Look At Me // Jenlisa

Von ratedjnls

562K 12.2K 5.6K

[ COMPLETE ✅ // smut 🔞 ] After her sophomore year, Jennie Kim comes home for the summer and finds herself ha... Mehr

1: New Neighbor
2: Lisa's Penance
3: Next Time
4: If You Want To
5: Interrogations
6: Can't Sleep
7: First Date
8: Between Agony And Ecstasy
9: Shut Up And F*ck Me
10: Ceaselessly
11: Break Her Heart And We'll Break Your Face
12: Time Apart
13: I've Missed You
14: Worked Up
15: I Trust You
16: Punishment and Reward
17: Back Off
18: Sweet Revenge
20: Corset On The Floor
21: Fantasy Come To Life
22: Merry Christmas
Bonus Chapter: Coming Home
Bonus Chapter: A Little Surprise
Bonus Chapter: Warmth

19: Blind, Stupid Luck

14.9K 408 227
Von ratedjnls

A/N: Oops. I guess my hand slipped and accidentally updated this book til the end? 👀 Happy reading y'all!! 😌


Jennie was booing loudly with the rest of the crowd. A very obvious foul was completely ignored by the refs and one of Lisa's teammates was on the ground in pain. The game had been pretty brutal, especially in this second half with only ten minutes left. Columbia was up by one point and it was obvious their opponents were getting desperate. It was starting to look like a blood bath out there and it was pissing Jennie off by the minute.

She could see how frustrated Lisa was getting, as well. She was very passionate about the game and as captain, she was very protective of her fellow teammates. And right now, she was arguing with the ref, who was giving her a warning to back off. She did so, but Jennie could tell she was upset.

Jennie kind of wished Seulgi or Jisoo were here. It was much easier to watch Lisa's games with someone there to go through all the stress with her. But for today, she was Lisa's one-woman cheer squad. She was even wearing one of Lisa's old jerseys with her number on it. It was a little bit tight on her, but she didn't think Lisa would mind since it made her boobs look spectacular.

Finally, the injured player got up and the game continued amongst applause from the crowd. But the other team still refused to let up with their aggressive defending. Jennie watched as Columbia got possession of the ball. The mid-fielder sent it up the line to Lisa, who turned and had a clear path towards the goal. Suddenly, a defender came out of nowhere and slide tackled her, completely missing the ball and clipping Lisa's foot, instead. This sent her flying, landing hard on her right side. The crowd gasped and Jennie stood up, waiting to see if Lisa was moving. A whistle blew and the ref pulled out a red card against the defender. Everyone in the stands cheered except for Jennie. Her heart was pounding as she kept her eyes on Lisa. She watched as her girlfriend rolled onto her back, wincing in pain and grabbing her arm, then grabbing her ribs.

Jennie instantly ran down the bleachers to the sidelines. She wanted to run to her girlfriend, but knew that would have been a bit over-dramatic and probably would have embarrassed the hell out of Lisa. She just wanted to make sure she was okay. She watched as the trainer and team doctor ran to Lisa's aid. Everything was silent. All she could hear was Lisa groaning in pain, then her commanding voice telling her coach she was fine. She waved them off and tried to get up, but struggled. They had to help her as she hobbled off the pitch. With five minutes left in the game, the coach had to put in someone else as Lisa was escorted to the locker room. Jennie knew her girlfriend was going to be pissed and was going to want to keep playing.

She followed at a safe distance as they made their way to the locker room, listening to Lisa's protests.

"I'm fine. There's only a few minutes left. Let me at least take the shot!"

"Calm down, Manoban. You're injured. We have to make sure you're okay."

Lisa fought valiantly, but in the end, she doubled over in pain. Jennie's heart wrenched as she watched them disappear into the locker room. All she could do now was wait.


Jennie paced back and forth. It had been almost forty five minutes since Lisa was escorted off the field. In that time, she heard the cheering from the stands that told her they had won the game. She watched as each of Lisa's teammates hurried off to the locker room to check on the status of their captain, with quite a few of them giving Jennie a sympathetic head nod or an encouraging pat on her shoulder telling her Lisa would be okay.

