His EX-HUSBAND (Forthbeam)

Oleh caseylove01

258K 8.5K 1.4K


4: If you ever loved me
5:What have I done?
6: Memories or Nightmare
7: I will help you, but I have conditions.
10: slum & meeting son
11: ignored
14: Meanie
15: your sorry mean nothing
not an update
19: Where did I go wrong in loving you?
20: Meeting Forth's Mother
Trailer of Chapter 23

18:Detective's call

8.3K 324 40
Oleh caseylove01

Beam came out of the bathroom after spending half an hour and thinking about everything. He knew what he has to do. He looked at Forth, sitting on bed and looking at him with hopeful eyes. He looked at Forth with cold expression.

Beam: What if I said no?

Forth has expected this question will come from Beam so he had made everything ready beforehand.

Forth: You will not. And if you did I have to get Hanie's custody legally. You know with the power I hold, it won't be difficult for me.

Beam looked at Forth with hatred. He didn't like how Forth could read his every move. He was like an open book for Forth. Meanwhile Forth maintain expressionless face. He had made his mind. He has to make everything the way it was.

Forth: So what did you decide?

Beam: Did you leave me any choice?

Beam hissed at Forth.

Forth: I know. But it's not like I also have any other choice. Here sign this contract.

Beam: You are impossible.

Forth: I can't afford you backing out after I donate my bone marrow. Beam.

Beam: tsk. Okay. Here, I signed it. I will do whatever you want "husband". Now let's go, Hanie must be waiting.

Forth was hurting by seeing hatred in those eyes who once were filled with love and adoration for him. He watched as Beam went to the door but stop in the midway and looked back at him and said the thing that broke his heart millionth time.

Beam: I hate you

Forth: I know.

Forth whisper as Beam already went out banging the door behind him. A tear slide down on his cheeks that he was holding since the beginning, not knowing Beam also was in same state outside that door.


Beam closed his eyes due to how loud his friend was shouting. He was in Sin's house after the checkup of Forth and Hanie. Doctorsaid everything is fine and they could perform the operation on Monday, whichmeans they had five days left. Beam wanted to delay the operation for at leasttwo or three weeks but doctor told them it's already too late, they shouldn'tdelay the operation more it will cause complications. To which beam and forth agree right way.

The other thing happen during all this is that Forth on their way to Sin's house stop at a Milky Bee, one of the famous ice-cream parlor in Bangkok. He bought every flavor for Hanie in return of a kiss on a cheek for every flavor. Little Hanie can't hold himself he tasted at least twenty flavor. It was really surprising for Beam, how Forth could get close to his son just in a day. Hanie has forgot everything behind and started to talk with Forth normally. He also called Forth, bunny  uncle instead of Meany uncle. Beam had to try really hard to not laugh when Hanie scrunch his face every time he kiss Forth's cheeks. And Forth on the other hand looked like he was on a cloud nine. It was really soothing for Beam to saw how their bond was forming between son and father that he always long for. Being an orphan all his life, he was glad that at least his son got it. Beam looked at his friend who is still shouting at him.

Sin: Are you out of your mind? You want to go back to that person? Did you forget how you suffered? Did you forget how Hanie suffer because of him?

(Sin said Trying his best to not outburst on beam.)

Beam: He threatened me.

Sin: Off course he will. Why the hell you intentionally fall in his trap? You knew he will do anything to save Hanie. He just tried his luck blindly and you gave in easily.

Beam: I know.

Sin: Why Beam? Why? Was all that suffering not enough for you?

Now they both were silent. Sin sat on the chair in front of Beam. He didn't understand why Beam would do something like that in first place. His eyes filled with tears when he heard what Beam said next with weak voice.

Beam: I want to be selfish.............................................................. I don't want people to mock Hanie as orphan in future.................................... I know THEY will take good care of him like a son, but In future, I don't want Hanie to blame me for not letting him spent his childhood with his biological father when Forth wanted to take care of him. And ........................and................................................. I don't know what I am doing is right or not but I want to spend my remaining time with Forth. ...............................I want to close my eyes forever while smiling at Hanie in Forth's embr-

Sin: HOW MANY TIMES I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE NOT DYING. IT'S CURABLE. THERE IS SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT FOR IT. WE WILL FIND A WAY. (Sob) Why are you not fighting? (Sob) Why you always forgot that there is son and I waiting here for you? (Sob) Why?

Beam: I .........................I am tired, Sin. .....................................I am tired of fighting........................I am tired of this life.............................................. I know you and THEY will take good care of Hanie. Even Forth and others will now. ................You guys can provide him way more than I could. Better Education, Better food, everything.

Sin: But he need you more than anything Beam. (Sob) Why don't you understand? (Sob) He can't even live one day without you beside him.

Beam: He is kid that's why he do that. As he gets older, He will forgot me eventually only remembering in pictures.

Sin: BEAM. (Sin yelled and abruptly stand and went to Beam, taking his hand in his.) P-please don't talk like t-this. (Sob) We need you Beam. Hanie need you. Please understand.

Beam looked at his best friend. He was the one who was there with him in his hard times. He was the only one who he could share his pain wholeheartedly. Since four years, he always listen to him but not this time. He has made his mind. He had decided that he would spend his last days with Forth and Hanie, and leave the matter of Hanie's custody to Hanie himself. From the beginning, he had made sure, Hanie would take every possible decision of his life himself. He didn't force anything on his son until and now he won't force this decision also. IT will be Hanie who would pick between Forth and THEM, not Beam.

Meanwhile Forth was standing outside the building of Sin's apartment, waiting for his son and husband. It's been an hour since they went inside. He drop them in front of the door but that Sin guy didn't invite him inside. HE got the hint that he has to spend his time outside. On other time he would have spent his time in his car which was parked few meters away but he decided not to. He was courting Beam now. What if Beam decided to go on his own when not seeing him outside? So he sat on one of the dirty stair waiting for them.

Forth's phone ring. He looked at the number, unknown number. It was really rare for him to get a call from unknown number since his number is private and only few people have it. Nonetheless he picked the phone.

FORTH: "Hello?"

Unknown: Is this Mr. Forth Jaturapoom?

Forth: yes.

Unknown: I am detective Lee. You must have heard my name from Mr. Kit. He hired me on your case about the matter of fake DNA test.

Forth got alert. Did he find something? Did he found who have done it? He will torture the person to death. Forth compose himself in a second. Not wanting to seem unprofessional. But he still couldn't hide his excitement.

FORTH: Yes. Yes. Kit told me. So did you find anything?

Unknown: um actually yes. But I want to tell it in person Mr. Jaturapoom. Please tell me when you are free, when I could meet you?

Forth: Okay. I am free after eight this evening. You could meet me at IN's hotel at 9pm. I would call Kit al-

Unknown: No Mr. Jaturapoom. If I wanted Mr. Kit to know this, I would have call him since he was the one who hired me. But after the thing that I found out I couldn't trust anyone beside you not even Mr. Kit. That's why call you directly. Don't tell anyone about our meeting not even you're family and your band mates. I will hang up now. See you at 9pm.

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