Adams! What the fuck did you ust say?! Now you are going to get killed! Fuck I'm so stupid.

I heard a chuckle come from the other end and I froze, "oh kitten, so strong when you are over the phone. But just wait and see what I have planned for that sweet ass of yours." He sighed and I shuddered at the thought of him spanking me. "Why so silent now? Why don't you tell me what's on your mind? Tell me stuff you would tell me over the phone because you are too much a coward to tell me in person."

"Excuse me? I am not a coward." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I am not. I can say whatever I want, whenever I want. Sure, at the beginning I would look down and stutter all the time, and I do still do that some times, but not all the time. I am a stong woman who won't let a stupid Mafia man boss her around.

Unless that Mafia man had a gun to my head.

"Sure, whatever you say." He chuckled.

"You are an asshole." I growled.

"And would you say that to my face?" He asked me. The truth is no. I wouldn't ever tell him that. But right now, he can't hurt me. Or reach to me.

"Yes I would." I lied.

"You know how much I hate when you lie." He growled.

"Oh well." I sighed.

"I would watch how you are talking to me." He warned me.

"Or what?" I smirked, "are you going to get someone to murder me?" Dante didn't say anything back. "That's what I thought."

"Listen here you little bitch, you don't run your mouth to me. You don't snapped back or scoff. That is the rules and wheher you are talking to me on the phone or in person, you follow the rules." He growled. I was scared for when he comes back, not gonna lie. But that is in two days, so I can play a little more.

"I don't wanna listen to your rules. I think your rules are shit." I smirked, "so I think I will follow my own. Because mine are better. And my only rule is; don't listen to the dumbass Mafia leader."

"Keep talking, my list of punishments for you is getting longer." He chuckled.

"Let me guess, one of those punishments is shoving your cock down my throat." I sighed, "y'know, I don't want to have sex with you. That might be surprising to you, since you pick whores off of the street to fuck then throw them away."

Dante growled from the other end of the phone in anger and I giggled, "and I rather not lose my virginity to someone like you. Certainly not you. I would rather have someone who stay with me and not kick me out to the street." I added. "Someone who is nice, and caring, and not a murderer who just wants my body."

I heard Dante's fist bang against his desk and I flinched at the sound. I think I took it too far. He muttered something in Spanish, and it didn't sound friendly.

"K, I'm gonna go." I chirpped.

"Did I say you could go?" He asked me.

"No, but remember, I told you I listen to my rules. Also, I won't be tomorrow, or the night after that." I added at the end.

Dante took a deep, sharp, breath. "Why?" Is all his raspy voice asked.

"Cause I don't feel like it." I said then ended the call. That was fun. I mean, I know I am gonna get kill by him in two days- but at least I got some fun out of my last days.

I walked out of the office and locked the door then went back to my room. I brushed my teeth then took my clothes off and got into my warm bed.

I was surprisingly able to fall asleep in a new record of five minutes.


There was a knock on my door that woke me up. I looked at my clock and saw it was five to six. Who the hell would be knocking this early?

"Hey babes, just wanted to tell you that you got the day off." Liv told me after opening the door.

"Why?" I asked in a groggy state?

"Dunno." She sighed.

"Why don't you take my spot so you can have to day off." I told her and she chuckled and shook her head no.

"It's okay, you rest. You've been working hard lately." She told me then closed the door and walked away.

This was perfect. And I wasn't being sarcastic. There is no work, and no Dante.

Which means I can sleep all day long with no trouble at all.

I smiled to myself and snuggled into my blankets and closed my eyes. I then drifted off into a well needed sleep.


There was a loud bang on my door and I sat up in a startle. What the hell was that.

The door swung open and my eyes widened in horror.


It was Dante.

And he looked pissed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, pulling the blanket up my body, suddenly very aware that I wasn't wearing anything.

He didn't say anything, he just walked up to me and pulled the blanket off of my body and I scattered to grab it again.

This is just a dream. This is just a dream. He isn't actually here. Pinch yourself and you will wake up. I pinched my arm and nothing happened.


"Give that back." I hissed and tried to grab the blanket.

"Shut the fuck up." he growled and grabbed my wrists and pulled me over to him. I was kicking my legs and trying to get him away from me but it wasn't working. "Kick me and I will cut your foot off." He tempted.

"Let go of me." I said as I tried to pulled my wrists away from him. He grabbed my waist and threw my naked body over his shoulder then walked out of the room as I screamed and punched his back.