No one had emerged yet, which made Jennie fear the worst. She was close to just bursting in there to see what was going on. It's not like it was breaking the law, or anything. She tried to be respectful, but she was worried sick about her girlfriend.

Finally, her teammates came trickling out slowly. All of them were showered and dressed and looking somewhat solemn for having just won a game. That's when Jennie decided to just go for it. She was just about to go in when she ran into Joy coming out.

"Whoa, slow down there." She placed her hands on Jennie's shoulders. "She's okay. She'll be just fine."

Jennie heaved a sigh of relief. "What happened?"

"She has some bruised ribs, but nothing's broken. And she hurt her arm. They thought it was a dislocated shoulder, but it's not. Just a bad blow."

Jennie nodded, but was still worried. It obviously showed.

"Hey, that's a good thing. It means much less recovery time. She might even be cleared to play again for our next game. She just needs rest."

Jennie scoffed. "Have you MET Lisa? She doesn't rest."

Joy smirked at her. "Looks like you're gonna have to find a way to keep her in bed for a while." She playfully smacked her on the arm. "You can go on in. They have her some strong painkillers, so she's starting to feel better. She'll need some help getting home, though."

"Thanks, Joy."

"Good luck."


The locker room was pretty much cleared out by now, except for a few people. She made her way past the lockers and the showers and rounded the corner, following the voices she heard. She noticed the trainers who were helping Lisa exiting a small room and assumed that's where she would find her stubborn, fallen hero.

Sure enough when she peeked her head through the door, she saw Lisa lying on the exam table. Her arm was in a sling and she was nodding along to whatever her coach was telling her.

"I mean it, Lisa. No training or working out. No heavy lifting. No strenuous physical activity. We want you to be at 100% for our next game."

"But what about—"

"No. Whatever you're going to ask, the answer is no. You are to rest and you are to go to class and that's it. Do you have someone to take you back to your dorm?"

Jennie finally made her presence known. "I can take her home. And I'll make sure she takes it easy."

Lisa looked over at her like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Jennie! You're here!"

Jennie sidled up next to the exam table and pushed a few errant hairs out of Lisa's face.

"I'm here."

"I fell."

"Actually, you were tripped."

"It hurt."

"It certainly looked like it did."

Lisa lifted her shirt to reveal a dark bruise on her ribs. "Look!"

Jennie cringed. "Oh God. That looks awful."

"They gave me drugs so it won't hurt!"

The coach just shook her head and handed the bottle of pills to Jennie. "She can take two every six to eight hours. We gave her a dose about forty-five minutes ago. They seem to have kicked in. Have her check in with me tomorrow." She turned to Lisa before leaving. "Feel better, captain."

Lisa wasn't even paying attention to her coach. She was too busy playing with the hem of the jersey Jennie was wearing.

"This looks really good on you. You should wear all my clothes." Her words were slurring a bit and she had a hard time keeping her head up.

Jennie took her hand. "I'm glad you're going to be okay."

"Of course I'm okay. I'm your superhero. Super Lisa."

"Super Loopy is more like it."

Lisa looked up at her with a dopey smile on her face. "My God, you're pretty. So pretty. Did you know that I think about you a lot?" She leaned her head back and looked up at the ceiling. "Probably more than I should. Like in my classes and while I'm studying. And at practice and even during my games. I think about you so much because I like you so much. Wow, that water stain on the ceiling looks like a duck. Ducks are cute." She looked at Jennie again. "Don't you think ducks are cute?"

"I'm more partial to dogs, but I guess baby ducks are cute." Jennie couldn't handle how cute her drugged up girlfriend was as she rambled on about everything.

"You're cute. Like a baby duck. Or more like a baby lion. Rawwrr." She made a clawing gesture with her good arm. "I'm hungry. Can we have ice cream?"

Jennie couldn't hide her laughter. "That is some really strong stuff they gave you." She went to help Lisa sit up and moved her legs to hang over the side of the exam table. "Let's get you back to your dorm and then I'll go get you ice cream and whatever else you want to eat."

"Well, if you're offering things to eat..."

"Don't finish that sentence. You're supposed to be resting. No physical activity."

