DRAMA CLUB | hyunin ✔


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hyunjin loves bothering jeongin about practically anything, even more so when he discovers jeongin is playing... More

new book!


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"un-fucking-believable." seungkwan snarled. his hand — the one holding a take-out coffee — was shaking. jeongin distanced a bit from him. he was wearing white.

on seungkwan's other hand was the vocal book, and he shook his head disapprovingly at the songs and lyrics with every page he turned.

"i'm sure we could work this out," soonyoung started, "i mean, it fits the theme."

seungkwan put down the coffee on a random cushioned seat of the auditorium. jeongin looked at it with the same suspense one would feel watching a bomb about to go off.

"that's not what i'm talking about! it's the audacity that man has to walk up in my school and throw this at me like i'm some kind of assistant!"

soonyoung frowned, "what's the problem of being an assistant?" he mumbled.

"like, of course it fits the theme, we can work anything out with the script, it's very flexible since it's royalty-free... but him getting in here and ordering me around like i'm a servant—"

"hey, hey, i'm sure that—" soonyoung tried to cut him off, but there was nothing stopping seungkwan. not even the noisy doors squeaking open to reveal a smiling hyunjin. their eyes met and jeongin waved. hyunjin grinned at him and waved back, making his way towards them.

"—like i'm below him! that motherfucker! that was why i quit working with him in the first place, do you know that? that narcissistic little piece of—"

"hey," hyunjin kept his voice down when he came to his side. "they're fighting again, huh?"

jeongin turned back at them. they didn't usually fight... it had always been mostly just seungkwan berating people and soonyoung trying to calm the other down. but now things seemed a bit different. soonyoung's hands were tightly curled into fists, his eye twitched a bit. jeongin could even see his chest going up and down as if he was on the verge of having an asthma attack.

"well..." jeongin said, not really sure what to say.

hyunjin's arm weaved around his waist. jeongin felt like he was the one having trouble breathing.

"are you better? did you practice alone yesterday?" hyunjin asked, a bit intimately, which was non-sense. it was not like they were discussing a potential serial killer on the run. hyunjin was just asking if he was okay.

jeongin gulped, feeling guilty, even though he had done just that. but just the reminder that he had to follow seungmin's plan was enough to make his heart drop.

he nodded.

soonyoung and seungkwan were arguing on the background, but he couldn't focus.

hyunjin seemed to feel that something wasn't right. he held jeongin tighter, brows coming together in concern when he said, "hey, what is it?"

thankfully, jeongin didn't need to come up with an excuse because there was a loud splash! and then soonyoung's unfamiliar enraged voice echoing throughout the whole auditorium.

"firstly, fuck you. secondly, fuck you." soonyoung hammered a finger on a petrified seungkwan's chest with every word, making the other retreat in shock. the loud noise was from the take-out cup crashing on the carpeted floor and spilling warm latte everywhere.

no one dared to utter a single word.

soonyoung wasn't done, though: "i have been nothing but suportive everytime! and you do what? treat me like shit and go bitching around! all the time! i am sick of this shit."

seungkwan seemed to have gathered his wits, he lifted his hands to take control of the situation. "look, soonie—"

"i am done. i am done! i am done with this. fuck you!" soonyoung turned his back to him and walked away. jeongin felt every step he took on the floor, like an earthquake.

"soonyoung..." seungkwan called.

"goodbye!" soonyoung shouted when he was at the door, only turning around to yell at him: "and you walk weird as fuck!" before slamming the doors shut.


"you have to do it tonight, jeongin." seungmin warned. "i don't care if you're stressed. what, do you think i'm walking on sunshine? when do you think was the last time i slept?"

jeongin stared at seungmin's face, noticing the dark circles under his eyes. he looked like a panda.

he sighed.

felix typed on the computer's keyboard, didn't even look at him.

"alright... so, it's just... inviting chan, take him to my room, and that's it?" jeongin couldn't even say it without grimacing.

seungmin nodded, "don't worry, we'll be outside your house, undercover, watching everything. so if he tries anything... pew!" seungmin illustrated a gunshot with his hands.

jeongin hoped there was no need for that.

"you're going to... stop him?" jeongin couldn't make himself say shoot, but it was implied. did they even have a real gun? he was too scared to ask.

seungmin seemed to get it just fine: "if it's necessary."

jeongin gulped. he looked outside the window, watching the sunset. it was time to go home. with chan. alone.

when seungmin had said he'd talk to his mom into making her let chan in their house again, jeongin thought it meant actually talking to her and convincing her into accepting chan again. seungmin seemed like the type to get along well with grown-ups.

but, apparently, it meant making a deal with lee minho into faking a fatal wound so she was called to nurse him back to health. he was completely insane. jeongin was skittish about the plan, so he asked more questions about it. seungmin just dismissed them, and plainly said that minho was more than happy about faking a critical injury, because it would help his campaign, or something like that.

jeongin felt like he was in a fever dream. soonyoung quitting and leaving the drama club an absolute chaos because, well, who would be the one taking seungkwan's screams like a champ? especially in such a crucial time like this!

he felt like the room was going up in flames.

well, this is fine, he lied to himself, as he got up from the messy stack of papers in room b-20 and texted chan.

bang chan hyung
are you free to practice our scenes a bit?

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