"Put me down!" I screamed and I flalled my arms and legs everywhere. "Help! Put me down!" I screamed again.

I saw Rose run up to me and I was begging for help while Dante carried me down the hall. "If you tell Liv, then I will kill you." Dante growled and Rose backed away and gave me a sorrowful look.

"No- please help me. He is going to hurt me." I cried out. But Rose turned around and walked back down the hallway. "Put me down you motherfucker!" I screamed and bent my leg in so I kicked his chest, but he seemed unfazed.

He carried me into his bedroom and literally threw me down onto the bed. I crawled back and tried to get away from him. I ended up losing space and I fell off of the side of the bed. I got up and sprinted to the door but it was already locked.

Dante just stood against the wall, holding a proud smirk on his face. "Let me out." I seethed to him as I banged on the door, hoping for someone to help me.

Dante walked up behind me and shoved me over to the bed. I fell down on my back and quickly crossed my arms over my boobs and my legs over each other, that way he couldn't touch me.

He harshly grabbed my face and held it in his hands. "You are a fucking piece of worthless trash." He spat. "You don't speak to me the way you did. And you don't hang up the phone on me." He barked and I whimpered in pain as his hand squeezed hard on my face.

I didn't say sorry, I didn't say anything. I know I stepped out of line, by a lot- last night, but I meant everything I said.

His eyes travelled down my naked body and I crossed my legs even more. "I'm not gonna touch you- not in that way." He said and I sighed quietly. "I ain't a rapist, get that in your idiotic mind." He let go over my face in disgust.

"Then I can go." I said and sat up but Dante pushed me back down.

"You don't make the decisions." He seethed and I gulped in fear. "Get up." I listened and stood up. "Good girl, now take your arms away from your tits." I slowly uncrossed my arms and let then fall to my side.

He sat down on the bed and rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and unbuttoned the top three buttons on his work shirt. "Be a good girl and lay across my lap." He hummed and I shook my head no in fear. "Kitten, I told you that if you were late for that phone call, then you would be punished. Then you went off and ran your mouth to me and I told you I would punish you. I stick to my word, so bend over my lap and give me your ass." He growled.

I slowly walked back over to the bed and laid down on my stomach, on his lap. I had my arms bent and I rested myself up on my forearms, my boobs were just passed his legs so they weren't touching him. My mid stomach to my cunt was touching his spread out legs.

He groaned at the sight, "push your ass up for me kitten." He told me and I bent my knees a little so my ass got pushed up closer to him.

"How many times are you going to hit me?" I whimpered and deep chuckle came from him.

"Till your ass is red." He told me and I winced at the thought.

"Great, I come out of a abusive home just to be abused again."

"Excuse me?" Dante asked me. Did I said that out loud. Fuck me.

"Nothing." I said and put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from saying anything else.

"This is not abuse kitten, this is correction." He told me. "I am not abusing you. I will only ever hit you on your ass. It's punishment, you're not my punching bag."

"But you are still hurting me." I said.

"Good pain, kitten. Now shut your mouth and don't say anything else until I tell you to talk." He snapped and I nodded my head okay. He hand carressed against my ass, then a sharp pain shot through my ass and up my body.

I whimpered and dug my face into his bedsheets. "Fuck, your ass makes me so hard." He groaned, he wasn't lying, I could feel his dick pressing up against my stomach. His hand went back down on my and I squirmed forward and moaned.

Like actually moaned.

I made the sound I was trying to hold back.

"Hm, does my kitten like this?" He questioned me.

"I'm not yours." I mumbled into the sheet and Dante chuckled a little. Then, he slapped me harder than before and I moaned even louder than from the time before.

"I fucking love those sounds, kitten." Dante groaned and slapped me again, then again, then again. I didn't try to hide my moans anymore, I just let them fall out.

My ass was stinging with every slap, and tears came flooding out of my eyes. But I wasn't sad because I was getting slapped, no, the tears were from pleasure.

I liked the pain. I liked Dante slapping me.

But he doesn't need to know that.

After what felt like a thousand hits, Dante stopped hitting me. "Get off." He ordered and I listened and painfully stood up. "Get on the bed, hands and knees, I want that ass up all the way." He said and I quickly got onto the bed and got into the position Dante ordered me to go in.

My hand was pushed into the sheets and I waiting in that position for him.

I could feel his eyes drink me up. A lot is happening to me right now.