"No str...strennnos...stren-u-ous...physical activity." She was struggling with the five-dollar words now. "If you sit on my face, I won't even have to—"

"Lisa, let's focus on getting you home and getting you some food." She put her arm around her waist, but before pulling her up, Lisa rested her head on her chest.

"Mmm...this is nice."

Jennie bit her lip and smiled. "I'm sure it's quite lovely, but we have to get you up."

"Mmm...so comfy. Soft booby pillows. Can I sleep here?" She reached her hand up and grabbed Jennie's other boob.

Jennie moved her hand and put it around her neck for support. Then she pulled her up, supporting her waist.

"Yes, you can sleep on my booby pillows, but you have wait until we get you back to your room. Think you can walk if I help you?"

Lisa nodded. "I have the best girlfriend ever."

Jennie laughed. "Actually, I do. But that's nice of you to say."

"Mmm...I can't wait to marry you."

Jennie was pretty sure her heart stopped for the briefest of moments. Did Lisa really just say that? Okay, so it was probably just drug-induced, but still...it was the cutest, sweetest thing Jennie had ever heard and she would have pulled her into a hug if Lisa wasn't so injured. She could feel her cheeks turning bright red. She decided not to ask Lisa to elaborate. Chances are, she wouldn't even remember what she said once the painkillers wore off. Maybe she'd remind her, though. Someday.

"Come on, baby. Let's get you home."

It was a long, slow process getting back to the dorm, filled with many breaks at Jennie's insistence. Lisa was too stubborn to stop, but Jennie managed to talk her into taking her time. And she may have bribed her a bit by telling her for every break they took, she'd flash Lisa for five seconds. By the time they got back to the dorm, Jennie ended up having to flash her for two minutes straight. Then she went to get Lisa her ice cream.


Throughout the next week, when Jennie wasn't in class or working on projects, she was taking care of Lisa, making sure she ate properly, got to class on time and steered clear of any form of working out. She also administered her medication when she needed it. By the end of the week, Lisa was on the mend and only needing the meds once a day.

Since she was such a good patient and put her stubbornness aside by staying in bed whenever she wasn't in class, Jennie took her out on a date that Friday night as a little reward. She figured Lisa had been cooped up long enough and her mobility was much better now. Her arm was out of the sling and her bruises were healing nicely. So she surprised Lisa by taking her out to a movie. But not just any movie. She took her to see "The Philadelphia Story" at Film Forum, the place they had talked about when they first started running together over the summer. Jennie was excited that they finally got to go together after having talked about it months ago.

Lisa seemed to enjoy it and only had adjust her position in the seat a few times. She did have to get up once to walk around for a bit, but other than that, she seemed to do very well. Other than the few moments she had to walk around, Lisa's hand was permanently attached to Jennie's for the entire movie. She refused to let go, and even reached for the popcorn with her sore arm. Jennie wanted to reprimand her, but it was too damn cute, so she let it slide.

"Man, I love Katharine Hepburn. Such a diva," exclaimed Lisa on their walk back to her campus.

Jennie laughed. "She's amazing. And if I ever get a dog, I'm naming him C.K. Dexter Haven."

"That's a long name for a dog."

"Fine. If I get a dog, I'll just probably go with Lisa as a dog name."

"Noooo. Babe, I wouldn't know if you're calling me or the dog."

"See? Then it's best if the dog's name would be C.K. Dexter Haven."

Lisa squeezed Jennie's hand as she quickened her pace. There was a slight spring in her step tonight.

"It's so nice to be outside finally."

"You were very good and you were very patient. And you only pissed me off a couple times."

"Only because you wouldn't let me have sex with you."

"You were injured!"

"I was horny!"

"You and your one-track mind."

"It's not my fault you look so good when you wear my shirts to bed. And let's not forget how hot you looked in my jersey."

"How could I? You made me pose for pictures in it."

"Spank bank material."

Jennie stopped walking and looked at her girlfriend. "You didn't."

Lisa looked at her sheepishly. "While you were in class."

"With your bad arm?"

"I'm right-handed! I had to."

"Well, I hope it was worth risking your recovery for."

Lisa grinned. "It was definitely worth it." She gave her an apologetic look. "Are you really mad?"

Jennie continued walking, still holding Lisa's hand. "I guess I just wish it was me that got you off. I'm just a little jealous of your hand. But I really wanted you to get better quicker. I would've felt bad if you got re-injured and had to miss a game."

"Sorry I'm so attracted to you," offered Lisa.

Jennie laughed. "I fear the day you're NOT attracted to me."

Lisa stopped and pulled her close. "That day will never come. I know how lucky I am."

Jennie gazed at Lisa, watching the corners of her plump lips twitching up into a smile. She took the bait.

"How lucky are you?"

Lisa leaned in and kissed her sweetly.

"Of all houses in all the cities in all the world, my parents move in next to yours. My room just so happens to look into your room. You just so happen to be home from college the same time as me. We both just so happen to go to school in the same city. We both just so happen to be super into girls. We both just so happen to be insanely attracted to each other. A fact I'm beyond grateful for because I felt that attraction the moment I met you and if you didn't feel it too, I would have been crushed. This was all too much to be one big coincidence. This was blind, stupid luck and luckily, I'm smart enough to know that you are the best thing that's ever happened to me." She pulled her in for another kiss, this one a bit more desperate. "THAT is how lucky I am."

Jennie stared at her in awe. "Lisa..."

"I love you, Jennie. I have for a while. I really, really love you. I could stand here and list all the reasons why I do, but we'd be here all night and I kind of just want to get you home and cuddle with you."

Jennie was dumbfounded. Lisa completely rendered her speechless. Her mouth hung open, but she only managed to choke out some random sounds. Her heart was pounding to the point where it almost hurt. Is that why she could feel tears forming in her eyes? Because her heart hurt in the most spectacularly beautiful way? That had to be it. It couldn't have been because of Lisa's words. She wasn't that much of a sensitive mess, was she?

Lisa simply placed a kiss on her cheek and gave her a reassuring smile.

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. I just wanted you to know how I feel. Because you deserve to know the truth."

She gently took Jennie's hand and led her back to her dorm.


"I think I'm gonna miss this. Being spoiled and taken care of." Lisa burrowed into the crook of Jennie's neck. They were watching Netflix, but became too wrapped up in each other to even care what was on. Lisa's hand was clinging to Jennie's shirt, wrinkling it.

Jennie still hadn't said anything. They got back to the dorm and changed into sweats so they could comfortably cuddle. Lisa was pretty much carrying on a one-sided conversation the whole time, even asking Jennie's opinion on what to watch.

"I should get injured more often." She kissed Jennie's neck and started playing with her girlfriend's long, dark locks, tangling them up in her fingers.

Jennie closed her eyes and hummed in appreciation. She loved when Lisa played with her hair.

"You tired? We can go to sleep," offered Lisa.

Jennie shook her head and just held on to Lisa tighter. She didn't know what came over her. She knew how she felt about Lisa. She's known it for some time, but she didn't think Lisa was feeling the same way. It completely threw her off and now, for some reason, she seems to have gone stupid.

She could feel Lisa's breath on her neck, her fingers gripping the hem of her shirt. She wanted to convey her feelings to Lisa, but she was afraid it would all come out a jumbled mess. Lisa deserved better.

She grabbed the hand that was grasping her shirt and intertwined their fingers. Jennie turned on her side to face her girlfriend and fixed her eyes on Lisa's, which were staring back at her. She began kissing each of Lisa's fingers one by one, then started kissing along her jaw line. She moved down to her neck, then back up to capture Lisa's lips, feeling them quiver against her own. Maybe she was succeeding. Maybe Lisa was understanding what she was trying to tell her without words. She pulled back briefly and moved her hand up to cup Lisa's cheek. Her eyes searched Lisa's entire face, studying each feature before landing back on those electric eyes that so often captivated her. Lisa's eyes softened, but her lips still trembled as Jennie kissed her once again, running her soft lips along Lisa's supple mouth, grazing her teeth along her lower lip. A slight whimper escaped from Lisa's throat, which encouraged Jennie to continue with what she was doing.