And I'm not going to hide this- only from Dante.

I was horny.

I know I'm a virgin but I could still be horny. I've touched myself, I have never cummed but I felt that type of pleasure.

I was wet.

Like really wet.

My clit was throbbing and my juices dripped down my thighs. This whole slapping thing was so arousing.

I wanted him to touch me.

No! No I don't! Why would I even think that?! I don't want him to touch me!

Except I do.

I knew he was looking right at my wet pussy, and I just wanted to feel his big hands on me.

I snapped out of my little trace by the sound of his buckle from his belt, clanking together.

Was he going to fuck me? No, he said he isn't a rapist, and I don't want sex.

But I didn't hear the sound of his zipper. He just walked up to my and put his hands back on my ass and I winced in pain.

"Kitten, you're so wet." He said and I groaned at his words. "Does someone like this?" He asked and my cheeks flushed red.

His hand was just above where I wanted to be touched. I could just moved my hips up and make his fingers slid down to my heat.

But no, don't do that Callie. He will just turn you ito one of your whores. He will use you then throw you away.

He only wants your body.

I moved my hips down and Dante growled. I turned around and pushed off of the bed, but Dante grabbed my wrist and stood me still. "Let go of me." I hissed.

"You don't walk away." He hissed back, his face full of anger.

"Watch me." I said and kicked his shin and he stumbled back out of shock. I snatched a shirt of his off of the dresser and threw it oevr my body.

I ignored how much I loved how the shirt warmed up my body. And it smelled like him. It smelled like Dante. And I liked it.

"Get your ass back over here." He stomped behind me but I grabbed a pin off of his desk and stuck it into the lock and unlocked the door then threw the pin at Dante. "Callie."

I stepped out of the door and turned around to look at him. "Go fuck on of your whore!" I yelled, "don't ever touch me again!" I grabbed the door and slammed it in his face. "Fuck you!" I then ran down the hallway before he walked out to grab me.

Dante's POV:

Her sweet ass makes me so hard. I just want to fuck her. Hard. I want her to scream my name and beg for me. I want her to be my submissive. Not my whore.

I want her to be a good girl and let me dominate her.

I could see she was dripping, her sweet pink pussy was so wet. I wanted to touch her. I wanted to finger her and shove my cock into her.

I can just tell she is so tight. I want her tightness to suffocate my cock, make me explode in her. I want to feel her warm cum cover me.

Then, just like that, she shoved me back, slammed my door in my face and screamed at me. Then ran away- with my shirt on!

She drives me insane. Sure I was thinking about fucking her, but I wasn't actually gonna do it. So now I was mad, very mad, beyond mad. And hard. Kitten gave me erection that wouldn't go away by itself.

I'm not gonna chase after her. Sooner or later she will find out that the more she is a bratty bitch, the more she gets punished. And one day it won't be some lame ass slapping- no, I will be pounding into the sweet pussy, teaching her a lesson.

I angrily swipped my phone off of my desk and went into my contacts. "Get over here right now." I growled.

"Yes Sir." A womans voice said. I hung up the phone then slammed it back down on my desk. I unbuttoned my shirt and took it off. A few minutes passed and Lizzy, one of my whores, walked in.

"Take your clothes off and get onto the bad." I growled. She took off her dress then unclipped her bra and took it off, her panties following, then laid down on the bed. Waiting for me to use her.

What a whore.

I didn't want to see her ugly ass face again, so I told her to get on her hands and knees so I didn't have to look at her.

As she flipped over, I pulled my trousers down a little, along with my boxers.

A short minute again, my kitten was in this position, showing me her pussy and ass. And now it is Lizzy.

I pushed kitten out of my head and grabbed onto Lizzy's hips. I ramed myself into her without warning and she moaned.

Now all I want to hear is kittens moans. Not this whores. "Stay quiet or else I will cut your tongue off." I barked and she nodded her head okay.

I pounded into her cunt and slapped her ass. Nothing new. I never tried to give pleasure to my whores, it was only me who mattered. I do this for me.

Mostly when I am bored, hard, or mad.

Right now I was the last two.

I should've called another girl. This one is no fun at all. She isn't tight around me. Her ass isn't big. She has barely any tits. And I see more bone than fat on her.

I growled in anger and pulled out of the girl and pulled my pants back up. "Get the fuck out of here. You are useless." I spat and the girl quickly got up and turned to me.