She maneuvered herself on top of the other girl, continuing the heated kiss. She made it a point to be careful since Lisa was still healing. She kept her weight off of her right side, not wanting to press down on her bruised ribs. She slowly moved her tongue in and out of Lisa's mouth, teasing her and trying to elicit another whimper. It worked and Jennie's confidence was starting to build. She pulled back and looked at her beautiful girlfriend. Lisa looked up at her with nothing but sheer love and adoration in her eyes, and Jennie lost her way again. So she dove back in.

She straddled Lisa's hips, still avoiding her ribs, massaging her tongue against Lisa's.

"Jennie..." Lisa panted. "You can...you can put your weight on me."

Jennie shook her head, still afraid to speak and even more afraid to hurt her ribs. She just kept kissing her feverishly, running her hand gently over Lisa's bruises.

"I won't break, Jen. I promise."

Those words had multiple meanings for Jennie. Lisa was strong. She was brave. She was tough and Jennie really believed that she could take her weight. But at the same time, Lisa was vulnerable. Lisa was scared at times. And Jennie knew how important the weight of her words were. This was a first for both of them. And Jennie was so frighteningly in love with Lisa, she couldn't even think straight. She couldn't even get her head together enough to tell her. She couldn't just say the words because she wanted Lisa to feel it from her, as well as hear it.

So she traced her fingers along the bruises, then up and down her injured arm, then she pulled back and looked down at her again, taking in the sight of her girlfriend. Lips swollen, hair cascading over her shoulders and over the pillow, skin flushed, eyes looking at her as if she were desperate for more contact. Jennie pulled her own shirt up over her head, revealing her bare chest to Lisa, like she always did. And Lisa's eyes went wide, she licked her lips and stared unabashedly, like she always did. Jennie loved Lisa's very obvious appreciation for her body. It was one of the many things she loved about her.

She was breathing pretty heavily and she could feel her chest heaving in and out as Lisa stared up at her. She raked her eyes over Lisa's body, letting her hands explore the skin underneath her shirt before ridding Lisa of the garment all together. Her hands trailed over Lisa's breasts, gliding over her stiff nipples. Lisa gulped and twitched at the feeling.

"Jennie, please. Come here."

Jennie obeyed and lowered herself onto Lisa, still keeping herself from fully lying on top of her.

"Baby, please. I need to feel all of you on me."

Jennie stared at her wide eyed and open-mouthed for a moment before finally nodding. She lowered her body the rest of the way and moaned at the feeling of Lisa's skin against hers. It was everything, but not enough. She craved more, so she carefully shimmied her way out of her sweats while Lisa, who apparently had the same idea, did the exact same thing.

Jennie brought her hips down against Lisa's and that's when she decided she couldn't wait another minute. She needed to be inside her. She moved her hand down between their bodies and her fingers were greeted with the wet heat between Lisa's legs. They both moaned at the contact. Jennie played with her swollen clit briefly before finally submerging two fingers deep inside her. Lisa's hips raised to meet her thrust as a gargled sound escaped her mouth. Jennie waited a before moving her fingers, slowly and sweetly fucking her girlfriend. Their eyes locked and stayed fixed on each other as Jennie made love to the woman beneath her. The noises coming from her girlfriend were enough to send her over the edge, even if she wasn't even being touched.

"Jennie...I...this is...you feel..."

Jennie nodded. She knew. It felt so different than anything they had done before. And the feeling was completely addicting.

"Jennie..." Lisa's whine and moans were increasing.

Jennie could tell she was close, but she refused to let this opportunity slip away from her. She had to find her voice. She had to say the words that had been bubbling up inside her for the longest time. She kept her eyes focused on Lisa's piercing eyes looking up at her.

"Lisa," she finally breathed out as she curled her fingers deep inside. "I love you. Fuck. I love you so much."

Lisa reaction was visceral. She came immediately. She came hard. And she came very, very loud with Jennie's name dripping off her tongue. Her body twitched and shuddered against Jennie's as she was brought down from her high slowly and tenderly with the help of Jennie above her.

Jennie noticed as Lisa wiped away a stray tear leaking its way out of her eyes. And it was in that moment Jennie realized her own eyes were watering.

Lisa reached up and caught a few tears before they rolled down Jennie's cheek and she smiled sweetly.

"I won't tell anyone if you won't."


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