"I can suck you off, Sir." She offered and I rolled my eyes.

"Are you deaf? I said, get the fuck out of here!" I yelled and she quickly threw on her dress and carried her under garments in her hands, and left my room. "One more word from her and I would've gotten one of my men to kill her." I muttered to myself.

I fucking hate woman. They are all useless pieces of shit that got put on this planet.

I only like two woman- my mother and Liv.

Everyone else can get killed.

Except for kitten. She isn't useless.

So correction, I only like three woman- my mother, Liv, and kitten.

I noticed I was still hard and I huffed in anger. I walked over to my bathroom and undressed and turned on my shower. I then stepped under the water and let my body get wet.

I wrapped my hand around my cock and began to stroke myself. I leaned against the glass sliding doors and pumped myself fast.

I haven't done this in a while. I always have someone to do it for me. I closed my head back and thought back to kitten's perfect pussy. And her tits. And the sound of her moan. The way she squirmed when I hit her.

The way her cheeks glow red and how she is so clutsy.

Before I knew it, my cock twitched and I came hard. My cum shot onto my torso and I groaned in pleasure. I then quickly washed my body off then got out of the shower.

After getting changed, I went down to the dining hall for lunch. I popped into the kitchen to talk to Liv, but I saw my kitten putting food onto a plate then pushed it to the side and grabbed a platter of food then walked out of the room. The other maids followed her.

Why the fuck was she in there. She was supposed to take the day off. I told my men to tell Liv. She isn't supposed to be working. She walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the plate of food then walked towards me- well the doors to the kitchen.

I stayed leaning against the wall and she walked out. She grew taller so that meant her maids outfit went up past mid thigh for her. And she didn't own a pair of panties. I saw the bottom of her ass and I forced my eyes away from her before I got hard again.

"Oh good-" She shoved the plate into me, "saves me a walk." Kitten turned around and walked back to the kitchen before I could say anything.

No one acts like that to me. Everyone here is scared of me. Fuck- everyone every where is scared of me. The only two people who aren't scared of me is my mother and father.

My father used to run my Mafia, but then put me in place at the age of 15. He still bosses everyone around though and never listens to anything I tell him.

My father is not a good guy. He is the one who taught me that woman are objects and they are worthless. He is the one who stuck me in a room with a girl at the age of 13 and made me fuck her so I would lose my virginity. He is the one who told me love is worthless. That the Mafia is better than anything else. He was the one who took me down to the basement and made me kill my friend when I was 14. He was the one who taught me that sorry is just a fucked up word that means nothing. That emotions are for losers and I should never show any emotions in front of anyone.

He taught me that my sole purpose of life was to kill people. To ship drugs. To earn money. To fuck random girls for my pleasure. That love and affection is a waste of time. The only reason why we have woman is for them to be hit and mistreated.

My dad is not a good guy at all. But I had no choice. Not in anything. I got raised by how he acted. So now I am like him.

And I hate it.

My mother however has the nicest soul on this Earth. I don't even know how she and my father are married. She was always there for me if I was stressed or hurt. She is kind to everyone. She treats all of my men like they are her children. She comes and visits from time to time, but my father has to allow her to see me.

And whenever she comes, he does too.

That is why I always have to shut down my mother. I explain to her why I don't want my father in my Mafia, and she understands. But she is still able to sneak away for small lunches or something with me.

I love my mother with all of my heart. I would never hurt her. Raise my voice to her. Be mean to her. My father told me not to love, and I don't. It is a different type of love I have for my mother and Liv.

Anyways- I put my plate onto a side table and walked back into the kitchen where all of the maids were.

"Everyone out." I said and all of the girls turned around to walk out, "not you Callie." I said. Liv stopped and gave me a death glare, I gave her a sharp look and she continued to walk out of the kitchen.

I walked up to kitten and grabbed her wrists and she tried to pull them away but I stopped her. "If you ever, and I mean ever, act the way you did to me since yesterday to when you gave me that plate- I will hold a knife to your throat and make you beg for your life." I said and put pressure down onto her small hands.

In her eyes, I saw fear. But her face stayed frozen.

"What makes you think I will listen to you?" She teased and I growled.

"Because I own you." I growled.

"You don't own me." Kitten snapped.

"I do. I bought you. I shelter you. I feed you. I clothe you. I own you." I growled.

Callie's POV:

And that is when it finally sunk in.

He does own me.

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